Throwback 70’s Captions and Motivation

The 70s were such a rad time for fashion and being awesome. A lot of that has to do with how pimpin’ our captions were. Luckily, there is no shortage of 70s picture captions and memes on the internet that we can use for inspiration. So here are some of my favorite pieces of content for you to use — I call them “Throwback 70’s Captions” and believe me when I say they will motivate you through your days.

Throwback 70’s Captions and Motivation

• Dance the night away. The 1970s called; they want their social dance back. #70skid

• A true playboy knows how to mix charisma, confidence, and masculinity with a touch of lovable foolishness.

• It was the 70s. You were a kid. And this is all you cared about.

• Let’s live life in the fast lane and make history. We’re all astronauts, riding a rocket to the moon

• There’s nothing like a little disco to get your mood up.

• Live your best life, one hashtag at a time.

• What’s up? Recapturing the essence of that time and the boundless energy of the era

• Don’t be so humble. You’re not that great.

• “The best revenge is massive success.

• You have to look out for everyone, even total strangers. Everyone is like a member of your own family.

• Nothing is impossible. You only need imagination, determination, and persistence

• Dissent, however, expressed, is inherent in the act of creation. – Supreme Court Justice William J Brennan

• All in one trio: clean, condition, and detangle. Get messy off your mane, girl!

Doing the hustle never felt so good. We’re back in stock, and we’ve got a Friday pick-me-up for you to keep going all weekend long.

• Break it down! No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, keep on groovin’ like nobody’s watching

• We’re all gonna keep it together this week—and throw it back to January of ’72.

• Blazing trails one mile at a time.

• You know it’s a good day when you get to shut the off while staying warm and cozy at home

• When I say go big, they ask HOW BIG.

• Tell people where you’re going and they’ll never follow. Show them your path and you’ll find your followers

• Turned up to an 11. Turned down to a 7.

• Always aim high, work hard and achieve your goals.

• I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

• There’s always a way out of every box you put yourself in. You control your destiny

• Making a Friday night out of watching the sunset to remind us summer is here. And we all want to stay.

• Remember when we used to have time to tuck our shirts in and make creative toast art? Good times.

• We’ve come a long way. And there’s so much more to go. But hey, that’s all right. Let’s roll on.

• Gearing up for the future is easy when you’ve got some Golden Memories from the past.

• Let’s do this thing or Be bold. Be brave. Be you.

• Hi. If you like nice things, follow me. If you like cool stuff, follow me. If you like great content, follow me.

• America’s all-new four-door muscle car. The ‘Vette’s back on top where it belongs.

• It’s all about mind over matter, how you think about it. Not what you think about it.

• We all were born with two hands, but only one can open the door to our dreams.

• How Great the Art, To Sleep Perchance to Dream ☁

• You’ve got to think about simplifying your life, do the de-cluttering, and so on.

• Live an authentic life. Love without any regrets. Trust your instincts and be yourself.

• We’re making the most of this goodbye to summer with a little throwback fun. Meet you on the flip side.

• Cliché or not, the seventies rocked! Sports cars, polyester, big hair, and even bigger ambitions – we’d love to take you back.

• Pour me a cup and let’s talk about our dreams in the 70s!

• Be the best in the world. There’s no excuse for anything less. #inspireandmotivate

• If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got. #70ss

• Go ahead, love each other. Love yourself.

• I don’t know what you’re doing, but I want to be a part of it!

• Here’s to living a life that doesn’t look back—only forward. ~ Cindy Lauper

• Find your grit and keep moving strong.

• Because it’s 1971, and you’ve got the power.

• If you can do yoga in a smoldering volcano, you can savor sweet moments like these.

• Go ahead. Go after your dreams. Risk being that “nerdy” kid in high school who’s interested in what the cool kids want you to be interested in. Have a passion for whatever it is you’re passionate about.

• There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

• Get your groove on with our throwback video from the ’70s, groove online at [URL]

• Looks like you made it to the weekend, so get ready for a day filled with those rad 70s vibes.

• Catch some flares, get down on some disco… and be inspired to live the best life

• College campuses have come a long way since 1978…some good, some bad. Thanks to you, Millennials, we made it to this decade better than ever! Here’s to you.

• Fuel your passion with a creamy mocha latte

• #BrunchRally to a summer soundtrack, because apparently brunch is the new dinner.

• Think fast, act now, work hard, and always, always go the extra mile. This is our mantra at SHEEX.

• Live it boldly, discover your passion, and always love yourself ♡

• You are now entering the era of the one-piece bathing suit and groovy leisure suits for men.

• Nothing improves your day like crushing your goals. Set them, crush them, repeat.

• What if you were exactly where you were supposed to be?

• We face the future because we’ve done it before.

• Be the change you wish to see in the world. -Gandhi

• Throwback 1970’s and some Motivation

• If you can dream it, you can achieve it. If we are going to achieve all of our goals, the most important thing we can do is to keep challenging ourselves.

• Rebel. Throwback style since 2007

• Let your true colors shine. I’m ready for some #spunkyandfunky. Together we can explore new ways to spice things up.

• Sometimes it takes sweating to the oldies to realize what we’re made of.

• Get your mind right, get your body right!

• Beyond the brick and mortar are endless possibilities to grow.

• It’s time to take back the night—your night. May you do hard things in the softest of ways.

• I hope you remember me and all the times you said goodbye.

• “Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed.

• Life moves fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

• Speaking of the 70s, there actually is a way to keep toxic people at bay, but it takes true commitment and time. I share everything you need to know in my new book Will Power.

• From our Throwback Thursday, this engaging photo on a classic VW bus

• Be bold. Be brave. Be ready to express your individuality and do things just as you please.

• If you’re not in the now, you’re living in the past. This week only, get 26% off all Lululemon. Shop now

• You look so old I knew if you were born before I was.

• You simply can’t be in a bad mood around someone who puts this much energy and enthusiasm into every action. Welcome to the club

• Do you see that sign-up ahead? The one that says “Keep off the grass”? Make your own.

• Not feeling too hot today. Hope you’re having an even worse day. Can we catch a vibe?

• Ain’t no mountain high enough Ain’t no valley low enough Ain’t no river wild enough to keep me from you.

• When you’re following your heart, everything feels right … even when it’s a little “out there.”

• You are the music while the music lasts.

• 70’s Me: I’m gonna live the life I’ve wanted and conquer the world. Me Now: Still on that one.

• I’ve got the world on a string… and green light in front of me.

• The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.

• There’s a generation raising children and changing the world, now more than ever.

• Looking groovy like a wood grain dash into a sunset.

• If you just can’t shake that Saturday night fever, get up and boogie!

• Some days you’re the bug. Other days you’re the windshield.

• You don’t have to go fast, you just have to go.

• This is a Throwback as we’re looking forward to reinventing the Datsun Brand over the next few years with a bold, modern design.

• There was a point in time when everything counted: A smoking hot black jumpsuit, a Slingerland drum set, and my Rolling Stones records. Now it’s all about the music.

• You can do anything that you set your mind to. #thefutureisfemale

• It’s our birthday. Come party with us. Celebrate ten years of art among friends:

• Sometimes, to appreciate where you’re going, you have to stop and look at how far you’ve come.

• “We’re going to have a lot of fun with our clients.

• The journey is the reward. – Paulo Coelho

• If you can remember the 70’s, you weren’t there

• Bringing back the fun of the 70s. Cool, free and adventurous

• Feeling nostalgic as you crush all your goals? Reach back in time, and think about your favorite decade. (Alt text: so far we’re loving the 70’s!)

• Find your freedom. Let go, be crazy. Don’t try to control everything. If you are lucky enough to have a talent, don’t waste it.

• “When you quit paying attention to what others think, the barriers disappear. You can do, say or be whatever you want”

• Empower yourself by making your own rules and breaking them whenever you want. Breaking rules is my definition of freedom.

• Time to get busy livin’ or get busy dying

• Your attitude determines your altitude.

• Hey, 70’s. Yes, you. You’re looking good today. #tbt

• 1970’s-influenced and just in time for outerwear season! The best is yet to come.

• Your looks only get you so far. It’s time to start working on your mind.

• I’m not a number! I’m a free man!

• You can’t be humble when you’re working on a monument. -Robert Englund

• The Feeling of being caught up in the moment of being taken away

• Take a break from the hustle to smell the flowers.

• TV’s first-ever Hula Hoop champ (1971)

• Travel is a journey, not a destination. #travel #quote

• The world changes, don’t try to change the world. Instead, get busy living.

• History is written by the victors.

• Wear this vintage-inspired t-shirt and prove to everyone that your old school is better than their new school.

• Motivate the funk out of anyone with this groovy, isometric workout.

• Day at the office or a night out on the town, there’s simply no better way to celebrate the weekend than with a set of radical (and thrifty!) tunes from our disc-o-Matic portable record player.

• With the 4-day work week, you’re sure to leave it all on the field. Unless you have a Netflix binge weekend planned. #TGIF

• Back in the days when I started my career, things were much different. #timetravel

• Get out of your head, into your feelings, and in touch with your creative soul.

• You know you deserve a break today, so take one! You’ll feel better about everything tomorrow.

• Roar like a lion, if you are a real man.

• “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” – Bruce Lee

• The Fear-Setting Paradox: Goals Without Action Are Just Dreams.

• “Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

• Create your kaleidoscope of memories…whether you’re on the ’70s dance floor or carving up powder turns.

• Live life on the go, with the spirit of a denim jacket.

• Feel the rush of life at a Bruno Mars concert, or find that perfect pair of jeans. We believe that living in joy is the way to go. Live Your Best Life

• Join in the revolution and choose your style!

• They say that the best way to forget about a woman is to go out and get another one. Except I’ve tried it, and it doesn’t work.

• People will forget what you say. People will forget what you do. But people will never forget how you made them feel.

• Man, if you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space!

• Decades of Experience, Dedication to Excellence, Results in You Can See.

• If you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying.

• Combine the feeling of the ’70s and #inspiration in one post:

• We didn’t know what beauty was, then we saw the 70’s.

• Remember your awesome moments from the ’70s.

• Burn rubber and churn up the cheddar cheese. From the all-American car for America’s greatest generation.

• Life is one big party and most parties don’t start until after 5 pm. We believe in the power of a late night.

• ♥ Let’s paint the town and make it rain, come on!

• I’m gonna let you finish but….. I graduated college in the 1970s

• They say the arc of history is long but it bends towards justice.

• You should see the view from the top.

• Do you remember the scene way back when you confidently set your sights on a goal and made it happen with no time for naysayers along the way?

• Remember, it’s all fun and games unless you lose your soul

• We’re going strong in the Studio, rocking a laid-back, breezy Cool Wave vibe.

• Grab life by the horns and run faster

• Living the American dream, one Harley at a time

• What would you do if you weren’t afraid? You got this!

• Do great work. Stay humble. Make a difference. And be nice to everybody.

• Be who you are and say what you feel… because those that mind doesn’t matter and those that matter don’t mind.

• Be the change you want to see in the world.

• You are fabulous, so try to have a fabulous week.

• Resistance is futile. If we gave you a time machine, what year would you travel to?

• Your best self always comes when you live life this fully.

• Neither snow nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

• So good it will make you think you are living in the 70s

• Freedom. It was the decade of the sexual revolution, rock n’roll and wide lapels, and a time when everyone wanted to be James Dean. Head back to the era of long hair, bell-bottoms, and platform sneakers when you celebrate the ‘70s at Supergrow.

• Come on and turn me loose, let me run wild and free. Wild for the summer, you know how I feel.

• Sometimes your style is best described as “I Wanna Dance”

• Throw it in reverse and make a difference today.

• Spend your time and money on things that matter: family, friends, goals … not the Jones.

• Get it! If you’re ready for action, then I’m ready for action.

• Stay positive and do what you gotta do.

• Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.

• Don’t wait for the opportunity to come knocking on your door, build a garage, and the opportunity will come in and park its car there.

• If you sit on your heels long enough, you can kill a giant.

• You gotta be a little bit country. You gotta be a little bit rock ‘n roll.

• GIRRRrrrRL! You have it goin’ on!! You are so beautiful, attractive, and stylish. Cheers to you and your greatness!

• We are going to the moon, and you can come along with us.

• Back in the day, we didn’t need coffee to get ready—we had Jimi Hendrix.

• *If you can’t stand behind our troops, Feel free to stand in front of them

• Truer words have never been spoken, young blood. Do not worry about others. Just focus on your journey and stay true to yourself. Chances are, you will make a positive impact on others, regardless of their opinion. Stay motivated!

• If at first, you don’t succeed, burn all evidence that you tried.

• “It’s not unusual to see someone winning the race, being at the top of the business. But what’s important is to see someone who does his work with dignity and pride”

• Throwback to the ’70s. There’s no limit to what you can achieve as long as you keep working hard.

• Stay focused and keep things classic. Remember, No distractions.

• Creativity: We got it. Innovation: We got it. Devotion to doing the right thing for all Americans, no matter their race, gender, ethnicity, or whom they love: we are ALL about it! (Fired up and ready to go).

• I’m going to make every second count

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

• <<<< What could be better than some free love, peace, and joy? Oh, wait …

• Old school is new school; keep calm and carry on.

• If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.

• If you love adventure and everything that comes with it, explore our Earth

• You earn the right to be successful. You earn the right to be helpful, generous, and kind. You earn the right to live your dreams!

• If you have perseverance, confidence, courage, and faith-you can achieve anything you want. #goals

• Are you courageous enough to change your own life?

• Never overestimate doing too much while underestimating the power of learning / Les Brown

• Lovers and dreamers of all ages. We salute you. Get inspired with this retro ad from #TrueCar.

• This is how you do it in the 70s

• Stripes: they make you look slim Captions that capture a person’s mood

• The wait is over. The women’s collection is inspired by the men. Get your retro fix now at

• Disco is alive and well…in your hair.

• We’re gonna go back in time and change the world

• Don’t look back, you never know what you might miss.

• Some days you’re the bug, and some days the windshield.

• Do it your way. You don’t need anybody to tell you. Who’s to say what’s right or best?

• You must be present, to look forward and back.