Guitar Captions and Motivation Quotes

Guitar Captions and Motivation Quotes A caption that can be used when presenting or talking about a guitar. It returns as “The best way to improve your guitar skills is through a systematic approach. You need to set goals and follow a plan to get there.

Looking for the next level in your playing? Get inspired by top guitar players who are killing it!

Guitar Captions and Motivation Quotes

• Your ambitions are like guitar strings—they’ll break under too much tension. Keep them loose but not too loose, and they’ll last a lifetime. Live your best life with this sleek steel-string acoustic: _

• It’s Your Life… Play It On Fender.

• Guitar is the language God made music.

• Create your own path, every note is yours.

• I got my mindset on you.

• From the beginning, or all you have is the start of something.

• The greatest successes are born of intense dissatisfaction with existing conditions. Keep pushing for that better life you want, it’s closer than you think. You can do this!

• Practice until you can’t get it wrong.

• Before you ask, of course, we’re playing hard. We’re on a mission, we’re in a fight, and we’re not giving up #goals

• Set your on fire with these X-mas recommendations.

• Let us never lose sight of our dreams.

• Hope you can feel the difference.

• It’s about time for a new season of your life. Let there be light.

• The winner isn’t the one who wins, the winner is the one who wants to win. The true character of a man is revealed in his decisions in the face of conflict.

• When you live with intention, what you do is done well.

• A guitar is really an instrument that you strap onto your body. It’s something you play with all your organs, not just your fingers, head, and heart…

• Play your heart out, play loud, and reach for the stars

• Don’t let anyone tell you what to play, what to create, or how to express yourself. There isn’t a wrong note or chord—just different ways to make music

• Don’t let the music stop, keep jamming.

• You’ve got to feel the music.

• Gear up for #BackstageAtTheMovies. The tickets go on sale today, and there are only a few left at this rate! Tag your friends who are going to go see the film with you.

• You can’t blame gravity for falling in love #justaintwine

• I just need to learn how to be okay with being so imperfect.

• Independence day isn’t just about barbecues and fireworks. It’s also about taking a moment to appreciate all the things in your life that you can control.

• Never let your fear of striking out hold you back from trying to beat.

• Pursuing your dreams isn’t always easy—but the rewards are well worth the struggle.

• What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

• Your limitations are self-imposed. Be limitless and powerful each day.

• My music is a reflection of where I come from, who I am and what I care about. It’s an expression of my culture, my family & my heart.

• Are you playing your own music in life or are you someone else’s supporting band?

• You’ve got the right to be a weirdo. We all do.

• Time to let the good times roll

• We’re playing and we’re not afraid to dream big.

• PENN: The passion and the pursuit of excellence aren’t a hobby. They’re a way of life.

• We’re constantly inspired by people who live their lives against the grain. Stay true to yourself and keep on rocking!

• The artist must develop an attitude toward what he creates. It is this attitude, and not his skill that will ultimately determine his achievement. Be bold, be great!

• You can’t let yourself write a pilot you’re not dying to make. – Steven Knight

• Courage isn’t always rewarded, but there are times when it is. The reward is that “oh shit” moment before you do the right thing. Courage breeds heroism which breeds self-confidence which breeds success. Listen to your gut—it knows. This is your life and you only have today so live as if every word you say and every action you take will have an eternal impact.

• The best way to do it is to do it. -HG Wells

• Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. -Seneca

• Change your music, change your life.

• No matter how long you’ve been playing, always remember this one thing: you will never truly be a master of your instrument… and that’s ok. Embrace it. The journey is what makes music so special.

• Don’t play it if you don’t love it.

• You Are What You Sing, So Sing!

• Whatever you do in your life—music, business, parenting…whatever. It’s worth doing well.

• Life is tough, but so is a diamond. Cut what doesn’t matter out of yourself and focus on your skills and strengths.

• Practice makes perfect. And nothing else. Practice

• Play for the ones who believe in you.

• Soar on the wings of your dreams. #alwaysbelieve

• Some chords are made to be broken.

• Today is the day that we make our dreams become real.

• The secret to making your dreams come true is to wake up.

• Never let anything stand in your way, not even yourself.

• If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.

• Nothing can hold you back but your own doubts. ‭‭

• It’s never too late to start playing music. For those that have fallen in love with the guitar, here’s a few reminders

• We are in the golden age of electric guitar. We’re entering the next era of music. This is the time to pick up a guitar and start learning.

• Think of a guitar solo as a conversation between the guitarist and her instrument.

• Nothing beats seeing your own hands smiling back at you.

• The louder you play, the better the sound.

• Don’t practice until you get it right, practice until you can’t get it wrong.

• Don’t let time pass you by.

• Never forget that you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis

• Try to learn something new everyday.

• Your heroes are only the people who get up and actually do things.

• As a kids’ bookstore, we want to connect children with the joy of reading and give them the confidence to dream big through the power of literacy.

• You were born an original, don’t die a copy. -John Mason #quote

• When you’re working for yourself, there’s no way to relax. But I hope my music will inspire you to keep going and fight for what you want.

• Let your self expression be heard and your music motivates you.

• Scream for no one can hear you play.

• All you need is an inspiration and the courage to follow it, wherever it leads.

• Two chords and the truth. You can make two chords go a long, long way.

• Shredding the is a lot like shredding: It takes passion, commitment, and lots of practice.

• There is no shortcut to any place worth going. So start going. Right now.

• Play what you see, not what you know.

• Push hard until it hurts, do what others won’t, and forget about the possibility of failure.

• Let your passions lead you forward

• The highest potential is always hidden deep inside your heart. Keep on pushing forward.

• If you learn one new thing every day, over the course of a year, that’s 365 things ~ Bob Ross

• Guitar players must want to be the best of the best, here are some quotes from the most inspiring guitar players. “To create something you’ve never created before, your mind must come up with something you’ve never thought of before.”

• To live the guitar life you must practice. And if you’re going to practice, you might as well enjoy it…

• Grab life by the neck and strum your way to happiness

• We should all live with no regrets, as it’s better to be hated for who you are and not who you pretend to be. #KeepRocksinDemHands

• Don’t settle. Always keep your passion alive. Do what you love every day with your whole heart and soul.

• Live the life of your dreams, and make your tomorrow your greatest work of art

• You don’t have to be good at something you love—you just have to love doing it.

• Progress. Rhythm. Progress. Rhythm. Until you hear your own perfect sound

• This isn’t a place to hang out—This is where you practice and work your craft. 25 minutes here, a little bit of sweat, or 10 hours there, it doesn’t matter. Just always be crafting and practicing your craft.

• It’s a new season, with new opportunities to follow your dreams and bust through those boundaries. Make it happen!

• I am a Child of the Universe. The Earth is my Mother. All Life is my Brother and Sister. I respect the Sun, I respect the Moon. I respect the Earth. And in return, the Earth respects me.

• What once was ordinary is now extraordinary.

• Serenity now, serenity now. (Get the reference? )

• Be audacious. Be courageous. Be innovative. Learn to Play Guitar

• Guitars to keep your creative flow going.

• Play it. Live it. Learn it. Love it. That’s the power of music.

• Let the music do the talking.

• If you love what you do, it never feels like work.

• Wherever you go – there you are.

• Whatever you do in life, give it all you have right at that moment. This is our time, this is our era–our legacy.

• Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.

• Sometimes creating your own path means breaking the rules. Break the rules and make your own path.

• Never mistake motion for action.

• Nothing works if you don’t move your hands.

• It’s about action, dedication, effort, and hustle. • Every day will not be your best day. Every hour will not be your peak hour. The only way to reach your peak takes continuous action towards it.

• If you just keep working hard and believe in yourself, you can truly achieve anything.

• Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

• We all have to be our own best champions. Be your own guitar. When life’s a drag and it’s hard to pick up the strings, never lose sight of who you are and what you are made of. Practice, practice, practice!

• if you want to play, all you need is a guitar ( and some good music, of course )

• Deep inside each and every person is an instrument that speaks volumes, grab a guitar and start strumming.

• Get those strings a shimmin’!

• Let’s push play. And never stop.

• Ready for the Weekend.


• Lead. Drink coffee. Love the little things.

• Don’t just think it, be it. #L4C _

• If you have an idea, protect it—turn it into a business. And never give up on something you really care about…

• We’re glad you’re here.

• Hey man, I’m the author of this beautiful day.

• So many people want to live an amazing life — but no one wants to do the work.

• Throw yourself into today so that you don’t have to throw yourself into the arms of tomorrow.

• Guitar by Gibson. For rockin’ guitar players everywhere. Go rock out with your guitars out! #LoveGibson

• Don’t just play guitar, make music!

• Feel that guitar in your hands before you hold it. That desire for greatness, for mastery.

• Now, you don’t have to be a rockstar to take center stage in life. Break out of your shell and join the #rocktheguitar challenge today!

• we’re an instrument that inspires and brings out the artist in everyone.

• We’ll never stop making guitars. We may not be creating masterpieces all the time, but we’re always having fun and making things that will stand the test of time.

• Just for today, play one more strum. Just for today, pick up your guitar and learn a new chord. Just for today, do your best to give yourself more of what you truly want; in music and in life.

• “You don’t have to be Lonely. You just have to come home.”

• Get on up, get outta town and do something. You wanna do it? Then do it!

• Do more. Give more. Be more. Play more

• How do you get your mojo going on a gloomy day?

• Don’t bother wasting time thinking about what people think about you. Your greatness was never for their opinion of you anyway.

• Striving to play the guitar like these rock stars.

• There are two types of guitar players, those who practice and those who don’t.

• Brush up on your guitar skills while you brush your teeth

• Not your typical instrument. This is a guitar of many different moods. Kick it up with some Jimi Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughn. Go solo—with the Beatles or Bob Marley. It’s got versatility like that—and a look that won’t quit.

• There is no fear in perfecting your art. I am fearless when I am on stage, so you can be fearless on the canvas.

• The human mind is capable of amazing things. Plant a seed of inspiration and watch it grow.

• The bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward.

• I refuse to be the victim of my circumstances. I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.

• When you’re chasing your dreams don’t let anything stand in your way. Because nothing is impossible when you want it hard enough.

• When you feel discouraged, remember that the Wright brothers were laughed at. Thomas Edison was called a fool. Oprah Winfrey was told she was too ugly to be on television. So you’re probably good.

• Practice makes us perfect. Perfection is not an act, but a habit. Good things come to those who practice.

• Becoming a guitarist is a journey for some, who will put in tens of thousands of hours to hone their craft. We can be inspired by their dedication and determination; it’s one of the things that makes being a guitarist so rewarding and makes us want to play all the more.

• Rock that stage, raise those hands, and engage in an epic guitar solo.

• Let the good times roll on with a tune of new songs, notes, and friends. With #guitarcenter on your side, any day can be a songfest!

• Fret not the future—or your past. You control your art, not the other way around. Power to the part-time dreamers and full-time victors.

• It’s in your hands (and notes) to make music.

• You’ll Never Walk Alone… (this one is great for a band site or music festival)

• Nothing is Impossible. It’s all about having Determination, Focus, to Make it Happen at the End.

• Make today the next step in your journey to greatness.

• I’d like to make your day a little more rock and roll. Learn something new with Rocksmith’s accessible interactive video lessons

• Because the truth is, nothing great was ever created by someone who settled.

• there’s no limit to how far you can go, how much you can achieve, how much you can achieve if you’re willing to do the work” – Tim Ferriss

• A word is just a word until you mean it.

• How’s it going, here are my new posts on @instagram following the growth of my guitar skills: …

• Real talk: dreams do come true. Strum your way to a brand new reality with this cool guitar!

• Newly-re-released and ready to shred: The Sound Of Silence.

• Every time you practice, you challenge yourself and start thinking like a pro. Practice hard and go all the way to gold!

• There are two ways to live your life. inspired and uninspired. inspired is way better.

• Play with no fear, trust your gut, and play the way you feel.

• Are you a FIRE starter or a MAINSTREAM follower? Follow your passion to unlock your true potential.

• When the music is loud and quick, your heart beats just as fast. And you do not know what will happen next. That is exciting.

• Because who doesn’t need a little power in their morning routine.

• When it’s time to shine, you’ll play like the King.

• Follow your passion and persevere even when you’re discouraged—that’s how winners are made.

• “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” – Mark Twain

• Your thoughts, fears, and worries don’t define you…it is your choice to give them power. So choose courage above fear today.

• Work hard. Dream big. Play guitar.

• The only thing that you need to remember, is the reason why we play. We play for ourselves, and the thrill of making music.

• In the music industry, you’re paid to make an emotional connection with an audience. That’s one of the reasons I pursued a career as a guitar player. Playing music isn’t just what pays my rent—it helps me make sense of the world around me and find the rhythm at which my life beats.

• Just as my guitar wants to know the secrets of life and love, I want to know the secrets of my instrument. Early on, I realized that energy kept coming out into the world and back into me. This is a loop, an endless feedback loop. There are mysteries within these loops that I keep trying to find my way through.

• Get back to basics. To a place where it’s just you, your instrument, and the music coming from your soul. #makemusicon

• The Life of a Child: is a song that I’ll never play!

• Right side of wrong, Left side of right, Play it loud and clear…

• Let’s jump into that future and see what we can change . . .

• Open to new ideas, always questioning….

• If you think your dreams are unrealistic…Dream bigger.

• Get a fresh start.

• What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

• Live. Play. Change lives. #guitar

• Rock out with all your might — play for her and nobody else. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with the world that makes it a better place. So proudly represent who you are and what you love. We stand to make music and art, nothing more, nothing less.

• Find your freedom in the music and master your control of the strings.

• Life is short. Get the noise. –Hanz Wagner

• Inspire your inner artist with a fresh take on the canvas of your life.

• You see that mountain. I see that mountain too – but I see a bigger one beyond it. You see that dream. That’s nothing compared to the dreams I have. Watch me become everything I was born to be.

• The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

• Get to know yourself better with these easy-to-follow tips.

• Much like the wood, they’re made with—our bodies are flexible, allowing us to achieve anything we’re willing to work for.

• Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not themselves be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency.

• There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle or you can live as though everything is a miracle.

• Your limitations are self-imposed. The only thing that is keeping you from achieving more is the way in which you perceive and think about yourself.