Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning 9

The best prayers for a daughter’s 9th birthday start with gratitude to God, praise for your daughter, and then when thanking God for your daughter’s qualities could become sappy, you ask God to help prevent your daughter from losing her temper with her siblings or downing a bag of chocolate. A prayer for a 9-year old girl should be fun and light-hearted, without getting too much into the details of growing up.

Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning 9

• I pray that she should be able to discern good from evil. Give her a pure heart and divine soul that she may be guided through life on the right path by the people who love her.

• My dear daughter, today you are turning nine years of age. As I look back on the years spent with you, the time has flown quickly. You have grown up so fast and it seems just yesterday that you were playing with your toys. Though at times I find myself struggling to get through the day, your presence has brought me much happiness and renewed my hope in life. Now I know what unconditional love means. I pray that you continue to stay happy and healthy as you blossom into a new age.

• Daughter, young girl turning nine today. I pray for your health and well-being. May you be graceful and full of laughter throughout the year. You may feel that you are in a different league, but remember you are special because God has made you so. Enjoy your day and make lots of prayers so that God will protect you from all evil that comes your way.

• Dear God, I thank you for having given me the honor of being a mother and a lei to my child, who is turning 9 today. I pray that you bless her with health, love, and wisdom, so she may enjoy all the blessings life has in store. Keep us under your protective wings, so we may always be content and happy. Amen

• My little princess, you are nine years old today and our love for each other increases with time. When I look at your beautiful face, I remember the day I carried you in my womb; God has showered me with a lot of gifts including your smile, your innocence, your talent, and your dreams. So today we celebrate this daughter-mother bond and I pray all the best for your future.

• I would like to wish my daughter a very happy birthday. You have made me proud by being an intelligent and mature young girl. May you always follow your heart and aim for the stars no matter how high you move up there. I am proud of you, my dear. Wish you a day that is filled with as much laughter, fun, love, and happiness as possible. Happy Birthday!

• Dear Lord, I have always prayed to you for the happiness of my daughter, which is why I am even more grateful now that she has grown. She is the head of our house and our greatest adventure. Please protect her, guide her and always afford her good health arid wealth. I thank you for all your faithfulness to me and my family and ask that it be multiplied on my daughter’s birthday today.

• Dear God, I pray to your heavenly family that you protect my daughter from the evil forces in this world. I pray that you give my daughter wisdom and knowledge to lead a productive life. Give her the gift of laughter, stability, happiness, and grace. I pray to give her a renewed hope in you and a belief that you love her through all your trials and tribulations. My child is so dear to me, please let her know how much I love her on this special day!

• Dear beloved daughter, I wish on this beautiful day that you feel closer to God and he is a part of everything you do. I promise to pray every day, together with God and friends, so that all your wishes come true. Always remember that you are blessed beyond all women in the world and I love you more than words can say!

• Dear daughter, I am grateful for all the wonderful things you have brought into our family. I pray that your life will be filled with joy, laughter, and friends forever and ever. Thank you for gifting me this beautiful world!

• Lord, bless my daughter (name), her parents, and my husband. Bless her soul and make it easy for her to go about her duties and responsibilities today. Guide her in everything she does, make all things easy for her, so that she may trust in you always! Lord, continue to bless me and send down your choicest blessings on me and guide me and direct me along the straight path. Remove shortcomings from me and keep me away from all evil eyes.

• Dear Lord, I confess that I have often taken you for granted and I have made little time to cherish you and show my appreciation. Many days, I have failed to acknowledge your greatness. You see everything, hear everything, give me life and breath. The least little thing which many do not know is that you are the answer to all my prayers every single day! Despite all my past and present wrongdoings, I praise your Greatness! Thank you for coming into my life.

• May the good Lord bless and guide you through your life. May He bring peace and abundance into your life. May He open doors that would bring you closer to Him, wherever you may go. And may your faith in Him be firm and strong. I love you

• God bless my daughter on her 9th birthday! She is special to me! Keep her safe and healthy whole life long! I love you, darling!

• My daughter, I pray that as you turn 9, you would keep all God’s laws in your mind. That is what pleases him most for you. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and make all your decisions so that one day I can see you come home with a wonderful man and give me beautiful grandchildren.

• My daughter, when I look at you, I see a sensitive and thoughtful soul. You are so intelligent that your teachers tell me that you are gifted. You are truly smart to argue with them because we all know that you come from a long line of intelligent people. May God continue to direct your footsteps in the right direction, so that you can fulfill your dreams and make your family proud. Happy Birthday!

• Your little heart is my shelter. It protects me from any harm. It gives me the confidence to face the world each day. It is your love that shapes my day! On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday and pray for your excellent future. I hope life will be as special and wonderful as you are.

• my God, I praise your name this day with childlike trust. You are the creator of all the universe and life is but a sparkle in the scheme of things. All things you have made and by the wisdom you have established. Through Christ our Lord I thank you for blessing my daughter with another year of life to enjoy this beautiful world which you have created for us to live in. Increase her wisdom, strength and help her be aware of the world around us so she will learn to respect.

• Dear angels of the heavens, please lend me your ears today like you have done before so many times. Dear God, I am asking you to watch my little daughter closely and guide her along her path in life. Please give her profound wisdom and a sense of realistic needs.

• Father, thank you for blessing this special girl. She is your daughter and she is always happy, polite, and contented. Lord please continue to guide her and may you protect her from the evil that surrounds her. Thank you for all the blessings she has received through these years please continue to shower your mercies upon her always Amen.

• Lord, please guide my daughter as she grows up to be a woman of God. Help her make wise and righteous decisions in life. Bless her with the strength to do the right thing always. Guide her heart, that she may be generous and kind.

• Lord, I humbly ask that you protect my daughter. Please, ensure that she is safe at all times. Please, I beg of you to let her know that I love her unconditionally, no matter what. Take care of me too, and bring back the happiness and joy to my former life. Thank you.

• Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Blessed are you O Lord – maker of heaven and earth- creator of light, fire, and water – for breathing in us the breath of life… for clothing us with skin and flesh and bones. You made us in Your image.

A Funny Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Nine

• My sweet daughter, your mother, and I are praying that you get all the things you wished for on your birthday and most importantly, that you become a fair lady in life.

• My dear daughter, you are my pride and joy. Thank you for all the love and affection you have shown us. I am so happy that it is your birthday today!

• Dear Lord, I thank you for everything you have given my daughter nine years ago. Now, I hope she will find a husband just like you. Keep her away from all the evil men, and evil women too. Make her life better than what it is now and don’t put any more curses on it. She is having a hard time making friends; make sure she becomes the most popular girl in class. Give her straight A+s, and help her finish her childhood a fast as possible.

• Lord, please stun my daughter with many things that are fun. But also, let her understand the importance of education and working hard. Many parties and cakes await her, but may she not forget her books and studies. Bless me to have a child who is ever polite and always sweet, dear lord.

• If thy God will, mortal, let this day be as blessed as you have been. Thank you for being my daughter and allowing me to play the role of your mother. Bless you, with strength and growth. May you develop into a fantastic woman.

• I pray for an angel to watch over you and keep you safe always. I pray for a very prosperous life filled with flowers in the spring sunshine and laughter in the winter snow. I pray that you will always have good friends who will make your world habitable, and give you courage when you are in need of it.

• Dear God, please do not let my daughter go to camp this summer. She is a good kid and she likes being at home with me. Let her spend the summer playing with her dolls, watching TV, and earning money by promoting your church door to door.

• Dear Lord, I pray that my daughter’s stubbornness will soften and her obedience will increase. Please grant her meaning in her life and a discerning heart. Help her to learn the difference between right and wrong. I ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen

• Hello God, I know that you are all-powerful and you have the right to all things in heaven. I also understand your divine scheme of things and that even my daughter would not be denied what she truly deserves. But, she has been suffering so much, while some people around her are still undeserving. Can you please help her overcome this unfair situation? Please create a special situation where she can easily come out with flying colors. Thank you!

• Lord, please don’t let my daughter decide to marry a boy who may be wiser or faster than me, because only you can make me run faster than lightning, and I do not want to lose a race against my daughter’s lover.

• Dear God, please bless my daughter with a happy birthday and lots of fun.

• Dearest daughter, I pray that you enjoy your ninth year on this beautiful planet. I hope that you will soon figure out how to control your hormones and resume the calm and sweet girl that you were before the yucky stuff began. Hoping you will become a perfect angel. Love you!

• God, how do you fit so much love into something so small? As you look down upon your child on her birthday you see a reflection of yourself and the world. – Author Unknown

• God, give my daughter the innocence of a child as she is growing up. And as she becomes older, help her become more wise and intelligent! I have never been fortunate enough to have anyone but you in my life.

• Happy Birthday, Dee! I am praying for this birthday, you will be able to: 1. Figure out all math problems in no time. 2. Be able to finish your homework even faster than Dad. 3. Be a brainwashed genius and a winner of the world’s biggest quiz competition. 4. Introduce the next revolutionary technology that will allow you to land on the moon while still sleeping! Please God, make these wishes come true… Amen!

• Thank you Jesus for blessing my daughter with a short attention span, a memory like a steel trap, and an active imagination.

• I’m sure you wish that we would all be together at a big party and open presents with the craziness of an only child, instead of gathered around your bed. But I want this time to be special. I want to be here to read my favorite Bible story while watching your face to see if you can guess it. I want us to stop right at the part in the story where some silly thing happens and then giggle together over how funny it is in real life.

• Good lord, thank you for finger-painting, chocolate cake, and all the eating of ice cream. Thanks also for broken toys and missing teeth; they remind me that she is still just a baby. Give her many happy returns!

A Cute Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Nine

• Dearest daughter, today is a special day because you are nine years old. As your father, I have always watched over and protected you. From the moment I knew about you, I felt a responsibility to protect and take care of you. Today, in front of the world and God himself, I swear that will continue to my dying breath.

• Loving daughter, I believe that you have done so much to make me proud. I am thankful for each day we have spent together. I want to wish you a very happy birthday! Keep doing great in your life and make us people around you proud of the person you are.

• My darling daughter, as you are about to enter the enchanted forest of your tenth year, I wish you a happy birthday and pray that God will guide you through its labyrinths. May he give you the courage to face each new mystery on your way, and may he help you find the right path with his loving light. You are now old enough to understand that life is full of challenges, and that there are some situations where we’ll have to choose between our needs and our wants.

• Heavenly Father, we thank you for our child who is turning nine today. We pray that your divine grace would protect her and make her a blessing to your kingdom. We pray for her future glory, for your divine wisdom to be with her, that she may know Jesus in a deeper way. May we be able to trust you with all the details of our lives. Thank you for all the joys this precious one has brought into our home.

• Dear daughter, you are becoming a woman before my eyes. We may not have had the chance to go on many adventures together but I am sure we will soon. May this coming year bring more shining moments for you, and let your days be filled with laughter, love, and joy! Happy birthday!

• My dear daughter, you were with me during one of the darkest periods in my life. I know this is just a number, but nine years without your mother is a lifetime. Thank you for being there for me and guiding me through it all! Please, don’t forget to keep praying and making God your strength and guidance. Happy birthday from both of us!

• Our Heavenly Father, I thank you for grace and mercy to my daughter. I ask that you continue to guide her in this journey called life. Amen! Happy Birthday, Cate!

• God help her heal her boo-boos, ease her fears, and warm her heart every day. Help her to find happiness in simple pleasures like laughter and a flower’s smile. Help her to always be thankful for the little things in life and there will be much joy. And let her remember how important she is; God’s gift to me on my birthday every year.

• Dear God, I thank you for bringing my daughter into my life. You have blessed me with a wonderful daughter. She is very good in study and also loves to run and play. I’m proud of her. Lord, bless her with strength and wisdom as she enters this new phase of life. As I pray today, I ask that you help her put the past behind her and make May 5, 2017, great. happy birthday to my sweetie pie.

• Oh, dear daughter, I wish for you to know that no matter what happens, your daddy and I will always be here for you. We will always love you and I hope that one day in the future, you will understand why we have made the tough decisions that led us to our current state in life. I cannot wait to see what you have been hiding from me all these years and I wish you a wonderful day just as God intended it to be!

• The Bible presents us with a prayer given to a father by the Wisdom of God. Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. (Proverbs 19:17) May your generosity today prove prosperous in both the spiritual and material senses. I love you! Happy Birthday!

• Dear God, please bless my daughter today, with a sense of humor, so she knows life isn’t always serious. A faith in You that she may find her way when times are tough. Wisdom to know when to be in charge and when to ask for help. Give her good health and energy, as well as patience with herself and others.