Quotes About Exercise and Health

When it comes to exercise, motivation and inspiration are often top of mind. However, sometimes finding the motivation and inspiration to get moving can be a challenge. With that in mind, this post consists of quotes about exercise and health to help you encourage yourself or others.

Quotes About Exercise and Health

• “You will feel better, be healthier, and live longer if you’re physically active.

• Exercise for the sake of your health is like buying a used car. You don’t want to buy a new one, but you do it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

• Exercise is the best medicine. Start your day the right way, with a good workout. #healthily

• Exercise is a natural high, and you don’t have to do anything to get it.

• The day you stop exercising is the day you start making yourself sick.

• Be healthy in mind, body and spirit. Exercise builds strength, promotes confidence and boosts self-esteem.

• The best way to stay in shape is to get out of the house and get moving. Don’t let your summer slip away!

• Exercising doesn’t just make you a better person, it’s also good for your body in ways you never expected.

• Exercise is a vital part of your overall health. It’s what keeps your heart strong and healthy, your brain sharp, and helps you feel great about yourself.

• No matter how busy your life is, take time every day to get active. Your health is worth it.

• Exercise is the best anti-aging strategy. It helps reduce joint pain, boosts your immune system and even helps you sleep better at night. So get moving!

• Exercise is not just a way to get fit, it’s a lifestyle. Actually, exercise is the best way to stay fit!

• As your body changes and evolves, you need to change with it. Exercise is about living well.

• Do what you love, even if it makes you sweat.

• We live in a society that values being perfect. But you are more than just a number on the scale, you are beautiful and strong beyond measure.

• Exercise is medicine. It makes you strong, confident, sexy…and healthy.

• Exercise can be the best medicine for your body and mind!

• Exercise makes you feel good, it’s natural and it doesn’t hurt. Don’t get stuck in the “I don’t have time” routine. Make more time!

• If you want to live a long and happy life, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take good care of your health. Be active every day.

• Don’t sweat the small stuff. Get out and move every day.

• “To have a healthy body, you need to move your body!”—Kelly Star

• Exercise is the key to a healthy life, period.

• Exercise is a choice. It’s not the only thing you can do, but it’s the best thing you can do for your health.

• Exercise is not just fun and good for your body: it’s a ticket to happiness

• Exercise is a choice, and your body will thank you for it.

• When you exercise, your body learns to take pride in itself.

• Exercise is not just for the body, it’s for the soul too.

• Exercise is good for your health, mind and soul. It’s even better when you’re dancing with friends to the music of your own playlist.

• The best way to stay young is to keep your body active. Exercise is like a good meal: it needs to be fresh, seasonal and served with an attitude.

• You are what you eat—and so are your workouts. You can fuel them with the right foods and reap their rewards through consistent effort.

• Exercise is a matter of life and death. It makes you strong, healthy and improves your quality of life.

• Exercise is medicine. It strengthens the body, improves mood and relieves stress. – Nancy C. Andrews

• Exercise is a key to happiness, good health and looking your best. #BeHealthy

• I wish there was a way to say it all in one sentence: Let’s get off the couch! Start moving and make your body strong, healthy and fit.

• Exercise is a great way to take charge of your health and your life. It’s also an incredible stress buster.

• Exercise is a way to grow and become better. It’s never too late to start.

• The best way to keep your mind young is to have a healthy body.

• Going for a run isn’t just about burning calories. It’s about taking care of yourself and feeling better, not less tired.

• You don’t have to be a gym rat to look like one.

• Exercise: It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

• Exercise. It isn’t just a word. It’s a promise to yourself, your body and the world.

• “If you’re not doing something active in this life, you can be 100% sure that someone else is

• Time to get out of the comfort zone and start lifting heavier.

• We all want to live a long, healthy life. Exercise can help you achieve that.

• If you want to be healthy and fit, exercise is the only way.

• All work outs are good for you if you do them properly. Exercise is the best anti-depressant. #exercisemusic

• Exercise is like driving a car. You have to put the pedal down, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day. If you’re going to take the trip, you may as well enjoy it. #exercise

• Exercise is the key to a healthy body, mind and soul.

• Exercise is every bit as important as a healthy diet. It’ll build your strength, boost your energy and help prevent disease.

• Stay active with these tips from the experts to keep you motivated and healthy.

• You can’t get healthy without being active and you can’t be active if you don’t have a good mood.

• Runners are athletic, not thin. So if you’re the former, stop thinking of running as a panacea. It’s not.

• I don’t know about you, but I was born to run.

• Strength and health come in many shapes, but they are all built on the same foundation. Train hard and stay fit! #fitlife

• As you get stronger, you’ll find yourself wanting to work out more often.

• We don’t get stronger, we just get better at pushing ourselves.

• You’ll never be as hungry as when you’re hungry for health.

• You don’t have to be an athlete or a pro to stay fit. Just do your workout and keep moving.

• Let’s all get fit in 2018. Healthy living begins with you and your health. You can do this. Let’s go!

• Set aside 20 minutes, 5 days a week to build your strength and health. If you don’t sweat, then you aren’t working hard enough.

• It’s time to get back to the gym, stick with it and make a change.

• You can run, but only you can change your life.

• You can’t be what you can’t see. If you want to get fit, build muscle and drop fat, you’ll have to hit the gym.

• The greatest gift you can give yourself is to get moving.

• Life is too short not to take care of yourself.

• Exercise is not a luxury. It’s a necessity.

• Don’t wait until your body tells you to get moving—start now. You deserve a healthy and fit life.

• Food is medicine, exercise is medicine, and happiness is the medicine.

• I have done everything I have done because I could not do everything I wanted to do.

• Fitness is not an option, it’s a necessity. – Kayla Itsines

• Exercising is the best medicine. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. ☺

• Exercise is the best way to improve your mental health, boost self-esteem and balance your hormones.

• Exercise is the best way to feel better about yourself, improve your health and build confidence. It’s also the best way to connect with the world around you.

• The best way to keep fit is to exercise your mind.

• Just start. There’s no right way to exercise or live your best life. Just start.

• Exercise is the best weapon you have to fight off depression.

• You can’t outrun a bad diet. You can, however, outrun your body’s capacity to hurt itself. –Jack LaLanne

• If you want to be fit, you got to move more. If you don’t move, your body will not change.

• If you don’t sweat, you’re not alive. If you don’t move, your body will die from inactivity.

• The only place you can guarantee a healthy body is in the gym

• It’s okay to be strong. Love your body, be proud of your health and strength. If you want it, work for it. And when you get there, remind yourself why you started.

• Only you can make a positive change in your life. Don’t be afraid of hard work and dedication.

• Fitness is like the wind—it’s there to be tapped into and used to your advantage.

• When you exercise, you feel better. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are! Every day is an opportunity to improve yourself and take charge of your health.

• The best way to keep your heart healthy is to exercise regularly.

• “Exercise is medicine. It’s as important as brushing your teeth and as fundamental to your well-being.

• They say that if you don’t use it, you lose it. Make exercise a habit and you will reap the benefits of a healthy body and mind!

• Exercise is the key to a healthy life. Exercise is the key to a long life. The more you move, the better you feel and the longer your life will be.

• For me, running is my meditation; it clears my mind, relieves stress and helps me sleep better. I could never imagine life without exercising.

• The best workout is the one you don’t have to do.

• No matter what your age, you can’t outrun growing old. But the good news is that there’s no need to. Exercise makes a difference!

• “Exercise does not happen in the gym–it happens in your mind.”

• You’re only limited to the things you do.

• The world is your gym, but only if you’re a part of it.

• It’s not about how much you sweat, it’s about how hard you try.

• Just remember that if you can push yourself and work hard, there is no pain like being in pain.

• if you want to change the world, start with yourself.

• Exercise is the key to a healthy heart and mind.

• Just live life, love it and enjoy it. Do your best to stay active and keep in shape.

• Don’t wait to become healthy; start now.

• Getting fit is good for your head and body. Do both.

• All fitness is part of a healthy lifestyle. Live your life to the fullest and make sure you’re getting enough exercise.

• Exercise builds your body, mind and spirit. There’s no better feeling than pushing yourself to be your best self. #FeelThat

• Exercise is a form of meditation. It takes your mind off your problems, clears your head and gives you the strength to begin living again.

• Exercise is the best way to slow down and concentrate on what matters.

• You can’t out-exercise a bad diet, but you sure can work on improving it

• Strength training isn’t just for bodies. It’s for minds and souls too. When you’re strong, you can lead a happy life, one that’s free from fear and worry.

• The road to a healthy life is paved with many, many small steps. Take them step by step.

• Your sweat is powerful. Your muscles are strong. Your energy is limitless when you work out!

• Exercise is not just a means to an end, but an end in itself.

• Don’t settle for average. Fitness can be all about the journey—and it’s certainly not a destination.

• The more you exercise, the healthier you become. The more you eat healthy, the happier you’ll be.

• Exercise doesn’t just make you look better, it makes you feel better.

• Social media: the only place you can exercise and watch your health like you always wanted to.

• Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be fun, exciting, and full of benefits.

• Exercise is not a diet. It’s not a contest, but it’s something we all should be doing regularly!

• Exercise is one of the best ways to keep stress levels down, improve your mood and lose weight.

• Our bodies are our best teachers, and all it takes is a little effort to make them work for us.

• It’s never too late to turn your health around.

• If you don’t take care of yourself, who will?

• Don’t settle for being average. Be a champion for your health and fitness goals.

• It’s never too late to start. Don’t let your age define you, define your actions.

• “There is no greater fountain of youth than exercise.” -Esquire

• Staying active, getting outside and being healthy is a passion of mine. Here’s to making 2019 an even better year for everyone!

• Running, hiking, and climbing are just a couple of the ways you can get your sweat on. #healthylife

• Exercise is not just a piece of your life, it’s a piece of you. – bell hooks

• You don’t have to be a gym rat to look good naked. Learn how to exercise your mind and body for tips on how to stay fit in your own home.

• You can’t outrun a bad diet, but you sure can run from one. Keep moving to stay healthy and happy.

• If you can’t find the time to exercise, you will never find the time to eat.

• The best workout is the one you always do.

• You can’t outrun a bad diet. But you can run far enough so you don’t have to slow down when you get there.

• You can’t outrun your fork. But you can outrun your thighs

• Do something good for your body, not just for the Instagram likes.

• I will be my own rewards. I have found that doing what I love is one of the most rewarding experiences in life.

• Life is too short to waste on food that doesn’t fuel your body.

• The best thing you can do to improve your health is to exercise.

• Today I’m going to do something I’ve never done before. I’m going to do something extraordinary. I’m going to exercise!

• Exercise changes everything in your life. It gives you energy, makes you stronger, it builds your body and mind. And most importantly, it’s fun.

• “Exercise is your best medicine.”

• Exercise is the best medicine. It’s what keeps you healthy and happy, no matter how old you are.

• Get up, get moving and stay active. Exercise is not just for the summer but a lifestyle choice to live a healthier life.

• Exercise is the easiest way to stay healthy and fit.

• You don’t have to have broken bones to get fit. You just have to want it.

• “Exercise changes everything. It puts your body in a different place and makes you a better person when you finish.” -Billie Jean King

• Everyone has the right to live a healthy lifestyle—no excuses. #movemore #strength

• Fitness doesn’t have to be a chore. It should be an adventure and a celebration of your life. #exerciseisflife

• It’s the only way to live a healthy life. #fitforlife

• “Exercise is more than just an activity—it’s a mindset.

• “If you seek an artificial happiness, you will find nothing but a disappoint-ment.”

• Strength and health are never the result of physical effort. They come from the core of our being, from a deep inner conviction about what we can become.

• Be healthy. Be strong. Be happy! Exercise is not just a means to weight loss; it’s a vital part of your overall health and well-being that should be embraced for life.

• Exercise is the only thing you can do that makes you feel physically better, mentally sharper and happier.

• “Exercise is not about getting fit; it’s about living well and feeling fabulous. It’s about giving your body a chance to tell you what it needs

• Exercise is mental and physical. Exercise your mind to live a happier life, and exercise your body to live longer.

• Exercise is not just a physical activity, it’s an opportunity to strengthen your mind and body.

• Exercise is like taking a shower. You’re never completely clean, but if you do it right, you feel better and smell better.

• You can’t be in good shape if you’re not in the gym. Exercise is more than just a way to stay fit, it’s an essential part of living.

• Exercise is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

• Running is one of the best ways to get your body moving—and it’s also great for your mind.

• You are what you do. So make sure you do it right.

• There are no shortcuts to fitness. There is only consistency and hard work, but the results pay off. With that in mind, give it all you’ve got this week.

• Feeling good isn’t just about how you look, it’s about how you feel.

• “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

• It’s not enough to just walk away from your comfort zone. It is up to you to push further and further, until you’ve reached the edge of it.

• Exercise and health are like a beautiful relationship. Boring in the beginning, exciting in the middle, and passionate at the end.

• No, I’m not just saying this to get you off my lawn. I want you to exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health and the quality of your life.

• Exercise is the best medicine. It keeps you healthy, it makes you happier, and it’s great for your soul.

• Exercise is the one thing you can do to improve your health. It improves your mood, relieves stress and anxiety, and strengthens your muscles.

• Exercise is not just a means of burning calories and toning muscles. It’s a way to get in touch with your power as a human being, and it’s never too late to start.

• There is no better way to stay healthy than by getting your heart and mind active.

• Exercise is one of the best ways to stay healthy and fit. It helps you lose weight, build muscle, and feel more energetic.

• Exercise is a habit. It improves your health, your appearance, and sense of well-being.

• Exercise is more than ‘something to do’—it’s a way of life. #StrongIsTheNewSvelte

• You have to have the mindset that exercise is not a chore, but rather an adventure. It’s something to look forward to and enjoy

• There is no better feeling than being at your best.

• You don’t have to be a gym rat or a fitness fanatic to get fit. You just need to put in the work and do it consistently.

• Keeping fit is about balance. It’s about lifestyle, but also about discipline.

• Health is happiness, wealth and power. Exercise – it’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. You’re entitled to one hour of feeling good every day of your life

• It is time to change your body. Start now with our easy to follow programs.

• You don’t need a gym membership to work out. Just get moving!

• If you don’t sweat, then you’re not alive! And that’s not healthy. Make your heart and mind work harder than they ever have before.

• You don’t have to be a gym rat or know a yoga pose to get results. Exercising smarter, not harder will get you the body you want.

• Exercise is an investment in your future.

• Never give up on your health. It’s never too late to start shopping for exercise gear!

• Don’t wait until you’re older to start living your best possible life. Start now!

• Exercise gives you strength. Staying fit gives you confidence.

• Exercise is about more than just lifting weights. It’s about challenging your body, pushing it beyond its comfort zone, and changing the way it looks.

• Exercise is a health habit that is made up of two words: exercise and habit.

• Strength training gives you the body you want, the confidence to pull off any look, and the internal toughness that helps you make it through every day.

• The active pursuit of health and wellness is a journey. No matter the destination, we must first decide to go.

• Fitness is not a destination. It’s a journey, and you have to go the distance for it to pay off.

• When you take inspiration from the greats, you are bound to become one of them.

• Exercise. It’s the best thing you can do for your health and body—and it feels great too.

• Every move you make, every breath you take, every repeat workout you do is a choice to be healthier. Exercise is the simplest form of self-care that anyone can do.

• Workout for your mental health. Exercise for your body.

• Put in the work. You’ll see results.

• You are strong enough to get through this. You are strong enough to get healthy. You will not be defined by your weight, your disease, or your limitations.

• I’ve been told I look like a young person, but I’m not sure if I believe it. My body doesn’t feel like a person’s anymore—it feels more like a machine.

• Your body is your canvas. Paint it the way you want to see it.

• Health is the greatest wealth a man can possess.

• Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

• If you’re not moving, you’re not living.

• Strength is not the ability to overcome obstacles, but a habit of overcoming them.