Prayer for Sick Boss Quotes and Captions for Instagram

When a boss is sick, it doesn’t only affect him but also the whole team as everybody will work even harder to compensate for his absence. While some employees might be feeling stressed out, others might be worried about their boss’s health. Therefore, they could use a few quotes to ease their tension and show that they’re thinking about him with those collections below.

Prayer for Sick Boss Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Please help my boss to get well soon, Lord. He has been sick for some time now. Please send him your healing grace and love.

• Dear Lord, please let my boss (insert name) fast and recover from the illness. I promise to keep on doing my best. Amen

• We pray for our boss, who is fighting a cold. Let him be strong and healthy. Lord, grant him good health. We pray this in your name. Amen.

• Dear God, please heal my boss Stan who is recovering from a skiing accident in Switzerland

• Dear God, I pray for Mr. R to be healed and restored to health. Please watch over him and his family. Thank you, Lord,

• We pray for God to make your health grow strong, with the help of a doctor and medicine.

• Dad, please heal her of her sickness and pain. Give her the strength to keep fighting on your behalf. She needs you now more than ever.

• May this weekend bring you strength and peace during this difficult time.

• Bless my boss who is sick. Let his mood and health be restored to him. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

• Dear Lord, please take care of our boss. He is not feeling well and needs you more than ever.

• Let your heavenly father heal my boss’ illness even as he gets healed.

• Dear God, please give my boss a speedy recovery. And if you wouldn’t mind, please decrease business expenses and increase employee morale.

• Lord, I know my boss has been under the weather and is still trying to work hard. Give him strength and energy.

• The boss is sick, so we get to leave a little early. Thanks, Lord!

• Please dear God, heal my boss. She’s in a lot of pain. Help her feel better and keep her around for a long time.

• Send some healing vibes to our boss and the family of our dear friend, who was diagnosed with a rare and serious illness.

• We pray for you to recover soon and to have a quick recovery. We hope that you get well soon.

• Get well soon, sir. We need you in order to take over the world

• Please let the operation go well and please let him be okay

• May the peace of God that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

• Dear God, please heal my boss. He’s really sick and his cough is really bad. It sounds like he is choking. I just want him to feel better as soon as possible!

• Dear Lord, please help my boss to feel better soon and make it possible for her to come back to work asap. I will be so grateful. Amen

• Dear God, please provide healing for my boss and peace for her family. Please bring comfort to the grieving, and give strength to all who are in need.

• Oh Great Lord of the Universe, please give my boss a full and healthy recovery and enlighten him with your wisdom.

• Please help my boss with her recovery and to feel better as soon as possible, thank you in advance

• Please, St. Anthony of Padua, help me find a parking space. Amen.

• Please keep Dr. Susan in your thoughts and prayers. She is battling for her life after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

• May you be healed and filled with the joy of Your presence, O Lord.

• May you never drink from the cup of total despair—I will be there for you if you need me.

• Our thoughts are with you, Mr.Shedd. Please get better soon!

• Please, please let him be okay. We can’t lose him. Not now. Not this way.

• Our boss is sick in bed, so I’m praying for the healing of his body and soul.

• Please pray for my boss, she has been very sick for a long time

• Dear Lord, please heal my boss and give her health.

• Lord, I lift up my boss to you. Please heal and restore her body, mind, and spirit.

• Our boss is sick, I wonder if today is a good day to take those leftover donuts for myself.

• Please let my boss recover fast enough to make it to our big meeting tomorrow. I’ll be very thankful if she does. Amen.

• Dear God, please heal my boss Mike so he can stop acting like a child and help us get these reports out on time.

• Dear God, please grant strength and peace to the family of Yolanda F. who was just diagnosed with cancer. Amen –

• Dear God, please give us a speedy recovery and we will forever be grateful. Amen

• We are sending you lots of positive energy, comfort, and a speedy recovery. May all your stress be replaced with calm and happiness.

• Lord, please give Mr. Smith all the strength and courage that he’ll need to fight this disease so he can live a long life and spend it with us.

• Prayers up for my boss who’s severely sick and in hospital. May God be with him and give him the strength to recover.

• You’ve prayed for your boss to get better, now it’s time to finish that prayer by praying for him with this hashtag.

• We pray for our boss’ quick recovery after her illness. May she have a speedy recovery and be back as soon as possible.

• Dear God, please heal my boss as quickly as possible. And make him/her stop yelling at me. Thanks!

• Dear Lord, please watch over this boss and keep him out of harm’s way Thank you.

• May good health and fortune follow you always and all your ways prosper.

• Dear God, please let our boss have a speedy recovery. He’s really sick and his company can’t function without him. We need you to heal him and comfort him.

• Lord, please look over our boss and heal her. Let her get better soon so that she can come back to work.

• We ask that you watch over and guide our boss, who is in the hospital. We need him with us and we hope for his swift recovery.

• Dear Lord, please help our boss to get well soon. Send him/her strength and keep him in your care.

• We’re sending positive vibes and healing thoughts to you and your family, Boss. Stay strong!

• Dear Lord, please bring back our friend. And give him the strength to get better quickly so that he can come back and be with us again.

• You are in our thoughts and prayers during this time of recovery.

• Rise and shine. The sun is up and shining bright, wishing you a wonderful day. Here’s to pulling you through this fight.

 Short Muslim Prayer for Sick Boss Quotes

• Please God, heal the boss and make him strong, like your servant Job.

• Dear God, please cure my boss of his cold and sore throat. Amen.

• Hopefully, Allah will cure their illness and restore them to health.

• May Allah make you better and may you get well soon. Ameen

• May Allah heal his depression and increase his years. Ameen

• May Allah bless your health and grant you ease, recovery, and complete healing from all diseases. Ameen

• Allah is the Greatest and I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, The One, The Whole of It. And He is Allah, The Everlasting.

• May God forgive us and have mercy on us, just as we forgive those who have wronged us. Ameen.

• May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

• May Allah bestow his mercy upon you, and make this a quick recovery. Ameen.

• May God make easy and smooth the difficult things in your life, and may He brighten your day with happiness.

• O, Allah! I beseech Thee by the (indiscriminate) mercy of Thy Lord to make my

• Māshāʿallāh, you are the One whose help is to be sought against all offensive things

• May Allah grant you patience, courage, and fortitude during your illness.

• May Allah bless and cure you, to enable you to serve humanity more as your wish.

• May Allah (God) grant you with healing and Iman.

• May God bless you with well-being and healing, and may He illuminate for you the places you have yet to explore.

• All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And may peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family, and companions.

• May Allah accept all your good deeds and may He reward you for all your efforts.

• O, Allah! Grant your mercy on our sick boss and grant him recovery. Ameen.

• We ask Allah to heal our beloved boss and for his quick recovery. And may Allah ease him from the suffering. Ameen

• Oh Allah, please heal the sick-hearted boss of our boss. Ameen.

• Dear God, please heal my boss for yesterday, I really need this job. amen.

• O, Allah! Make for my boss righteousness, increase his guidance and keep him safe from harm

• Allah! heal our sick and for more info click on the following page.

• May Allah make you better and may you come back to us as you were before. Amin

• May Allah grant you more years, add more life to your life and take you away from this illness. Aameen.

• O, Allah! Bestow upon him the best of health, cure him from all ailments and bless him with strength.

• May Allah cure you, and may He strengthen your heart to bear all that comes upon it. Ameen.

• Allahumma ho’ood kheer ma koobana ba a’lamud, wa ‘aalama ba maa ho’ona.

 Prayer Captions for My Sick Boss

• Our boss is sick Please pray for him and his family

• God, please help my boss to get well soon

• Please God, let my boss get better. She’s the best boss I ever had.

• Dear Lord, please cure my boss because he has been in the office for more than three days now #bossproblems

• And dear God, I pray that you heal the suffering of this ailing soul.

• Dear Lord, Please send your angels to keep her safe and comfortable. In the name of Jesus. Amen

• I’m sending all my positive energy to you today, wishing that you feel better soon.

• Lying in bed, body aching, mind reeling. Hang in there with me, girl, we’ll get through this together.

• May you be blessed with every joy that heaven can hold.

• Please God, make me a good husband and father. Amen.

• May the Lord grant you peace, and may you always see the beauty in each passing moment.

• Praying for my boss as he is in the hospital. Hope he gets well soon!

• Dear God, please ease the pain of my boss who is extremely sick.

• Lord, I pray for strength and guidance as my boss recovers from surgery. You are the greatest doctor!

• Lord, watch over my boss and heal her aching body, giving her strength and comfort through this trying time.

• Prayer is a conversation with God. We speak and He listens. Let’s hear His voice today.

• I pray for you today and hope that you feel better soon

• Praying for good health and smooth sailing as you undergo medical treatment.

• Please, God, make mama better. She is the only person who gives me hugs and kisses. Amen…..

• Grateful for a dear coworker who continues to inspire us all to do our best work.

• Lord, please let us be well enough to make it through Monday.

• Dear Lord, please heal my boss. She has been very groggy lately and is unable to do her daily tasks.#prayforboss

• Dear Lord, please grant my boss courage and faith to overcome the pain she is experiencing. And while you’re at it, please heal her. Thank You

• Please, Lord, look over him and heal his body. God, have mercy on our beloved boss as he goes through this time of illness.

• Dear Lord, let all of my boss’s troubles and pains be healed. Please say a prayer for her during this difficult time.

• Dear God, please take my boss instead of me. I will miss her, but others will rejoice. Amen

• Dear God, (I pray for) health, strength, and energy to help me get through this day at work

• Prayer is the pillar of strength I lean on. I pray you are strong enough to overcome this and recover soon.

• I will pray for your speedy recovery and a swift return to the office

• Praying for you: forgiveness for those who have hurt you and freedom from any negative thoughts.

• Please, someone, get me some cough drops or lozenges! I’m about to keel over.

• Please, Lord, get me through this meeting without a migraine.

• I’m sending all my prayers and thoughts for a speedy recovery

• Heavenly Father, thank you for blessing me with the grace to accept this challenge. I can do all things through You.

• Lord, Please watch over my boss who is in the hospital. He’s really in need of your help right now.

• Dear Lord, please keep my boss in your care as she is ill at the moment. Let her get better soon. Amen

• Dear Lord, please help my boss get well soon; bless his mind and his body and everyone else in the office too, AMEN!! Thanks for being you, God!

• Dear God, please give my boss strength to recover soon I know he is in your hands.

• Please god, let my boss get better soon. I don’t know what I will do if he stays sick for much longer

• Please help him to overcome this illness and heal his body

• Lord, may she get well soon. We are all praying for her, Ameen!

• You are never alone. If you find yourself in a dark place and feel like no one understands, send us a prayer request by clicking on the. We’ll pray with you.

• Can’t thank you enough for the comfort and support you’re always offering. I’m sending you healing strength and care today.

• Lord, please make a way where there seems to be no way.

• In sickness and in health, may you always enjoy serving your delicious coffee to others?

• Dear God, my boss is sick at home. Please make him feel better. He is a good person and I pray that he will be on time for work tomorrow.

• My boss was out for 2 months and he hasn’t been feeling well but we just found out he’s going to be better, prayers finally answered.

• Lord, please be with my boss who has been admitted in the hospital. Let him recover fast and get back to work soon.

• Please Lord, let my boss get better soon and let her be able to hit the gym and the office. Thank you in advance.

• Dear God, please heal my boss so I can stop monitoring the bathroom for poop.

• Prayer is the key that unlocks the door which leads to hope, trust and love.

• Prayer can work miracles, even when we don’t understand them. Keep your spirits up, and know that God is by your side.

• I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works.

• We wish you a speedy recovery as you rest and get better from your surgery. Get well soon!