Prayer for American Students During Pandemic

You’ll be happy to know there are plenty of words of praying for American students during pandemics, and they’re easy to find with our help. In today’s post, we’re going to provide you with a list of some of the most memorable prayers that have been said by some of the best people in the world. Hopefully, these prayers will be able to inspire you when words come alone.

We as students have been brought together by this common goal; to help our fellow American citizens get their lives back to normal. We will be strong and rely on one another for support and love.

Prayer for American Students During Pandemic

Thank you for making the students healthy again and thank you to all of the teachers for trying to make it easier for the students dealing with illness. I love you, God, Amen.

We ask that you will help them to see the truth in difficult times. We ask that you will give them strength where they have none, that they find comfort in your love during this trying time.

Fill me with hope and peace, so that I can share such a gift with others, who feel so helpless and restless in their life. Heal those who are sick and dying, so they can return to school tomorrow; ready to begin studying again. Enfold them in your warm embrace, that they may feel safe in your presence once more.

We pray that you will give strength and power to everyone who feels weak to fight this war with their faith and knowledge in their Lord Jesus Christ. Nevertheless Lord we pray for all the children of our great country to be saved from this deadly flu virus spreading throughout our lands.

I don’t have children but I have seen many of them grow up over the last 25 years or so that I have been in education. They are bright and nice, but not all of them know how to make good decisions yet.

I’m praying for families in pain without their children. I’m praying for loneliness without my son or daughter near. I’m praying for the moral anguish of surviving children who watched their friends die.

May this serve as a reminder to me and my loved ones that even in the darkest of times, there is a guiding light. Help us cherish each moment we have on this earth, and remember to help those in need. Amen.

Think of them your fellow Americans, who brave the bullets and sacrifice their blood so that you could go to school and live your life. Think of those fighting for our freedom, peace, and happiness. They love America as much as you do…Some of them even more than you do.

We implore Thee to guide us by the light of Thy wisdom for we are the twisted branches of a decaying tree. Help us to return to the ways of virtue and righteousness, that we may grow amongst the blossoms that adorn Thy soil.

Bless our children with brains and hearts to remember what they are to do in life. Give us strength, courage, and love to fight off this flu. Help us stay together and know we will never be alone.

Make each one of them safe and healthy, through school and after graduation. We also pray for other nations that are affected by the swine flu. Help them and guide their decisions, so that they don’t harm anyone else. Please protect the sick and heal their pain, their bodies.

Please protect their parents and family from catching this awful virus. Let them be healthy again soon. We pray for our neighbor’s children, Michael and John. And for Jimmy who has passed away from the disease.

They are so precious to our country and to themselves. Protect their minds and bodies and let them shine in all they do. Please bless America’s university students with a passion for learning, joy in good health, and the skills necessary to succeed in college and in life. Give each student the ability to fight back the illness.

We ask you to bless all governments, organizations, schools, and universities across the world with your holy light. May you help all of our human brothers and sisters be able to come together as one mind, body, and soul. We ask for forgiveness for these sudden and unexpected deaths.

While the pandemic has placed a great strain on the nation and across the globe our country has come together with a common goal in mind. To help our fellow Americans in need.

“Dear God, please help the American students, please give them good health, high grades, and competitive spirit to have a bright future.”

Dear God, Please be with the American Students who are starting high school. Help them get through this whole scary experience. Make sure they don’t get sick and help the parents and teachers comfort those who do get sick.

Dear Lord, we pray for all of our American students and their families. We pray for their safety and health, their strength, and sound judgment. We pray that you will help them to make the right decisions in a time of confusion and stress.

Dear Jesus, Help our students be healthy. Let them feel better when they are sick and give them all the strength to survive this epidemic. Give them the wisdom to work with their schools to avoid unnecessary panic and suspensions. Please keep their families safe from harm as well. Thank you for your love and mercy. In the lord’s name, we pray, Amen

Dear God, Please help our fellow Americans to be safe and well. Please bring them home safely and protect them from this new and horrible disease. In Jesus’ Name Amen

Goodness God, we pray that all sickness and disease may be removed from our land, especially that none of your children may be touched by this awful and deadly virus. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Dear Lord, I know that you are a God of miracles, and I pray that you would touch the hearts and minds of those who have been infected with the virus. Please give them insight, who can save them from this disease. Grant them mercy and grace in your sight. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

When catastrophe strikes, I pray for you both. When you are lost, I search for you. When you are in despair, my heart goes out to you. If only I could spare the world this pain and fight this battle with my own hands…yet there is nothing more I can do but wait patiently and hold on tightly to your hands. Just know that I am always with you even in spirit. Give love!

Dear Heavenly Father, As I lay my head down at night, I pray to you asking that your love and compassion overflow into my heart.

We love and pray for you! Fight the good fight, be strong, rest in peace.

I know you must be scared. I know you could be next. I know you are afraid. Just remember that God loves you and we will do anything to protect you! We love you so much!

Thank you, God, for America and its students. Protect them from the flu and help us fight its spread. Give strength to the ill, a long life to their families, and inner strength to the healthy. Bless their teachers, colleagues, schools, and educational facilities.

Dear God, please protect the American students and teachers who are visiting Europe. Guide them back to their families in one piece, to their friends, lovers, and pets waiting at home. I ask this of you God, in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Forgive us for our sins and please protect our students and friends.

Dear God, please protect my friends in America. Help them through the chaos and the sickness. Please forgive those who don’t believe in you, show them your amazing grace and love. Comfort the loved ones of those who pass away from the flu. I pray for a fast recovery for all of those affected. Amen

Dear Lord, please protect my son Josh and all the other students from America that are in China this week. I know they will be watching over each other. Please help them to return safely. Thank you for keeping him safe always. Love, Mom

Dear Lord and Jesus, please be with all the students in America tonight. Keep them safe while they sleep. Help them get healthy again quickly. Also thank you for all those who are at work trying to help find a cure. In your name, we pray, Amen and amen…

I was reading the paper this morning and saw that a children’s hospital in West Virginia is being sued because a couple of students came down with H1N1 while visiting the hospital. I am a little sad right now and need to let you know how much I love you. Know that there are many people out there praying that you have nothing to worry about during this time.

Help protect children from the swine flu. May they be healthy and well while they are in school.

Dear Good Lord, I ask that you help those students who are stuck in the danger. Give them courage, strength and protect them by your power. Bless their families who are missing them. Thanking you in advance and waiting for your help. Amen

I HOPE EVERY STUDENT IS SAFE. THOSE WHO ARE NOT CAN GET BETTER SOON! I LOVE U ALL! Stay safe, stay strong, always remember no matter what happens that you are always in our hearts and thoughts.

Dear God, we pray for the students and faculty of Virginia Tech. Please give them the guidance, strength, and courage to recover from this terrible tragedy. Give them a sense of hope that one day things will get better and they can go back to their normal lives. We are here with you today to say a prayer. We love you! Amen.

Dear God, please protect my child from this terrible disease. Keep them safe from the clutches of death and trust that they will keep their body pure. Amen

God, please keep all the American students safe from H1N1. Thank you for watching over us.

Dear God, please protect all American students and teachers from this dangerous flu. I know there are millions of you praying as hard as we are, but we need your help to be victorious in this battle. Please protect all of these people from this disease. I pray that you will show mercy on us, and those we love, in Lord’s’ name I pray, Amen.

A prayer and blessing for the students of America: Oh God, heavenly Father, we thank you that you have created us. We thank you that you have redeemed us; saved us by your grace.

Lord, please protect our students from this flu and keep them healthy. I pray that even if they are sick, they will feel better soon and your will would be done. I ask for this in the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen

Dear God, please watch over the students of America today, especially the children. We pray for safety, wisdom, and strength to all our children as they travel back and forth on buses. Shield them with your angel’s wings. Bless them and help them return home safely to their families and friends. We ask you to protect teachers and staff as they guide their students home. Hail Mary……..amen!

Dear God, guard these students. Give them strength and courage as they travel throughout the country. Protect them from illness and disease and give them wisdom in making decisions as they travel in life. Watching these young people is especially heartbreaking to me.

Dear Students, I realize that many have said this prayer before. I can only hope that my prayer will be as earnest and dear to your heart as it is to mine. This prayer is for everyone suffering.

Dear Lord, thank you for providing an escape route for millions of people. Thank you for using what was meant for harm to accomplish good.

I ask only that you remember that America is at war, one of the greatest wars of all time. I ask that you would think about the soldiers and sailors who are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Blessed art Thou O Lord our God, King of the Universe, Creator of all things for keeping us in perfect health and for watchfully protecting us from the evil of the World.

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

Dear Lord, I pray for all of my fellow students. Please watch over them during these scary times. Take care of them as they take care of each other. Show them love and comfort as they grow old.

We are in a terrible and terrifying pandemic. Our children and our grandchildren face danger, fear, and death. We must pray for them like never before. Let us join together to lift them up with a united prayer of protection and love! Give us the strength to help them in their time of need!

Dear Lord, we pray that you take care of all the students in American Schools. Help them to grow up being respectful and mindful of others. Teach us all how to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Dear Lord, please protect our brave students and faculty as they study and learn. Keep them safe from harm in their classrooms, labs, and dorms. Please watch over our military as well, keep them safe while they serve around the world.

Dear God, we pray for all of the children who are sick with this horrible flu. May you give them the strength to fight this terrible disease.

Lord, Please protect all American’s as they travel and explore our world. Guide them, help them and watch over them. I pray especially for all the students in middle school and high school.

God bless America! May the mother of the orphaned and lost, shine her light upon us. The righteous judgment of the one and only true God be placed upon this horrible virus! The prophet Jesus has shown us the way to safety with his sacrifice and crucifixion. In his name, I pray. Amen.

O Great Spirit, God of all the world, look with pity on the millions of people who are dying from this superfluous disease. Send your angel warriors to guide us and bring our brothers and sisters back home.

Dear Lord, I pray for the families and friends of those who have passed on. I pray that they may find peace in this time of sorrow and love in their hearts to keep them strong. May they be able to find the strength to go on until we are reunited again.

May God hold your hands tight. May the angels watch over you and protect you from harm. May the “Great Physician” heal you and all others who are sick. I am praying for you and will continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

May God protect the souls of those who have been taken from us. May God grant them eternal rest. And may God comfort their family and friends.

Just pray for your safety. I hate living without you but there is nothing I can do to help, but pray. I love you forever and always even thought that may be hard for you now because of what happened to you. One day again we will be together my love for you will never die nor go away or fade as you go.

Keep them safe and may they trust in your endless Love and Presence. May they learn much in their time here, may they return home with new understanding and knowledge that will benefit them and their families and communities. In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.

Help them lord as they grieve for their loved ones, help them to find peace in your grace, heal their wounds in your love, and bring them back to you in your glory.

Give them wisdom and discernment in this world that is bent on selfish gain and sin. Fill them with your love so they may experience the life of Christ. Keep them close to you that they may be molded into your image. Guide them with your peace, protect

Our loving God, We pray for our students, who are in danger of dying from a flu pandemic. Please protect these cherished students, who come from all walks of life to learn and be close to you.

US President Barack Obama and US government, world governments and heads of states, leaders of the UN and world humanitarian organizations (UNICEF, WHO, etc.), as well as American parents and teachers pray for all American students in America. We ask you to pray every day, look after the health and safety of all American students in America.

Dear God, America has gone through many trials and struggles these last few years, but she is a strong nation with a brave heart. Please give the students of our nation Your divine protection as they attend school. Give them the endurance to continue their studies and always have the heart to help others.

Dear Lord and Savior, please protect all the students at UW-Madison as they take their finals and study for exams. Keep them safe from illness, evil, and harm. Please surround each of their hearts with love for you and for each other, fill them with trust in your will for their lives, let them remember that in you all things are possible, and lift the burden of stress from their shoulders. Amen.

Please, God. Send your healing son. Help my country through this time. Don’t let him let these children see death. Show him that although the world is mad he can save them all!

Dear God, please Bless the children and family of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Bring them peace, comfort, and strength to carry on. We pray for the families who lost loved ones, we pray for those who are injured in their recovery. We pray that America will come together to find solutions to stop this senseless violence. Hear our prayer.

Dear God, please guide our students. Protect them and make them alert. Give them the strength to focus and the wisdom to think clearly. Help them to challenge the teachers. Please give them ability to contribute in their classes. Give them a passion for life, leadership, and love of their country, people, homes, and families.

Only God can comfort those who need it. Only he understands the feeling we have in our hearts now because of this tragic loss. Only he can hold and take away the pain that is felt by so many across the nation.

May God grant each of you the desire to meet your challenges, together we can, and together we will. Today and Always, God bless America.

We thank You for the souls who lost their lives during this week and pray for those still sick. Help us to be grateful and learn from all things in life, health or sickness.

Lord, I pray you would keep your hand on our young people. Full of dreams and ideals, they are like little sponges eager to soak up whatever you have to say. Their minds are sharp and their hearts wide open.