Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning 11

Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning 11: It’s her birthday and she’s turning 11. Time really does fly with this age. Before we know it, she will be going off to her first year of high school. Before doing so, just remember there is always a time for prayer as we wish our daughter good health, success in life, and for her to do what is right in the sight of God and others.

Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning 11

You are like an angel to us as our daughter. Thank you for being a sweet child. Hope all your dreams come true. Have the best birthday celebration there is in the whole world!

Dear God, today is a special day for my daughter as she is turning 11. I have always wanted to have a child who could turn out to be like you, and in my child, I have always seen goodness and a good heart.

Dear daughter, I pray to God that your life will be filled with love, happiness, and prosperity. My prayer is that you will always be safe and healthy. And let it be your year filled with wishes that come true.

Dear Lord, I pray you will bless my daughter (name) in abundance for her upcoming birthday. May you give her happiness, warmth, and a cheerful disposition. May the lights of love, faith, and understanding shine upon her. Thank you for all she does for me as a daughter and I give you thanks and praise in return. Amen

Dear daughter, on this day, I am sending an early morning prayer that you may always be blessed with health and happiness. You have entrusted me with a special gift today – life. Along the way, it has been challenging, but because of this bond, we share I have thrived. Today, as your parent I pray that may you continue to flourish on your own path, and may the choices you make today help you find your purpose in life. God bless my lovely daughter!

Dear God, I am grateful for the gift of my daughter. I pray that you grant her many more years of health and happiness. Let her stay away from evil and keep her heart pure and right before you. If a prayer like this can be heard, please treat my daughter for all that she is worth. Do not let her grow old before her time, let her smile always remain on her face, and may your color of peace cover her completely from head to toe Amen!

Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of making your beloved daughter, my angel! I am blessed that she was born to me. She is an amazing child, whom I have always been proud of as a father and husband. Her birthday is a celebration of life. May she be instilled with good morals and principles that lead her to the right path of life. May you bless and guide her through life’s journey so she may have faith in you and be steadfast in her beliefs.

from God above, Best wishes for you on this day! May he keep you always in his care. May his peace and happiness be your guide. May he be with you all your days! I hope that every milestone on this journey of life will bring great happiness to you. May the birthday celebrate by going out to share a good meal with family members and friends, and may the mood be joyous and the hearts be happy!

Dear daughter, I love you and I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You have always been there when I needed you and always helped me out of trouble. I pray that the Lord will keep you safe and happy. We pray that our Christmas together will be a momentous occasion in your life, as well as in mine.

We the family of Kayden just want to wish you a very happy birthday! We pray that the Lord will continue to be with you, and bring you joy and happiness.

Dear daughter, you are now officially a teenager and about to embark on a new phase of your life. We wish you all the good things that come your way. May you start your day with a smile and remain happy in all the days to come. Enjoy this day and don’t get overwhelmed by it. We will always be with you through thick and thin. Today is a memorable day, so have fun celebrating it!

May you always stay true to yourself and never hold back from chasing your dreams. May you find happiness in everything you do. You are an awesome girl, and mommy couldn’t be any prouder of you. I love you so much, my dear girl. Happy Birthday!

Dear daughter, right now you are at the threshold of your youthful life. Just a step away from growing up. Soon those puppy-dog eyes will turn into the eyes of a young lady ready to take on the world…. I just hope you will grow into a great human being and won’t forget mommy and daddy. Do stay in touch and give me regular updates! Happy 11th birthday, sweetie pie!

My dear daughter, Happy birthday! You are like a flower. Your heart is open and your mind is filled with powerful positive energy of life. God has been good to me by giving me you as my child, who has more knowledge than me in the ways of life. I will always be there for you no matter what. You have made my day!

I pray for your happiness for your future. I pray that you may never forget that life is not just about you but about being selfless and loving others as much as you love yourself. I pray that you continue to be fierce in your beliefs, compassionate toward all creation, and brave on the journey of life. Happy Birthday blessing to you, my child!

As a mother, I am most happy when my children turn into responsible, independent people. To my dear daughter, May you stay joyful and optimistic even at the moments when life knocks you down.

Dear Lord, in the midst of all the chaos that goes on in this world, I just want to thank you for giving me such a beautiful, pure, and loving daughter. May your love and protection be with her always. Bless her for me today as I pray for her birthday.

Dear, I just want to say that you are a blessing in my life. You have been the best daughter a mother could ask for. You have shown me what true love, kindness, and respect is all about. Thank you for all the wisdom and knowledge you shared with me. Thank you for all lessons you taught me that made me a better person. Thank you, my dear daughter! I wish you a happy birthday!

May God rain down upon you all the blessings of the Heaven above. May your life be blissful and fulfilling, and may you have plenty of fun along the way. Pretty little girl, my wish for you is that you will realize how beautiful you are inside and out. Birthday blessings to you on this special day!

I pray that you will be a great woman, who will make me proud of you. You were and still are a great kid. I love you and I am sure my neighbors and friends will agree with me when I say, you made me happy. Happy birthday!

Dear God, thank you for blessing me with such an amazing and wonderful daughter; a daughter that I would love to have, under any circumstances. She is so beautiful, smart, and talented in her own way.

Bless her in every way. Make her a woman, whose presence is a blessing to every room she enters, who becomes a loving and caring mother, who realizes all the gifts of your creation, and who never forgets how much you love her. AMEN

I pray that the Almighty guides you to choose right over wrong. I pray that he grants you the courage to endure any hardships and difficult times. I pray that he helps you to be kind to all people, animals, and things around.

A Funny Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Eleven

I ask you to restore the colors in life again by helping her see the world from a different perspective… my perspective! Protect her from getting into too much of superficial relationships.

First I wish that she stays healthy and pretty, to be kind and hardworking, and to always stand by me. For the second wish, I would like her to grow up into a lady just like her mother.

I pray that she becomes an amazing doctor, who inspires and keeps patients healthy! May she become an astounding advocate for women’s rights, inspiring her peers and other leaders to create a brighter future. Through your grace and love, may she be bold and beautiful.

My dear daughter, may you have an amazing birthday, and may all your dreams come true. May you have the greatest birthdays that are as good as this prayer and even better than the best birthday party ever.

Dear God, you know how much I love my daughter. For all her splashes, spills, and smiles. We’ve had a lot of fun together, so I beg you to continue, for the next eleven years! Amen.

Dear Lord, I’m not asking you to make my daughter into a genius. She already is one! But can you, on this special day, help her realize that it’s never too late to be great. Having your both mother and father for eleven years must have left her with a few gray hairs on your head.

Dear God, please do not let my daughter grow any older! I love her the way she is. She makes me laugh, she is smart and funny. I’m so glad to have her in my life!

Dear God, you have blessed me with an angel and a best friend. And I am grateful for all the joy you have brought to my life. So today, I would like to ask you God for two more wishes, one for me and one for my beautiful daughter.

Dear Lord, I don’t want any extravagant gifts from you. My daughter has everything she wants and needs. Yes, I do realize she wants a pony but you will have to arrange that with the White House! Just give her wisdom, strength, confidence, and courage to face a world where people can be so cruel. Help her

Dear God, you created the best of all moms ever. You blessed me with angel, who glows like the sun and radiates love like the stars. You have brought joy to my life, and showed me the way to be a wonderful mother. Just like you work wonders with mom earth, you have made her my daughter.

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for giving me the wonderful gift of a daughter. I pray to be a good father who will guide her to grow into a young woman full of confidence and wisdom.

When I was a little girl, there were so many things I wanted to do. When I became a woman and had my first daughter, I never imagined how she would change my life for the better.

How special you are to me and a blessing from God. My wish for you is that you can turn all your dreams into reality and be successful in whatever you do in life.

Lord, help my daughter have enough strength to open this card and have just the right amount of cajones for whatever she is about to read. Amen.

A Cute Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Turning Eleven

Dear God, I would like to give my daughter a special prayer. She turned eleven today and her birthday fills my life with happiness and love. After sending 21 roses to each function and party, please give me more strength to cope with the fact that she is growing up soon. Amen.

A birthday prayer for my daughter: Lord, let Joyce live to be ninety-nine, and when she’s seventy-eight, may she appear forty-six, Amen.

Dear Lord, thank you for making me eleven years old. You have given me many opportunities and many happy times. Please look after me every moment of this birthday and let me have a great time. I love you, my Lord!

Dear daughter, you are turning eleven soon, and I want to use this opportunity to talk to you about something very important. I know that you may have some questions about my remarriage, and I want to give you a full explanation of all that has happened. Some time ago, your father and I realized we both still had feelings for each other, and so we went ahead with marriage again.

Dear daughter Adrianne, what a delight it is to celebrate the day that you were born into this world. Today, I pray for God’s divine protection to give you wisdom and courage to face life. On this birthday, I wish you many fulfilling years, loaded with pleasure and achievements. Live your life fully and always be happy. Happy belated birthday!

Happy birthday to a beautiful girl I am thankful for. Your birthday prayer is that you may continue to believe in miracles, magic, and the hope for something better. For when life closes a door, it opens a window.”

Dear daughter, you have come a long way from the moment of your birth. You were a tiny baby and now you have developed into an intelligent young lady. I am pleased to have a daughter like you in my life. I pray that your heart remains simple and pure. Having a daughter like you is an honor for me.

Dear God, I pray that you will bless my daughter with the richness her soul needs to fulfill its dreams and develop her intelligence, eloquence, and creativity. Let her remain kind and loving all through life. Amen!

My dear, sweet, and beautiful daughter: May God bless you with love, joy, and happiness today and always. Thank you for being such a wonderful girl. I am so glad you are part of my life! Love you very much!

Dear Shelly. God has given you a lot of talent and wisdom, I wish you be sincere with yourself and use these wisely.

I pray, my daughter, that you may always stand up for justice and righteousness so that your hands will never be polluted by iniquity. May God’s divine providence provide you with all the necessities of life. As you grow older and more mature, may the LORD Almighty always guard your life and protect you from all dangers.

I pray that you will always find your way, no matter how difficult it is. I pray that you will always be the one to help others when they find themselves in distress. I pray that you will ascend to your highest potential in life, no matter what careers path you choose.

May your creativity never end. Follow thou the right path of life and be humble in your career until you get to meet Him, I hope my daughter will stay as lovely as she is today; that you do your best, avoid evil intentions, have fun and stay honest always. Love you sweetheart!

My dear daughter, years have been like seconds for me as I pray for your future in front of my bathroom mirror. But today it is a celebration because you are turning 11! All I want darling girl is to see you happy and live your dream. Everything that you need will be at your disposal. Wishing you a very happy birthday my little darling!

Dear Lord, I come to you in my time of need. I pray that you give me the words to say when my daughter turns eleven. Please allow me to make her feel special. Help me make her feel loved and protected, even if it is hard for both of us.

Birthday girl, I can’t help but thank God for you. With each year that passes, you get more and more beautiful and charming. I am grateful for this day as you came into this world of ours. May God continue to shower your life with blessings forevermore! Enjoy every moment of your special day! I love you very much, my daughter.

A birthday is one of the special occasions in our lives. It marks the arrival of the Birthday child into a new stage of life. I want to pray for your daughter on your special day:

Dear Lord, I offer you my life. Please help me to be the best mother I can for my daughter. Help me to raise her with love and care. Accept her into your hands on this eleventh birthday.

Dear daughter, you are now entering a new phase of your life. You have grown out of the little girl I knew and loved into a confident and beautiful young lady. Today is your day and I will always stand by you if you need me. May the angels bless you with their warmth, so your feet may never slip, and may God guide you on the right path. Happy birthday my dear child!

Let me start by saying Happy Birthday, to my beautiful daughter. Thank you for finally, I am so proud of the young lady you have become. May you always be healthy and happy. Love, mommy, and daddy.

Dear God, thank you for blessing my daughter with a wonderful life. May she remain blessed by your grace and protection forever. Keep her happiness radiating on her face in the times to come. I want to say a big prayer of thanksgiving to almighty God for giving me such a wonderful daughter!

God brought you to me, and God took you away. I am still grateful to him even though he let you go. You have been an angel in my life, bringing joy to all that are around you. Today, as I wish you a happy birthday, I pray with folded hands that the same divine presence visits your home today and brings blessings to it.

I pray that God blesses you with long life, joy, prosperity, and success. God gives you all the wisdom to achieve your goals in life, he gives you a clear sight to recognize opportunities and keenness to seize them. May God gives you discernment to make the right choices, strength to withstand failures, and patience to forget those who hurt you. I love my daughter Maria!

Dearest Girl, your mommy is always proud of you but she feels the greatest pride when you pray. You see, prayer is not a request or a desire to manipulate God into doing what we want. Prayer is how we align our hearts and minds with his. When you pray, please ask Him to give you an insatiable hunger for His Word, help you develop a love for it, and make it the first priority in your life.