Lightning and Thunder Quotes Captions for Instagram

Some of the best quotes are based on lightning and thunder. These are the ones that you can tell come from the heart. They’re perfectly corny but in a good way. Since they resonate so strongly, I think it’s worth reading through them.

Lightning and Thunder Quotes Captions for Instagram

• Lightning and thunder quotes live largely, but something else even bigger happens when they come together.

• It’s all about the flash and the thunder. Dive in, dive in deep.

• Lightning isn’t a punishment, it’s a reminder. There’s a storm coming and we have to be ready.

• It’s all hands on deck when a storm is stirring up the weather. Stay safe and have fun!

• When the sky lights up, we know you’re ready to get started.

• When the storm comes, grab shelter. When it’s overtaken the moment to reflect.

• Batter up! And stay safe out there.

• Showtime, baby! Head to for the best seats in the house.

• It’s the most wonderful time of year!

• Let it all out: let your moods laugh and tears flow naturally.

• It’s better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.

• When lightning strikes, you see your life flash before your eyes. The same is true for a thunderstorm: it flashes light into your life. What do you see?

• Lightning strikes every second. How lucky are you to be one of them

• Someday it will strike, that place and time when your life is a thunderbolt of flash illumination.

• No lightning strike has been recorded on a plane with equipped with our lightning flight protection system.

• It’s always the darkest before the dawn.

• Come see the Geminids meteor shower—one of the most prolific active showers of shooting stars.

• Lightning and thunder may be frightening, but they’re also breathtakingly beautiful.

• Lightning and thunder, the world is calling for you.

• When there’s lightning and thunder, remember that even though the sky is angry, YOU are safe.

• Lightning strikes and thunder follows. Boom!

• Thunder and lightning, please stop fighting! It’s scary when you disagree.

• When the lightning and thunder come to the night sky, the little puppy goes!

• Thunderstorms are the perfect time to reach out and connect with someone you care about.

• The sky’s the limit this summer, but you might want to wait out the thunder and lightning. We’ll see you next week.

• Keep your cool no matter what the weather brings.

• Don’t be afraid of what’s yet to come. There’s always a new adventure waiting to be discovered, and an unexpected opportunity to be seized.

• Earthquakes are often preceded by animal behavior, particularly birds and insects.

• Lightning and thunder make the heart grow fonder—so keep it updated with the latest IVIE.

• Electric things have a tendency to shock you. Let us keep you safe with our lightning and thunder protection systems.

• Storms bring life-giving rains to a thirsty earth. And that’s when we see the beauty of a rainbow.

• Let it out—whether you’ve got lots to say or just want to take it all in.

• Lighting and thunder quotes by the late, great #MuhammadAli. Forever The Greatest.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice—except in a thunderstorm.

• Lightning bugs and weather systems collide.

• When the weather outside is frightful, make it delightful with a hot cup of coffee.

• Lightning and thunder quotes are sure to electrify your feed.

• When it strikes, it’s gone. When there’s thunder, it’s heard. When we strike, you’re gonna hear the sound. #Lightning

• When it comes to relationships, there’s no lightning without thunder.

• Lightning and thunder are the loudest noises we can experience.

• You can’t always hear thunder in the distance — sometimes it sounds like it’s right on top of you.

• Powerful. Reliable. Infinite. Thunderbolt ports deliver the bandwidth you need for demanding photo and video editing applications.

• Lightning never strikes twice. Not true, I was struck by lightning once and survived to tell the tale.

• When the storm comes, it’s time to get cozy. Stay strong.

• All we ask is this; be brave enough to be yourself, and you will never have to hide.

• Lightning and thunder quotes are here for the crazy, stormy temps.

• Do you hear that? It’s the sound of lightning and thunder. Summer is on its way out.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice. But thunder is always terrifying.

• Thunderstorms and lightning. It’s not just a good idea—it’s the law.

• Lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, but STRIKEFORCE does.

• When she speaks, it is with lightning and thunder.

• A storm is brewing and I’m excited to see where it takes me.

• The weather outside is frightful, but the coffee is so delightful.

• We’re talking about how we’re your biggest fan.

• When the sun is gone, only the moon and stars remain to light your way.

Funny Thunder and Lightning Quotes

• Thunderstorms have it all: Darkness, loud claps, lightning, and cool rain! #humblebrag

• the #thunder rumbles louder and the lightning flashes brighter. The storm is coming…

• Storms bring out my creative side. Lightning strikes lead to great ideas.

• When you’re waiting for it to storm so you can go out in it:

• No power in the place so I’m recording in the dark. Thank God for iPhone flashlights because it’s thundering and lightning outside again…no joke!

• The weather outside is frightful. But the coffee’s so delightful

• We’re brewing up a storm today, so we figured we’d brew one extra-large cup of our Dark Roast for you. Happy Weekend.

• Real power isn’t controlling your surroundings, it’s controlling yourself.

• Never run out of the thunder and lightning jokes

• You can’t go wrong with a little thunder and lightning.

• Sometimes your worst enemy is yourself… but your best friend should always be a thunderstorm.

• Mug me when the thunder roars and the lightning strikes.

• Lightning may strike but it’s thunder that gets the girls.

• When the thunder roars, go seek shelter under a cozy blanket.

• Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you can’t stray from the norm.

• Here comes the storm, but we don’t need to worry about that. Or do we? Find out on Wednesdays at 9 pm on ABC.

• I never knew there was an art to thunder and lightning, but I guess it’s true… there is always someone out there more awesome than you.

• Tonight we’re reminded not to try and harness the power of thunder and lightning.

• When thunder roars, go indoors. And stay indoors until you can count to 30.

• Pssst…it’s lighting and thundering out, In case you were wondering

• Thunderstorms make me feel like a superhero.

• Lightning may be quick, but our pizza is faster

• The storm is coming. Stay safe, friends.

• It’s about that time for us to get super excited about summer

• When it’s this hot out, follow the leader.

• You’re not paranoid. A government conspiracy is probably watching you from underneath a bridge in East Jesus, Texas.

• Lightning strikes the heart of those who are afraid of thunder.

• Lightning causes more damage than hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods combined.

• Lightning: Nature’s way of saying, “Let’s get out of here.”

• Our products help you be prepared for anything. So buckle up. Life is gonna get crazy.

• The only thing that could make this weather better is a big bowl of our new Peanut Butter Crunch cereal.

• Showing your mom some appreciation: 1) is a good idea because she raised you and 2) will get you an extra cookie.

• When it comes to handling the stress of work, vacation, and life, we’re all over it.

Lightning Quotes for Instagram

• Lightning Quotes is a 30-minute, high-energy dance party that gives you the best quotes to live by. Embrace life’s awkward moments with us.

• Before you spend money on a new suit or pair of shoes, remember that style is how you rock what you already own.

• We’re making it easy to Spark Better this summer, one barbecue at a time.

• Get your summer bikini bod ready, starting with our new H2O+ Sweet Pea Body Polish and Ginger Scrub.

• Stand out from the pack, and stand tall with Gatorade’s 2X Protein Power.

• We’re not just a company. We’re a community that strives to make fitness a priority in your daily routine, and in your life.

• Let your words light the way and guide others towards doing what is right.

• When it’s hot out, think beyond the ice cream scoop. Cool off with our handcrafted gelato instead.

• Break out the shorter days, cooler weather, and foggy mornings. It’s Fall y’all.

• Time waits for nobody, but you can make the most of it by keeping your eye on the prize.

• We may not have all the answers, but we’ve got the enthusiasm to find them.

• To do things the way we have always done them is to risk remaining stuck where we have always been.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but I bet it could if it had to. Be you and own who you are, always.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it can strike the same person. Wear a helmet. #LightningSafetyMonth

• Be bold, be brave, and be the person you know you are. Wear the clothes you want to wear, eat the food you want to eat, and live your life with no regrets.

• Endless summer. Time to make the most of these golden days.

• We’re bringing the heat. See how these spicy peppers pack a lot of punch into their small size.

• It’s going to be a hot one, so check out our best tips for staying cool this summer!

• Make a bold statement by choosing a bold base coat color.

• You can’t go to sleep in your dreams until you dream of the things you want most.

• Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.

• Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.

• lightning ~ The fastest way to share content on social media.

• Your favorite jeans and tees just got upgraded.

• A storm is brewing, and it’s going to be a hell of a thunderstorm. Stay safe.

• We all have a superhero inside us, it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out.

• We’re so proud to be a part of this community—through every adventure, we find ourselves thinking, “This is why we love North Carolina!”

• Let’s say it together: I will not be defined by someone else’s expectations of me.

• I’m the only thing standing between you and your goal.

• What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Lightning Funny Quotes

• Lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but it can strike once, then strike again in a completely different place. #lightning #funny

• This is what happens when lightning strikes.

• I don’t know about you, but I think we could all use a good laugh.

• It goes without saying that coffee is great in the morning. But it’s also perfect whenever you need a moment of clarity or perspective.

• Summer is over, so make the most of it while you still can.

• The best way to make a bad day good? Make it the last one.

• The only way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.

• Never compare your behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.

• So you’re feeling so light, you think you can dance

• The best dessert is being in a mood to eat dessert.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it does strike some places three times!

• Lightning never strikes twice, but it can strike 65 million times a day.

• Lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice. But if you still have time, try this recipe for S’mores-in-jars we published earlier.

• Laughter is the best medicine, but these products are a close second.

• There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.

• Like a good relationship, great coffee should never be rushed.

• Need a pickup after a long week? These two words should do the trick.

• Treat yourself this season to the sweet smell of success.

• lighting up your day with a smile, lighting up your life with laughter

• You, yes you, have the power to make life significantly more interesting.

• Smile, it’s the second-best thing you can do with your lips.

• Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

• The best way to learn is to travel. And by travel, I mean sleep with someone from another country.

• I write one tragedy in comedy, that is all the grief I dare take upon myself.

• May your week be filled with small victories and the smell of cinnamon buns

• We all need a hero-especially at breakfast.

Funny Thunder and Lightning Quotes

• Nothing like a little thunder and lightning to get your heart pumping.

• Lightning may be the fastest, but thunder is the loudest.

• The thunder. The lightening. The way your heart beats a little faster when you’re out in it. Bring on the storm.

• Thunderstorm season is upon us, so get ready to binge with

• Explosive. Disturbing. Terrifying. We’ve got all of that and more in our newest collection coming this fall: It’s going to be a real Storm…

• It’s time to make it a little easier to crack open your favorite craft brew. Time to crack open a cold one with your friends, in the comfort of your own home.

• We’re not saying we have all the answers. But if you have a question, ask us. We just might know.

• The best part of a thunderstorm is after the rain when you see the rainbow.

• Lightning, thunder, and lightning. Good thing the power is on.

• Lighting never strikes the same place twice, but it does strike a little too close for comfort sometimes.

• Light showers or heavy from the stormy skies, we’ve got you covered!

• You’re not in charge of the weather, but you can be ready for it!

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice (but it can strike the same person twice).

• Lighting strikes in the distance as I write this

• Electric dreams have no limits. Dresh electric dreams.

• I’m going to miss summer. It was the best four months of my life.

• Lightning and thunder go together like a horse and carriage.

• When it’s this hot out, there’s only one thing to do: get thunderstruck by the “sparkling” all-natural taste of Jones Soda.

• Thunder and lightning, both my ears and the sky do ring

• Boom goes the lightning! The summer storms are finally here…

• It’s going to be a stormy and wild weekend. When lightning strikes see what happens.

• As excited as I’d be to see a bolt of lightning strike, I’m so over the weatherman telling me it’s gonna happen.

• Lightning won’t strike twice. But it will strike the same place again and again until it gets what it wants.

• Thunderstorms are the most romantic weather, especially if you’re home alone.

• There’s a reason for lightning before the thunder. It’s because it’s faster.

• Thunder and lightning happening right above my house

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it does strike at least 5 places within a 25-mile radius in Florida.

• Thunder, thunder, thunder. Lightning flash. Bright light. Crisp night. Woot!

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice. Does it?

• Your job is to take away the fear of the unknown and show them what life can be like after the storm.

• There is no better way to spend the day than in a hammock.

• Fall means it’s time to go back to school, celebrate Halloween, and watch it pour

• Thunderstorms are exciting. Lightening is cool. And power outages are fun.

• When the thunder roars, go look for shelter, and when lightning flashes, go look for a photographer.

• Lightning flashing, thunder crashing. It’s not just a storm. It’s a direct message from God that it’s time to refresh your drink.

• Lightning never strikes the same place twice—it just strikes places that are already flooded.

• If you love something, set it free. But don’t forget to put on a lightning vest first

• Lightning never strikes twice. (But it does look cool the first time.)

• It looks like it’s about to storm… but at least I’m ready this time.

• Say cheers to this season of cozy blankets and crackling fires.

• We’re not afraid of the dark when you’re with us.

• The dark is an invitation to dream, a fertile breeding ground for ideas.

• When you’re down for the count and about to give up, that’s when you see the light.