Monday Activities Pick Up Lines

You know when you wake up on a Monday, but instead of dreading the start of a new work week, you’re actually excited because you’ve got big plans for activities for the week? While you might be thinking of what to do before heading to work why don’t you take a short time to say hello to your friends with those pickup lines?

Monday Activities Pick Up Lines

• Get a little spring in your step with these fun activities that take just a few minutes to do. You’ll be on your way to a productive, happy Monday!

• Monday is the best day of the week because it’s a fresh start, another chance to make things better, and an opportunity to do something good for yourself.

• Fan yourself. Mondays are the worst, but they always get better. #MondayMotivation

• Everyone is in a good mood on Monday. They say it’s the best day of the week, and we are here to prove them right!

• Monday is the perfect time to start a new week.

• Here’s to making the most of your Mondays: how about you?

• Let the Monday mayhem begin!

• Monday, we’re here. We’re ready. The weekend’s over and it’s time to kick that Monday off with a bang. The only thing we ask is a cup of Joe

• Mondays are made for one thing—you. Make today yours, whatever that may be.

• Mondays are made for fun, so let’s do it right.

• Start your week right with a smile. Don’t forget to stop by the cafe and let us know how we’re doing!

• Every day is a great day for making something, moving your body or knitting. Happy Monday!

• Monday is the perfect day to get things done. #MondayMotivation

• Mondays can be so boring that we have to make them fun. It’s time to get active, healthy and happy!

• Mondays never sounded so good. Make every Monday the best one yet with these energy-boosting ideas!

• Happy Monday, everyone! It’s a new week and we hope that it’s full of sunshine, opportunity and happiness.

• Start your week off right with a fun, creative and inspirational activity!

• You deserve a little indulgence on #Monday. Here’s to new adventures and good times ahead.

• It’s time to put your best foot forward—and your #MondayMotivationForward.

• The Monday blues aren’t for the faint of heart. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to change your mood.

• A day to get active, unwind, and make some great memories

• It’s the beginning of a new week. Go out, make something happen and celebrate where you are right now.

• After a long weekend, the first day of the week feels like a brand new beginning.

• Start your week off right by doing something you love.

• What did you do to get ready for this week?

• We’re here to make Mondays better. #MondayMotivation

• Waking up on a Monday supposedly means you will be in a better mood by the weekend. We say, let’s make this week just as awesome as it can be!

• Monday is the best day of the week. Why? Because it means we get to start over, another chance to make things better.

• Better start Monday off right with some new fitness goals and a list of to-dos.

• Mondays mean new beginnings, so take a moment to recharge and enjoy the company of your friends and family.

• When the weekend ends and Mondays roll around, it’s time to get your day started and ready.

• It’s Monday, it’s raining, and I’m at my desk writing this post.

• Monday motivation: Get started on your goals for the week and make sure you’re doing what it takes to reach them.

• Here’s to the start of a brighter day and a new week. May it be full of happiness and success.

• It’s a new week, a fresh start, and a good time to get moving!

• You’re going to want to do something different on Monday. Go somewhere new, try something new and make Monday your best day ever!

• A Happy Monday isn’t complete without a little bit of workplay. Hop to it!

• You need to find your weekly Monday motivation, or else you’ll experience an unfortunate lack of elation.

• It’s Monday, time to get started and set your goals.

• Monday is the new Friday. Let’s start your week with a smile.

• Monday is the perfect day for a new adventure!

• It’s Monday, so you better start your week right.

• It’s Monday—the start of a new week and a chance to do something fun! What are you up to?

• Monday is a new day. Make it your best!

• Monday is here, fulfilling all your to-do lists. Friday feelings are here too. Here’s to a productive week ahead!

• Happy Monday! It’s back to work for me today. I hope you have a great week ahead.

• It’s Monday, it’s a new week and that means it’s time to get back on the grind.

• It’s Monday, the start of a new week. Make it your own.

• Monday can be a tough day. So the last thing you need is to be dreading it with an overstuffed calendar and an overflowing mailbox.

• Monday, happy Monday! Let’s get excited and dive into the week with a fresh start.

• Wishing you a happy and productive Monday.

• That’s what Monday is for. A chance to start fresh and get ready for another week of work, play and life

• It’s Monday, the first day of a new week and that means it’s time to get back to work. Here’s to a productive start!

• Good morning! It’s Monday, so it’s time to get your week started in a big way. What are you going to do today?

• Wishing you a wonderful Monday and an even better week ahead.

• It’s #MondayMotivation time! Stay motivated with a healthy meal, a workout and a dose of motivation.

• it’s monday and we’re ready to take on the world.

• Starting the week with a little something to get your adrenaline pumping

• It’s finally here. The week is starting and you know what that means? Time to get your hustle on, peeps!

• Monday is the day to get things done, the day to start your week off right. Activity will help you get there:

• It’s Monday. That means: wake up, get things done, and plan a party

• It’s Monday, but we’re all about #fitnessfromthestart. Happy Monday!

• Monday is a fresh start. Use it to get your week started with a little boost of energy and momentum.

• Mondays are always hard but they just are the best way to start the week. All days should be like this

• It’s Monday! What are you doing?

• It’s Monday, and you know what that means. Time to get back to work regardless of how you spent your weekend.

• Joy and fun for start of the week. Everybody working hard to have a great day

• Mondays are the best. Here’s to some good ones and a great week ahead.

• How are you feeling? Did you have a great weekend? We’re ready to turn the page and start a new week full of positivity and fun.

• Let’s cheers to a productive and energizing start of the week!

• We’re ready for the week. Let’s get to it!

• Start the day on a positive note with this Monday activity that’s sure to put a smile on your face.

• Monday Mornings, Monday tasks and Monday projects. That’s what we do here at #MondayMorning.

• Monday is the most productive day of the week, so get your game on.

• Monday is the most fun day of the week. Make it a little more fun by joining us at @work, where we’ll be taking pictures and having lots of fun!

• Let’s be honest, Mondays can be pretty boring. How do you make the most of your time off? Let us know in the comments below!

• Wishing a Monday full of #mindfulness, creativity and love.

• It’s Monday, it’s only going to get better.

• Life is a series of Mondays. Make them count!

• Monday, happy Monday! Get motivated with these fun activities to get your week off to a start.

• It’s Monday. The start of a new week is a good time to get things done that make us feel productive, like going for a walk or workout session before work.

• Happy Monday, it’s another great day to be living your best life.

• What are you doing this Monday? We’re hanging out with some friends and having a great time.

• Monday is a day to get focused and go after your goals.

• It’s Monday, but you know what that means? Time to get your workouts in!

• Kick off the week with a healthy breakfast, workout and a smile.

• It’s #Monday, time to get back to our routines & what better way than by adding some fun & adventure into the mix.

• Monday morning motivation: complete the week strong with a healthy working kitchen breakfast.

• Mondays are for doing things you’ve been putting off. So get to it!

• Start of a new week. Get your cleaning & organizing done so you can get on with the rest of it.

• What’s your #MondayMorningMotivation?

• Wishing you a great start to your week

• Monday, happy Monday. Today is the first day of a new week. It’s time to start fresh, have fun and make memories

• Monday, let’s build and break. Let’s make these moments count, let’s grow and challenge ourselves. Happy Monday!

• Happy Monday! It’s time to get back on the grind.

• Monday, the beginning of a brand new week. Start it off right by hitting the gym

• Monday, you’re here and ready to go. Start the week off right with these mind-blowing tools for your creative projects!

• No matter how hard the week has been, we’ve got you covered. Monday is the perfect day to make a change.

• Wishing you a sweet and positive Monday!

• Feel like you can conquer anything on this #Monday

• Monday gets off to a good start with a new week of #MondayMotivation.

• Monday Motivation: Work out, drink coffee, and read a book. Weekend is over, it’s time to get back to work.

• #MondayMotivation: Find a new way to set your day on fire

• Here’s to starting the week off with a bang

• We’re halfway through the week and feeling it. Let’s make it the best one ever, guys!

• Get your week started right with a Monday activity that’s fun and exciting, like going on a hike or taking a cooking class. Yes, you got this!

• Monday, the start of a new week. What are you doing today?

• Start your week on a positive note with these fun and simple activities that you can do alone or with friends.

• Monday, we’re feeling it. Get ready to take on the week and make each day a little better.

• Put away the weekend and get ready for a productive Monday.

• Monday’s are all about new beginnings. Get moving and make your day count!

• Waking up Monday mornings is a great feeling. This time of the week is all about getting things done and starting a new week strong.

• Monday. The start of a new week. A fresh start with a clean slate, and a chance to make things better.

• Every Monday’s a fresh start. We’ve got you covered, no matter how far you’re going on your journey.

• Monday Motivation: Make a to-do list and stick with it.

• What better way to start off a new week than with a good session at the gym?

• It’s #Mondaysucks, but it’s only the first day of the week. At least you have a fresh start to look forward to!

• Hop in, get ready and go for a walk. The sun is shining and it’s time to take advantage of it.

• Monday is one of the most productive days of the week. What are you doing to make sure it’s a good one?

• Make Monday morning better with these little things.

• Wishing you a joyful, productive and stress-free Monday!

• Theres nothing like a fresh start. Happy Monday!

• Monday must be a day of making plans, breaking plans, and then going back to your original plans.

• Today is Monday, but we’re all about making it a great day. What are you doing to make this week even better?

• The only thing better than waking up to a brand new week is waking up to your brand new fitness routine.

• You can do anything you put your mind to, and this Monday we’re going to prove it.

• a bold statement, a big day, and a little excitement are just what you need to start a new week.

• The best way to start your day is with a morning workout. So lace up and get ready for a sweat-filled good time!

• Mondays can be tough to get through, but it’s all worth it on the other side.

• We’re all in the mood for something big. Let’s do this thing!

• How to start your week off right? With a productive and fun Monday activity!

• What’s your favorite activity to do on a Monday morning?

• Monday is the best day of the week. Now that it’s Monday, what are you doing?

• Things to do this Monday: get active, get inspired, get organized.

• Tap. Tap. Tap. The sweet sound of a keyboard tapping on the keys of your computer. It’s Monday, time to get back to work!

• No need to wait for the weekend to get started. Let’s get Monday going with a healthy breakfast and a workout

• Monday is a time to start fresh, break away from your old routine and plan a new one.

• Mondays are made for getting some work done. Start your day fresh and energized #MondaysAreForBreakfast

• Monday is the new Saturday and so should your home office be. Keep it fresh with a new look, feel and set of features that help you get more done in less time.

• Monday? What’s that? No day of the week is better than any other.

• Mondays should be a little more fun. At least I’m doing something productive today!

• Monday. You’re part of the inspiration.

• Work hard, play hard. Wake up to a new week and start it off right

• Are you ready to take on the week? We sure are!

• Monday, the best day of the week! It’s time to plan your activities for the rest of the week.

• Who says you can’t have fun on a Monday?

• Wishing you a wonderful Monday! Here’s to kicking off the week with a healthy breakfast, getting some exercise and making time for yourself.

• Happy Monday! It’s time for a new week, a chance to make something happen…

• Hey, it’s Monday. What are you doing for the rest of your day?

• Mondays aren’t just for coffee- they’re also the perfect day to build your brand, gain followers, and start your week off right.

• Monday is a chance for a fresh start. Let’s get to work on making it the best day yet.

• That’s it! Now that Monday is over, it’s time to get out there and make some memories.

• Monday motivation: You can do anything you put your mind to.

• We’ve got the perfect activity for you.

• Kick off your week with a healthy dose of energy and inspiration.

• Monday is the best day of the week. Clean your house, go to the gym, wake up early and start your day with a good cup of coffee. Yes, Monday.

• Make your Monday an awesome one with this morning activity

• Monday, a day to get up, get out and get active! #MondayMotivation

• Monday is the best day of the week because it’s not Friday

• Monday, you’re here to make me smile. So let’s start with a happy jaunt around the neighborhood.

• It’s Monday, so it must be time to get your body moving.

• Monday is just another day. Get up, get out and make the world a better place.

• When life gets you down and you feel like quitting, remind yourself that Mondays aren’t always a breeze.

• Find your happy in the little things. #MondayMotivation

• Don’t wait for the weekend to get your groove on. Start the week right with a workout today!

• Get ready to tackle your week with a fresh, good-morning face. Ready, set, GO!

• Start the week right with a fresh new you!

• We’re the people who make Mondays better. Yay!

• Monday? We’re just getting started. #MondayMotivation

• Grab your coffee and get ready for a great week ahead. Happy Monday!

• Make Mondays great again with these 3 steps to getting a better work week ahead.

• Happy Monday! What are you up to?

• Monday. It’s time to get back at it! Here are some great ways to start your week off right.

• Monday is here. Let’s get busy and accomplish something amazing!

• Monday, here we go again. Get your week started with a friendly reminder of all the exciting things you can look forward to this week!

• Monday motivation and inspiration for getting started on the week.

• Monday Motivation: Find your focus and make it happen.

• If you don’t have something to look forward to tomorrow, then how does one get excited about the weekend?

• It’s almost the weekend. Let’s make it memorable!

• Make Monday great with a #MondayMotivation and get those creative juices flowing.

• Monday, happy Monday. You’re up and ready to go! Let’s get that fresh start you need today.

• We hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready to get back to work. Here’s to the start of another week of productive productivity. #happymonday

• Monday is a great excuse to do something you’ve been meaning to do all week.

• Monday is a new day, a fresh start for both you and your finances.

• Good morning! We’re ready to get started on this Monday. What are you doing?

• Good morning, I know what’s better than Friday-Monday.

• It’s time to start the week off right with a little Monday motivation from us.

• Monday motivation: start your week strong with this morning group workout. The extra boost will power you through the rest of the day

• This Monday morning, let’s get motivated and get ready to take on the week.

• To all the Mondays out there, happy weekending!

• So excited to start the week! Up bright and early, just like I should be. Good thing a morning workout is my favorite way to start.

• A day of rest may be the best medicine for a work week.

• Here’s to a new day, new adventures, and all the things that get us through the week

• Make Monday your own and enjoy a fun activity to prep for the week.

• Get into the groove with Monday activities that are fun and easy to fit in throughout the week.

• What’s your favorite thing to do on a Monday?

• It’s Friday, but it sure feels like Monday. So let us help you get through the week with these creative activities that’ll help you get your creative juices flowing!

• It’s Monday. Don’t let it get you down. Keep on smiling, keep on moving.

• Monday is a new day and you want it to be full of excitement, purpose and passion.

• Monday is a new day, make it yours.

• It’s Monday. Time to get inspired and ready for a new week.

• It’s Monday! Caffeine fueled and ready to go.

• Ready for Monday? We’re ready for you.

• Can’t wait to see what’s in store for our Monday.

• Monday, here we go again. So much to do, so little time—but we got this!

• Mondays should be a little more exciting than they are.

• Work hard, play harder. Every day starts off with a new opportunity to do it all.

• Treat yourself to a fun and healthy Monday routine.

• Wake up and get your day started with a bit of Monday motivation. #MondayMotivation

• Monday is a day for making new plans and setting goals. Today’s workout is to help you get started #startmondayright

• Monday, here we go again. Keep your eyes open and don’t forget to smile.

• Happy Monday! It’s time for coffee, checklists and tackling the week ahead.

• Mondays are about fresh starts. Break away from yesterday and start afresh at work.

• Work hard and play harder. Monday, here we come!

• This Monday, make it a goal to get out of your house and into the world.

• Monday, you’re back! And so are we.

• Finally, a Monday that doesn’t suck.

• Mondays are made to be celebrated, so celebrate them with us.

• you deserve a treat every now and then

• Sleep in and do something you love. The rest will come later.

• Just got back from an awesome weekend and I can’t wait to start this new week.

• Wanna get outside and enjoy the fresh air? We have a great day planned, and we’re excited to see what it brings.

• Happy Monday, you are so welcome to the weekend, and to a new week full of energy and joy.

• Start your week off right with a bright, motivating quote and an activity to get you doing something nice for yourself.

• Happy Monday! What are you getting up to this week?

• Hey, you. It’s Monday! What are you doing?

• It’s Monday, here to stay. Join us for a morning workout that’s sure to get things off to a good start!

• Mondays are made better with a morning workout.

• Start your week off right with a kick-start to the activities you love.

• Monday is just another day, but it’s also the start of a new week. Let’s get to it!

• Hello Monday, today we are making history together.

• It’s the beginning of a new week, so let’s start it off right.

• Let’s get this week started with a bang.

• We love Mondays because they’re the perfect excuse to kick off the week with a healthy activity.

• Meet your new week with a smile and a song on Monday! Happy Monday!

• Rise and shine Monday! Here’s a fun activity to get you going.

• It’s Monday. It’s time to get in gear and do something fun!

• Rise and shine, it’s a new day and this Monday is going to be a good one.

• Monday motivation: Do one thing every Monday that scares you.

• Monday motivation: wake up, get back on track, and start the week with your health.

• That’s life… a Monday morning to look forward to.

• It’sMonday, but we’re already living in the weekend.

• It’s Monday, time to get back on track!

• It’s the best day of the week to be dedicated to your health.