Prayer for American Nurses During COVID-19

“Our nurses, the healers, and caregivers of our nation – women, and men who step up to this vital task each and every day – have proved themselves indispensable. They have met the test during one of the most serious outbreaks of deadly various in our nation’s history. that is why we need to pray for them as an appreciation for their kindness. below are some lovely prayers for the nurses.

Prayer for American Nurses During COVID-19

Help to give strength to those in need of comfort, wisdom to those who seek it, and inspiration to those who need a pick me up. Please watch over these dedicated nurses as they continue to strive for health, wellness and healing. Amen

Lord forgive us if we take them for granted this one day a year but I pray that you help us understand how much they mean to us and our love for them is boundless. In your name, I pray.

O Lord of the brokenhearted, that they may so guide us to peace and truth with our health. Protect them as they protect us. Lead them to the goodness which is found only in you. We ask this in the lord’s name, Amen.

May their smile ease the aches of recovery. May all patients find peace in their presence and leave with a better outlook for tomorrow. For those doctors who are only Healing Machines, may your god have mercy on you because you have none on your patients.

We pray that your abundant grace is upon us to bring us comfort and peace during these trying times.

Mostly, Lord, give them peace that only You can give so each can seek Your will for their life. And when their lives are over, let each nurse rest in Your arms and with Your love surrounding her/him and her/his families for all eternity.

Please bless each nurse with a wonderful day, and may the patients they care for come to know your love through the simple acts of kindness performed for them by nurses. Amen!

May these prayers be so powerful that it may bring physical relief to patients and spiritual relief.

May God’s infinite love and goodness fill your heart as you prepare to care for a new generation of patients, loved ones, family members, and friends.

Bring comfort to those who are sick and provide strength to those who are injured. Help your children become upbeat, positive, and honest. Please bring joy into their lives during their hours of sacrifice and dedication. Protect their minds with the knowledge to teach others.

Help people suffering from mental illness to recover and take their medication as needed. Lift them up in your divine light and share that joy with those they love. Please also heal the families of those suffering from mental health issues.

Please bless every nurse as they provide care, comfort, and love to those in need. Please watch over them as they look out for others, but more importantly watch over the patients that they care for!!

Every day I love you more and never want to be without you. Being in your arms is my favorite place! MOREOVER, take me aloft your shoulder and let us go for a walk surrounded by the soft green grasses but not before we have to feed the animals their dinner.

Please help them to get out safely from this dangerous place so they can be home with their loved ones. Be with them as they care for these sick people, and give strength to their weary bodies. In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

If it’s true what they say and God is watching us. Please watch over my family. I am the one who needs you today. Watch over my friends and everyone else who needs prayer. And most of all help me to understand cause I don’t understand this stuff.

Prayer for American Nurses (and those who will be tomorrow) – the free folk of the world.

My heart is filled with so much gratitude for the women who care for the wounded, fighting men, and those with serious illnesses. I’d like to offer a prayer for you on this upcoming covid. May G-d give you courage, strength, and wisdom in your work.

Nurses I would love you to pray for nurses that are working today for this shift. Many are stressed out not only by their jobs but also by balancing life at home. Help them give to others and remember that they have a significant life outside of being at work. They go through a lot and I know some need prayers now more than ever.

Dear Lord, Please help all the nurses throughout America. Please give them strength to handle the crises that they face everyday, even though they are not recognized or appreciated. Guide them in their daily duties and provide protection from all harm.

Please pray for those nurses who are helping others stay alive. Pray that they all make it home safe to their families. Pray also for the safety of families/friends of all nurses while they are working. A nurse’s life is to give, but many have lost everything this day. Pray for them today and everyday.

Dear God, please bless Nurse Jessica and Nurse Taylor. Bless the work they do in their life and in their career. Please bless them with safety as they care for patients, patient’s families, and other staff members every day.

God bless the nurses who save lives of others everyday. Nurses have a tough job and this prayer is for them to reach out for help and good spirits. Please pray for all those who are working in hospitals.

I pray for all the hardworking nurses out there. The ones who work tired, nights, weekends, and holidays. The ones who give patients more than just their time. I’m sure you go above and beyond your job description. I am very thankful for your dedication to your profession. God bless you.

Please pray for the nurses at (hospital name withheld). I thank God for all nurses.

Dear Lord, Please let the FBI, NSA, and CIA have freedom from ISIS and other terrorist attacks. Please let the nurses afflicted with Ebola have peace of mind. Give them protection from the virus and prevention. Let safety and love surround them every day. In Jesus name amen

In the shadow of night, nurses work non-stop for you. Every second spent taking care of you is a pure sacrifice.

Dear Lord, please be with all the nurses around the world. Let them have the wisdom and courage to do their most important work, to heal the sick body and soul. Please guide them in their work and give them strength to deal with pain and suffering every single day of their lives.

Private and Public Healthcare Workers, Nurses, and Physicians, please use this prayer for the safety of our patients and for your own protection. We are called to pray for those we serve. Thank you nurses for your service!

I pray to God that nurses feel stronger and stronger every day giving care to patients. I pray to God that nurses’ hearts stay strong and compassionate, face any challenge with love. God give strength and courage, nurses be an angel for those who need it now,

Lord, may You hear our prayer and bring comfort to the hearts of all nurses who work so hard and sacrifice so much to care for their patients. Protect them from injury and illness and give them peace that surpasses all understanding as they serve others. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we bless you and your Holy Name. You have blessed us with many nurses whose care and compassion are a light for us in an often dark world.

God gives nurses wisdom when they need it, strength to do their work, and a heart full of compassion. Let them be instruments of justice where they work. May their bedside manner help heal the sick;

O Adonai and all the angels that govern the world, hearken unto me, for I am about to proclaim a great prayer in honor of my friends and their healing.

May it be your will that doctors and nurses alike with cure their illnesses and bless them with smooth recoveries; because it is your will and the pleasure of my heart to do so. Amen!

I am so angry that people are being allowed to come here while they are infected with the SARS virus. I just can’t believe that there is a good enough vaccine for our troops but not good enough for the public.

If anyone comes down with SARS, don’t tell me about it because I don’t want to know. That is the truth and I don’t care who knows it. These are my own opinions and don”t represent the

Heavenly Father, my bag was on the bus but I lost it in a foggy field of oil spills and mold. Please hold me close to your heart as I am surrounded by fear and hate. Give me the strength to make it through this day. I love you, I miss you.

A lot of people have helped me through the last year. I wanted to write down a list of people and the things they did for me.

As a community of caregivers, we are united in our commitment to the health care and safety of our patients. We have seen the power, passion, and grace of nurses throughout history and in recent days as a part of our communities struggle for social justice, equity, racial equality, and access to quality health care.

Please pray for the nurses who were shot yesterday in our hospital. We are all a little afraid, and some of us angry. All I know for sure is just how important nurses are and that we need God’s protection over us, around us…everywhere!

God, Bless the United States of America. Bless the nurses across this land. Keep them safe. Keep them strong. Give them the wisdom to know when to stop and keep going, strength to do all that has to be done.

My kid sister is a military nurse on her 2nd tour to Iraq and I have a prayer I pray to bring her safely home. Please pass this on, it will work as long as it has 10,000 views by February 26th.A nurse’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, please bless every nurse reading this today. Bless them to be diligent and always put the needs of your patients first. Bless them to care for others and sacrifice themselves when needed. Please watch over these nurses with your grace. Amen

God, as nurses we look to you for help in our daily activities. We say a special prayer to you now as you are the giver of all good gifts. Please help us to always remember that we are your hands here on earth and that you have sent us out to care for those in need.

Thank you for your service to others. You are appreciated more than you know and I am so thankful that we have a such amazing nurses here in America. God bless you!

Our Heavenly God, help us in the trials and challenges we face with compassion and understanding. Guide us as we reach out and care for our fellow man.

May we be sensitive to the needs of others, working as a team to provide comfort and healing for each patient entrusted to our care. In cooperation with our dedicated staff of nurses, may we be worthy ambassadors of Christ’s love to those in pain?

You are God’s gift to me at a time when I felt abandoned by Him. But I see now, He didn’t leave me, He sent you to care for me. You have helped me heal both physically and spiritually.

Your kindness and compassion lifted my soul from the despair I felt inside. You have given me a true friend, one that I know will be in my life forever. Thank you!

Every day I thought of you and I am so glad that we met. You are my world, my everything. You are the drive that gets me through the day, and I live for the moments we get to spend together.

Prayer for American nurses during covid-19, prayer for nurses during covid-19, prayer to pray for nurses all over the world. To all Nursing students, registered nurses, and nursing students, I offer this simple prayer of gratitude.

As nurses, we face many difficult situations in our careers but as a nurse, I know that we can be called to action at any time. I know you are resilient, headstrong, and ready for anything.

Continue to care for your patients, your country, and one another in the brave women that you are. May peace be with you this Covid-19.

Nurses are angels amongst humankind. Nurses are always ready to care, heal and love. Although many nurses give their lives every day in hospitals trying to save the life of others, they remain humble and giving. I thank God for nurses who sacrifice their time to save others because, with nurses, there is hope. God bless you.

Lord, I pray to you for all nurses in this country. Give them strength, compassion, and wisdom in the very difficult service they provide.

Please bring safe and easy births, healing broken hearts and homes again, comfort to those that weep, strength to those that are weary, courage to conquer obstacles in their path. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Dear God, please watch over all nurses today. Please help them to be safe and protected by you. Allow each nurse to find enrichment through the time they spend caring for others. Let each nurse find satisfaction when they reach out to others in need.

Dear nurses, don’t kill yourself. We all make mistakes and you are better than that. Stay strong, read, pray and remember the love of God. Keep your head up, eyes on the Lord, and feet on the ground for he is always with you all the time.

I’m praying for you-my dear nurse and thank God you’re safe. I feared the worst. But know that I’m holding you in my heart, deep within my soul always. In deep appreciation for all daily miracles done by you.

Please pray for the police officers, especially. But also pray for the firemen and the EMTs, but most of all OUR NURSES…we are a family. Pray that they all come home safe at the end of their shifts and that they ALL rest well wherever they may be…Bless them all tonight.

As Americans, we value our freedom and take pride in our democracy. However, this liberty comes at a cost.   Nurses play a vital role within the medical profession and are especially important during times of crisis such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, hurricanes, floods, and more.

Nurses are first responders to all major disasters and help provide immediate triage care, pain management, and life-saving techniques during these times of strife.

I am sending prayers to you all today. Thank you for caring for our families, especially those of us going through difficult times. We are here for you too when you need a shoulder to cry on.

I know that you have been going through so much lately. These past few months have been really difficult with your life. I hope you can find the time to sit down and relax. I pray that you will be able to relax and take a break. May all your problems disappear, and may nobody notice any of them!

I think that I never thought of a comprehensive and real prayer for nurses in America. We, as nurses in America, do not take the time to pray together or hear the word of God. In this prayer, you can pray with me and if we listen with our heart, our lives will change forever. Glory to God! Jesus is Lord and Savior forever in America!

I’m going to pray for all nurses in America today, every day, forever and ever. God bless nurses!

O Lord, our Heavenly Father, please hear my prayer. Please watch over the nurses in America today, and use them to heal their communities and spread your message of love. Help those who are afraid to alleviate that fear.

Dear Lord, please protect the nurses among us and their loved ones. Please keep them in your loving hands and bring only good things to them. Help them to heal others with love and compassion, honor their sacrifices and put our families in their hearts when they are away from us. In the name of our Lord, I pray, Amen.

Lord, please relieve the stress and pressure that nurses endure on a regular basis. Please ease their worries and give them strength and courage to overcome their day. Protect them from illness and injury as they travel from one hospital to the next.

I didn’t want to pray for nurses or a nurse, but when I started praying that ended up being the direction my prayers were going. This was just a simple request to God of what I really needed so this was actually a prayer of thanks, thanking God for his provision.

Dear Lord, please help keep the nurse in our life that we love. Please help her make it through her treatments and to recover from surgery. Please help everyone else to keep fighting against cancer and that they will also be able to go home healthy. Please continue to watch over us as we go through these tough times. We love you. Amen

Heavenly Father, we pray for our medical staff and nurses as they care for the injured and sick around the world. Watch over each day and night as they provide comfort, treat wounds, deliver babies, save lives and beg You on bended knee to spare their patients. Give them the strength to carry on during the difficult times. In the lord’s Name, we pray, Amen

Remembering you every day, millions of people count on hospitals across America for the knowledge, training, and dedication of our nurses. On behalf of those who support and value them, we thank you for the contributions you make toward improving the health and well-being of our nation. Thank you

Bless all the nurses today that are working and doing a great job, just like you

Just the way you were outlined by the sunlight bouncing off of the windowpane, reflected with such a dazzling effect. You came like a beacon of hope right into my life filling it with warmth on every occasion.

Prayer for my nurses, Prayer for American nurses during covid-19, prayer for nurses during covid-19, prayer to pray for nurses

As our Nation’s nurses enter into another busy flu season, the National Nurses Community for Social Responsibility has assembled the following prayer for nurses to keep on hand.

Please pray for all nurses that are working today. Pray for nurses to have a positive day and do their best to take care of patients.

Dear Lord, we pray for all of the American nurses that are in the middle east and dealing with the meningitis outbreak.

I pray for nurses who have so much love inside. Nurses are always there, holding the sick and saving lives of people. They saved my life when times were not bright. I love you all and wish you peace of mind.

I pray for nurses and about nurses everyday. Now I’m going to teach you a prayer for nurses, so you might never forget what nurses do! God give me the strength and energy to take care of all my patients and family. This I ask in your name, amen.

Lord, thank you for the gift of nurses. Give us the chance to pray for nurse Mary Moulton and all special nurse friends on this day of prayer. Remind us all to take care of each other along with our patients. In your name, I pray. Amen

Dear God, please bless all the nurses in this country. Let them be given the endurance to do their work well and let them be honored for the work they do. Thank you for your love! amen

Dear Lord, please take care of the nurses working hard to help people in hospitals and nursing homes. Thank you for all that they do for us.

Lord, we ask for Your comfort and healing presence in the hospitals that are overcrowded and understaffed, especially with nurses. Watch over the doctors and nurses who face frightening challenges each day with compassion, strength, and expertise.

I apologize for being separate, I have no right to complain. There are so many people in the country and around the world that are dealing with awful situations, and they’re much worse than mine.