Skydiving Pick up Line Captions With Quotes

Skydiving must be one of the scariest things people do. It’s falling from thousands of feet with absolutely no control over where you’ll land. I’ve always wanted to try skydiving but I’m too afraid. Maybe everyone else is like this too, which is why it’s best just to use a skydiving pick-up line when working up the courage to talk to a girl. Here are some skydiving pick-up lines so you don’t embarrass yourself or have to look at the ground while talking to her.

Skydiving Pick up Line Captions With Quotes

• You only live once, so make the most of it. With our Skydiving Pick-Up Line, you’ll never have to worry about what the weather is doing.

• I’m all about adventure and love the thrill of falling from the sky (and landing safely without a parachute).

• I’m looking for a girl with a fear of heights.

• You will be my parachute but only if you are up for it.

• Here comes the wind. Here comes the sky. Here comes my parachute.

• There’s no such thing as too high for the sky.

• Soar like a bird, land like a rockstar.

• Never sky dive with a friend who doesn’t want to jump.

• The best part of jumping out of a plane? The look on your loved one’s face as you land safely in their arms.

• Hey, babe. Is that a parachute in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

• Can’t wait to see you fly in the sky today.

• You’re brave enough to face the unknown, so we’re going soaring too.

• I’m your kind of lucky. You’re the one person I can’t wait to see fall out of the sky and into my life.

• It’s the thrill of the flight, but it’s the landing that gets me high.

• You know my name, you know what I’ve done. You know where I’m going, and that’s where you’re gonna go.

• Want to feel like a bird without wings? Let us take you for a flight.

• I’m ready to jump into bed with you.

• Life is a breath of fresh air. Fall in love with every moment

• Never leave your valuables behind. We’re right here, ready to keep them safe.

• If the idea of skydiving is more than you can handle, we have a pickup line that will help.

• You know what they say: “Skydiving is the most expensive form of travel.” But you’re worth it.

• Hey babe, will you be jumping out of a plane with me?

• Hey there, sky-high babe. Are you looking for a fresh air experience?

• When you’re falling and I’m picking you up, it’s a beautiful thing.

• We’ll give you a sky-view of your life.

• You’re pretty, you’re smart, and you’re brave. I want to be with you.

• You’re my golden parachute, you’re my parachute to infinity.

• Hey there, you. Upstaging me? I don’t think so.

• I want to feel your wings on my back, falling down from the sky—

• You’re on the verge of a life-changing experience. Here’s to the adventure ahead.

• I’d go sky diving if I could find the right girl.

• If you’re thinking about skydiving, think about this: what would you do if you were given the chance to fly?

• Come on, baby. Don’t be so scared of heights.

• Fly with us. We’ll be your stunt double.

• Just in case you drop your phone, here’s a quick way to pick it up.

• Soaring through the sky with a smile on my face.

• Come with me and you’ll be able to see the world from a different perspective.

• Why not enjoy an exciting adventure this weekend?

• Skydiving is like a roller coaster, except when you’re on it, you know you’ll survive.

• If you’re single, I’m a skydiving instructor. How about it?

• If you can fly, I’ll take you sky diving.

• I’m going skydiving and I need to hold on tight.

• If you’re gonna skydive, this is the line to use.

• Oh, are you here to drop some sky?🛩

• I’m a skydiver and I need to get out of here.

• You’re looking at the wrong sky. You’re looking at the right fall.

• The only way we’re ever getting on a plane.

• I need to be picked up from this dive.

• I love the feeling of falling through the air.

• When you are ready to look up from the clouds, I will be there.

• You have to love a man who will jump out of a plane to get your attention.

• Hey babe, when you’re in the air, we can’t hear you but when you hit the ground, I’ll be waiting.

• We’re going to put you in the sky and make you fly again.

• I’m not afraid of heights. I just want to live a life that makes my heart feel like it’s exploding with happiness.

• Just because you’re scared, doesn’t mean you can’t fly.

• Don’t let your heart get tangled in the sky.

• Today is your day. Life is an adventure, live it like your shit don’t stink.

• It’s a bird, it’s a plane… No, it’s my wallet

• I can’t help but keep looking up at the sky.

• You get me, but you can never have me.

• If you only knew how easy it was to fall in love.

• Swooping down on the horizon is where I land.

• Are you ready to find the meaning of life?

• “You are what’s up in the sky. You are the wind on my skydive and all that matters is right here right now.”

• I <3 skydiving…because there’s no greater thrill than soaring through the sky

• If you’re up to the challenge, I’m up for a sky dive.

• You know what they say: to fly, you have to jump. And I’m ready to take the plunge.

• If you were a parachute I’d be glad to wear you.

• When you’re free falling through space, the view is so clear.

• You’re too damn pretty not to jump with us.

• Life’s a little scary, but you don’t have to be. Let us pick you up.

• Don’t you just have that feeling that you always wanted to do something epic?

• I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.

• I bet you never knew I was a sky diver.

• I’m going skydiving, do you want to come?

• So you’re thinking about skydiving, huh? I can’t tell you how much I look forward to taking you up with me.

• Stuck on an assignment, but you can’t stop thinking about skydiving? Let your imagination run wild.

• Who said you only get one chance to skydive?

• You’ll feel like a superhero when you’re airborne.

• When you’re flying, don’t forget to fly.

• If you’re not nervous about diving, you’re the wrong diver.

• I’ve been waiting for this day since I was 10 years old.

• Skydiving, a great way to spend a Friday night.

• What you see is what you get. If you’re looking for a new adventure, let’s go skydiving.

• It’s never been so easy to go skydiving.

• You’re the first person I’ve ever wanted to skydive with.

• If you wanna jump higher, you gotta open your eyes.

• “Ready for a start to a new adventure?”

• There’s nothing like a day in the air.

• Can you hear the sound of my heartbeat? Can’t wait to jump with you.

• I’m ready to skip the journey, get the heck out of here and start the fun!

• You’re gonna love me like a skydiving pick up line.

• What’s your favorite food? Mine is sky diving.

• Skydiving is an adventure like no other. You don’t have to be scared of heights, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Just keep breathing…

• I’m ready to take your skydiving game to a whole new level.

• You look great in that outfit. Let’s get you into the sky!

• “You’re looking good in my parachute.”

• Who needs a parachute? You do. Who’s ready for you?

• Who’s ready to feel the freedom of the open skies?

• Heart-stopping, adrenaline-filled aerial adventures for the adventurous and fearless.

• Soar high above the world, with a single touch of your finger on your phone.

• Get your wings on, and get out of here.

• I’d like to talk about the possibility of flying with you.

• Wanna know the difference between me and your average Joe? I’ve done more sky diving than you have.

• Hey there. Have you heard of skydiving?

• I’m going to skydive. Who wants to join me?

• You’ve got to be kidding me! I just can’t wait to jump out of this plane with you.

• The first step to your dream is jumping out of the plane.

• You look so beautiful in your air, I can’t wait to see you fall into my arms.

• You’re going where I want to go, baby.

• Let’s do it again, but this time without the parachute.

• I’m ready to let go of everything that holds me back.

• You should use this pick up line: Hey there, sexy. How did you come up with that parachute?

• It’s not a matter of if, but when you’re ready to sky dive. ( 🛸 )

• I’ll always remember you as the person who made me jump out of an airplane and back into my life.

• I just landed. My parachute is deployed and my sexy as hell. Where are you?

• As you’re waiting for the plane, imagine being weightless above a beautiful blue sky.

• You know what they say: fly with me, and you’ll be satisfied.

• You can’t see the sky from here, but you can’t see me either

• I’ll be your parachute if you’re my chandelier.

• Look up and say hello to your new best friend.

• I’m ready to jump into your arms.

• Love doesn’t just happen, it’s a jump.

• If you’re going to sky dive, you might as well just do it.

• Do you wanna jump out of an airplane with me?

• Fly high, feel free… and use this pickup line when you’re hoping to jumpstart a conversation with someone new.

• I can’t believe we’re going skydiving…soon.

• Would you jump out of an airplane with me?

• I was born to fly, but I stayed grounded.

• You never know what will happen after you jump.

• Are you ready for a life-altering experience?

• I’m the new breed of skydiving pickup line. I bring the whole sky down 🛩

• Hi I’m a meteorologist and want to come up with a pick up line that is more memorable than “hello”.

• It’s not just a plane, it’s a way of life. #skydiving

• When you’re falling in love with the story of someone, to tell them how you feel is like skydiving.

• What’s the best part about scuba diving? Skydiving!

• “When you’re skydiving, the sky’s the limit.”

• If you can’t get enough of me, then I think we should skydive together.

• If the sky is the limit, then I’m the guy who will make it so you can reach it.

• I’ll never look at the sky the same way again.

• We can’t wait to be the one you call when you need us most.

• Looking for the coolest, most exhilarating weekend activity? Skydiving Pick Up Line is here.

• “I’m a sky diva. I gotta have my sky diving.”

• Skydiving is a metaphor for life. One moment you’re falling, the next you’re soaring.

• If you see an airplane, shoot it down.

• So what do you say? Let’s take this jump and show the world how we live.

• If you’re looking for a crazy adventure, I’m here for the ride.

• Descending in free fall, where the sky meets the ground.

• Going up! Going down! Going straight to you.

• You are the best thing that has happened to me.

• All of my dreams come true, right here on planet earth.

• You’re going to love this. I promise you’ll never forget it!

• Life is a journey. Take it with us.

• The best pick up line is the one that’ll have you falling in love with someone new.

• “Hey, I’m gonna skydive from 10,000 feet. How do you like them apples?”

• No one can resist the thrill of a skydive.

• When you’re up in the air, you’re up in the air.

• Just because your parachute didn’t open doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun.

• I want to jump down from the sky, drop you off anywhere you like.

• You know that feeling when you’re zooming down the highway and all you can think about is driving to see that girl?

• I’m the kind of girl who’s never afraid to take a leap.

• Just want to make sure you’re ready for a jump.

• You must have seen the video for “I’m Outta Here.”

• This is an honest pick up line that works.

• The sky is the limit. How’s a sky dive sound for your next adventure?

• There’s no better way to start your day than with an exhilarating jump out of a plane.

• You can either fly or die, but I would rather be jumping out of airplanes with you.

• Who needs a parachute when you can have me instead.

• Drop the chute, deliver us to new heights.

• When you’re falling, we’re waiting for you.

• You’re a bird of paradise and I’m a gazebo

• This is just the beginning, I know it’s hard to breathe.

• First class is my favorite seat in the plane.

• “You have to see the world from a different angle, because then you can appreciate how beautiful it is.”― Christine Lugli

• You are my sky diving pick up line

• Skydiving is the perfect pick up line. Who’s in?

• This is the most epic pick up line you could ever get.

• If you’re thinking about skydiving, don’t think. Go with your gut and do it today!

• Who said you can’t be adventurous? Come with me and we’ll soar like a bird.

• “Are you ready for an adventure?”

• “Are you ready to experience the world?”

• I fall like a feather, you pick me up

• Don’t just dive in—dive for it with us.

• Are you ready to start your next adventure?

• What you’re doing is so brave, and I’m trying to be brave too.

• Attention, wow factor: This is your chance to sit back and enjoy the ride

• Your beauty is like a sunrise, my love.

• You are my one and only favorite, so come on baby let’s go skydiving.

• I’m a free falling, sky diving, hot air ballooning.

• If you’re afraid to jump, maybe the sky is the wrong place for you. 🚀

• The best feeling in the world is jumping out of a plane and landing on a platform.

• When you think about it, isn’t skydiving a pretty good idea?

• Want to see what it feels like flying? Then let me be the one to pick you up.

• Just because a girl has wings doesn’t mean she can’t fly.

• I think it’s safe to say that this is the most exciting thing you’ve done all day.

• You look like a girl who’s ready to get out of the box.

• I’ll be down on one knee in an instant with the most breathtaking ring you’ve ever seen.

• Your wingspan is too large for your seat, but I’ll take it anyway.

• When you’re falling, there’s no rush to land. So why do so many people feel the need to rush when it comes to Skydiving?

• Skydiving is always an adventure, but going with a team makes it even more fun.

• How do you feel about being skydiver?

• When you’re up there in the sky, there’s nothing better than a parachute to help you land safely.

• Dreaming about skydiving? Let’s do it together!

• Just jumped out of a plane. Ready for the next adventure?

• A little bit of sky, a pinch of air, a lot of love.

• One thing is for sure. We’ve got the jumps and you’ve got the A-Side

• We’ll take you down, but only if you say yes.

• It’s so real, I thought you were a building!

• If you’re looking to start the year off right, check out our skydiving pickup line.

• Skydiving is a lot like love. You never know what you’re gonna get.

• We have a special pick up line that will make you feel like a rockstar!

• Let’s get out of the air, let’s go skydiving.

• “I just wanted to say that I loved your last sky dive and look forward to another one with you.”

• When you’re in the sky and you look down and see something below, it’s a good feeling.

• You are the sky, I am the plane and we’re about to take off.

• I used to jump out of planes, but they stopped letting me.

• It’s time to get out of the clouds and back on top.

• Can’t wait to tackle the world with you.

• You are beautiful, even when you’re falling.

• Life is an open door and there’s no time like the present.

• Hi, I’m a skydiver. I’m looking for a pilot to take me sky high.

• You’re a bird, I’m a plane. Lets go skydiving.

• If you’re jumping out of a plane, I’m the only one who can catch you.

• I’m ready to jump out of the plane with you baby

• If you think you can fly, we’re going to make sure you know that you can.

• If anyone asks me how high I flew today, just tell them to look up!

• “When I saw you, I thought about how I could drop you and then just jump after you.”

• Hey there! I’m looking for my parachute.

• Next time you pick me up I’ll be by the bar in a dress

• You’re the one I’ve been waiting for.

• Fall in love with the wind beneath you.

• Are you ready for a life-changing experience?

• What’s up? I’m a sky diver and I’m looking for a new heart in this city.

• I love you like a skydiving drop, like a horseback ride on the moon and like the whole world.

• You’re here. You’re ready. Let’s go skydiving.

• Do you love to skydive? If so, send me a message.

• There’s an adrenaline rush you only get when you jump out of an airplane with a camera in your face.

• Step out of your comfort zone and go skydiving with us.

• When you jump out of an airplane, and the sky is blue.

• You are the top of my list and I can’t wait to pick you up.

• Hello, I’m not ready to die but I am ready to dive.

• Step outside your comfort zone and jump with me. I will pick you up on a cloud of freedom.

• Come get some of the best air you’ve ever felt.

• You’re the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen—and I want to see you fall.

• You’re the moon and I’m the night

• You can fly higher than the birds, but only if you have my skydiving pickup line.

• It’s a beautiful day to go sky diving.

• Are you ready for the ride of your life? #skydiving

• If you’re not afraid of heights, let’s get picked up.

• I’m so excited that you’re a diver. I hope you’ve got all the gear, because we’re ready to go sky diving any time!

• “Hello, sky…are you ready to jump?”

• Be a hero. Be an adrenaline junkie. Be a 60-year old male skydiver!

• When you’re a skydiver, you have to be ready for anything.

• “You’re going to want to be ready for this one.”

• I’m ready to jump out of my skin.

• When you’re up, the whole world’s down.