Throwback College Day’s Captions and Motivation

Throwback College Day’s Captions and Motivation: While some people think back to the golden days of their youth with somewhat apprehensive uncertainty so to speak, others remain reminiscing for quite a long time about the college days, about six-packs and being single on the campus. In such cases, these throwback captions may appear to be quite useful.

Throwback College Day’s Captions and Motivation

• Back to the future. Where your friends put Dippin’ Dots on everything.

• Happiness is seeing the best parts of each other.

• Semesters will come and go, but these memories and friendships will last a lifetime. #semesterflashback

• Are you gonna do what it takes or just wait for the world to move around you? Make time for your education.

• We build community every day. One connection at a time.

• The best days of your life are the ones you never forget.

• Yesterday you said tomorrow. Now it’s today, and you still don’t have done. Motivation talks are worth hearing but actual results are what you need. Make them happen.

• The path of life is paved with the corpses of faded dreams and lost opportunities.

Where did all the time go?

• If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already made it past the most important hurdles of college: your First Semester.

• 4 years of sweat and tears later, I graduated

• Good times lead to great stories and great memories. Keep it going.

• College can be an adventure, but when it comes to finals week, you need to study. We’re here to up your study game with free coffee and fresh food

• Some of the most successful people in the world today went to school long before…

• At the beginning of each semester, I tell myself, “No more late nights. No more 3-hour study sessions…” But at the end of the day, all my resolve fades away and I turn into a walking zombie.

• Ten years ago, we were all sitting slightly closer together in lecture halls. Where have the years gone?

• Strength is not the absence of fear/It is the mastery of it/So let go and chase after your dreams today

• Make mistakes. Learn from them, and never regret them; they are what make you who you are.

• You really can do anything you set your mind to.

• To start this week strong, it’s a Thursday edition of Throwback Thursday.

• I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul

• Keep calm and carry on. It’s what you learn in school that matters most, not the fancy parchment. – William Shakespeare

• Throwback to my college days of trying to study while my roommate naps in the room. This is how we do it.• Been crushing on girls who love college basketball for as long as I can remember. Cheers, ladies

• Homecoming is the perfect time to show off your school spirit. Go back to campus and celebrate this weekend.

• ‘You only see the good stuff that happened, but you didn’t see the hundreds of hours of worry and stress and sweat…And no one sees the work or the sacrifice.

• Work hard. Party harder. Every day should be a Saturday.

• Let’s get ready for another year of fun, friends, and coffee.

• We were born in the 1960s. Born to be wild.

• It’s a beautiful day to be yourself.

• For all you college grads out there: Never forget the times you had in your favorite sweatshirt and beanie.

• Somewhere in this picture is a biochemistry major trying to look cool and hip at Kegger. C’mon, girl, you know it’s true.

• The first couple of years of college were better in photographs than memory.

• I remember the days when I didn’t know what to do with my life. I wonder what it feels like to not use superlatives as Instagram captions.

• You had to study for 4 hours, but now you only have to study for 2

• There’s a moment right before you sleep, right before you wake, there’s a scene before your eyes. There’s a moment when you stop pretending and start living this is it!

• Of course, we all knew back then that Steve would give us the best advice! It’s a beautiful day for an adventure! Get outside and enjoy it.

• “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.” ― Richard Bach

• Only one more month of summer left. I can do anything for one more month.

• Remember when the future was bright and the limes were juicy sweet?

• Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s instinct to be a bystander or that apathy is inevitable. The world needs more leaders, not followers. Take action today.

• Just a bunch of kids on a campus bookstore computer

• Three things I learned my senior year of college: Not all heroes wear capes, you don’t have to be a hero to save the day and hard work always pays off.

• Do you remember that feeling, every time you stepped out on the field with your jersey, as you bounced from side to side?

• You still have time to study, take your final, and go out. Yes, you do. You just got to want it bad enough

• 11 down. 4 to go. Here’s to surviving final exams and week-long winter break parties in one piece

• The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle!

• We’re here for a good time, not a long time. So let’s get to it.

• You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough

• Work hard to become the person you want to be, not who others want you to be.

• I don’t like the word failure, it’s not in my vocabulary.

• If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not taking enough risks.

• When you want to relive your college days. Start your week off with a big cup of coffee and an even bigger textbook

• Live fearlessly through the good and bad nights, the ups and downs of your college days, because you’ll always have those stories to tell.

• No matter how fast the world changes, the memories of college will last forever.

• You gotta make the most of college because the future won’t wait.

• Throwback to when we were young, broke students.

• Class of 2017. All of the possibilities ahead, none of the regrets behind.

• Sophomores aren’t sophomores for long. They keep on growin’.

• Don’t waste your youth dreaming, doing is so much better.

• Always live for the memories, but never forget how to make them.

• Work hard now so that someday you can be <insert job title here>

• A great life comes with hard work, so don’t give up! Be tenacious and keep pushing past your limits

• Your future is the result of your past decisions. What will you choose today?

• Be bold enough to live in the future as if it were your present.

• Get the party started—be a throwback and let loose while you still can. Let’s all make a pact to have fun and learn as we did in college.

• Gone are the days of being cooped up in a classroom – let’s hit the town and start living life.

• Our place is in the future, yours is in the past. Stay focused and live your life.

• Take the time to create memories that last—from weekend road trips and house parties to far-reaching adventures around the globe

• You can’t be wise and ambitious if you‘re not willing to work hard in school. Aim high, work smart.

• Sometimes I feel like I need more of that 90s grunge rock vibe in my life. Anyone else?

• Loving that time of the year when you hit the ground running, cover your walls with inspiring art, and listen to all of the best new music.

• Those who take action today will be well on the path to success. Who’s ready to take action?

• Sometimes you’ve got to learn the hard way.

• The only thing better than that first iced coffee of the morning? And stroll through campus on a sun-kissed autumn day.

• Bringing back the days of freshman year with a fresh and light-hearted look.

• Like the hairless, keg-standin’ and scarlet-letter wearin’ BC’s of yore, grab a few buddies and pile ‘em into your dad’s minivan for a BU Nightout.

• I’m co-hosting some of the greatest games in our nation’s history…and I can’t wait for kickoff.

• TBT to the moment when we had no classes on a Monday – sooooooo many possibilities.

• Raise a glass to all of the times we’ve had to do our laundry after 3 am.

• I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this is one of my favorite photos.

• There’s no such thing as a dumb question. Everything you learn can only help you in life. Self-education is the best way to go.

• You have to fight for your space, build resilience, trust your effort and work harder than anyone else. Don’t let anyone discourage you.

• If you would’ve told me two years ago that I would be living in DC and interning at a top-tier non-profit, I wouldn’t have believed it. I wouldn’t have believed it.

• Always be you, unless you can be Batman. Then always be Batman!

• Flashback to last weekend, when you chose the right dorm room accessories.

• Throwbacks never looked so fresh.

• Remembering those wild days at college when you couldn’t care less about anyone else—you were just getting it all out there and staying up late.

• 4 years at Indiana University and every single year were packed with memories and enough feelings to last a lifetime. Keep on hustling and taking chances, because you owe it to yourself.

• Get back to the basics and take a look at how much you’ve grown since freshman year.

• Remember the feeling of asking someone out and landing a date? Ah, those were the days.

• 2018. Don’t grow old. Do everything you did in your 20s, but do them better.

• Some people run from their past. We’re living ours forward, with a purpose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

• Be a trailblazer and find your way.

• There’s a difference between a good story and a good life. Don’t just tell the stories of your life…live them.

• You can’t always wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it. – Robin Sharma

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not enough. Stay motivated to keep on achieving your goals.

• Let’s go back to the 90s and think about what would have been our goals in college. Mine is to get a summer body and do something big, but here I am now. Time goes by fast as a college student, try to enjoy every single moment of it.

• Feel like you’re in your 20s again? #TBT to when I was at my peak, rocking the sweet pre-med major.

• ”Don’t let them tell you you’re not good enough. Don’t let them tell you that you need to wait until next semester. Don’t let them tell you it should be easy. Education is your right, and you won’t find a better one.”

• TBT to freshman year. We’re now in our senior year and it feels just as amazing, if not better!

• TBT to that time you got a B+ on your final. (these captions will give you more inspiration for your Instagram caption ideas)

• Keep your chin up, folks. And remember: the best is yet to come

• Why be average when you can be extra?

• We’re back at it. Today is the tomorrow we wanted yesterday.

• Good things come to those who study yesterday’s mistakes and failures, to capitalize on their knowledge.

• Even when you don’t feel like it, even when you’re climbing that hill, even if you don’t believe or can see the finish line—Just. Keep. Going.

• Whatever color you paint it, you can never go wrong with school spirit.

• Reach for the stars in every class you take. All you need is this cute notebook, pen, and pencil set.

• College. When you can jump into a pile of leaves, drink pumpkin spice lattes, and watch your favorite Halloween movies all in one day. #ThrowbackThursday

• We just want to see you at your best, doing what you love! There is no second place.

• Class of #2019 You’ve got this. Let go and leave the rest to us.

• Never let your achievements go to waste because one day some kid is going to come along and snatch your crown right off your head. Getting a degree in life is more valuable than getting a degree in business.

• If you’re reading this, either you need a break and a laugh, or you’re bored at work. Either way, we’ll be here when you get back.

• Late nights at the library were never this much fun

• Remember when we used to wear flip-flops and carry 12 pints of beer in our hands without breaking a sweat? Boy, those were the days.

• We all have a lot of work to do. But if you want it, go up on that stage and get it done. INTEGRATE.

• Where do you see yourself in five years? We see you in a US Air Force uniform

• Back in the Saddle and ready to take on the world.

• Never be afraid to trust your gut, and always take your time. Because in the end, you’ll still end up with a lot of regrets like me

• It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

• What about the college days when surviving was all we needed to be worried about?

• If you were like me and got yourself a ℅, remember that it’s the smartest thing you can do. With a degree in hand, you’re about to set the world on fire

• TBT back to a thrill-seeking and adventurous life. Stay true to your heart, protect your spirit. Back in the day, you had the freedom to take risks and own experiences.

• If you can handle the first year of college, then you can handle anything.

• The best is yet to come. It’s a new day. We only get one chance at this life thing. So let’s make the most of it.

• Studying, for a test that would allow you to have a better paying job in the future and meet better people? That is just crazy, but crazy good.

• The only way to have a good story is to live in the present.

• As summer winds down, DEFCON 1: It’s time to get serious

• Live like tomorrow is the first day of your future.

• Back when we didn’t have the answers. We just knew where to find them.

• No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.

• This week 500 years ago, one of our nation’s most iconic poets was born. Thanks for the words that inspired us all.

• This week’s throwback will have you quoting Anchorman and thinking about your first dorm. And remember—if you get it, flaunt it.

• Class of 2017, we’re ready to see what the future brings. Here’s to friendship, new experiences

• That awkward moment when your friends want to give you life advice but they were the worst back in college

• Going back to the days when our biggest worry was using a payphone. And we had more than enough change quarters in our pockets.

• We all want to be great, but sometimes we just need that little extra push.

• If you have a 4-year plan, you’re on the wrong planet

• Here’s to my favorite day of the week, Throwback Thursday.

• Live the life you love, love the life you live.

• Prepare yourself to achieve big, because you’re destined for greatness

• The only regret in your future is the risk you didn’t take.

• I wish I could go back in time to do it all over again

• 40% of you don’t own a single college sweatshirt in 10 years. Think about that for a second—the novelty of your Alma Mater fades away, and yet the lessons you’ve learned (and continue to learn) transcend cuteness and fashion.

• It’s time to get that old college feeling back.

• Taking pics for the campus newspaper…

• Walking on campus and feeling like I was preparing for something great

• Throwback Thursday never looked so fresh.

• Finally back in my hood…but missed these days of the uni life

• Time to #StartSomething new. Fresh starts are always worth it.

• Do you have a photo or video of your time at this university that you’d like to share? It could be featured on our page.

• Sign up for the Marathon on Nov 4 and we’ll email you with tips and tricks to help you crush it

• Never lose sight of what you are passionate about. Always remember to follow your passion and never give up on that dream.

• The line between genius and madness is super thin.