Mirror Lion Reflection Captions and Motivations

No one likes to look at their own reflection, but what happens when you take that reflection and put it in front of a cute kitty? Does this make the kitty happy? Does it freak the kitty out? Those cat mirror lion collections answer all of these questions.

Mirror Lion Reflection Captions and Motivations

• A lion shall be strong and courageous. One who doesn’t retreat when the going gets tough, but instead rises above the challenge ready to fight and stand their ground—just like a mirror lion.

• Remember that time you had a bad day and sobbed to the Lion King soundtrack while staring at a cat in the mirror?

• When you realize you’ve reached peak cat.

• I see lions around the castle. I think it’s time to leave.

• Me and my reflection

• You are the only one who knows what lies behind the mirror. So why not be the one who moves it?

• I got you when I look in the mirror.

• If you look behind the scenes, you’ll find miracles.

• be brave, be bold, be you ☚️

• Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

• Like an endless winter, when you realize your true potential and see yourself for the first time.

• What you looking at?-Lion mirror lion reflection

• “Mirror lions” make a stunning statement in any space

• Be A Lion—Stalk Your Prey Earlier.

• Embrace the lion in you.

• Let the Lion out.

• reflecting on my day with #selflove and self care being the main focus. I’m feeling good. I’m going to feel even better.

• Real men don’t buy cubs. We rescue them!

• What is your reflection?

• The reflection never lies.

• You can never have too much love

• Hopped out of the mirror and into reality.

• We like to call this the ‘cat mirror lion reflection’—a meme that is as cute as it is terrifying

• The little reflection in my mirror is actually a lion #mirrorselfie

• mirror mirror on the wall… who’s the most fabulous of them all?

• This mirror is everything.

• Have you met today’s new lion?

• Never leave home without the reflection, that’ll make all the difference.

• Ain’t nothing like having a lion by your side.

• The Beauty Is in the Reflection

• You’ve found us, but he’ll never find YOU.

I feel like you see me.

• Look out world, I’m ready to take over.

• I can’t even right now.

• The wild has been tamed.

• OMG! Did you see this cat lion reflection?!

• I’m not a lion, I’m a reflection of you. *meow*

• There’s a lion in your mirror.

• Reflecting on two paws and a life well lived…

• You don’t have to be perfect to own the mirror.

• Be the mirror that reflects love in order to see the best version of yourself.”

• A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep.

• Temperament not included

• I’m not the only lion king in this house.

• We see you

• So much reflection, so little time

• “Before this moment you were a beautiful series of numbers… now you’re something more.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

• Did you get a problem?

• The King has returned.

• Introducing the cat mirror lion. Be the first to get your paws on it #mirrorlion

• Mirror lions are real, and they’re not even that shy.

• The world’s cutest lion is a mirror … kind of.

• There’s a lion in the mirror and nobody’s sleeping tonight. The only thing missing is a little catnip to keep you perfectly calm.

• It’s a cat’s life. Let’s live it.

• Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the cutest of them all?

• Tackling my #Mondays with an extra pawful of energy

• Show you’re pawsitive and brave, don’t be afraid to show your emotions – they only make you stronger.

• I see your reflection in my eyes. You see my reflection on everything you wear.

• When you’re too lazy to get out of bed, but still want to look fierce.

• New Year means new hair.

• Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the cattiest of them all?

• Mimicking life

• Wake up, little mirror lion.

• Mirror lion, mirror lion, on the wall…

• You May Be a Cat if you’re obsessed with your reflection like most cats are. But don’t forget to drink lots of water, eat right & get your weekly exercise in for good health.

• This lion reminds us to embrace the reflection we see.

• I want to be a lion every day!

• Lion(or Lioness?) is the king/queen of the jungle. But what happens when he sees his reflection in a mirror?

• Why be a king or queen when you can be a lion?

• Me too, you beautiful lion

• As cute as you are ferocious.

• Watch out world, Lily is on the prowl #mirrorselfie

• What do you think about when you look in the mirror?

• This reflection is so cute he doesn’t even know it.


• I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

• Help! They’re at it again.

• Cat mirror lion reflection ️

• Lion mirror cat reflection

• The lion is strong and bold, nothing can stop him, his reflection is a cute kitty who wants to play.

• Fact: If a mirror looks like a lion and it’s a lion, then you are the mirror looking like a lion.

• Receive a lion’s roar each time you look into your mirror.

• We have no king but a cat. We have no God but lion. We have no Moon but bear.

• Me, me, me! I’m the one taking up all the mirror time.

• Who’s the king of the jungle

• Look out, Leo. There’s a new jungle king in town.

• Go big or go home.

• Cats can be lions and their reflection too—they are the best of both worlds!

• The only thing cuter than a lion with a mane is a kitty with a mirror on its face.

• The lion is fiercely independent but fearless among peers. When he places his paw on top of the mirror it forms a heart, symbolizing the bond between the lion and his reflection.

• I told you… I’m a lion in sparkles. Meow.

• Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the atmosphere to call all cats of Instagram?

• Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the finest feline of them all?

• Lions are proud, and so are their mirrors.

• A reflection of a Lion King moment

• Let’s be honest, we all have a wild side. Let it out. You know you want to.

• Don’t believe everything you see.

• If only sweat pants could talk. . . .

• Keep calm and ___(your_product)

• Cats and mirrors have a lot in common. I mean, they’re both fun and easy to play with—and very stylish. Give your favorite feline three things he loves—two mirrors and a lion silhouette—to play with all day!

• You’ve heard of cat people, but how about lion people? The eye of the mirror lion follows your every move today. They’re on display at the @nymetroparents Magnolia Bar.

• In actual life, you are the cat. In the mirror, you are the lion.

• You. Me. Your reflection. Mine. A lion. Lions unite!

• Be the cat that gets the best view of himself by stepping up his grooming game.

• Can you spot the lion? ##funnyfeature ,#lolz

• Looking fierce in every situation is possible with the right pair of glasses.

• Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most royal of them all?

• Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the biggest of them all?

• The King of the Pride P #celebration

• Be honest, guys. Which would you choose?

• Lions and cats—they’re both royalty, right? This mirror lion is pretty kingly with its sleek mane, matching golden paws, and regal stance. AND, that mirrored glass creates an otherworldly vibe like he’s not really there. So cool!

• Just when you thought it was safe to go outside again, the lion appears. A mirror lion.

• The world reflected in your cat’s eyes is more interesting than you think.

• The lion is the king of the jungle, but you’re the king of your bathroom.

• Meet the lion king.

• Say hello to our friendly little feline friends 𝐂𝐞 𝐁𝐧 𝐄𝐗

• My reflection is real cause I’m too lazy to chase it around at home.

• Thoroughly. Completely. Utterly. Cat-tactically.

• The animals are not impressed.

• Hey, you! These are for you.

• No matter how many times I see myself, it’s never enough.

• Get ready to be pampered and have a time at our place. #ourplace

• Talk about a clash of the titans.

• Lion meets saint in this special #catmirror that will posse up your Instagram feed.

• Smaug is available in stores now! Download our app for a filter letting your cat ride atop a mirror lion. #MirrorLion

• Lion, lion, mirror lion. If you’re in a house and there aren’t any other lions around and you’re looking in a mirror, are you still a lion?

• Am I the only one who thinks their cat is actually a little lion? #sillymeisfat #meow #kittycat

• Sometimes all you need is a little lion

• When you’re feeling low, just remember that nothing is over until the cat is both out of the bag and in the mirror…

• If you can’t handle the reflection, get out of the mirror.

• You are the boss of your reflection.

• Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most regal of them all?

• You tell me who the real star is?

• You’ll never take me alive!

• Protect your tweets and feed. And protect yourself from scammers, spam, and fake news on Twitter!

• Be the king of your domain

• Live life to the fullest while you still can, even if it means snuggling with lion-sized cats.

• There’s a lion in your mirror.

• Embrace your inner lion, and show up fierce.

• Paws off my mirror, you miscreant.

• I see my face in your eyes, it was a wonderful surprise.

• Look into a mirror and tell me what you see.

• You can pretend all you want…

• It’s the circle of life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

• Doppelgängers make everything better.

• Confidence is the key to unlocking your potential.

• Armed with the right gear, everything is possible.

• When you’re at the zoo and you see a mirror lion.

• Lions are incredibly brave and they let everyone around them know it. That’s why lions can’t stand cats with mirrors. Who is the king of the jungle? The lion with the most crowns, of course.

• Feline mirror… ️

• Mirror, mirror on the wall… who’s the perfect cat of them all? (Yep, he’s pretty great.)

• This lion is certainly not king of the jungle. Don’t be afraid to get playful in front of the mirror. You’re the only one watching.

• It’s always an adventure When you live with a Lion

• Cats are known for initiating play—we’ve just got to be ready when they do, with the right toys and treats.

• Mirror, mirror on the wall. Whose face is cuter after all?

• See what others can’t see.

• You lookin’ at me?

• Running away with the circus

• The King of the Jungle

• You’re welcome.

• Cat mirror’s lion reflection

• The Lion King is coming. And we’re bringing it to you in the form of highly reflective cat mirrors.

• Eyeliner lion

• And then I saw myself reflected in the cat’s eyes, and it was a lion

• Be brave and shine bright, just like the lion in the mirror.

• Mirror, mirror on the wall—who’s the fairest kitty of them all? #mirrorcat

• The Mirror Lion resides in the Hall of Lions at the King’s City and was created by Adora Belle Dearheart.

• It’s all about lion-hearted confidence in the King of Beasts mirror frame—which reflects a fearless and confident you.

• Lion in the mirror, roar when you see me.

• Meow…who’s the king of the jungle?

• Mirror, mirror on the wall. Which one of me is the prettiest all the Aww…that’s what I thought!

• the more I look at my reflection, the more I know this is all I’ve ever wanted.

• What do you see when you look in the mirror?

• We all know who the king of the jungle is—could it be anyone other than Leo?