Prayer for 4th Week of the Month

God’s promise of an abundant life for us is wonderful and filled with blessings, but often we are hindered from the tremendous blessings God wants to send us because we’re going against His Word. Here is a prayer to release you from those things that are holding you back from stepping into an abundant life.

Prayer for 4th Week of the Month

If it is your will, I pray that your love for me to grows deeper like my love for him – so deep from one another we would never want to be apart. Let our eyes dance on each other every morning as he walks out the door to work.

I pray for continued happiness for you every day of this month, And every day thereafter. Also, let our love for one another grow with each passing day. And in all things give You thanks, through Lord. Amen

We pray that this illness never returns again. We thank you for hearing and answering our request for healing for our mother.

Lord, please guide us and give us the strength to accept our separation from one another. Show me where I am going wrong and help me to learn from my mistakes.

You have bestowed upon me an amazing gift. Help me to be the person he needs so that I might give him all of myself – body and soul.

Your guiding hand has led her into my life and I can’t help but to feel blessed every time our eyes meet. I love her with all my heart and I know that you have something wonderful planned for us.

I need your help in finding a job that will allow me to provide for my family. My husband had to quit working and our income is very limited now. We have fallen behind on bills. Please help us make more income so we can pay the bills and take care of the children properly.

You are always with her and can give her strength when she feels weak. I ask that she find peace, much like You did after the cross. And please watch over everyone who prays today. May they be blessed by You as well.

I am thankful for all your mercy and grace and power. Thank you for being real in this time of hardship again. Thank you for all your presence that is always felt in my life. Establish peace in this place

I love you so much. I pray that in your life you will be blessed with peace, and the will to follow your heart wherever it may lead you. May all that is good follow your footsteps and may all troubles pass you by. Not only in this month but every month to come, rain or shine my love for you will never change.

Please, Lord, I ask that you help me to never give up on this relationship. I pray that you return good faith and trust to us both. God, you are the giver of all good things in our lives and I thank you that there is someone special in my life.

I will pray for your family and you every day. I am praying that the Lord would fill your hearts with his love. Bring peace and joy to your home, fill your hearts with gladness, hope, courage, and love. May you remember to hold each other close in prayer every day.

Lord, I pray that you have an amazing day today. That you feel well loved and protected. I pray for your country’s safety and the people that are in danger. I pray for our relationship. That you can comfort us through this hard time and guide us to our next path. Fear not, only love is here.

I pray to god, that he brings you back to me safe and sound. I just want you to be by my side again, I miss you so much.

Prayer can make miracles happen. The miracles will come. Do not stop praying!!!

I will keep you in my daily prayers as I ask God to help you be guided and protected. I also, pray that you know that if you ever need anything, all you need to do is ask.

Dear Lord, Hear our prayers for our Church that is about to start. We thank you for the grace upon our family members.

Dear Lord, thank you for all that you have given me. I pray that I will be able to pass the blessings on to others so they may live better lives. Thank you again, Amen.

I pray that you are well and that you feel blessed. Know that I am thinking of you and want only good things for you in life. God bless you, may this month bring love and prosperity your way!

Dear Heavenly Father: please let my love for him grow deeper and stronger everyday. Let the love I have for him overflow and flood out to others all around me. Let his love and joy in his faith grow stronger everyday.

May God’s will be done in your life and all those around you. Always remember that our Father is never too busy to answer a call … He loves you so much and wants to be close to you …

I pray that the Sun will shine upon us today and warm our hearts. Turn away from us all anger and hatred, Just blessings and peace. Let our minds be still, let our hearts be at peace.

My Dear My LoveI’m really grateful that God gave you to me and you are the love of my life. I treasure you and lift up thanksgivings to my Lord and Savior that you have given me such a wonderful blessing. You are a special gift from God who has fulfilled my desire, thoughts, and yearnings. When I look at your beautiful face, I know there is a God.

Lord, please be with me on this day. I will be observing my wounds. Please help them to heal and make me whole again, so that I can continue to live for you. May your love and spirit guide me through the darkness and keep me safe, so that I can help others as you have helped me, Lord.

Dear God, thank you for loving your children. Thank you for creating me and for guiding my life. I pray that all my dreams come true in the lord’s Name I pray, amen.

Dear God, help our mother, Gloria to get well. Please cure her of her illness. Watch over her and give her strength to continue on. Let her be healthy and strong again. Comfort her in all her needs and wants.

Lord, I pray for health and happiness. Please help Elisabeth to find a better job with better pay, so she can stop being so stressed. Help her to always believe in herself and take some time to relax. Thank you, God.

Please pray for me, I’m having a really hard time. If it wasn’t for my daughter, I probably wouldn’t be here. I need your prayers to keep me away from drugs and the streets. I don’t want to go back. I believe in God and he can do everything!

Dear Lord, Please welcome into heaven James. Everyday he spoke your name with such reverence. I know he’s waiting now for an eternity of happiness and joy beside you.

Dear God, Thank you for angels like Wayne and Sierra that walk fully in your plan. Give them and their family courage to face the coming weeks and peace to find direction for their hard decisions as they are confronted with life’s most difficult situations. Lord, use them to bring hope and life where there once was only hopelessness and death. Bless them with an unshakable faith in you even if the times get tough. Amen

I pray that you are more aware of the unconditional love in your life and that you are able to receive it as it is offered.

Dear God, thank you for all the inspiring words of wisdom about our thankfulness for you and for every blessing that comes in day. Keep our hearts pure and sincere on your gentle love and guidance. Bless us with your peace to carry on. Amen.

Dear Lord, help us all in these tough times. Let the world understand there is still hope and with you, at our side, we can survive anything. We all need help, support, and strength, so please give it to us. Amen

I know I haven’t written in a while, but I pray for you at night. I am so thankful that our paths crossed! You are such an amazing man with a heart of gold. Your hard work ethic never ceases to amaze me, and your drive will get you anywhere you want to go in life!

Lord, give me strength to go on. Give me the courage to change what I can, the grace to accept what I cannot change, and the wisdom to know one from the other. And give me the heart and love to be a friend of Jesus, whose compassionate eyes have watched over my life. Amen

You’re the only reason I want to wake up early, See you beautiful girl. I love you so much, thanks for being with me.

Dear Lord, thank you for all the blessings you give to me and my family. I pray that you help us to be strong and faithful so that we will never stray from your graces. Amen.

Lord, please help me to overcome this obstacle in my life. I am truly sorry for all the mistakes I’ve ever made and I know I still make some every now and then. Please let me get back on the right track. Give me wisdom to find the right choices. Please be with me as I ask for forgiveness from those around me who are hurt or need forgiveness from me.

I prayed every night that when you looked at the stars every one would remind you of me. And every time you felt like giving up, I would be waiting by the side to help you through. I prayed every day that we would make it back together.

Lord, please let her know that I have been thinking about her and have prayed for her. I hope that you put a love for me in the heart of your child. I thank you for your love and protection upon my son.

My dear God, in July you gave me a gift. In this gift I found love. Your grace and infinite mercy has touched my life and my thoughts, drawing me into a closer relationship with you. In this new love, I look at feel a tenderness that gives me pleasure in ways that are beyond words’ ability.

Lord, I want to thank you for this wonderful day. For all the little miracles in my life, the biggest miracle of all has been meeting my girlfriend (Name). She is always on my mind and she is an incredible person.

Dear Lord, You are the most powerful being in the universe and I know that you can work all things together for good. I pray each day to be a better person than I was the day before so that I may be worthy of the love of my family, friends, and partners. Please grant me the patience and strength to endure whatever hardships come my way. Please watch over all our loved ones who are going through difficult times…

God, thank you for healing my body and mind. I offer to you my suffering, my pain, and sorrow. I give you all the bad and ask only that you take the life that is within me. Please help me be at peace when you take this life. I feel your presence in my life so strongly everyday, as if you are overseeing every move I make. Thank you for guiding me and loving me.

With love, faith, and trust I pray to God. I pray that he will give you the strength to prevail over your obstacles, so that you may be blessed with a prosperous future. Be thankful for all the things God has given you and remember that these blessings are given by the grace of God.

Lord, I pray that you hold my family and friends safe. Keep them healthy and happy. Bless them with great families and friends to nurture their spirits. Our lives are yours to guide and protect, help us hold on to our faith in you.

Lord, as I near my 26th birthday, I pray that you will always bless me with the friends that make life beautiful. May You be with them and me in all we do. Help us to love each other and to treat each other kindly. In your holy name, Amen.

I pray that you find peace. I pray that your dreams come true and that in time you will see God’s plan for your life. Be strong and never give up hope. One day everything will change and you will have the happy ending you deserve.

Dear Lord, please bring my baby home alive. I need him so much. Please make sure he stays safe and sound. Good lord, I pray for all the parents that have lost their children and need help with their grief. Bless them, Lord, so they can heal quickly. In Jesus name amen

Holy Spirit, come to our aid. In your light, we see the light! Lord, hear our prayer! Spirit of God, come and continue to guide us with your wisdom. We need strength and courage that only you can give.

Dear God, please let me find my ideal husband. Give me the chance to learn more about him and more about myself. Patience is the key to finding true love. Show us the complementarity of our relationship so that we may grow together and create a strong marriage with family. Also, help all my prayer buddies who are looking for their perfect match. I pray that we find happiness and true love soon. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen

Dear Saint Anthony, Thank you for being by my side and always protecting me. I am sorry if I ever disappointed you or God.

Dear Lord, Be with my friend as she goes through this difficult time. Help her gain the strength to face these challenges and find comfort in the love of family and friends. Help her come to know that even in her most difficult moments, You are always with her and can give her strength when she feels weak. I ask that she find peace, much like You did after the cross. And please watch over everyone who prays today. May they be blessed by You as well.

Dear Lord, I pray that this month my girlfriend’s heart will be filled with joy. Please guide us and be there for us, to love properly in the way you have planned it. May her joy rise up to you and give her peace.

I know you’re there, I know you’re listening, so I come to you for justice. Show me the way, so that my voice will be heard. Guiding my every step with your mighty hand, giving me the wisdom to make this happen.

Today’s prayer: I pray that you will let go of old grudges and anger. It will be easy if you forgive the people who did you wrong.

Guide my life in the right direction, bless me with happiness and protection. Let me have a great day today, bring forth goodness to flow from me, allowing every dark thing to fade away. I pray for good health, love, and friendship.

Lord thank you for helping me. I pray that I would be a better person, loving and forgiving like you are. Please help guide me to be the person God wants me to be.

Dear God, please help me keep my temper. I’m so bad at anger management but I’m working on it. If I can do it, anyone can become better. Help me maintain balance in my life and learn to stay calm. Please let me wake tomorrow morning with a calm mind and no trace of grudges against anyone or anything.
I love you dad and I trust that God will help me fulfill your four requests. I love you so much and I WILL pray for you daily. You are the best dad in the world!

Both of you I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.