Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning 13: Now that your little girl has grown up, it may be one of the hardest things that you will go through. This is a hard period to go through especially if you are a mother who just gave birth to her daughter 13 years ago. This prayer is written for my daughter who is turning 13 today. You see, we parents cannot give our children all that we want for them because sometimes, there are sacrifices that will have to be made. It’s not always going to be “happy” but an experience of growth!
Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning 13
My dear daughter, today is your 13th birthday. I pray that you have many more birthdays ahead of you. May you live long to see heaven and grant it with joy in your heart. You are special to me and brought joy into my life. I love you always!
My daughter, today is your 13th birthday. With this, I wish you not grow up too fast. Have tons of fun and make the most of your still young life. To be more specific, enjoy the things that come with being a teenager like stepping out with your friends, exploring new and exciting places, getting freebies, and spending time with the ones you love. Life will soon dictate a path for you to follow and you have no say in the matter.
A young girl enters her adolescence, leaving the childhood behind, and with this the innocence. She embarks upon a journey towards maturity. Her family is with her throughout, bracing the blows of life that she will inevitably encounter along the way. I am to have you know that no matter what time or distance separates us, our hearts are always together. I wish you a very happy birthday on this your special day!
Dear daughter, you are growing up to be a fine young lady. You used to be a single-digit kid, but now you are turning 13. As your Mom, I want to wish you all the happiness in the world! On this day of your birthday, my prayer is that you will continue to progress and speak only positive words. Wish you the best!
My dearest daughter, as you turn 13. Have faith in Allah and have faith in yourself; that is the only way to achieve what you want in life. I am sure Allah will show you the most appropriate path for you to walk in your life. Wish you a very happy birthday
Jennie, as my darling turns 13 today, I wish you a blooming and blossoming life ahead. I pray that you be surrounded by many people who shower love on you and make your life worth living. I am grateful to the Almighty Lord for gifting me a princess like you. Wishing you a very happy birthday!
Our prayer goes out to you and your family. May the gift of today’s milestone be a blessing from God. A friend forever that fills our lives with joy. We ask God for guidance on how to give you roots to grow and wings to fly. We hope that this day brings about great new things for you! Have a blessed 13th birthday!
I know many women are on this planet, but only one like you comes with a combination of strength, beauty, and wisdom. Therefore, I wish you a happy birthday girl! May you always act as though this day never existed and treat every subsequent day as a new beginning.
Dear Lord.I pray for my beloved daughter; one who we love and who leads us from our wayward paths. Help her to be the smart, beautiful, love-filled, and truthful soul of this earth. Let her make an impact at school and in the society through her words and deeds.
Dear daughter, today you have come of age and I wish this special day serves as a reminder for everything that you already know about how important it is to be behind everything that we do. And there will always be somebody watching. You should also remember that being young does not make you free from making mistakes every now and then, because nobody’s perfect.
Dear God! Fill her heart with the true meaning of life. Let her be good to her fellow beings. Help her realize that she is not just another teen. Let your angels guide her away from evil and towards the path of righteousness. Protect her at every hour, minute, and second of today as we perform this worship service from the bottom of our hearts. You are the Almighty One. Amen!
On your 13th birthday, I pray for you to grow up a true lady. I ask God to give you the wisdom that accompanies age and modesty that comes with maturity. I also pray for you to have self control in all areas of your life. Through Christ, you can do all things! Happy birthday baby girl!
Dear Lord, today is my precious daughter’s 13th birthday and I pray to you that her mind, body, and soul remain strong. Also, I pray that she has a healthy mind and body for a long life. Amen.
Dearest daughter, I pray you live a wonderful life and God blesses you on this auspicious day. As an early birthday gift from me, I request you to be on the high school tennis team and keep your grades up. You are not only my daughter, you are my friend. You make our family proud. Love, Mom
Father, you have seen me grow from a little girl to a beautiful young lady. I thank you for being there for me all the way through. Please protect me, and keep me and my friends safe during the year ahead. God, I ask your blessings now, Amen. Happy birthday to my lovely daughter!
Daughter, you have grown into a wonderful woman with a great sense of responsibility and a caring heart. I know you will always give your very best to accomplish everything in your life and I am proud of you. I had so much confidence in you that there is nothing I can say to surprise you anymore. Happy birthday, dear!
My daughter is my strength, joy, and pride. God, keep her safe and sound, help her to be a wonderful girl, and bless her with all she needs. Bless her friends and teachers in class and bring joy to their lives. Please help my daughter to have a happy teenage life with excellent grades in school.
Lord, as a parent, it is not easy to let go of your daughter as she turns 13. I thank you for giving me the wisdom to be a great parent so that my daughter will always stay on the right path and be successful in life. Lord, please guide her and lead her all the way through the journey of life. And then finally when she receives the gift of everlasting life and eternal youth I ask Lord to show me where I went wrong as a father figure and correct me.
A daughter is a very special girl that relieves the beauty of our eyes. A perfect combination of loveliness, elegance, and good values. I wish you all success in life, God bless you with everything your heart desires.
You are my youngest and most precious daughter in the world; thank you for putting a smile on my face. As I write this short unassuming poem, it is a wish that I hope will bless and elevate your life, dreams, and endeavors to attain more and more happiness.
Lord of the heavens, we thank you for blessing us with a daughter who makes life worth living. Bless us, we pray, with long life and happiness. I ask that you fill her with all the gifts of wisdom and knowledge in Jesus’ name. Finally, give me the strength to guide and counsel her properly so that she may be a tall and graceful tree in your kingdom. Amen
I pray that you always have your heart open to hear the voice of wisdom and that you remember to be grateful for what you have. Forgive, even when it is hard, and when you fall down, know that I am always here for you.
Dear God, Help me to remember the moments like these when she comes back home with a smile on her face after learning new things at school, work, or wherever it is she may be today.
A Funny Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Thirteen
Please note: The above sample birthday wishes for son wishes and birthday greetings can be used as birthday greetings for siblings, also. Also, please note that sample birthday messages for girlfriend, boyfriend, and funny cute friends are allowed to be modified and used for different people in your life, too!
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Happy Birthday daughter on turning Thirteen!
Dear Daughter of mine. This is a prayer. I pray that ‘My earnest devotion and reflective poems bring you to tears making you understand the depth of my soulful yearning for your illumination’.
Dear GOD, Thank you for making my daughter so cute, funny, and special. I know that I haven’t been the best mom in the world. But I will forever try to be. Please forgive me for all my mistakes. I beg you to help me as I raise her. Guide me in all the decisions that I have to make for her. Lord, send an Angel to watch over her and give her a nudge when she needs it. Bless every hair on her head, keep her
Dear God, please tenderly shape my daughter into a perfectly imperfect woman. Please take all the effort and time you need, I don’t mind waiting! God bless her to be a woman of substance and not an airhead. Help her to be confident and speak up when she is scared. Grant her the courage to dream so big and work hard to achieve those dreams. May she always have the mind to stand for what she knows is right, but temper it with compassion for others.
Dear Lord, thank you for bringing my daughter into this world. I know You didn’t have to do that but thank you anyway. Above all, I am thankful that she is not yet married because I will be awfully embarrassed when she’s walking the aisle dressed in her wedding dress behind a boy with his pants down singing, “DADDY!”
Dear God, I am praying with all my heart that you grant my daughter, Amy, some sense. Please let her have the intelligence to know a good thing when she sees it, for surely this is her year. My request may seem selfish, but I promise you I am thinking of myself as well. I don’t want to be taken for granted. With all due respect, Amen.
Dear God, I know thou art universal, but this is pushing it. Can’t you make an exception for my daughter?
Dear Lord, please grant my daughter the wisdom to know how stupid she is and a maturity which could only come from experience.
Dear God, please forgive her for being such a brat. And, help me not to seem like one when I correct her. Amen.
Dear Lord, I don’t know what to pray for… but if you have anything, pray on it and thank you. Amen!
A Cute Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Thirteen
Thanks to you I had a reason to wake up in the morning every day even when I did not want to get out of bed. Today as you turn thirteen, I pray that God will remain by your side and watch over your life as you grow old.
Dear God! I am so overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of my darling daughter turning 13. She’s a beautiful girl and has a bright future ahead. Please look after her, protect her and lead her along the right path. Forgive me for the times I have failed her, and may you bless her with all her heart desires… A prayer your dear daughter will never be outdone.
Oh! Dear God. I dedicate this prayer to my daughter who is now thirteen. May she be protected from all evil things in life and let her be blessed with happiness, prosperity, and success in whatever endeavors she takes. Please let her be successful in what she does and help her in bringing a smile to everyone’s face. And since you know how old I was when I got my first period, please take care of it for me and just send me a dollar every month, you hear?
Oh God, thank you for bringing another year of life to my daughter. Keep her safe and protect her from all harm. Give her a blessed, eventful, and a joyous birthday!
Darling, you are thirteen. This is not a number. It is a great big word which means you are becoming a more responsible person and a more significant contributor to the society we live in. Remember it is not just the passing of time but how you make use of this time that matters most. Stay true to yourself always, and of course, stay positive! I love you dearly and wish for you the best in life. Be always happy.
Father in heaven, please guide my daughter in your ways. Don’t let her think too much about boys as she is still very young. Grant her prudence, compassion, and support. Give her the heart to bless you not only on her birthday but always. Thank you that she is my daughter and how I love her so dearly. Amen!
Dear daughter, I have truly been blessed with you. You have an angelic smile and the heart of a giver. The years I spent on this earth would never amount to what I have learned from you in the last thirteen years. May you continue to grow and be all that God intended for you! I love you with all my heart.
Father, I thank you for giving me a daughter, who is just like her mom. Whenever she is with me, I want the world to see that I am the greatest dad in the whole universe. All through my life, she has brought joy and laughter into our homes. She has made my life so worthwhile and entertaining. Her smile brings sunshine into my heart. For all this awesome gift, your daughter gets a huge thank you! Happy Birthday!
Please accept these few words of prayer, as I pray that your life may always be full of success, love, and friendship. May the Father in heaven bless you with the best of everything that he has to give, the perfect and complete gift of himself! Happy Birthday!
Dear Lord, please help my daughter to grow in grace and accomplish her destiny. She is always looking up to God. As she attains a new milestone in life, I pray that God will bless her with strength, understanding, and endurance. Bless her family, friends, teachers, and pets too. May she become a blessing to others in all she does and says. Amen.
Thank you for the joy you have brought into my life by being born, I hope you know how much it has meant. I pray that God will continue to keep us together…
The further you kids grow, the more you seem to understand about the world’s character. You become braver and more articulate. I pray that these traits stay with you all your life, and if I can teach them to you: always be truthful, no matter what it costs, never cheat anyone, run straight and follow a righteous path.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom comes and Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours forever.
Dear daughter, today you turn Thirteen, a teen for the first time. My baby is growing into a young lady of many surprises and adventures. I pray that the heavenly father grants you grace, love, and peace at all times. May God bless you on your very special day!
My dearest daughter, the day you were born into my world was the best day of my life. You have brought me so much joy, I could have never imagined. Thank you for always being there for me and listening to my problems.
Dear daughter, it’s time to celebrate your thirteenth birthday! I hope every day is a new adventure for you. As the light of my life, you have made me so proud. You are kind and considerate, friendly and thoughtful, and very warm-hearted. I am counting down the days till I get to hold you in my arms again. Always remember your daddy loves you so much.
I feel like the luckiest mom in the world because I have one of the best and cutest daughters, who are not only beautiful but also a smart students. Today is your birthday, on which you are 13 now, and I am sure you will grow up to be even more beautiful with each passing year. I pray that you remain blessed with good health and all the happiness in this world. You are a blessing for me! Happy birthday!
Dear God, when you made my daughter, you must have been thinking about me! Sending these birthday greetings is the least I can do to remind her how much she means to me. She is a gift from You. Kindly bless her with a very long life and lots of happiness. Thank you for that wonderful daughter whom I really love a lot.
Dear daughter, may your thirteenth year be as sweet as a chocolate cake dipped in wine. May you be as bright and cheerful as the candle that lit up your birthday cake. Happy birthday!
Dear daughter, you have always been a friend that I could turn to. As you enter the phase as a teenager, please know that I support you and love you unconditionally. My prayer is that you will find what makes you happy and successful in living it. Happy birthday!
Dear daughter, today is an important day for you, as you turn 13. Tears of joy and happiness roll down my cheeks because I will not see your innocence through your eyes anymore. It’s not that I don’t like this change but it’s just that I love it so much. Still, there is no need to fear giving way to a young lady, as you always have been one.
Dear Daughter, you are growing so fast. It’s hard to believe that in a few years, you will be grown up and out of the house. I just want to tell you how much I love you and how happy I am with the little girl that you are becoming. Please know that I am very proud of the person that you are becoming. Please trust your mother and keep listening to her advice because she is always right about everything. Your daddy and I love you very much! Happy Birthday
heavenly Father, bless and guide my daughter as she becomes a young lady. Give her a big heart that will always embrace empathy and love. Let her be strong like your son and see the world through His eyes. I pray that You give her the joy of laughter and love to spread around like flowers. Fill her heart with Your spirit and wisdom so that she upholds your Kingdom always.
Let’s make the most of this moment and the rest of our lives. It is our responsibility to make this world a better place, we should never leave a footprint behind and make sure to leave no garbage. May God bless you with wisdom and grace.