Prayer for Sick Great Grandma Quotes and Captions for Instagram

It is good to pray for sick great-grandma and be thankful for our loved ones, even if they are still alive. Sick grandmas can find comfort from the words of others, learning that not all family members or friends have forgotten them when they are ill.

It’s rough to see your great-grandma suffer on a sickbed. Whether she is dealing with an illness or just an everyday struggle, every little prayer helps. Here are some quotes to inspire your big heart and caring soul as you remember your grandma.

Prayer for Sick Great Grandma Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Dear Lord, please watch over my sick great-grandma. She is always so loving and sweet to me. I miss her.

• Please let Lord give my Great Nanny all the strength she needs to get over her sickness.

• Our hearts are saddened by the news that Great Grandma has passed. Please pray for her and be with loved ones this week.

• Dear God, we pray for grandma’s recovery. We know you’re watching over her, and we thank you for that

• Please keep Grandma F., who had an operation this morning and is in the hospital, in your thoughts.

• Rest peacefully, Grandma. We love you and miss you so much.

• Lord, grant her a quick recovery and keep her healthy for a long time to come for the sake of the family. Amen.

• May God bless you and keep you. May your home be warmed with the love of family and friends, and may your heart be filled to overflowing with gratitude.

• Please God, let her live another season. Please let him get another chance to see her smile.

• Please pray for my great grandma who is sick in the hospital.

• Lord, please watch over my great grandma who is very sick in the hospital. Give her a speedy recovery and help her with all of her needs.

• Praying for an uplifting day and a quick recovery for my great grandma

• Please pray for my great grandma, who has lost her short-term memory.

• We’re praying for your speedy recovery #GreatGrandma. We love you.

• Grandma, you’ve always been there for me. Thank you for all of your wisdom and love. I’ll keep praying for your health and happiness.

• praying for you Zaynab, “May Allah heal and cure you, may Allah make your face shine with health, and bring you back to health soon”

• Every day, we pray that your health improves. Soon, we hope to see you laugh and play with us again.

• May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you, always.

• Dear God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

• Please pray for my sweet great grandma who was recently diagnosed with cancer. I thank God for her and everyone who reads this prayer, Amen.

• We are praying for our great grandma who got hospitalized today. Please pray for her quick recovery and that this be a test of her faith. God bless us all, Amen.

• I’m sending positive vibes and prayers for my Great Grandma to have a speedy healthy recovery…to soon be back on her feet.

• Dear Lord, please let my great grandma’s surgery be a success and make it so that she heals fast.

• Dear Lord, please heal grandma and make her feel better. Give her the strength to fight this disease. I pray for a full recovery.

• Please God, heal our beloved grandmother. We love her more than anything in this world. She is our king and queen

• Please send positive vibes our way. Today is the day of my mom’s operation, and we are all hoping for a quick recovery!! We love you, grandma!

• Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. While I’m praying for you, please keep me in your prayers too.

• Dear Lord, thank you for bringing your light and hope to our family in this difficult time. Grant us the wisdom and courage to find our strength. Amen.

• Dear God, please heal my great grandma who is very sick at this moment.

• send healing thoughts to my great grandma who is critically ill. I pray that she has a safe, speedy, and full recovery from her illness.

• We’re praying for your great-grandmother to get well soon. We miss seeing her at family gatherings

• Grandma, we love you and are so grateful for you. We hope all is well at the hospital we pray for your speedy recovery, amen!

• Lord, we pray for the health of our grandma. Please watch over her and let her get better soon

• Dear Lord, please watch over my sweet grandma who is in the hospital right now. Please keep her safe and make her stronger.

• Lord, please be with Mrs. Virginia and her family at this very difficult time. Please ease their pain and help them to find peace.

• I’m thankful for your health, and I ask the Lord to fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.

• Lord, may all of your graces and blessings always be with her.

• Hang in there Paps, you’re the toughest lady we know. We love you.

• Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

• Please god, bring my great grandma back to health. May she be filled with the glory of your mercy and love. Amen

• Thank you, God, for protecting and providing for our great grandma through her illness.

• Praying for a quick recovery and God’s gentle healing of you, grandma. Get well soon!

• May the spirit of God come upon you and rest in your heart.

• Dear God, please ease the suffering of my elderly great-grandmother. May she find comfort and courage to face this illness with faith in you.

• Be with my great grandma in her hour of need and comfort her. We ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen.

• God, heal every sickness that is on my great grandmother. I pray that she feels better as soon as possible and gets back to doing what she loves best. AMEN

• Dear Lord, please ease the pain in my great grandma’s body. Please take away all her aches and her pains. And please, let her regain her health soon.

• Grandma, the kids, and I are here to pray with you. We love you and we’re asking God to heal you. We know he will answer your prayers because he loves you too.

• Thanks for your prayers. She is doing well and might be out of the hospital this week!

• Lord, we know you are able to heal. We’re asking for healing to begin today. For complete healing, in Jesus’ name, amen.

• I’m praying for my great grandma. She’s battling cancer and is currently in the hospital.

• I send this prayer to the stars for my great grandma’s recovery. May the Lord grant her comfort and peace during her time of trial.

• Please God, let my great Grandma live until Christmas. I miss her so much.

• Grandma, you’re sick again. Please take care of yourself. The love we all have for you is stronger than any germs.

• 🙏🏼 Dear God, please give my grandmother the strength to fight the sickness. I really miss her

• Thanks to God, we’re back in the country to see Ms. Mary and spend time with our loved ones. We will be praying for her quick recovery.

• Our family prays for your quick recovery from this sickness.

• Dear God, please watch over my great grandma as she is in the hospital. Give her strength and wisdom to get through this. I love her so much!

• Help us with great grandma, who’s not feeling well. Thank you in advance for everything.

• Dear God, Please take care of grandma—healing her from the inside out. Amen

• She’s the best. We love you, Grams… Now and forever.

• I pray that God gives her strength and a positive attitude during this difficult time. May God’s comfort be with her, may He love and keep you.

• we love you and miss you so much. Get better soon. We’re all here with you

• Dear God, please let nanay be alright. She’s too young to die.

• Please, God, let Nani live to see our wedding. I promise we will make her a tiara if she does. Amen.

• We ask for your blessing and protection upon (insert name of the great grandma who recently suffered from a stroke)

• please keep my great grandma in your thoughts and prayers she won’t be with us much longer. please pray for a peaceful end of life.

• Dear God, please let my great grandma be healthy again. And let her live to see her 90th birthday.

• Prayers to sweet Granny, with all her church friends and family by her side.

• Lord, please ease the pain of my sick grandma as she is recovering.

• Lord, I lift up grandma Jeannie Mary to you. Please be with her…

• Please God, let her see the grandkids grow, get married, and have children

• The lines on her palms mean she cared for others all her life. The lines in the palms of your hands show how you care for yourself now

• Dear Lord, please bring my great grandma back to good health. Please have mercy on her soul. Amen.

• Praying that grandma gets the strength she needs to fight this struggle. We love you, grandma.#prayers

• Dear God, please help my grandmother get better soon. I love her so much and can’t imagine life without her. Amen.

• Dear God, please help my grandma get better. I miss her when she spends the night in the hospital.

• I know you’re in a better place now grandma, but I still miss you. I wish you were here and healthy please be with me as I do this interview.

• Praying for your momma and her feet, Lord. Heal her and give her peace.

• We are praying for your recovery, you’re in our hearts, and we love you.

• Please always hear my prayers for your health and wellness. I love you so much Grandma

• Dear God, please comfort my grandmother and help her through the pain. Let her know she is not alone. Please don’t ever let me lose her.

• I’m counting all my blessings as I say a prayer for you tonight. Hope you have a good night and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

• May the Lord hold you in the palm of his hand and may he guide your path.

• We pray for all of those who are sick, especially our great grandma. We hope you get well soon.

• I pray that God would heal grandmom so she can get back home and see her great-grandbaby.

• Dear God, please watch over my grandma who is ill in the hospital.

• Dear God, please heal my Grandma and keep her with us. Thank you, God, amen.

• Our family is blessed beyond words for her steady courage. We pray for continued health and strength as she recovers from cancer surgery.

• Dear God, please help to get better soon. All of our family misses her so much. Amen

• Grandma’s still in the ICU, but her vitals are better and everyone’s praying hard.

• I pray that God will help us to bear this test with courage, strength, and faith.

• Dear God, please watch over [great grandma] and help her feel better soon. Amen.

• Praying for a quick recovery for your great grandma. I miss you guys too.

• Dear Jesus, please heal my great grandma who is suffering from cancer. You are able to heal her soul and body. Thank you. Amen. #pray #prayer

• Dear Lord, please heal this great grandma of mine who is suffering from an asthma attack. We love her so much. Amen

• We pray that you are recovering from surgery, Grandma. You are in our thoughts, and we wish for your speedy recovery.

• Heavenly Father, please heal sweet Jeanne from her sickness so she may get well and be the star of Thanksgiving. Thank you for your kindness.

• Dear God, please heal my grandmother’s heart and give her the strength to get through the medical procedure. Thank you. Amen.

• I’m so grateful for my health and the health of my family and friends. Please help (insert name) be able to get better.

• Dear God, I pray for a chance to meet you someday. I have questions I can’t find in any book. Help me be brave and live to my fullest potential. In Jesus’ name, amen.

• May God touch you in all places of your body, including the heart. May he allow you to feel the presence of Jesus and may he bring you peace.