Morning Exercise Quotes and Captions

Morning exercise quotes will encourage you to get up and make it a part of your regular morning routine. An early morning workout will change your mindset for the day. We’ve all been there. Even with the best intentions, it’s hard to find time for exercise. No matter how much you care about your body, life will always come first. But here is a collection of quotes by famous people to help motivate you to exercise.

Morning Exercise Quotes and Captions

• Get your daily dose of exercise with a morning routine that wakes you up, energizes you, and helps you look and feel better than ever before.

#Morning motivation: 5 minutes of exercise that burns up to 300 calories, lowers your blood pressure and gives you more energy throughout the day.

• I am a morning person. My body wakes up when it’s light, not when the alarm blares. I exercise in the morning, coffee in hand. End of story.

• A morning workout doesn’t have to be a drag. You can do it—and look good while doing it!

• Get your heart pumping, your body burning, and sweat dripping from your face as you head out for a morning jog. #MotivateYourself

• Good morning! With an extra push to get yourself out of bed and outside to exercise.

• Oh, you. You’re my morning inspiration.

• Start your day strong with a workout that’s just as hard-hitting as your goals.

• Get your sweat on to start your day off right

• Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, just get up and move.

• Wake up and be ready for anything

• The most important tool for success is hard work. Get up early, get some sweat on and make this your best day.

• The moment when you decide to work and get #motivated.

• You can’t get your daily dose of morning exercise without a quick and easy breakfast.

• Good morning, or good evening if you’re in a rush for the night, but I’m telling you right now that whatever you do don’t skip your morning workout.

• Life is too short not to take your health seriously. Get moving in the morning, before it’s too late.

• You don’t have to be a morning person, but if you are, get up and get moving.

• Rise and shine, because it’s the best way to start your day.

• Get up, get moving and start your day off right.

• Wake up and get out of bed, and then hit the floor running.

• Good morning! It’s time to get fit and stay healthy.

• Get your blood pumping and your heart in check before the day gets crazy.

• Don’t be afraid of the gym. Find what works best for you, and get moving

• Cardio is one of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy weight, improve cardiovascular fitness and boost your mood.

• Get yourself moving in the morning, it’s never too late to start.

• No excuses, no good mornings. Get up, get moving and get fit this morning—go get your game on!

• Wake up well-rested and strong by getting in a good workout in the morning

• So good to get out and get moving in the morning. The early bird catches the worm!

• It’s time to sweat—this morning, today.

• I don’t know about you, but I’m loving this morning routine. Let’s get to it!

• Good morning, you’re up and ready. Let’s get it done.

• Rise and shine to a day full of new possibilities.

• It’s not just about the exercise, but rather it’s about the journey.

• Get ready to feel the burn, get ready to get fit.

• Get your sweat on in the sweetest way possible.

• If you’re not sweating, you’re doing it wrong.

• Morning exercise is a must! Morning rhythm makes the day go faster and better.

• Get your morning off to a great start by running, lifting and working out at the gym.

• Get your heart rate up and your blood flowing with a morning workout before work (or school).

• We’re not talking about just a morning jog. We’re talking about sweating and having fun everyday.

• Rise and shine! Fit work out today is your best ticket to a full and happy day.

• Get the blood flowing, get your heart pumping, and push that clock back an hour.

• This morning I want to do something that will push my body to it’s limits and make me feel good about myself.

• Work out for the better. Work out for yourself. It’s worth it.

• Good morning! We have a busy day ahead of us, let’s get an early start.

• When it’s cold, get out there and be warm. The wind is coming off the ocean, it’s a great day for an adventure with your friends and family.

• Morning exercise can be an important part of your day. Make sure you’re getting one in—every day.

• We sweat. We scream. We are the rock stars of morning exercise!

• There’s nothing better than morning workouts. The fresh air, the sunlight… and a new day ahead of you.

• Start your morning off right with a few minutes of exercise.

• Keep your body moving by getting up early and hitting the gym.

• Make your morning commute an effortless moment of mindfulness, balance and meditation.

• Get out there, get moving and get your blood pumping. It’s another day. Let’s make it great!

• I’m not one to tell you this, but you’ve got to get up and move.

• Wake up to a great day, not just another one.

• Good morning, bitches! Get ready to work it

• You don’t need a reason to workout. You just need a push to get up and do it

• Morning exercise, morning black coffee.

• Workout? We’ve got a workout for that. #MorningExercise

• Morning exercise = extra calories burned.

• It’s all about the mornings. Power up with that first cup of coffee and do it right by incorporating morning exercise into your routine.

• Morning is the best time to exercise. It’s also the best time to make a resolution because you don’t have any excuses anymore!

• Get up, get active. It’s the best way to start your day.

• Get your blood pumping with a morning workout that’s as easy as it is effective.

• Waking up at the crack of dawn to exercise is the fuel I need to be my best.

• I’m getting up early to exercise in the sunshine.

• Rise and shine! It’s time to get active.

• Wake up, stretch and get ready for the day!

• Get up and get moving. You deserve it.

• It’s time to get moving and start your day with a good sweat.

• Wake up and get moving. We have the best exercise for you, at every age.

• No excuses. Get your morning workout in before the day begins and make it a great one.

• Morning sun, morning sweat. Let’s get moving with the view of a postcard this morning…

• Nothing makes me feel better than a good workout in the morning.

• Get that early morning sweat going with a quick and intense workout from our Hollywood gym

• Nothing feels better than a good stretch before your morning workout.

• We’re not gonna lie—exercise can get a bit boring after a while. But we’re not going to let that stop us from getting up and moving every single morning.

• 2 minutes. That’s all you need to start your day off right.

• It’s time to #PushTheBoundaries and get your heart rate up.

• It’s time to get up and start your new day with a healthy dose of morning exercise.

• Not only is morning exercise a great way to start your day, but it’s also an awesome way to start your week. So make it your goal this week!

• I’m addicted to morning workouts because you get the best of both worlds: a killer workout and the motivation to eat whatever you want for breakfast.

• Get your heart rate up, burn calories and boost your mood all in one morning session.

• Doing the early morning ritual of exercise is a great way to start your day, and it can also be a great way to make sure that you don’t gain weight. ”

• Good morning and welcome to your health journey. You’re on your way to a healthier, happier life.

• Sticking to breakfast and cardio to start off your day.

• Get up, get outside and do something that gets your blood pumping.

• You have a full day of work ahead of you, so don’t get too cozy with your pillow.

• Today is going to be a great day. A day filled with movement, breathing and smiling

• Be the change you wish to see in the world and exercise every day.

• It’s a new day, and we need to start with a fresh set of goals.

• You’re only limited by your imagination.

• Morning exercise is the best way to start your day. Start strong and end strong!

• Get your day started right with a morning workout.

• You’re never too old to get young. Exercise your morning muscles with this free video series of exercises that will give you a great stretch and burn!

• New day, new life. Get your blood pumping and start the day with a good sweat!

• It’s bright and early, you’ve got the whole day ahead of you. Get moving!

• Be the best you can be. Start your morning off right with a little sweat and some good carbs.

• Start the day strong with a glass of water, some fruit and some exercise.

• You can’t see the road, but you can feel it. Good morning!

• No excuses! You can do it—go for a run or a walk.

• You need to get moving—I promise, it will do wonders for your mood and thoughts.

• Go for a hike or run before work. You’ll be energized and ready to conquer the day.

• Let’s start the day right, with a little extra oomph.

• Everyday is a new chance, give it all you’ve got.

• Doing the right thing will make you feel great, even if it’s just a little bit.

• You are the source of your own happiness. Work hard to be the best you can be and then do something nice for someone else.

• Perfect morning exercise: doing nothing.

• It’s time to get your day started right. Wake up and move.

• It’s never too soon to start your day with a little extra sweat.

• Wake up, get out the door and hit the pavement. It’s a beautiful day to be outside.

• Good morning, world. We’re on the move.

• We’re ready to run this morning. Let’s go!

• We’re here for you and your workout. We’re ready when you are.

• Wake the body, wake the mind. Breakfast is more than a meal—it’s an opportunity to refuel and reconnect with yourself.

• Get your body moving, strengthen those muscles and get ready for the day ahead

• I’ll be on the grind, but I hope you can catch me sweating.

• Morning exercise is a necessity. It’s not just for the outdoorsy types, but anyone looking to feel energized and ready to take on the day. #morningworkout

• Morning jog, morning workout. The sweet spot of the day.

• Tip your hand to your morning exercises.

• The first rule of morning is to get up and exercise.

• Wake up with a smile on your face and a good morning workout in your muscles.

• Rise and Shine. It’s time for a workout, and the good news is you’ll find your motivation—and your way to success—in these morning pages from BlackBook.

• It’s the morning routine you’ve been working towards.

• It’s a new day… it’s time to get up and get moving.

• Waking up is the best part of my day.

• The key to a successful morning is to get started.

• Good things come to those who get up and get moving.

• You can’t stop the future. You can only control your response to it. – Unknown

• Morning exercise is the best kind of exercise.

• Wake up, get moving, and live your best life today.

• Wake up a little early, get outside, and sweat.

• Wake up, get out of bed and get into the gym!

• Wake up, stretch, breathe. It’s time to move it!

• Set your alarm for 5:30am so you can get a great workout in before work.

• Wake up, go outside, and get your sweat on. You’re worth it!

• We rise together, and fall together. No matter how busy our days might get, we make it a point to get up and move every single morning.

• Get your body moving, and watch it feel better for it.

• You can’t outrun your problems, but you can sure run after them. 😉

• “What you’ve been waiting for. Morning exercise.”

• Set your alarm, set yourself apart from the rest, and get some morning exercise in.

• Wake up, stretch and get after it with your morning workout.

• A morning workout starts here—and it’s never too late to start. #MorningRoutine

• Get out there and make this your new morning routine.

• The best way to feel good all day is to get up and move.

• I’m not a morning person and I don’t think you are either. But we are all in the same boat, so let’s do this together.

• Good morning, sunshine ☀ you’ve got this!

• Cardio workout before work. Feeling great and looking forward to a productive day!

• In a world where everyone is chasing the same goals and dreams. Don’t forget to chase your own and chase it better each day

• Nothing gets your heart pumping like a nice morning exercise session.

• Wake up. Stretch. Get outside. The morning is the best time to get fit, so we made it easy for you and your pup to do that together.

• It’s never too early to start your morning routine. Get moving and get fit for the day.

• Get those morning muscles a workin’ with this workout routine!

• It’s the little things that count, so make sure to take your morning jog or do a set of push-ups before work.

• Wake up and get moving. You’ll feel better for it

• You’ve got to get your sweat on early in the morning to feel great all day.

• Wake up. Shower. Get in your cardio and stretch. You’re going to be great!

• Good morning! It’s a good morning because you’re going to do something good for yourself—even if you don’t think it’ll make a difference.

• If you aren’t moving this morning, you aren’t working hard enough.

• Good morning and happy to be feeling this positive, excited and motivated. What are you doing?

• You only live once, but why not make the most of every day you get? #AUGUST

• Morning work out is a necessity, not a luxury. Get up and get moving.

• Wake up and get your blood pumping with a morning workout.

• Get your morning workout on with our new collection of v-neck tights.

• Wake up and get moving. You’ll feel better faster and look better quicker.

• It’s never too early to get up, get moving and start the day off right.

• Ready, set, go! Good morning to my favorite workout—walking the dog.

• Wake up, shake out your body and get moving. You’re worth it

• Wake up to a challenge. Wake up to fitness.

• Rise and shine—it’s time to get moving.

• Grip the day like a shirt, sweat like a champion and live like you mean it.

• Exercise doesn’t need to be difficult, and it doesn’t need to be hard. It needs to be something you’re excited to do.

• Morning runs will keep you healthy and happy all day long.

• Wake up to the beautiful sunrise, wind in your hair and fresh air in your lungs. #morningexercisepro

• Nothing kicks off the day like a morning workout. So get your heart pumping with us this fall!

• Get your body moving and feel alive. Appreciate the gift of movement in the morning.

• Wake up, get moving. The day is yours.

• Get out of bed and get moving, because the day will go by much too fast!

• You’re going to get up, you’re going to get in the shower, you’re going to face your day. But don’t forget to give yourself a good workout first!

• It’s time to get your butt in gear and get fit for the day.

• You gotta roll out of bed, get it done and then you can rest!

• Good morning, you! We should be doing this every day.

• Get your blood pumping and keep it that way! The more you exercise, the better you will feel.

• You don’t need a reason to get up and move. But it’s always a good one.

• You gotta do what you gotta do to get your mind right for the day.

• Start your morning with a quick workout to jumpstart your day.

• A good morning workout is the key to a good day. Get up and get it done.

• Wake up and get going! You’ll feel better for it. It’s a win-win for your heart and soul.

• The best way to start your day is with a super strong and healthy workout routine.

• Get your heart pumping and your body sweating this morning.

• Wake up, shake off your sleepiness, and get moving. We’re making it easier for you to do exactly that with our new training gear.

• It’s a new day, and there’s only one thing we should be doing: waking up.

• Get your body in gear for a powerful morning workout.

• Wake up and do it! Your body will thank you.

• Rise and shine! We’re not in the office, we’re at the gym.

• I can’t wait to go for a run in the cool morning air.

• Morning exercise is the best kind of exercise.

• Don’t forget to get your morning exercise in. We can’t wait to see you on the field!

• Get yourself in gear for the day ahead and get your heart pumping with a morning workout.

• I love the feeling of doing something physical in the morning, it’s just so good.

• Morning walk, then shower and make my bed

• When the alarm clock goes off, the morning’s just begun.

• Hit the gym like a boss, in less than five minutes!

• Think about what you can achieve during the rest of your day. It starts with getting out of bed and taking action.

• You may not see me, but I’ll get you there.

• Strength comes in silent moments. We can’t wait to see what you have next.

• You can’t skip the cardio, but you also shouldn’t be training with full volume every day. Use smart rest days to get results while staying healthy and fit.

• Rise and shine! Get ready for the day with our morning workout routine. #morningexercise

• Wake up your body and mind with some morning exercise.

• Morning people: do you work out in the morning or wait til afternoon?

• Rise and shine. It’s early, but it’s time for a morning workout.

• Wake up to a new you. Exercise helps manage stress, burn fat, and build confidence.

• Early-morning sweat session is the best, especially if you’re trying to get in shape for summer.

• Wake up your body with a morning cardio session and set a good example for your kids.

• I’m so ready to push myself and get after it this morning.

• There is a saying that “breakfast like any other meal is best eaten in bed.” What about for the most important meal of the day?

• Get your blood pumping, attitude on point and look good doing it.

• I get up, I do, and I have everything I need to be happy.

• Get your heart pumping, your core strong and the blood flowing.