Thunderstorm Quotes and Captions for Instagram

We carefully selected the quotes for this collection to help you put your best poetic foot forward on Insta. After experimenting with some different captioning styles, we think these are the top quotes and lines that go great with a stormy backdrop.

Thunderstorm Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• The storm is coming. It’s about to get loud. Stay safe.

• Thunderstorm season is right around the corner…

• Greetings Earthlings. This is Captain Instagram reporting for duty

• Thunderstorm. It’s a pretty ring to it, isn’t it?

• exploding with color and light like a dazzling fireworks display

• Welcome the storm, for you are stronger than you think

• The lightning flashed and the thunder rolled.

• Thunderstorms are the perfect reminder of why we live in California, but it’s not something to be scared of. We always have sun right around the corner.

• I love when a thunderstorm hits while I’m on the train. I feel like I’ve captured a piece of Mother Nature, and no one else can see it except me.

• Nothing like a summer thunderstorm to make you appreciate that there’s no school tomorrow.

• The lights went out and the thunderstorm came. And here I am, still sitting at my desk, wondering how I can finish this blog post before my laptop dies.

• Just a little lightning 🌩 right on schedule.

• Earth: where the weather is a great excuse to watch Netflix

• Even the biggest clouds in life can’t block out great memories.

• Because the weather outside is frightful.

• What is your favorite part of fall?

• The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In life, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

• When it starts raining, don’t run inside—run outside and feel the drops on your skin.

Lightning strikes, thunder cracks, and the rainfall, it’s the perfect moment to cuddle up with a good book.

• An intense, brilliantly colored sunset after the storm.

• The storm is coming, but we’ll be safe inside. See you soon.

• This storm is my friend. A rough reminder that I’m alive.

• Don’t worry about the weather. You are always going to find a rainbow after a rainstorm.

• Sometimes the scariest things come from the brightest skies.

• Just when I thought I had experienced it all…

• When it rains, we pour #brewed with our hand-roasted Arabica beans.

• Sending you a stormy day to remind you that you can do anything.

• It’s gonna be a crazy stormy weekend but we’re READY

• Stormy weather is my favorite kind of weather

• Thunder is impressive, not terrifying. When we get caught in it, we feel like we’re going to die, but then we don’t.

• When you’re caught in the middle of a storm, don’t worry—you’re holding on to the calmest person you know.

• She remembered her mother’s words, “Storms make trees remember what they are.”

• Bold, wet, and ready. Take me out to the ball game!

• I’m about to light this place up like a firework show.

• I love the smell of rain. It smells like….victory.

• Thunderstorms are the most beautiful and terrifying things I’ve ever seen.

• You can’t stop the storm but you can learn to dance in the rain

• Rainy days are perfect for curling up with a good book and dreaming up new ideas.

• Have you ever been in a room when you could feel the electricity in the air? Well, now you are.

• Breathtaking. Astonishing. Majestic. When summer thunderstorms hit, we pack our smiles wide and bring our best weather selfies.

• Storms and the weather never bother me. I just hate thunder and lightning and medical alarms. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

• We will watch the storm roll in and we’ll roll with it.

• Go ahead and push play. Let the lightning show begin.

• Rainy days are perfect for cozy nights in with a good book, a hot cup of tea, and a fluffy blanket.

• Lightning is an electrical discharge during a thunderstorm that results from a large amount of positive charge being rapidly displaced to the ground (Earth).

• Mr. Sunshine, you can leave us now: we’ve got this

• Thunderstorms are my favorite type of weather. The sound of the rain, the electric energy in the air, and the cool breeze that follows always excite me.

• No one can stop these clouds from rolling in, so do yourself a favor and stay inside.

• A storm is brewing. And it doesn’t look like it’s gonna be pretty.

• Shake off your Monday blues with a hot coffee and some quiet time on the couch

• They were short-lived, but we sure did walk a lot of miles in the rain.

• I’ve been struck by lightning, and I’m here to tell you that it’s nothing compared to the light you can create.

• I hope I never have to go through another Summer like this one.

Funny Thunder and Lightning Quotes

• When the weather is frightful, there’s always thunder and lightning. And us.

• It’s thundering. And it’s lightning…and raining…and I’m really enjoying it.

• Our thunderstorm just got a little bit brighter.

• Thunderstorms have an energy all their own. The rumble of thunder, the flash of lightning—it’s breathtaking

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice, except when it does–which it totally did.

• Lightning doesn’t strike twice. But it does strike the same place. And that place is me.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice, except for when it does.

• You can’t put off living until you retire. What if there’s a thunderstorm?

• Lightning never strikes twice, and that’s how it’s gonna be for you this week.

• Storms like these are perfect for pouring an ice-cold glass of something special. Cheers, friends!

• When powerful forces of nature collide.

• Get shocked back to reality. Activate your lightning bolt emoji using the Thunderstorm app.

• It’s starting to feel a lot like thunder and lightning

• We’re the loud thunder. You bring the lightning.

• Lightning is the same as hitting the lottery. You don’t know when it’s gonna strike, but boy is it a great feeling when it does.

• Thunderstorms. The most beautiful and terrifying thing to behold, wrapped into one.

• Hear that? That’s the sound of thunder about to smack you with a little

• Just another reminder that it’s raining

• You’re going to love what nature has in store this week.

• Make it a great day or don’t. There is no try.

• The sky is angry today. Deeply, deeply disappointed. BYE.

• When no one’s around, what’s your favorite way to freak out?

• When you’re tired of living and ready to die, come visit us.

• In the future, everybody will be famous for 15 minutes.

• Thunderstorms have cool names like Zeus, Thor, Jupiter, and Aphrodite

• Thunder and lightning are not the most dangerous part of a storm, but rather the lull that comes right after—be prepared and stay safe.

• Nothing compares to the sound of thunder roaring throughout a stormy sky. And no one compares to you.

• Feel the power of thunder in the palm of your hand. Feel it in your beard. And then feel something else: peace, love, and happiness. Because you have a beard.

• It’s not if you get struck by lightning, it’s when.

• Lightning never strikes twice. Sure it does, every time I get near you.

• Let it thunder. Let it lightning. We’re still going to brunch.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice—but it only has to strike once.

• We’re weathermen, not meteorologists.

• Don’t worry about the weather – it always clears up.

•  Lightning strikes when you least expect it, but if a thunderstorm is coming, we’ll be there for you.

• When you have to share the house with a couple of rain-darling thunder buddies.

• Bring on those sweet thunderstorms and lightning flashes.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice. So if your hair looks crazy, blame the last guy.

• This summer, these are the storms you want on your side.

• I’m lighting up the night—so I can see you when you text me.

• The only thing to fear is fear itself. Or lighting.

• Sometimes, it’s not the thunder that scares you.

• Staring down a storm like. This is the perfect meme to use in your caption when the weather outside frightens you.

• When you don’t want to spend the night, but you’d rather spend the day.

• Next time you feel the skies start to darken, prepare yourself for an amazing coffee experience.

• Some days get better with a cold shower. Some days, you just have to take it.

• We’re bringing a whole new meaning to the term “perfect storm.” Wink wink.

• When you absolutely, positively have to shoot lightning through something, do it from a distance.

• I’m not afraid of thunder, but lightning really scares me.

• Lightning may be my favorite weather phenomenon.

• Is it just us or is it getting freakishly warm in here?

• Blast your way into summer with our latest innovation. Now with a thundering jolt of energy!

• Lightning never strikes twice, that’s what everyone says, but I’m always scared it will.

• Feel the power of summer all day long with a cold, fruity Blue Thunder.

• It’s about that time to start stocking the pantry with all the best snacks for the stormy season ahead.

• THUNDERSTORMS. These are not my favorite things. Take me to a tropical island

• Life can give you a storm or calm weather. Your choice.

• A storm’s a-brewin’.Here’s our guide to inspiring your home before or after. #BePrepared

• Boom! Did you see that? You know you did. We all saw that.

Lightning Funny Quotes

• If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

• Fun Fact: Opening a door for a lady is so much easier when you don’t have to ask for directions.

• No matter how hard you try, you can’t see your own forehead. You know why? You’re always looking down.

• I don’t know why birds suddenly appear every time I look out the window. I’ll never figure it out

• Trying to find a cure for tinnitus? Try some new headphones!

• More than anything else, I want to be a good person. And if you’re a good person, then no matter what happens, there’s nothing to regret.

• You can never be too careful. Lightning may not strike twice, but it sure does tend to strike the same place.

• I’m just going to assume you’re a good person because all my friends are good people.

• You’ll never get a second chance to make the first impression.

• Not everyone is going to be nice. And not everyone is worth your time.

• If you don’t like my driving then stay off the sidewalk.

• If you’re not laughing with us, you’re laughing at us.

• Summer doesn’t last forever. Live it up, grab some friends and make every day a party.

• I’ve changed my mind. It might be the best day of summer so far.

• The best beards come from old men in rocking chairs with whisky.

• Right now it’s all about being light and nimble.

• Words cannot express how proud I am of the Aeropress community

• This week, we’re so busy getting caught up on work and school, we forgot all about celebrating the glorious arrival of today.

• I like Mondays. It gives me a chance to change my mind about the weekend.

• Lightning never strikes twice. Unless you’re struck by lightning. Then it can strike as often as it wants.

• snaps right before she realizes you’re looking at her.

• Take your photo game to the next level with our new app.

• When life is too hard to bear, it’s always a good idea to laugh about it.

• I’ve got a jar of dirt, a crunchy leaf, and a half-smoked cigarette. That’s all I need to make me happy.

• Literally: Ha! You thought we were talking about something else.

• Admit it: you have a secret garden inside of you, too.

• I’m so old, I remember when Kanye West wasn’t crazy.

• It’s 9 am and I’m already having a bad hair day.

• I’m proud to be part of the solution.

Funny Thunder and Lightning Quotes

• Lightning McQueen isn’t afraid of a little thunder and lightning.

• When it’s storming out, we know you’re gonna need a cozy spot to escape the thunder and lightning.

• The thunderstorm this morning sounded soooooo close! I thought the apocalypse was here

• Lightning never strikes twice— except when it does!

• It’s going to be one hell of a storm.

• Bold. Cloudy. Delightful. All in a day’s work.

• Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s got the fastest wi-fi in town?

• The only thing more terrifying than a madman is a madman with free reign.

• Let’s get to know each other a little bit better.

• “Wait, this is my dressing room. And you’re a man.”

• “It’s not the lightning that kills you. It’s the thunder.”

• Beware of thunder lightning, after the lightning comes to a great rain.

• Shake off the stress of the week with this thunder-stealing, lightning-fast offer.

• Lightning… thunder… stormy weather… nothing beats a good horror movie on a rainy night.

• Lightning isn’t my favorite weather, but it is pretty.

• Thunderstorms make me feel like I’m in a James Bond movie or something. You know, like a secret agent at the helm of some mysterious spy mission.

• It’s always darkest before the enlightening thunderstorms of summer drench our hot days.

• It’s storming out there, so stay inside and curl up with a good book.

• No day is complete unless there’s been some thunder and lightning mixed in.

• Lightning + thunder = the best sound ever.

• When lightning flashes, follow the flash. when thunder roars, go indoors.

• We hope you’re staying safe and dry during this storm.

• I think it was the thunder—I saw lightning strike earlier!

• Lightening–the world’s best natural teeth whitener.

• The only thing we love more than a sunny day is a rainy day.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice…or does it?

• And what’s more calming than a storm

• I love this weather! It’s just like my first marriage: violent and unpredictable.

• Lightening is brighter than any flash of brilliance.

• Lighting cracked the sky like a bottle rocket, illuminating the fields and trees below. I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was.

• Slay your day. Slay the world. Slay a giant, frosted cinnamon roll.

• It’s turning dark—better put on a sweater and a pair of sunglasses!

Funny Thunder Quotes

• Lightning is the best kind of thunder because you can actually see it.

• If you can’t stand the sound of your own thunder, don’t be your own lightning rod.

• Don’t be intimidated by lightning. It might be a big bully, but it doesn’t have all the creativity.

• When thunder roars, go indoors. (Mark Twain)

• Don’t be intimidated when thunder roars. It’s really just a big kitty purring.

• Sorry, we’re closed. There’s a thunderstorm coming!

• It’s thundering! We’re not sure what we love more—that no one can hear us or that our Wi-Fi works better! Keep Calm and Carry On.

• Thunderstorms, you scared? We’re ready for you.

• Wake up with the thunder of our strong cup

• Sending positive vibes to the peeps in the storm’s path. Stay safe!

• It’s like someone turned the lights down in here. And now I can’t see anything except for your face.

• When you’re tired, but you still have to work out.

• When I want you to see me, hear me, feel me and then love me.

• Stack the odds in your favor with this seasonal celebratory beverage

• To live your best life, you have to be willing to get out of bed even when you don’t want to. And that makes all the difference.

• Awesome quote to use with funny thunderstorm pics and gifs

• Thunder quotes. Said by a person with thunder in their heart

• Thunder can be awesome—it’s the lightning that’s dangerous.

• Thunder is really impressive when you’re not married to it

• You can’t make a thunder without a permit.

• Every storm is followed by a rainbow but the thunder that comes after our glib remarks and insults can last a long time.

• Get the last laugh on the storm of the century. (And probably some Monday morning quarterbacking.)

• It’s the season to stay inside and watch Netflix, but don’t be afraid to leave your house and enjoy the Queen’s weather when it’s not raining.

• Lightning might strike once…but thunder cracks every second.

• If thunder is so loud, why can’t we hear thunder in space?

• Thunder is good. It wakes us up in our dreams.

• Thunder could be on the horizon. Or it could just be us. Whatever it is, we’re ready for the storm.

• Somewhere out there, thunder is brewing and it’s about to perfectly timed with your cuppa joe.

• Thunderstorms are the perfect weather for doing a little bit of unplanned grocery shopping.

• Thunder in the distance, so you know it’s brewing…

• There’s always a little bit of magic in the air during a storm.

• Don’t be a wallflower. Go outside, live your life: storm it!

• When your favorite rapper’s new album unexpectedly drops during a storm.

• A storm is coming. What are you going to do about it?

• “Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia”

• We’re shaking it up with our new line of milk and dark chocolate chips. Welcome to the Dark Side

• Getting struck by lightning is nothing to be afraid of…if you’re in a metal tube.

• Finally, a new way to use thunder as an excuse for being late.

• 100% sure our new filter is not just a bad photoshop job

• Getting a thunder haircut today? Well, that’s unlucky… but we’re here to help!

• Stay dry out there—we know it’s raining. But don’t worry, we’re here for you with everything you need for a perfect hair day this rainy season!

• These thunderstorms this weekend are the perfect excuse to cuddle with a loved one and binge through some of your favorite shows.