One Month Old Baby Quotes for Instagram

Did you know a baby can’t see faces until about 1 month old and doesn’t laugh until 4 months old? Babies are truly amazing creatures. When was the last time you looked into the eyes of your baby and thought, “life is good”? If there’s anyone who deserves our empathy today it is the parents of a one-month-old baby. Babies are a gift to us all.

One Month Old Baby Quotes for Instagram

• It’s so sweet to watch a baby grow, and each month is a new milestone.

• When you have a baby, a whole new world opens up. Explore it with them…

• A baby is a gift from God. When you hold him or her for the first time, you know that this is something very special.

• The only thing I can do today is a good mommy.

• This is the best month of my life. I can’t wait to see what’s next!

• Sweet baby, you are the light of my life

• It’s not how old you are, it’s how you age.

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.

• Life is like a box of chocolates, You never know what you’re going to get

• It’s so beautiful to see the world through someone else’s eyes.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. You don’t have to get it right the first time. You can take one step at a time and then do it again.

• The most precious things in life should never be rushed. One month old baby quotes

• Life is a journey and it begins with your first breath. #1montholdbaby

• It’s impossible to feel bad when your baby is this cute.

• There’s something about a baby that makes you want to smile, even when it’s at 5 in the morning.

• The most important thing you can do for your baby is snuggle.

• A baby is a miracle, and every now and then, you should take a moment to stop and think about that. #baby

• First month is hard, but it gets easier with time.

Celebrating a new month, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

• Something to think about while they’re growing up: “You don’t need to like everything but you do have to be honest.”

• The power of love is like the sun. You can’t see it, but you can feel its warmth and know that it’s always shining on you

• The best things in life are free. So is the love…and a lot of other stuff.

• You’re never too young or too old to learn a new skill

• There’s no use being angry when a new day is just beginning.

• The world is your oyster. You just have to turn the key.

• One month old baby quotes are the best way to send love and warmth to new parents.

• One month old has officially arrived. Where does the time go?

• A month old baby is so sweet, so soft and cuddly. And just the perfect size to wrap around your finger!

• You don’t want to miss one second of your baby’s first month. Keep on smiling, baby!

• Moments are like pieces of paper. They come, they go, but your child’s story is forever.

• The most important thing a child needs is your love. The rest will follow.

• It’s so beautiful. You are so beautiful. And I love you!”

• This little bundle of joy is sure to make you smile all day.

• It’s okay to be new, It’s okay to be small, it’s okay to be fragile.

• She’s just like a little angel. She looks so wonderful and sweet, it makes your heart happy to see her.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. Make every day count by being the best version of yourself.

• Life is the sum of all your experiences, and each one teaches us something new.

• When the nights are long and boring, bring out your best game.

• Born this month, happy birthday to this handsome one month old baby boy!

• When your baby first smiled at you, it was magic. One month later, it’s just cute.

• I’m only one month old, but I did it! #marchbaby

• There was a time when I didn’t know I was loved. Now I can see it from the way you smile at me, the way you talk to me, even in your sleep. #BabyQuotes

• Good things come in small packages. And we love that our little ones are growing so fast!

• No matter how old you are, you’re always a baby.

• This little one is so perfect, she’s got my heart and eyes shut.

• As long as you love me, I’m always happy.

• It’s not how old you are, it’s how you make up your mind to grow.

• At one month old, he already has a better sense of self than I do.

• Your baby is just a month old, but he’s already making waves.

• The perfect time to find out what your baby would look like with a beard.

• It’s not just a pretty face. It’s a funny face and a brave face and an honest face…and the most adorable baby face you’ll ever see.

• You’ve never seen a baby smile until you’ve seen one after its first haircut.

• There’s a new baby in the house, and she’s got an awesome sense of humor. I love her already!

• We don’t know how to love any more than this.

• It feels like the first time ever, I’m living life.

• There’s a lot to learn about life, but one thing I’ve learned is that it doesn’t matter how many times you fall down—what really matters is how fast you get back up.

• Life is too short to wake up with regrets

• The world is so big and beautiful. I just started to realize that.

• Life’s a journey, not a destination. Discover new places and meet new people along the way.

• A month ago I didn’t know my own name, now I can’t remember it.

• If you want to succeed, then sacrifice some of your selfish desires. If you want to be happy, then make others happy.

• One month old baby quotes, when your baby is just learning how to walk, smile and laugh.

• One month old baby quotes with pictures that will help you to say these beautiful things to your little one:

• One month old baby and you’re already making me speechless. #HappyFirstWeekend

• Sweetest little baby quotes for your new bundle of joy.

• You’re not a baby anymore. You’re already doing all kinds of things that most toddlers can’t do yet! -Sophia

• The best things in life are free. These include: a smile from your baby, holding hands with your mate, and a hug from a friend.

• There are only two seasons in life: spring and new baby.

• You’re doing great, buddy! Let your new mom know she’s the best every day.

• The first month is always the hardest, but it’s so worth it.

• Life is short. Don’t wait until tomorrow to do something great with someone you love.

• Life is full of surprises and they’re all good.

• One month old baby quotes are the perfect way to celebrate your infant’s first month of life.

• Cute baby quotes and pictures to brighten up your day

• You are a gift from the Universe, my beautiful baby. Happy one-month birthday!

• Babies are like little miracles. They change your life forever and you can’t even imagine how adorable they look when they’re little

• Newborns are the most beautiful things in the world.☺️

• There’s a baby inside you, and it is growing every day. Share this post to celebrate the little ones in your life.

• Baby has a big heart and a soft face.

• A month is a long time to be little.

• The only thing that’s certain is that you’ll never know what might happen next. The rest is up to you.

• We’re all just trying to find our place in the world.

• What is this thing called love? It’s when your mind and body are saying “I’m ready.”

• One month old baby quotes to brighten up your week

• It’s all about the baby. You’re one month old and we still can’t get enough of you

• One month old: A little baby with the biggest head in the world.

• There’s nothing more precious than a baby’s first smile. It’s a moment that will stay forever with them and their parents.

• You’re a little bundle of joy, you little sweetheart!

• The first month is the hardest, but it gets easier.

• It’s a special little time when love is being created.

• It’s a journey, not a destination. A new month, a new you.

• You open your eyes, it’s like meeting a new friend.

• The most beautiful things in life are not seen or heard, but felt.

• Don’t let your fears hold you back from living a full and rich life. You’ve got this!

• Nothing is impossible, you just have to work hard enough for it.

• My one month old baby is growing up so fast!

• You’re a month old, and you’ve already got your whole life planned. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to us.

• Time flies, and I can’t believe how fast my little one has grown. She is already a month old and I still can’t believe it.

• How much do you love your baby? It’s all in the little things they do.

• It’s a month old! Time to say bye-bye

• It’s a good day for #babies when you can’t wait for the night to end.

• And then there was a baby. #HappyBirthday

• I am your baby. You are my everything.

• A baby is a great teacher. You learn by watching and listening, even if you don’t always understand it all in the beginning.

• Can’t wait to see what you look like in a month

• You are the reason why I am so happy and why I smile everyday. Thank You

• It’s not the weight of the world on your shoulders, it’s the weight of your heart.

• A month old baby is a miracle! Some may call it chaos, but I call it adorable.

• One month old, it’s hard to keep up but no worries…you’re still growing.

• Little babies grow up so fast! It’s hard to believe that our baby has already been here for a month. Time flies!!

• Babies are the most loved, stable and trustworthy people on earth.

• There’s nothing quite like being a new parent.

• You can never be too old for unconditional love or too young for it either.

• You are growing up so fast. Look at all the new things you do every day!

• When they’re sleeping, they’re not crying. You can’t see them, but we know they’re awake.

• There’s no such thing as being too young to learn.

• Don’t be afraid to try new things. And don’t be afraid to fail, it’s all part of growing up.

• Growing up is the time to learn to be honest with yourself, face your fears and say goodbye to the past.

• Sometimes the smallest of things is the most beautiful.

• It’s not how much you know but how much you care.

• I have found my place in the world!

• One month old baby quotes are a great way to express your love and devotion towards your little one.

• The best part about being a month old is that you get to kick the baby stage out.

• My baby is my best friend and I’m so lucky to have him in my life.

• For the first month of your life, this is all you’ll need: a little time, some love, and a steady stream of happy memories.

• From the moment you’re born you are more than a baby. You are literally a child of God

• Here’s to a month full of smiles and giggles. Here’s to lots of kisses, hand-holding & snuggles

• When you are a parent, your job is never done. You’ll always have someone to love and take care of.

• The first month is a mix of everything. You learn so much and feel so little. But it’s all part of growing up, isn’t it?

• You are a miracle. You are an ocean, a star, and a sun in my eyes. You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

• Life is too short to be anything but happy

• It’s amazing how fast this month has gone.

• Life is too short to let any bad moment or thought ruin your day.

• There’s a world of possibility ahead. All you have to do is open your eyes and see it.

• You are already one month old, and you still have a long list of things you want to learn

• The first month of your baby’s life is filled with countless moments of joy, love and happiness. All the tiny milestones are so special to see.

• She’s a month old, she can crawl, and her vocabulary is growing by the minute.

• There’s nothing more precious than a newborn baby.

• Nothing is more magical than seeing a tiny baby smile.

• This month of sweet little baby has been full of lots of smiles and giggles, and we’ve loved getting to know him. Thanks for all the love and support!

• There is no greater joy than watching a baby smile!

• My baby is growing before my eyes. I can barely keep up with him!

• What a month it has been for this baby girl! She has grown so much in the past few weeks. We can’t wait to see what is next for her

• I love big babies. They’re full of imagination and quirkiness, but they’re also so adorable!

• It’s not how old you are, it’s how you start.

• The best times are when you look back and realize how much you’ve grown. You’re right where you belong, no matter how old you get.

• You can do anything you set your mind to, and you can achieve it when you work hard for it.

• One month old baby quotes.If you want something done right, do it yourself

• One month old baby quotes: If you want to be happy, be. If you want to be great, start off small.

• We are just one month old and already we are full of life – enjoy it!

• Baby is the most perfect time of your life.

• Don’t push your baby on the swing, let him learn how to do it on his own.

• My heart is full of joy and gratitude for my little one.

• One month, making an impact. What are you doing?

• It’s been 30 days and I still love you, Mommy.

• Stay close, stay true and never let go. You’re my everything and I’m all yours.

• I’ll be here fighting for you, day by day.

• This month is probably the greatest month of my life. I have a lot of responsibilities and I am still learning new things every day.

• From the moment you are born, all your life is a preparation for one thing: Death. And then it’s too late.

• You’re just like a poem. You start off simple, but with time and dedication you become extraordinary.

• Life is too short to worry about the things you can’t change. So let’s change the things we can, together.

• One month old baby quotes is a great way to give a little boost to your Instagram feed, while also making an impact.

• My sweet baby is one month old. I can’t believe how quickly time is going by!

• One month old @baby_trill is already stealing the show.

• One month old? So sweet, and so tiny. What is it—a flower?

• It’s hard to believe this little baby has been with us for a whole month already. Happy first month, sweet baby girl

• In a month, this little mama will be your best friend.

• The first month of your life is a journey. You’re on it, so don’t worry about what others think.

• Life with a baby is an adventure, a journey of discovery. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do!

• Every month with my baby feels like an adventure. I never know what to expect and what kind of mood he’s going to be in. But I love every bit of it.

• The joy of parenthood is that every morning brings a new adventure.

• A baby’s laugh is like music, soft and sweet.

• You are loved. You are safe. You are growing every day.

• The first month is the hardest. But after that it gets a whole lot easier.

• Love is the greatest feeling in the world. It’s what keeps us going, no matter what.

• It’s a beautiful world, and even more so when you’re around.

• One month old baby quotes to celebrate your little one’s first month!

• Don’t worry, be happy. I’m 1 month old, so it’s safe to say I’m pretty happy right now!

• My baby is so cute. I can’t take my eyes off of him.

• From the minute you were born, you’ve been our little miracle. We’re so grateful for your sweet smile and funny jokes. We love you so much!

• Newborn babies are the strongest, most beautiful and lovable creatures on earth.

• It’s a good feeling when you look up and see your baby smiling back at you.

• The most important thing, is to be a good parent to your baby.

• This is what they say to newborns, “Don’t Cry, I’ll be here,” but you know what they really mean: “Hold on tight and don’t let go.”

• A newborn is so small and fragile, like a flower. They will always be in between the earth and the sky.

• He is so cute, he thinks the world is his oyster.

• A month ago, you couldn t even roll over. Now, you’re a pro!

• The best things in life are, by far, the simplest of joys. Happy #WorldTeddyBearDay!

• The best way to know you’re growing is when you look in the mirror and see an inch in your pants.

• One month old baby quotes is a good way to encourage your friend to get back in the dating game.

• She’s a month old and already stealing our hearts.

• When you are with a baby, you will discover how different your life is. But the most important thing is that it’s worth the wait

• We know that babies are the best, but they make it even better with their cute little faces.

• Mommy and daddy’s little one is growing up fast, but that just means we get to grow together.

• We’re wondering if your baby is a dreamer or a doer?

• You’re the masterpiece of my life. You’re my biggest blessing and you are all I’ve ever needed to be happy. – Unknown

• Another month, another to go. We’re doing great, and I can’t wait to see what this month has in store for us.

• There’s only one true happiness in this world, to be happy with someone you love. – Jane Austen

• As you grow, so does your unique relationship with the world. We wish you all the joy and love from here on out!

• It’s really not all that hard to love someone. You just need to be willing to be open enough to see the good in them.

• Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.

• You can’t see the stars with your eyes, but you can feel them in your heart. – Evelyn Waugh

• Sometimes, the simplest things are the most profound. – J. Maarten Troost

• The best gift you can give a baby is to see it smile.

• We find all sorts of ways to be #humanwhilebaby on Instagram and in our home. What are your best baby hacks?

• You don’t have to be an expert to parent your baby. Just keep being you and good things will happen

• You’re a ball of energy, growing bigger and bigger every day. #babies

• Our little baby has arrived! What a joyous and exciting time in our life.

• When your baby learns to roll around, he will be the most amazing roll of all.

• Babies are curious and seem to have an almost unlimited capacity for happiness.

• Your smile is contagious. Your laugh is awesome. Your wiggles are adorable, and your mood swings are epic

• All you need is love and it will grow, one smile at a time.

• Everything is going to be okay. Your family loves you very much. You are loved more than words can say.

• I see the world in smiles, you can see it in my eyes.

• Every month is a new beginning, and each one is full of possibility.

• it’s hard to see something when you’re looking at it, but it’s easy to see something when someone else looks at it.

• I am starting to be able to fix myself. It’s getting so easy to just keep going, without even thinking about it.

• It’s a good day when you wake up and think, “Today is going to be awesome.”