Yoga Class Instructor Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Yoga helps you play better in traffic, master the most difficult work assignments, enjoy the demands that life puts on you and understand those confusing relationships. And with these Quotes for Yoga Class Instructor & Captions, you’ll be the Yoga expert at your next class!

Yoga instructor says: Here’s a list of captions and quotes for any yoga class needs. There’s a mix of action, wisdom, inspiration, and funny yoga placards.

Yoga Class Instructor Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Yoga heals, empowers, and transforms. As you move within your practice, the space around you is transformed, leaving everyone inspired to live their fullest potential. Deepak Chopra

Set your intention. Breathe in. Welcome to yoga.

Bring your own mat to our May 10 class, and don’t forget a friend. 🌳

☀☁There’s no time like the present to take time out of your day for yourself. Book now!

I’m not saying there’s a shortcut to happiness, but my yoga mat is fairly localized.

Start your day with the best headspace possible. Come sweat with us this weekend and feel the difference in your day 🧘‍♀️🌿😁

Live it. Breathe it. Love it. Namaste. 😇

Don’t just sit there, get up and breathe.

Namaste 🙏🏼😃 love this new brand of headband that supports women with cancer!

Let’s get lost in the flow 🧘🏻‍♀️

Just because you can’t see the light at the end of that tunnel doesn’t mean you should stop digging. #foggymorning

Before you open your mouth to speak, ask yourself: is it kind, is it necessary, does it improve upon the silence.

If you’re new to yoga, we want to give you a warm welcome. Yoga can be made with simple poses and deep breathing. Join us at your local SoulCycle​ location—all levels welcome.

Meeting up for a yoga class is a great way to stay fit, get into that fitness groove, and meet new people from that place🙏

Namaste! Let’s start your day off right with these five yoga poses that are perfect for boosting energy, managing stress, and improving your overall wellbeing.

To have a healthy body, you need alignment, not necessarily perfection. ✨

Focus on your breath, your body, and the good things in life 🌞

You did it. You made it to your mat. The day can officially start now.

Self love and compassion is life’s greatest blessing.

Get more organized with this week’s workout plan from our #InFocus video series. Don’t miss a workout again: follow our training calendar 👉 link in bio. 🎨

Our favorite fall treats have a sweet side and a savory side too. That’s what we say about our mat. 😎

If you love life, life will love ya back. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you’ve got to start to be great!

We could tell you about the

You can do anything you want, as long as you believe you can.

Set your intention for the day, and remember to breathe. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and imagine the first breath of fall blowing through you.

Yoga can take you to the most beautiful places…

Namaste 👋 your way into a healthy and happy week with our new weekly yoga schedule: every Wednesday at 8 AM. RSVP now to reserve your spot in this kid-friendly class!

Let’s do this, yogis! (Check out our latest Instagram post).

We are able to look back at our yoga journey and see how far we have come. It’s a beautiful thing. The mind is just as important as the body when it comes to yoga. Clear your mind of all distractions and focus on your breath and you will do fine. Yoga wants you to be present, so focus!

Sign up for our upcoming yoga and meditation retreats in Hawaii 🌴

Practiced some yoga. Woke up this morning with a little more spring in my step. Don’t miss your chance to tap into the power of these #dailyhabits to better yourself today—you can do it! 📸 @loveadventure @imafitnessseeker

Breathe in all the beauty, breathe out all that is toxic and leave only goodness behind. ☀

“Take time to breath deeply and contemplate the miracle of your existence.” -Kelly McGonigal Ph.D

When you get tired or feel like giving up, it’s time to start over. You can do anything for 10 seconds. I believe in you.

Your breath creates movement, your movement creates life. Be present in the present moment.

Never stop believing in yourself. 😊✨

Every day is a new opportunity to breathe.

👙 Check out our yoga class schedule and our Instagram page for new classes posting every week! And make sure to share your beautiful selves with us here in the comments—or tag your “butt” selfie with us on Instagram.

Jessamyn Stanley leading a yoga class in New Hampshire.

Bring more backbends into your life – get a free class pass to come experience our sanctuary.

My Yoga is a DIY project. A way to tune in with myself at any time of the day, on my own terms.

You haven’t lived until you’ve done yoga with a llama. 🐑

Be your own sunshine! Show up as you are, right now. You don’t have to change to meet anyone else’s expectations. Just be yourself. -Yogi Seba Cech

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” – Buddha

Let today be a reminder that we have the power to change our lives. 💪🏼

We all have stress, but try to keep a positive attitude. Remember, in life, there are no problems, only situations that we create from our perspective.

If the mind is calm, you are able to see things as they truly are, not as your emotions teach you to perceive them. 🙏

“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind, there are few.”—Shunryu Suzuki

Today, we’re going to take it a little bit slower to help you settle into the lovely state of yin. By accessing this quieter, more yielding side of your practice, you can then learn how to bring this same quality of softness when you go back to feeling busy in your life.

I teach yoga because it helps me feel good. I find that when I’m doing yoga and breathing, then everything becomes a little easier, even on days where I feel down.

Yoga is more than just physical exercise, it is a positive lifestyle that promotes mental and physical well being.

There is no such thing as a yoga pose or position. Only what you do in the space that your body happens to be in at that moment.

This summer, don’t sweat it—just practice your asanas and enjoy the season you’re in. 😎

These workouts are 75% spirit, 24% sweat, 3% panic, and 100% laughter. Class dismissed 😙

One of my favorite poses of the asanas is Garudasana or Eagle Pose. I love it because it’s easy, effortless, and requires no special physical skills.

Let your body discover its natural alignment, breathe deeply, and allow the energy to flow through you.

Feeling #feisty this weekend? Rake in the energy, and find your sweat.

He who gets hurt resents. He who resents hurts. If only it was this easy to find a balance within ourselves.

When you fall in love with your life,

As you begin to breathe and feel your body, focus your mind on what you have to be grateful for. Sending love and light to all of you.

The best way to lift yourself up is to lift others.

“Be comfortable with being uncomfortable”—Becky Lauer

Let the celestial light of your soul shine through today.

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

You don’t have to buy canvases or paints, you already own your canvas…your body. Yoga is a great way to express yourself artistically and creatively as well as improve flexibility and relieve stress.

Feeling the love for #nationalyogaday — sharing some of my favorite yoga quotes

Curl up on the mat with your favorite teacher to discover simple ways to get more happiness out of every day.

Don’t worry about being in perfect shape. Just show up, put in the time, and be mindful of your form.

“Reach down and grab your ankles with both of your hands.”

Better late than never, my friends. Summer’s almost gone and the school’s back in session. Let us welcome the new year and celebrate with 30% off all apparel 👌

Get out there and ride that wave!

We are in this together! Let’s do it.

Inhale. Breathe in happiness. Exhale. Breathe out stress. Repeat as necessary.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. #quoteoftheday #motivationmonday #quotesofinstagram

Our thoughts create our reality, so choose them wisely.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. The past can be left behind. Focus on the present and do your best with what you have, trusting that somehow all will work out in the end, even if you can’t see how right now.

Bring the vibrancy and ease of yoga into the rest of your life. No mat required.

Reminding your body the seat belt is not a yoga prop while doing chatarunga pose.

Yoga is a proven way to relieve stress. We hope you continue to practice. Namaste!

Going back to school doesn’t mean you have to give up your yoga practice. There are all kinds of ways to fit a workout into your schedule.

As you breathe in, think of a life without worries; As you breathe out, think of all the things to love about your day. #namaste

On your mat, it all matters. On your mat, there’s no competition. On your mat,

Love your body even when you can’t love yourself.

Hello Wednesday 🙏The only day that matters is today 💪And when the sun sets each night, you have the power to make sure it rises again in your world. So make it count. Namaste

Start feeling better today with a midday yoga break 🧘🏻‍♀️

“Every step you take, every move you make—you light up my life!” -Kellie

This is your morning cup of inspiration.

Let’s gather our intentions with a group bow today. Namaste.

It’s a fact: Yoga makes you happy 💕😊

Getting lost in a yoga class is a good way to spend an afternoon. 🧘🏼‍♀️

Treat your body like a temple, it’s the only one you’ve got! If a yoga class is good for your body then it’s also good for your mind 🧘🏼‍♀️👣 #personalgrowth

You don’t get better in yoga until you love yourself and your practice.

Get ready to flow and breathe—we’re going to focus on building strength in your upper body with some crow pose variations. #yogaeverydamnday

This #yoga is the perfect way to reconnect with your center on a hectic day! 😌👌

Finding inner peace starts with you. Which is why we rolled out mats at 15 new locations, so we can help keep your body and mind 🕉in 👏🏼sync.

That feeling right before Savasana 😌

Our bodies are not our own. We have to work on them every day.—Mr. Seth

I’m not a guru, a maharishi, or enlightened. I have nothing to teach you. I am still learning myself!

No matter how many times you fail, never give up. Like a baby learning to walk, each stumble is a step forward.

Take time to smell the roses…or at least a candle 🕯.

You’ll always be stronger than you think you are, and you’ll always do more than you think you can.

Take happiness with you, like a baby takes a lollipop.

Stringing a sentence together while upside down is really, really hard.

As we move into chaotic times, let’s take time to reconnect. Class starts at 8 am. #nofilterneeded #yogaclass

Yoga is the journey, not the destination. Remember that even on your toughest days.

You might be different from me, but that’s okay. Our bodies are all different, and yours is perfect for you!

Find your inner strength with our mat-friendly mats and towels: perfect for both your practice and laundry day. 🧘‍♀️ 🏘 📦

FLOW. Relish in all that is still, then move, and enjoy the energy of moving towards all that you dream. ~ Scott Kiloby, Yoga teacher

Let your body do what comes naturally. Slow, deep breathing connects you to the present moment and helps you be where you are. Take a deep breath, and slow down.

A good yogi knows that there are things that they can change, things they can’t change, and things they should not mess with. Yoga brings serenity to the mind. If a person is agitated, one hour of yoga will bring composure.

You’re so much stronger than you think 💪🏻

“It is important to find your center. When you are centered, you can deal with anything life throws at you.” ~Paul D’Alton

You can’t just talk the talk. You have to walk the walk too. Yogi Berra

Looking for a place that makes you feel like family and by a community of like-minded people? Join us.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go 👣📚☕

Simple, effortless, and full of wonder.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity let us do good to all people.” (Galatians 6:9)

Remember that yoga is not just as a physical exercise but also an expression of your mind and your heart.

Yoga Journey is a challenge to the heart, mind, and body we all face when we practice yoga 🙏🌸

Roll out your mat and get ready to move 💚🧘‍♀️

I’ll be there at 7 am tomorrow to practice breathing and sitting in stillness with you. It’s going to be awesome. 😃

Hello. Namaste. Namaskar. Nama nice to meet you? #namastaycalm

When life gets hectic, breathe !!! 😴

When you think you’re done, give 100%, focus, breathe and stretch as much as your body allows.

Thanks to @expired_sunsets’ beautiful quote, I got inspired every day. I want to share the inspiring photo with you and quote it too. Hope she doesn’t mind ~ ~ ~

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the fire 🧘🏼‍♀️tonight you will be doing just that.

Today is the day! It’s time to drink your first ever smoothie 🍋 and show up for yourself!!

Words to live by: Be happy and enjoy your life.

The mind, when continuing to practice meditation, will experience increased synchronicities & fluency with reality.

“Some thoughts are best left undisturbed, like old gravesites.” –Norman Maclean

Let your light shine by opening a class to the public and share your yoga passion with everyone around you. 😎

Namaste, yogis! We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of our new yoga apparel for 2017. ☀️

To get the best benefits of yoga, you don’t need to spend much time: just 20 minutes a day. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Yoga isn’t just exercise. It’s a philosophy of being.

It’s not hard, you don’t have to be a size 2 to do these moves. Just breathe and trust the process.

Aspiring yogis, it’s never too late to learn these simple #yoga moves. Need a few poses for your next #Insta post? Check out our Yoga for Paws ® page to get inspired.

Make friends with your body and mind. And remember to cherish your practice. Namaste!

I swear the mat has become my pillow, my security blanket, my home. I need to be on it.

Your breath is your anchor to your inner peace and freedom.

Be a breath and breathe in joy

The days are long, but the years are short. And, above all else, don’t sweat the small stuff!

Our roots only grow stronger as our leaves do.

Wherever you look, there is always beauty. If the light in you becomes darkness, how great is that darkness. *yoga instructor quote 🌞 🌇

Strength, confidence, and flexibility are the “WOW”s of life. Finding a yoga class that can help you get there is a pretty great start.

Start your week by relaxing and getting grounded – through yoga! All levels welcome, see you on the mat!

Can you feel your inner strength building? Yoga is an amazing way to build physical, mental, and spiritual strength.

Yoga is tough, and not everyone is up to the challenge. But it teaches us to be kind to ourselves along the way.

The purpose of yoga? To unite mind and body, to breathe easily and deeply, and to feel more joy.

Don’t let your mind wander during yoga (;

Namaste and Happy #NationalYogaDay! Find your center, be present, and blossom. 🌻

It’s time for a conscious comeback. Put your best self out there. Dare to do more. Be the change. Feel the best you’ve ever felt. Love yourself. Live your dreams. Namaste

Not stressing over what you can’t control, but rather reveling in the moment and breathing deeply. Yoga is a great way to do this. So why not live mindfully? Check out #YogaBarre and let’s get our Zen on 🌸 🌷 🌹

Finding stillness in the chaos of your life.

We’ve got you covered for all of your studio’s needs. Let us take care of you!

You are an original thought, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Don’t retire from the world when you grow old, retire from unimportant things instead.

The way out is through. -Robert Frost

Sometimes I feel like people don’t really get yoga. They think it’s weird or pointless, or just another fitness trend. Well, if that’s what you think then you’ve probably never taken a class from me. Hang on…

Let the fall air inspire you to be stronger, calmer, and more powerful than ever. 🌲🍁

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step—and so does every great yoga flow.

Sunday, so treat yo’ self like it’s your birthday. Get up an hour early for a yoga flow to stretch out those sore muscles from the weekend ✔️Then reward yourself with some pancakes or a maple bacon bagel! 😋

🌊☕️ Open your heart to the movements and your mind to new possibilities.

Imagine your bones are like big, gigantic soup spoons that reaches from your chest into the earth’s crust. Lift up through the ‘bowl’ of your pelvis and extend those spoons into heaven.

Build your core with us this weekend before the weather heats up again 🌞

You don’t have to love your job, but it helps if you enjoy the process of getting there.

There is no beginning and there is no end. There is only the infinite passion of life.

Gentle is how you go. Sweet is how you stay.

Going with the flow… it’s not a tributary, just go with the flow. 😉

The more you learn, the less you need.

Sometimes simple is better. That said, every beginning is a new start and every end is a new beginning.

Commit to something bigger than yourself.

Just do it! You can do all things in Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13

Never Miss a Yoga Class! Thank you for attending our classes.

Hello there. Have you been putting off getting back into yoga for too long? No worries, it’s never too late to start!

It’s never too late to start a daily yoga practice. It’s a great way to ground yourself and reconnect with yourself and others. We’re all really busy, so it helps you step away from the rush and re-center.

Let it go, let it flow. Yoga is a practice where you can let go and allow yourself to get lost in the movement and sensation of the present moment.

Today is a good day for a hot vinyasa 🧘‍♀️ #namaste

“Life is a balancing act. If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much room.” ― Sigmund Freud

Let go of your troubles and pain. See stillness with your eyes closed.

“Today, my goal is just to never stop smiling.”

“If you’re tired, slow down. If you’re bored, choose a different path.” -Mary Engelbreit

Let’s find our flow and be here now. *LEGS UP THE WALL*

It’s never too late to the start of something great.

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2

There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much; the other is by desiring little.

Warming up the body, relaxing the mind, and inspiring your soul: that is the power of yoga. #yoga

If you are not willing to get the right amount of exercise, you don’t deserve to have any fun in life. Yoga is a drastic approach.

Yoga can aid in healing the body and calming the mind, but only with your support. What’s holding you back from finding yourself through yoga?

Aloha. Namaste. Align your soul. Bend your body with yoga. #namastayogi

If you are looking for ways to stop care the thoughts that keep you up at night, try practicing mindfulness.☀

Good morning yogis! Let your practice open and prepare you for a beautiful day ahead. Harness the power of now.❤🌳

Laugh as much as you breathe, love as deeply as you live.

Keep your body busy, and your mind will follow. -Oriah Mountain Dreamer

It’s not about getting fit, but about being happy and feeling healthy inside.

Dedicating Sunday to the practice of #namastenow. When you’re ready, join me here → 🌄

Wishing you peace and calmness on this weekend ☮ ❤️