What’s up Wednesday Captions and Motivation Quotes

What’s up Wednesday is a weekly fun post about life with family. It’s a chance for Purr Paws to share news and captions with our fans and to get you thinking about the people in your lives who make them better.

What’s up Wednesday Captions and Motivation Quotes

• What’s up Wednesday is as much about what you wear as it is about what you do. So gear up, get dressed, and inspired to live a damn good life

• Hey girl, we’re celebrating that successful week of yours with a fun #whatsupwednesday.

• Get out there and experience a world of good. What’s up Wednesdays

• Say what’s up to this fabulous Wednesday.

• Bringing you weekly doses of inspiration, motivation, and facts.

• We’re not gaining ground on Monday; we’re moving forward.

• It’s time to step out of your comfort zone — grab life by the lapels, and kiss it passionately on its lips.

• You have the power to choose your happiness. Be bold with it.

• A dream is just a dream unless you plant some seeds, water them daily and have the patience to wait for fruit!

• When the mind is clear, there’s nothing that you can’t do.

• This is what’s up Wednesday! This week we’re talking about the power of color. Next time you choose paint for your home or interior décor, think about the color and its impact before purchasing.

• Wear what you want, say what you want, drink on a Tuesday—it’s not just for the weekend anymore.

• And when Wednesday comes around, who’s ready to Refresh Your Week?

• Soon enough, it’ll be Friday. Make the most of your Thursday, do something new and exciting

• Do I want to eat or exercise today? Tough call

• Are you inspired to get stuff done today? We hear you!

• The weekend is upon us. Are you ready? Here’s how we rollin’ on Wednesday:

• Last week was a complete win. There’s no reason to try to make this week better – it will happen all by itself.

• I’m not looking for perfection; I’m just perfecting

• To all the girls that think they’re bossy, you’re not. You are powerful, influential, and unique. And you will lead the way on whatever your heart desires.

• When it feels like the week has been beating you down, remember that you are a different person than you were this time last week. Keep your head up.

• Let’s make some magic on this hump of the week.

• It’s a new week, and it’s time to go for it. What’s up Wednesday is a weekly chance for us to share our favorite things on Instagram. Submit your pic at whatsupweds.com!

• What’s Up Wednesday: Keep on pushing your goals, no matter how big or small. It’s an onward and upward struggle until you make it.

• Ready to say ‘hello fall’ with our new mascaras?

• Start every day off right. Hit the snooze button. And then hit some this weekend.

• How much longer until Friday, you ask? We say the same thing, and we’re ready to jump into the weekend. Join us…

• Loving all your IG posts this week

• Bold coffee, bold tees, I’m a brave girl, and you should be too

• You are courageous; you are strong, worthy: these words and more to choose from to share a positive message with your followers.

• May your week be filled with moments that make you want to say, “This is what I live for. This is what I fight for. This is why I breathe.”

• Each day is a chance to make life great.

• Keep your head high, brushes steady & art on point. What are you currently reading?

The best things in life are free (like happiness).

• Sometimes you have to break from convention and do things your way.

• Hi, it’s what’s up Wednesday! What’s making you shake your moneymaker today?

• I will not cower to a lucky social media day for the sake of remaining relevant. I am the first and last king of my content calendar.

• Today it’s up to you: what are you going to make of the day? Are you going to take matters into your own hands and turn that frown upside down?

• We are ready for this Wednesday. Let’s do this, day after day after day.

• Weekend goals: relaxation, reading, and dancing to music you love.

• I love the struggle…. Is it hard to get out of bed? I hear you. But no matter how many times you fall, when you keep getting back up, you’re stronger

• It’s time to reflect, let go and set your intention for the new week. You only have control over yourself. Choose wisely. And go all in with everything you do from here on out, Doing what you love.

• I did this zine because I wanted people to know about me and what I liked. Plus, my little sisters! They’re both excellent in their ways.

• We are bringing you the best of culture… forever.

• When the going gets tough, keep strong and keep pushing to achieve your goals!

• Don’t be afraid to be a little rough around the edges. Pull it together wherever you are in your journey. You’re going to make it just fine.

• You are the brawn, the frame, and the backbone of whatever you do.

• Have you ever noticed how the first few days of a week feel like the last few days of the previous week? #MotivationMonday

• At @RiotReach, we hold each other accountable to push our limits and surpass them.

• Thursday will never bring you down because you’re on that hustle and grind.

• Last week was so stressful. I am happy that this week is finished, and we can rest up for a fresh start. We are almost there!

• Do not be afraid to break the mold; take chances and innovate. Be different and challenge yourself, others, and the status quo. Think outside of the box.

• I am so ready for this week to be over.

• Finally! We’ve made it to the weekend. And we have so much to be grateful for. Let’s make it happen, shall we?

• Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…

• Are you over being told what the rules are? Let’s create our own!

• We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.

• Do not settle. Do not be complacent. Do not be lazy. Push forward.

• If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

• I avoid busy and loud places.

• Welcome to what’s up Wednesday. For this edition, we’re thinking about goals that we’ve set in the past, why we haven’t reached them, and what will help us get them

• What’s up Wednesday. This week, we feel motivated to push ourselves further and grow our business.

• Get up and get moving with us this Wednesday!

• How are you living this week? Your mid-week check-in here.

• Guess who made our first home improvement project a success? It was ME!

• Stay determined, stay the course and appreciate each moment you get to spend with someone you love

• What are you curious about today?

• Time to make things happen, but where to begin? Let go of the stuff that is weighing you down and follow your passions

• Some relationships are like tomatoes; you got to give it time to grow and ripen before enjoying it.

• Grab your pencils and join us to celebrate World Handshaking Day on October 17. Remember—a firm grip, a smile, and a look in the eye go a long way!

• Don’t do it, don’t force yourself to be someone you’re not—instead, work on figuring out what is important to YOU, and go after it!

• What’s up Wednesday? How about a bit of motivation?! Who’s ready to take on the rest of the week with me?

• “What’s up Wednesday!” -Bud Bundy “Do everything from the heart. Even if it makes no sense, do it with love. Do everything as though you were kissing God’s hand.” -Mother Teresa.

• What’s Up Wednesday is that time of the week when we ask you, our followers, to give your two cents on what you think about the latest happenings in your city. Today’s random topic: What’s your favorite restaurant in Dubai?

• We don’t randomly follow; we select influencers who add value to our platforms

• You got money to make. You got people to meet. You got places to be. Let’s get it.

• Make your own rules and find what works best for you!

• Journey through life with your eyes wide open.

• When you’re done looking forward, look within and be grateful for all the gifts you have in your life.

• Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. – Martin Luther King, Jr

• Your Wednesday feeling Is the reward of your Tuesday efforts.

• Every day’s a new adventure, and the universe has your back. Stay focused, stay motivated and stay present.

• It’s up to you to take the first step and not be held back. Remember, what gets looked at always gets done! Keep on smiling

• Champion your brand, champion your life.

• The city wakes, the sun rises. Good morning!

• The glow that comes from being inspired by others; the feeling of being remembered and looking back at where you were before.

• Are you ready to show the world what you’re made of?

• I’m here to be the beginner of life over again. Soren Kierkegaard

• If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

• Have a strong spirit that cannot be broken.

• What’s up Wednesday: Never give up. Breathe in. Breathe out. Keep going.

• Nothing beats starting the week off knowing you got a solid six-pack

• Hey, it’s me looking to motivate and inspire your Monday morning to get up and get out there.

• Bottoms up. Wash down that donut with a tall glass of water to stay hydrated throughout the day.

• Inspiring the next generation of builders.

• No haters allowed. Let’s get yours off today. Wednesday—you ready?

• Whatever you’re doing right now is worth celebrating.

• Get your Energy 30 pack on and unlock your possibilities.

• If you want to achieve your goal, you need to show up for yourself.

• We’re Here to inspire our audience and create a sense of togetherness—because we’re all in this together.

• Today is the day! You are never alone here at tweetstarpowerhouse! Show us your successes, your hard work, and your dreams.

• What’ll you be when you grow up? Whatever. Be it.

• It’s hump day, so tell them how you feel.

• Goal: set up the Halloween Adventures Play Set in your hometown. Hashtag

• It takes a lot of muscles to frown and pout, so we’re told… But your face is an all-year vacation when you learn to own that sunshine unapologetically.

• Get it together, girl—before you get left behind.

• Are you stuck in a rut? Get out and see the world. There’s always something going on somewhere that’s worth checking out.

• Anything possible in a mirror is possible in real life.

• Do what you’ve always wanted to do!

• You are much stronger than you think. It’s time to power through your FOMO and get out there.

• Motivation is found in the process of achievement, not in the outcome.

• You are stronger than you think.

• It’s what’s up Wednesday. Find joy in everything, always.

• What’s up? Wednesdays are a chance to get the inside scoop on what’s going on at DK. Spoiler alert: We’re always doing extraordinary things.

• I’m not a professional photographer. I’m not even that good. That said, I have picked up one tip: #nofilter

• Make the most of today, for yesterday, is already gone and tomorrow may never come

• It’s up to us to assist each other on the journey to becoming our best selves because we all make choices that bring us happiness or sadness. We have an opportunity and the responsibility to guide each other with compassion.

• Sometimes the most sensible approach is to exclaim what’s genuinely on your mind.

• Be a boss and wear what you want.

• If you want it, go out and get it

• “People see me as defiant, but I am in reality defending myself against their oppression. Their disinclination to let me be myself.”-James Baldwin

• Your attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

• Tag yourself when you post a picture of your nails Don’t forget to share your proudest #nailspiration moments with us.

• They say Tuesday is the new Monday. But that’s just a way of saying that it’s time to level up

• Where the women of early rock n roll took New York, today’s independent woman is taking the world.

• Don’t let the low moments control you. Control them, and let them propel you.

• Create your path. Walk it fearlessly. Make it remarkable.

• Do not just settle. No matter what you do in life, challenge yourself and aim to be the best.

• Now we’re here; it started from the bottom, so get used to it. – Drake

• What’s up Wednesday: I found my feelings with the ocean.

• Pump yourself up and get excited for the weekend with these motivational quotes.

• Tune in this Wednesday, 10/25, at 3 pm. We’ve got the latest information on how to get that week started right!

• We’ve got the perfect tools to get you through your week, no matter what curveballs it throws your way — meet them in our collab with ELLE.com.

• Time to one-up your routine and get moving, bb.

• It’s almost time to take control over your time and live #MaximumProductivity every day! Get more in your day!

• It feels like we’re the only ones in the office today—but look outside and tell me we’re not actually in the most beautiful place on earth.

• To be completely honest, the only way to achieve your goals is to make them public

• Our focus is on you. No matter what you’ve accomplished in life, We’re here for you and will continue to work alongside you to fulfill your goals and make sure that every dollar counts.

• It’s hump day! This moment will pass whether you like it or not, so do what you can today and watch your dreams become a reality.

• What’s up Wednesday: Get groovy and make your vinyl record art! #vinyl #records #vinylrecords #upw #hi5tuesday

• Sometimes the only way to seize the day is to announce your intentions. What’s Up Wednesday!

• Here’s what’s up with us: We’re in the kitchen, baking and cooking up a storm. What are you doing this Wednesday? ☀

• Don’t worry about breaking your New Year’s resolutions. Be your hero. #motivationmonday

• You only get one chance to make a first impression and make it matter.

• Each day is a chance to create the future you want. What are you making?

• IMAGINE you’ve got a pool (!!!), and now you just need to make it happen.

• May your week be filled with light, love, and all things purple.

• The only thing limiting you is the stories you tell yourself.

• What’s up? Wednesday is the day reserved for all the tiny things you accomplished in the past week. It’s an approving pat on the back and encouragement, and it should be celebrated.

• What’s up with you this Wednesday? Tell us in the comments, or tag three friends when you post.

• I can’t wait to see what’s up for the rest of the week!

• With this empowering workout, you’ll build strength and speed get ready for anything. Let’s do it.

• I’m strong, capable, and intelligent. I can go out into this crazy world and meet the challenges that come my way.

• When you believe in something, you tell everyone. #Lead or Stay Home

• Yesterday you said tomorrow and tomorrow never came, embrace what is here and now.

• Start it off right because there’s no time like the present, and what is a better gift than an iced coffee?

• You’re not afraid of a challenge, so don’t be scared of the unknown. Make it yours, and attack it head-on.

• You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn

• Live in a way where people think you are crazy, but you don’t care because you love what you do so much.

• What’s up Wednesday! This week it’s all about keeping a clear head, getting your focus on, and staying motivated.

• It doesn’t matter if you have a smartphone, a not-so-smart phone, or no phone at all. Every day of the week is an opportunity to showcase your unique voice, sharing what matters most to you with the world. # What’sUpWednesday

• Do you ever have one of those Tuesdays where it’s like, “where the hell did Monday go?” Then Wednesday rolls around, and screw that; I can do this.

• Every Wednesday, we feature a new home-grown custom for your choosing. Use the hashtag #mymillsdecor, and you could win it for your own living space or office!

• When you’re down but refuse to be out, get up. Come up

• Don’t let the fear of rejection keep you from asking for a promotion at work. Just get out there and ask!

• Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you

• If you can relate to any of these, keep your head up, and don’t let people get you down!

• Don’t be afraid to take chances and surround yourself with people who can support you.