Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 10

It’s her birthday! And you want to wish her a special one. It’s a hard task to do, as 10-year-old girls can be a handful. Just remember, birthday wishes for a daughter must celebrate the fun-filled girl she is and make her feel that she’s loved and celebrated by all. A father’s love is the best wish of all, but we have got you covered with some prayers and quotes that will help you make your daughter feel loved on her 10th birthday of all days.

Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 10

• Dearest Rachelle, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday with all the love in my heart. 10 years old is a very special birthday that is filled with very special memories. I am looking forward to many many happy memories of you turning into a grown up lady. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

• Dear God, I pray for my daughter 10th birthday that you grant her peace as she grows older and wiser. I pray for the continued love and good health from you. Bless her with good grades because of your guidance, and reward her generosity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

• Father, You are a provider, who sustains and fills our needs each second. This day we offer you thanks and prayers of appreciation for the gift You have given us in the tender heart of our daughter, (your daughter’s name) on her 10th birthday. We ask that you may continue to bless her with the sense of her value, in the knowledge that she is born in your care, and that you love and need her.

• Lord, let your blessings shower down upon my darling daughter, Sarah, on this her10th birthday. Grant her wisdom in making the right decisions. Help her to always be positive about life and never give up. Open for her ways to achieve all the dreams she has in life. Keep her strong and healthy so that she may be around for many more years with our family. I thank you for giving us Sarah as a daughter.

• My beautiful daughter, you have matured into a wonderful young woman. I am so proud of you. Today is such an important day in your life and I wish to celebrate it with you. Just now, I want to thank God for blessing me with such a great gift and making my life complete. Happy birthday little one, I love you!

• Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter! You have aged like a fine wine, and today is no different. Wishing you an amazing day full of happiness and special moments. Your father and I love you very much and will always do. Until we meet again!

• Dear daughter, words cannot express how happy I am to have someone like you in my life. I love you very much and I hope that the years ahead will be full of happiness and joy for both of us! Thank you for making my life a special one! Happy birthday!

• Today is your 10th birthday! I pray that you will also be my beautiful and intelligent woman staying for 50 years with me. May all your wishes come true as you are a bright and smart girl. I still remember the first time you put on a pair of high heels, it was already clear to me that we would have many more celebrations in our future!

• May your birthdays come with fulls of smiles and laughter, and may each year bring you some of the many joys that life has to offer.

• Dear daughter, I pray that you will continue to be a loving girl who is always willing to help others. Turn your heart towards the Lord and be his instrument here on earth. I pray that God’s hand will always rest on you, so no kind of harm can ever come to you.

• Your daughter is turning 10! Today, remind her of the unfailing love of God and her family. Let her know that you are still here for her no matter what. Wishing you a happy birthday and many more to come!

• Dear Lord, today my beautiful daughter turns 10! Please forgive her childish ways and protect her always. Give her many more days filled with laughter and joy! Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

• God my Father! Bless my daughter at her 10th birthday, be with her in joy and sorrow; let the gift of wisdom, understanding, and grace shine on her, O God. God give her strength to overcome temptations, help her to become upright and independent; day by day gently lead her into paths of righteousness. We ask you, God, Grant us Your peace in this special time of transition from childhood to adulthood. I love you so much!

• Today, the special day of your birthday has dawned and has given wings to the dream that I have been nurturing for you all these years. All in good time, little one, all in good time. Today I just want to say “Happy Birthday” to my daughter who is becoming a young lady. She is growing up so quickly and I can only imagine how much she will achieve in her future.

• Amen…Thank you for your prayers daughter…Thank you for understanding…Let me apologize now and say sorry for not understanding. Please forgive me for all my anger, I shouldn’t have reacted that way. I love you, daughter, because of your strengths, courage, kindness, and most importantly faith in the lord. You are my diamond, shining bright and will never be dimmed. Happy birthday, daughter!

• Dear God: Bless my daughter on her 10th birthday that in thine mercy grant her a life gladdened by love, secure from dangers and pains, made mild with tenderness, bright with joys, so that she may evermore lead those about her to thy consolation and to thy Paradise. Amen.

• Dear daughter, you are radiant and I hope today is a day for many more special wishes to come true for you. Enjoy the day by basking under it with your family and friends and make more birthdays a very special occasion.

• I stand before heaven and earth to declare that my daughter is this day celebrating her 10th birthday. Amen.

• You are growing up way too soon, and I can’t say a lot about it. On your 10th birthday, I would like to ask you to thank God for all the sacrifice He has made in giving us sons and daughters of great characters who will someday be responsible adults in our society. Happy birthday, daughter!

• Happy birthday to my lovely daughter, Amy. May you always be blessed with wisdom and beauty, humility and kindness. I pray that you’ll never stop believing in miracles and keep loving life as much as you do today. I am so proud of who you are and the person you are becoming. You make Mommy’s life complete! Happy birthday, sweetie…

• Dear child, you are the most precious jewel I have in my life. Throughout your growing years, you will go through challenges and tough times. I know that if I can get through your childhood, then any other challenges that come your way will be easier for you to overcome. Today and every day of your life, my child, let me challenge you to greater heights and show me how much of a woman you really are!

 Funny Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Ten

• Good wishes to my beautiful, intelligent, courageous, and no-nonsense daughter on her tenth birthday. God give me the merit to be the best mother to you all your life.

• I could regale you with some of the stories about you and your cute ways as a child, but I want to dedicate this birthday prayer to the beautiful young woman. You are a blessing to me. Thanks for staying by my side even though I wasn’t there for much of your growing up years. Happy birthday my lovely daughter!

• Our relationship has been a long and eventful one! I have always appreciated your sense of humor and laughter that is infectious. Having a ten-year-old daughter bring cheers to the gloomiest corner of everyone’s heart. May your tenth year be filled with lots of fun, friends, and love! Happy birthday!

• Dearest daughter, today you are turning ten years old. And your father and I pray for more wisdom to be included in your prayers…and that the Gods may have mercy on our house.

• Baby darling, I pray the Lord above takes you out of the wild and puts you into a temple. I pray the Lord watches over you like a shepherd and gives you grace and goodness in this life and the next. I pray that you grow up to be confident, courageous, kind, caring, and funny. May all my wishes become reality. Happy birthday, baby!”

• I pray that you will be the most beautiful girl, who everyone will admire. I pray that you will have many friends, who adore and love you as much as I do. I pray that you will always remember this prayer and believe in it, and be rewarded for your kindness and generosity.

• Dear Lord, please make my daughter intelligent, pretty, open-minded and make me the luckiest person in the world for having her.

• Dear God, Let me just say that I don’t know if you have kids of your own, but if you do, then you will understand that it is a big responsibility and the one thing that would make me the happiest mom in whole world is to see my daughter become successful one day.

• Dear Lord, I ask you to please watch my daughter and guide her in the right direction. Help her to find a husband someday so that I can have some peace and quiet. Not that you will be able to make her holy, but I wish she will settle down and not be into so much drama and breaking of curfews. I just want with all my heart for her to turn into an adult because they are so much pain in the neck.

• And so, today I stand on my knees to pray. First of all, God Almighty, I thank you for blessing me with such a beautiful daughter and a wonderful life that only you made possible. Secondly, dear Lord, please grant her an easy life where she is shielded from pain and hard work. Amen.

• Lord, you have given me a daughter. I hope to give her the best I can offer her in life. Like.. she could be a doctor or something.. umm just providing options. Anyways, if there’s anything you can do for her as well, like.. she can be a nice person or something uhhhh.. could you please make that happen? Thanks. Amen. __

• My dear daughter, smiling at you today, I know, your birthday is one of the most wonderful days in my life. My daughter, now that you are ten years old, I promise to treat you as an adult. From today onwards, we will talk more maturely and only discuss overgrown kid stuff when we are with you.

• Dear Father, let my daughter always enjoy these wonderful years. Let her be happy, loved, and supported. Give my daughter a marvelous memory of this day – the day she turned ten years old.

• Lord, I pray for one more year to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. Lord, please let her reach the age of 11 with all her teeth, and increase her height and weight by at least a foot each. Until that time Lord, I wish her a very happy 10th birthday party today!

• Dear daughter, I just have to say that although 10 is great, it’s five nothing next to 15! Hope you have as much fun with this as we did. I love you so much, and happy birthday!

• If I had a penny for every time you have brought me joy and laughter, I would be the richest person in the world! Happy birthday to my intelligent and beautiful daughter, who brightens my days.

• Dear Lord, I know you are busy with affairs of the entire world. Nonetheless, please look a bit down on this little girl and give her your best. Even angels do not count to the happiness she brought to my life. May she grow up to be a joyous soul and make this place a heaven on the earth. I love her dearly! Happy birthday, dear daughter!

• Dear God, it has taken so long for me to come to terms with the fact that you have become a daughter as well. I am obviously disappointed and sad to know that you are busily preferring boys over girls, so much so that you denied me to give birth to another one. You know what? You were an obedient kid and the best thing I ever gave birth to. Happy birthday!

• Dear Lord, I pray that you will make my daughter a lot smarter because if she gets any dumber, we might have to water her twice a day.

• Dear daughter, please be patient God created the world in six days and since then He hasn’t made anything more special than you. So have a blast today, because your mama is alone at home so she can only do your makeup half as awesome as you deserve.

• Dear Lord, I have heard that it is now possible for computers to be made in the shape of humans. If you would allow this to happen and my daughter’s computer would indeed take on the form of a human body, please let it be a supermodel, who is also a brain surgeon, and an astronaut. And if it would happen to look like Mila Kunis, I won’t complain.

A Cute Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Ten

• Dear God, my daughter is getting another birthday today. I pray and ask you to be a part of this special day in her life. Guide her throughout the year and help her make better decisions, She’s my her name here Birthday Prayer for Daughter

• Dear daughter, you are the one who taught me to play tons of childish games. You are the one whom I would wake up from bed and make you hop around the house with me. You are the one who always made me realize that age is just a number to play. Now almost 10, I would be grateful for some more years with you but only for seeing you bring a smile on my face. On this birthday, let us promise to spend more time together and fill it with fun.

• My precious daughter, today you are ten years old. The time has flown by so quickly it is hard to believe you no longer fit in my arms! I always dreamed of the day I would see you walking down the aisle as a beautiful bride and now that day is upon me. I hope your husband is everything you dreamed of. But most importantly, I hope that we can still have many great adventures together! Happy 10th birthday!

• Thank you for being my strong, independent, and wonderful girl. I always love you and I pray that God blesses you with everything you need to be the amazing lady of your dreams. Happy 10th birthday.

• Dear daughter, you must have wondered what your mom was writing. Well, you are turning 10 today and all I can say is…I could not be happier! I remember the day you were born, I held you in my arms, stroked your tiny head, and told you how much I loved you. Today is a very special day!

• My darling girl, for a decade now my life has been wrapped around your little fingers! You have been my little star, and I have been your daily sun. The moment you were born, you became the center of my universe; Our smiles are warm as our love is true. A hundred happy returns of the day sweetheart!

• Lord, as you have done for me in the past, please continue to bless my daughter. Happy Birthday!

• God, you have been so generous as to come in, and make us feel that we are all children of your heart, and thus children of your family. As you are so loving and caring, shower your blessings on my daughter today and always. Blessed is the day she was born.

• Dear God, please fill my daughter’s heart with love, laughter, and kindness. Please let her have the warm, cozy feeling you and me had growing up. Lord, cradled her in faith, hope, and goodness that will always endure. Lord, I ask for your grace to surround my child; I thank you for all the blessings of life. In Your name, we pray. – Amen

• God bless you, my little angel. I’m so grateful to have you with me. I can’t imagine life without you. Age and time will pass, but our bond will remain strong through the years. I love you with all my heart.

• Father Lord, on this blessed day, please place your wings around my daughter and watch her closely. Help her to avoid obstacles in her path that may hurt her future. I pray that you will always guide and protect her, especially at this crucial stage of growing up.

• today is the beginning of a great future for you. I hold my hope high when I look at you!

• Father, today my daughter turns ten. As she celebrates another year of life, I pray that you guide her through the days that lay ahead and preserve her innocence along the way. Guide her as she will soon reach a stage in life where all life’s lessons and trials will begin to envelop her rapidly. I pray that you protect her and keep her close to your heart during this time. Answer my prayers and let her know how much we love her.

• I have to thank you for bringing joy into my life. I wish I could go back in time and meet you again when you were a baby; so that I can kiss you and cuddle you. Now that you are ten, your life is full of opportunities and hope. It’s time to spread your wings and show the world what a wonderful girl you really are. Happy birthday!

• God is love, and it is through His love and care for us, you were born in this world. Each and every day, I live to see you smile because of your mother’s love for you. Today on your birthday, please let me be the first person to wish you a happy birthday!

• GOD, bless my darlin’ daughter with good health, peace, and love. As she is your favorite child, protect her and keep her away from harm’s way. May she be surrounded by friends who will never let her go through any hard times. Give her courage to face the world boldly when necessary and humility to accept the fate put on her by you. Be with her in every single step of her life, to guide and direct her wherever she goes and makes the best decisions.

• Dear Lord, thank you for special birthday gifts. They close their eyes and pray together, asking the Lord to give your daughter a life full of hope, a heart full of joy, and a mind that’s full of curiosity. May she always be inspired to learn from you every day.

• Dear heavenly Father, bless my daughter, who has a big heart for friends and family. Thank you for blessing her with the gift of wisdom and understanding to ensure relationships are always under your guidance. May you continue to protect her from age-old temptations that come through social media and the internet. Lord, I thank you for blessing me with a lovely daughter of her age as she continues to inspire me with life’s little secrets.

• My baby, you don’t know how much I have sacrificed to make your dreams come true. You have grown so big and graceful. I will do everything in my power to help you achieve all your hopes and aspirations. Today is a special day for you, as it marks the beginning of a great life full of love and prosperity. May God bless me with enough wisdom to assist you as you embark on this adventure.

• Dear Lord, thanks for your blessing, as you have given me a precious gift. This little girl is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I prayed to you so she will be safe from harm and grow healthy, happy, and wise. Thanks for listening to my prayer and giving me your blessings.

• Dear Lord, please direct my kids in the right way. Protect them from any danger. Make them disciplined and treat them with respect. For their curiosity make them intelligent. Plus give them strong moral values so that they can use it in right way in the future. I pray to you to make me a good mother and guide my daughter until she becomes a woman of substance. Amen

• Dear Lord, I beg of you to fill my daughter with your grace and wisdom. Make her believe in you so that she will follow in your footsteps.

• Lord, you have given me this all too precious child. I am grateful for her tenacity and determination, her courage and honesty, her compassion and wisdom. Please continue to protect and guide her through ages to come. Amen.