Powerful Prayer Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Powerful Prayer is a profound practice that has the ability to transform lives and connect individuals to a higher power. It is a spiritual exercise that is defined by an unwavering belief in the supernatural and a deep sense of reverence. Through the act of prayer, one can seek guidance, solace, and strength in times of adversity and uncertainty. It is a powerful tool that transcends boundaries and unites people from different cultures and religions. By offering prayers with utmost devotion, individuals can experience a profound sense of peace and clarity. Whether it is a prayer for healing, forgiveness, or prosperity, the power of prayer is undeniable, bringing comfort, hope, and miracles into the lives of those who believe.

Powerful Prayer Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• God I thank you for all the beauty in your world. Ok, now that I have finished my prayer, can we take a break from praying and go skateboarding?”-Life of Fred

• The most powerful prayers don’t change God’s mind, but they change our hearts and minds so we can better align ourselves with God’s will.

I pray today is full of joy and love, and may all your dreams come true.

• May the world be kind to you. And may your kindness have a great effect on the world.

• I pray that you will trust God always because he is always faithful. – 2 Timothy 2:13 #bible

• Lord, give me the strength to face the challenges which come my way each day. Help me to be brave and courageous with joy. Amen.

• Lord, bless us and these thy gifts which we receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen 🙏

• Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

• Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

• Because I am thine, and Thou art mine; twixt me and Thee no power can be. Because Thou art with me, and I with Thee, in life and death.

• Lord, thank you for this food and many other blessings. Amen

• Prayer changes things. Prayer changes me. Prayer changes people.

• May your new year be filled with love, joy, and good health. All the best to you and your family.

• God, thank you for the beautiful morning. Give me a day that is filled with peace and joy.

• Best wishes for the one who is always there for you, your angel.

• Lord, no one can heal me but You. No one can set me free but You. No one can love me but You. No one is greater than You

• Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

• So, I pray that you will be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience (4:11)

• Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. This is the first commandment

• I pray that you find peace in the world, happiness within yourself, and love in your heart.

• When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 🙏

• Lord, please keep me safe and protected on this journey, and use my life for your glory.

• I wish for a soft and beautiful day for you today. May your thoughts be as quiet as your heart is wise.

• Lord, help me to be grateful for my health and the ability to walk—and help me to walk in gratitude by helping others who cannot.

• Lord, help me to be the kind of person that I would choose as a friend.

• I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. Job 31:1

• I will accomplish all I was sent here to do, and I will do it with joy.

• Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

• Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. – Matthew 5:7

• My prayer for you is that this picture of a falling leaf 🍂 reminds you that your life is in God’s hands and whatever happens, He has a plan for you.

• I pray for you and your smiles, I pray for you and your tears, for the brightness of your days and the warmth of your hugs.

• We all have challenges. Don’t give up, focus on what you’re supposed to do and make it happen. God is with us always, be strong and courageous!

• Dear God, I pray for the strength to keep going when people are against me.

• Let this be a day of rising above all that would hold me back, and let every step make a positive impact on the world.

• Lord, wherever I am today, I’m grateful to be there. Wherever there is, I’m grateful to be here. I’m with you.

• Lord, as I begin this day, I pray that you will guide me along the right path and protect me from hurt and harm. Amen.

• Lord, my heart is often filled with sorrow but through it all, You are the joy in my heart. Thank you for always being there for me during these difficult times.

• Lord, fill me with the strength I need to face today.

• Within every heart is the ability to give and receive love…

• “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out” – John Wooden

• Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened for you. Those who know their God can do anything.

• Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalms 51:10

 Power of Prayer Quotes With Pictures

• Lord, I pray that you would be with all who seek to find the cures for diseases. May the quest to cure cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, AIDS, and many others continue.

• Prayer is the key of my existence. It’s not about asking, it’s all about knowing 🙏

• God, thank you for the many blessings in our life. Teach us how to properly give thanks and help us to be thankful every day of our lives.

• May this Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude for the abundance you’ve provided for us, and may we always count our blessings 🙏💕

• let’s raise a glass– or coffee cup– to all those who are raising their voices (in prayer) for this special place.

• Praying for the best, preparing for the worst. (Motto from a fire department) #alwaysprepared

• Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day. Help me to make the most of it and be the best I can be. Amen.

• May God be with you and bless you today.

• Lord, I believe; help my unbelief. 🙏

• Lord, thank you for bringing us safely to this day. Help us to be grateful, help us to be generous, and help us to do our best.

• Prayer change things. Make today your day.

• God answers prayer. Keep on praying.

• The candles we light don’t burn too bright, and the fields of gold won’t shine for those who cry, keep your head up and know the light is coming. Praying for you.

• There are no perfect prayers, just perfect faithfulness in living our best story.

• Prayer changes things, prayer changes me #PrayAlways

• Lord, I pray that you fill us with your love as we walk through this world. Guide us on our journey and never leave our side.

• May we rise up for each other and fall down for anything less. Amen

• The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

• Whether you’re in need of strength or hope, these encouraging and powerful Bible Quotes will lift your spirit.

• How does a day begin? How does a beautiful day begin? With a prayer of gratitude ✝️☀

• The best thing about faith is that prayer changes things.

• Praying that you’ll find comfort, strength, and peace in the days ahead.

• Dear Lord, thank you for this beautiful day and all the blessings you have given me. Amen ❤️

• Prayer changes things. The world is transformed by the prayer of a righteous man. —James 5:16

• God, please protect us from the dangers of temptation. Keep us safe from all harm. AMEN

• Dear God, in the middle of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.

• Just start praying for things and you’ll see them happen. There is power in prayer.

• Prayer is one of the most important things in the world. It is powerful, and it can change lives.

• Prayer will always be the best response to every situation, big or small.🙏

• Here’s to a day filled with the spirit of giving; the power of prayer and more love than any of us deserves. #HappyGiving

• Say a prayer. Make a wish. Count your blessings #blessed

• Today we pray for jobs, peace, and the health of our loved ones.

• Prayer brings us closer to Allah. Prayer is our weapon against evil. Let’s get this, guys!

• Let’s pray for a season of new beginnings—for you, your family and friends, and our great country.

• Hakuna matata (no worries) – The Lion King 🦁

• Dear God, thank you for this morning and all the opportunities it brings. Amen.

• oh lord thank you for everything I have.

• Lord, let me be the person my dog thinks I am. – unknown

Quote on the Power of Prayer

• A powerful prayer could change a negative situation into a positive one. We can all agree on that

• Your prayers uplift our spirits and remind us that we are never alone. Thank you for your support and faith.

• Let your requests be made known to God; He will grant them.

• Prayer changes things. Prayer changes me. Prayer changes the world.

• Prayer changes everything. Put your trust in God, not yourself.

• Dear God, please let this be the day that I find my true love.

• When you pray, move your feet. When you walk, talk to God.

• Lord, please guide us in all we do today. Let your light shine through us to others. Thank you for the new day.

• It’s easy to get lost in the daily hustle but keep your head up and stay positive—remember God is always watching over you.

• Don’t pray for an easier life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one that leads to growth. – Bruce Lee

• When someone is always there for us, we tend to take them for granted. Be grateful for your friends and loved ones…

• Let us pray with confidence, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

• Prayer changes things. Let the power of prayer move you today.

• Sometimes prayer is just a way to get yourself to go to work. But sometimes it’s when you need God the most.

• Prayer changes personality. Prayer changes circumstances. Prayer changes habits.

• You can never tell how much a simple prayer has been answered until you see what the answer has produced.

• Praying for you and your loved ones, hope all is well wherever you are.

• I pray that you remain healthy in body and mind for as long as possible.

• You never have to pray alone. 🙏

• May the Lord make your every wish come true. Psalm 109:17 NIV

• God, you’re bigger than any mountain.

• Dear Lord, please let my ship come in. I am so tired of eating tuna straight from the can.

• Prayer is the key of happiness, of joy, and of success.

• Prayer moves mountains. So move one for me. ✨🌲

• Prayer works in wonderful ways, and I’m a living testimony of that.

• Lord, help me to remember that if I pray with gratitude and appreciation, there is so much more in life to be thankful for.

• If I did not believe it, I would not say” thank you” for the many things you have given me. You are good and your love endures forever. Psalms 136

• Dear God, I’m so thankful for this life. Help me to do my best and have gratitude for what I have.

• I pray that you always be blessed in all your ways, and may all your days be filled with joy. Psalms 67:1

• When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for. And when you don’t receive it, trust that it’s because God will give you something even better instead.

• A wise person once said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” -Saint Therese of Lisieux

• May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

• I will trust in God at all times, so that I may be assured;

• With a God this great, what can’t be done?

• Who is with me to pray for the upcoming elections? 🙏💪

• Let’s pray it’s not a hot lava type of day, but rather reflective and coffee-y.

• My message and my motto for 2018 is: Pray hard, work harder and make God smile. 🙏 #NaijaWeddingPlanner

• We prayed for you, too. God bless!

• Dear God, thank you for giving us the days, hours, minutes, and seconds. In Jesus’ Name We Pray . . . . Amen.

• God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Psalm 46:1

• God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 🙏

• Prayer is the key to heaven, where all good things come from. – St. Teresa

• Change your thoughts and you change the world.

Prayer Is the Most Powerful Weapon Quotes

• Prayer is the most powerful weapon, but faith is the trigger.

• Praying for peace in the world is a good start. This is not the last step. Our leaders and lawmakers are our partners in this journey.

• I prayed for you today. You didn’t ask–you didn’t have to. I did it without a care in the world, as if it were my duty. And it is.

• praise be to God, who has given us the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.

• As a son of God, I do not need to carry the weight of today in fear. For God is the father of all men, and His mercies are over all His works. Psalm 145:13-14

• Lord, help me to use every day as a new beginning.

• Lord, forgive my sins. My victories belong to you. Amen.

• Prayer is the most powerful weapon.

• Prayer is the most powerful weapon, the key to victory.

• When you pray you are talking to the most powerful force in the universe so always be totally respectful of that.

• I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

• I pray that God gives you the desires of your heart ❤

• On the cosmic scale of things, all our greatest triumphs and tragedies are infinitesimal. But to the prayerful heart, every event is a cause for celebration.

• Lord, I pray for families who face devastating circumstances, physically, emotionally, and financially.

• I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

• Lord, bless us with a heart to help others. Bless us with the desire to listen with our heart and mind. Help us build peace, one relationship at a time.

• Prayer is the greatest weapon against fear. It is the fiercest power in defense of peace. It is mightier than the sword or bullet.

• Prayer changes things. Prayer changes me. Prayer changes everything

• God, please lead me to the path of righteousness… and make it so easy to follow. Amen.

• Dear God, thank you for giving us strength and the ability to forgive. Amen 🙏

• May God be with you and bless you richly. Amen

• God grants us the most sincere and fervent desires of our hearts.

• I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me 🙏🏼

• The Lord is my Strength, a stronghold in the day of affliction.

• Lord, help me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

• Lord, help me to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

 Prayer Quotes Power of Prayer Quotes Healing

• The power of prayer is healing, restoring, calming and soothing. Are you making time to be still and quiet your spirit?

• So thankful for the healing power of prayer! 🙏❤️

• Prayer changes things. It can change you, it can change your friends, it can change the world.

• Give me the strength to face the challenge ahead. give me the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

• Lord, you are my refuge, my place of safety. You are all I have to trust in this world 🙏 #prayer

• No matter what your problem is today, if you ask God for help He will certainly help you.

• I look up and cry out to God, the Creator of heaven and earth. And I say, “Dear God, thank you for loving me.”

• Dear Lord, thank you for this day and all of your many blessings. Help me be a blessing to others – Amen.

• Lord. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference…

• Trust and believe in the Lord; put your confidence in Him. He will never let you down.

• Lord, let me serve you in silence.

• Let’s thank God for this day and ask him to heal, bless and protect our loved ones. 🙏

• I pray for the Lord to have mercy on me, a sinner. #prayer #prayers

• Let prayer be your first concern; and being found faithful, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus.

• I pray that God will guide us with his wisdom and lead us into all truth. Amen.

• Please pray for the people affected by Hurricane Florence.

• May God bless you with enough self-confidence and self-assurance to be your authentic self in the world.

• May the Lord guide your paths, and may He keep your soul.

• If you pray like everything depended on God and act like everything depended on you, then everything will be just fine.

• May the good Lord bless you, may His face shine upon you, may His countenance be gracious unto you

• May you and your loved ones truly experience a blessed Christmas this year. 🙏

• Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.

• Prayer doesn’t change God but changes him who prays. –various…

• May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

• May we all be filled with gratitude for the love and blessings from our friends and families.

• The shortest and most beautiful prayer is ‘Thank you. -Meister Eckhart

• Dear God, thank you for reminding me that I am not alone in this world 🙏🌞✨

• May the hopes of our hearts rise above even the highest skies, where they’ll be safe from everything that might harm them.

• I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

• You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.

• With each new morning comes a new beginning. Let this be the start of a good day for you, dear friend! 🙏

• There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, leads to death.

• The power of prayer is an amazing thing. With it, most things are possible—even miracles.

• Prayer has the power to change things. And, so do you! #prayer #change

• Prayer changes things. And the thing that prayer changes are sometimes the most important things in the world. -Sandra Toepfer

• Prayer can change things, even when we can’t. “God works in mysterious ways.”

• God will work out everything for good — no matter what you’re facing today. He is faithful, and He loves you with an everlasting love!

• Just as our heartbeats thankfulness to you, we can also feel it beat out of gratitude for the family and friends that love and support us. Thank you, God.

• Let your presence be known among those you love and care for so that they live in harmony and balance.

• Lord, help me go to the person who needs me today without getting wrapped up in my own busyness.

• that God may bless you and keep you; that He may shed His grace on you, and give you His peace

• Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

• I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, and a I will seek out the leapers there for company.

• Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.

Prayer Status Prayer Quotes

• Praying that God would give his light to shine upon them and hold them up in their time of need.

• Are you a person who prays? If so, what do you pray for?

• Religion quotes to inspire your heart

• Praying for you, Partner. Please pray that I would succeed in this project and I’ll return home safely from my travels.

• Pray that your words will be a blessing to me and mine and that the Lord will not allow us to be misled. 🙏 💕

• Praying for you all. Please remember to be grateful for good things and to love others like Jesus does.

• The greatest prayer you can offer is to yourself.

• “Do not give up, do not lose hope. God is on your side.”

• May the Lord who made heaven and earth bless you with His peace and confidence, wisdom, and guidance.

• May your days be filled with God’s peace, love, and joy.

• God, you are the mastermind behind all things. Thank you for everything, and I ask that your will be done. 🙏

• We are all the same, but we’re different. We all cry, laugh and hurt. But beyond that, we are all one. This is our bond—and it is beautiful.

• The secret of your success is not in the size of your dream but in the strength of your determination to make it come true.

• The secret to getting what you want is to want it enough.

• God, I’m asking you to help me remember this prayer each day.

• I am the light of a candle. The oil that burns away all darkness. I am the truth and the way. I am your protector, guide, friend, and comforter…I am praying.

• We are all part of the same prayer.

• Praying for the world, but especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world who are persecuted and suffering.

• Let’s all say a prayer for our country and the world. May God bless America and the rest of the world. #prayforus

• There is no greater wrong than abusing the trust of others. Pray for those who do that to you.

• Life doesn’t always answer our prayers. But when we keep asking, God keeps answering.

• When you pray, do it with all your heart.

• Praying for strength and divine guidance to ensure a peaceful Sabbath.

• No matter what, let God be your strength and your protector. Let Him bless you with a heart that loves Him with all its being, that desires to do His good pleasure.

• When you pray, ask God to give you an open and receptive heart. Then allow Him to fill it with His love so that you may be used as a channel of His love in this world.

• I am going to be thankful for all of the blessings God has given me, I am going to let go of my fears and worries, and most importantly I am going to thank Him.

• You can choose to be happy today or tomorrow but you cannot choose the moment.

Inspirational Status On Prayer

• We can’t do it alone, we need God’s help. He is here for us, always. #praywithus

• Your prayers are lifting me up. Thank you for believing that I am already a winner. ✨

• God, I know that times are tough. No matter what’s going on in your life, please don’t forget about me. Help me to stay strong, for now, and for always.

• Praying for your dreams… Praying for your goals… Praying for all things you want to happen in your life, that they will be fulfilled.

• Praying for you. Praying for me. Praying for all of us.

• When you feel like giving up but God keeps you going, that’s when you know your prayers are being answered. ❤️🙏❗

• When we get stuck on what God has not given us the best thing to do is pray! Our prayers become our lifeline.

• In the midst of all the stress, worries, and negativity of our lives…it is important to remember that God’s timing is perfect. I will always trust him with my life every step of the way.

• Nothing is impossible with God. Don’t give up on your dreams, He’s got a place for you in this world.

• Today is a day of prayer and reflection. Pray for those who need it Most.

• Every day, we are challenged to walk in the faith that God has given us, one step at a time.

• Today, I will ask for the strength to make it through tomorrow.

• Pray that God will give us strength so that we may be able to overcome the things in life that cause us to stumble.

• The answer is always, “Yes.” Always remember that!

• God is great. I want to thank you for the many blessings in my life. God is good. I pray that the next few months are filled with good news, peace, and prosperity.

• I pray that you might experience the joy of a life lived in gratitude and love.

• Trust your prayers, God is always listening.

• We are so grateful for the strength and support of our community, which have been with us through thick and thin.

• Keep on praying. Your faith will be rewarded.

• The best things in life are worth praying for.

• The reason we pray is that prayer is the only thing that can move a rock. It can change a person, it can heal a broken heart. It’s the only thing that can move mountains. –Earl Nightingale

• Praying for the strength, wisdom, and fortitude to carry on

• Everything is possible with God. Including walking in the path you’ve been planted for.

• I pray for God’s strength to carry me through this day. I pray for His wisdom to guide my decisions. I pray for His protection in this difficult season.

• God has given you so many gifts to use. Use them! Be the person you were created to be.

• No matter how hard it is, pray and stay strong.

• Never give up, never surrender. Stay strong and watch God bless you with all the blessings you deserve. 🙏

• Lift up your hands, Turn to the Lord and bless your maker.

• Always remembered to keep your hands in the air, eyes closed, and heart opens for every breath you take. 💕🙏

• We are grateful for all of you—your prayers, your love, and most importantly your presence.

Amazing Faith Quotes for Instagram

• Find your faith, find your purpose, and find the direction you need in life.

• Faith is the first step to everything. It is the key that unlocks the door to wisdom, knowledge, and success.

• It is not just about the faith you have, but also the faith you inspire.

• Faith allows you to see the old way of things as new and gives you hope for the future.

• Faith is not a belief. It’s a state of mind.

• Faith is taking the first step even when you can see no hope at all ahead.

• Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

• Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

• Align your faith to external reality, and it will never be confounded.

• The more cynical you become about things, the more you want to believe in them.

• Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen

• Some days are made to be lived, others to be loved. Be the latter today.

• Don’t let the things you cannot change stop you from changing the things you can.

• We’re not looking for someone to change us. We’re looking for someone to inspire us. Faith is the key to everything.

• Being a Christian is not about what we have believed, but about what we are becoming. Faith is a journey of self-discovery, not an accumulation of books. 💕

• “Faith is the ability to change what you cannot see.”

• Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. The courage and strength to hold on when everything seems like it’s falling apart. Faith is a powerful thing.

• Faith can move mountains if you allow it to.

• Faith is not a word, but a way of living. It is a strong, positive action. It is the ability to act on one’s beliefs in spite of doubt and fear. Faith is the first step of wisdom.

• Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

• Faith without works is dead. Faith with works is living!

• Life is too short not to be loved.

• Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

• Just like the way you’re braiding your hair right now… 😍😘

• We are all called to be an example of Christ’s unconditional selfless love.

• When you are filled with hope, you will be unstoppable.

• The only way to live with passion is to risk losing it.

• ❤️ Amazing Faith Quotes for Instagram. We hope these inspiring faith quotes inspire you to live a life that is full of purpose and meaning.

• Faith is the only thing you need in life, the rest is just details.

• We believe that faith begins in a quiet place. Faith is believing when you know it’s not true, but it feels right.

• Faith is the most powerful force in the universe.

• Faith is living your dream, not just talking about it.

• Faith is the greatest thing. It’s also the hardest thing.

• Faith is a Gift from God, not a commodity to be bought by the dollar.

• Faith doesn’t mean you have to believe everything we say. Faith means that you believe what Jesus said, even when we don’t.

• Faith is the confidence that what you hope for will actually happen.

• “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

• God is great. His works are perfect. And today, we celebrate that.

• You’re the only one you can rely on, so don’t settle for someone who is less than perfect.

• Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words—William Butler Yeats

• I believe that the old order changes so that the new order can be seen.

• May the words of your lips and the meditation of your heart be like refreshing waters to my soul.