Make a Decision and Take a Step Captions and Motivation

make a decision and take a step captions and motivation
The most memorable moments in life happen when we make a decision to take a step— and actually lift our foot. People who motivate us aren’t ones who tell us how to live, but those who pave the path for us with their brave decisions.

Make a Decision and Take a Step Captions and Motivation

• Today is the day. The time is now. Your future starts.

• Don’t know where to start? Make a decision and take a step.

• Decisions are easy once you’ve decided what you want. It’s a matter of making up your mind. There is no doubt that the only way to get somewhere is to decide to go and start moving.

• Rev up your routine with a set of this limited edition sliders and take on the week ahead with confidence. . . .

• Decide what you want, create what you want, and make a plan for how to achieve it.

• You don’t have to be a spectator in your own life – you can step up and into the game. Your future starts now.

• Wait to see where the road goes,

• You can’t be what you can’t see. It’s time to create your own path, and it’s going to be awesome.

• Don’t wait on the future, take action right now.

• It’s time that someone besides your mom tells you to get off your phone . . . and go outside. Don’t forget to tell her to get off her phone and go outside too.

• Don’t wait until the 12th hour to panic—choose a Halloween costume NOW.

• Action is the foundational key to all success…

• Some people want it to happen, Some wish it would happen, Others make it happen!

• If you’re not growing, you’re dying.

• Don’t let fear hold you back from your biggest life moments—make a decision and take a step towards living your best life.

• Make the commitment, take the first step. You are stronger than you know.

• Time is running out—decide if you want to join us and take the step.

• I made a decision to start running this summer. I felt so much better after the first workout that I kept going. And now, I’m in it for good.

• I’ve made my decision, now I just have to act.

• You think is good but you have to try it. The best time is always now.

• It’s decision time. Start the rest of your life now. #StartNow

• Be bold and seize the day. The best way to live is to forget the past, ignore the present, and believe in the future.

• Thinking of doing something new? Just do it!

• 🚀It’s time to put in the hard work and go after your dreams.

• Just do it. Which class are you taking?

• There’s no turning back now

• Never look back. It distracts from the now. Focused on the future

• Make a decision and take a step. Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move #first#step#entrepreneur

• Decisions are usually the best step forward!

• Often the hardest step is taking the first one and deciding to just go for it.

• Making a decision is easy.

• Don’t just think about it. Do it! Don’t wait to make your dreams a reality. Go for them today!

• It’s like I can feel them looking me up and down, judging me in one swift motion.

• Don’t regret the past. Take action toward your future goals and keep moving forward.

• Time to decide what you want for dinner 🍽

• Do you know what your heart is whispering to you?

• Happiness is not a matter of intensity, it is a matter of distributed intelligence. – Helen Keller

• You only fail when you quit, so go ahead and try—you’ve got nothing to lose.

• Because we say so.

• “I will not be discouraged. I was meant for better things. I will succeed.”—Frederick Douglass

• When you gotta, you know you gotta… make a decision and take a step.

• Make a decision and take a step. Don’t overestimate the needs of this life—file under W.O.O.B.D:We Only Overbook Dinner.

• Time to make a decision and take a step. The future starts now!

• Make a decision, and take that step today to pursue your dream. You only live once, so be sure you’re doing it right

• Nothing feels more epic than making a decision and taking a step towards your goals. It’s the most sure-fire way to grow into being the best version of yourself.

• Are you getting ready to #makeastep? Let us help you get there.

• It’s never too late to take a step towards your goals.

• Not sure what the next step is? What you have to do is trust in yourself and a path will show itself.

• If you’re going to do it, DO IT.

• At some point, we all need to step out of our comfort zone, or comfort zone and into something new. And that’s a good thing.

• He wanted to be a baker, until he tried to knead the dough. He wanted to design, until he ran out of paper. He wanted to be a chef, until he started trying recipes. One day he knew—this is it.

• Did you leave your heart in San Francisco?

• This year, I’m moving forward. I’m not going to let anything stand in my way—not even myself.

• To the beach. To the mountain. To the forest. Your call, O.G.

• Things rarely turn out the way you thought they would. Life is going to happen no matter what you do. Make a decision and take a step! These are my life words!

• Don’t wait for things to happen or for the perfect moment to act. Make the decision and take a step!

• It’s time to make a decision—and take a step forward.

• Make today your day, choose to love, and take the first step.

• Things you can accomplish when you’re simply focused. Go ahead, take that step.

• It’s time for you to get it together. Make another great decision. Grow stronger and stronger.

• So if you’re still thinking about it, stop. The time is now. Change your life today.

• It’s time to put what you want out there in the universe. Audition for that role, apply for that job, ask him out on a date, tell your boss how you feel—do it! You know you want to.

• You have all the power to live, learn, laugh and love. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new! Let’s make this week your best yet.

• It’s always darkest before the dawn—but it’s never too dark to take a step towards your light.

• Crossing the line between possible and impossible begins with one step.

• Whether you fail or succeed, give it everything you’ve got.

• Everything you’re imagining is what you have the power to create. Make that leap.

• Make your own future, it’s entirely up to you.

• Make a decision and take a step. —N.C.#TheDoveMenChallenge

• Let’s make a decision, and take a step

• Time to make a decision and take a step—your way. #AlwaysKeepOnGrowing

• Make a choice. Change your life. Start today!

• Feel the fear and do it anyway. Sometimes you have to take that step into the great unknown.

• You wanna jump? You gotta put one foot in front of the other and just do it!

• It’s time for you to join the conversion. Convert to better.

• If we want it, there is nothing that can stop us 💪🏼

• At exactly this point in your life, you

• Get lost. Get found. Get wild.

• The thought of you doing it freaks me out! Face your fears and do it anyway

• All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

• We’re just a couple of weeks away from the New Year, we leave you with this quote by Sol Hurok.

• There’s no better time than now to make a decision and take a step toward your goals.

• We help people make a decision and take that first step. We are change-makers.

• It’s time to make a decision and take a step forward. Which one are you going to do?

• You will never be able to follow through on big decisions unless you take the first step today.

• Throw out your lines, take a step forward, and jump into the sea of life. No one guarantees how long it’s going to last, but let’s live it to the fullest.

Get it done and don’t look back!

• If you can do one thing today to move forward, to make progress, do it. Now! 🎂💯

• Hop on the scale to discover how you can get in your best shape ever, today. 💪📊

• It’s never to early or too late to make a change. Today, we’re making a change for the better. Let’s start today.

• You’ve been putting this off long enough—just DO it!

• Oh you’re scared? So was everyone else. But they were a lot more scared of failing than you are of trying.

• If you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward and we’re not going there.

• Ready to take charge of your skin? Get the scoop on how you can achieve silky, smooth skin with our new Exfoliating Facial Wipes!

• If you wait until the moment is right, it may never happen. Make a decision and take a step!

• All it takes is a decision to move and a first step.

• What are you waiting for? Take the first step.

• It’s time to choose. Now act without hesitation.

• It’s your life. Live it the way you want to live it. #justdoit

• Limitless beauty never goes out of style.

• Tackle your problems head-on or they’ll tackle you.

• I decided to take a step back and reflect. Be honest with myself, evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and get back to who I am as a person.

• Start now because tomorrow is never promised.

• This is it. You’ve just found your next favorite place in the neighborhood.

• Don’t look back, you’re never going that way.

• What are you willing to sacrifice?

• Don’t chase the wind. Let it catch you.

• Make a decision and take a step. You’re ready.

• Today choose to make a decision and take a step. Whether it means attempting something new or moving past an old paradigm, this choice will have great potential.

• The difference between ordinary + extraordinary is the courage to decide and the willingness to take a step.

• You can stand out when you’re built for it. Join the biggest decision of your life and take that bold step today.

• Take the leap. Take the chance. Make a change, seize an opportunity, or just go for it.

• Make big, bold moves. This is your life, not a dress rehearsal. Make it count.

• Join us on October 2nd to make real change for families. Volunteer today at!

• I decided to let go of the stress I was holding on to, which got me off the sugar train. And now I’m just this happy, positive person that I’ve always wanted to be.

• Here at [COFFEE COMPANY], we are coffee people. And in life, our coffee cups are constantly at least half full—and often overflowing.

• Do you remember where you were when you decided to do that thing? Make it a better memory.

• This is it, big news for us and for you. I’ve been looking forward to this since the first day we opened…Now is the time!

• You’re always a little sad when summer ends and you have to say goodbye to these daydreams. But there is happiness in change. Some things just need to be left behind…

• You can’t go wrong with a decision that YOU excitedly make, so take the step.

• Be a hero and share your path #ChooseCozmo

• Go on and take that first step 💕🚶

• Take the first step 🐘 and the rest will follow #NationalSelfieDay

• Never give up on your dreams. Believe in yourself and take the first step. You’ll be surprised by what you can accomplish.

• Taking the first step is always the hardest. After that, things get easier. (Adapted from As A Man Thinketh written by James Allen.)

• To explore new places and make new memories

• <br> Open your eyes, pick up your phone and download the app today! Snag a special offer today. <br>

• Don’t make it harder than it is. Just do it.

• Ready, set, go. 🏃♂️

• √,√,We’re making it official! @joshwaits will perform at our Fifth Annual @claremont_birthday Bash this Saturday, September 1st. Get tix:
• Walk your talk today. Make a decision and take a step towards it in earnest. All else will fall into place.

• It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. Make your decision, take a big step, and chase after the future you want.

• Today is the day to get out of your comfort zone and take a step forward . #getgoing

• Take a stand. Make a Fresh, New Year’s resolution to get serious about your health

• Sometimes we gotta just rip the bandaid and make a choice, bro! Sometimes you gotta walk your way.

• I have made up my mind 🎯

• Don’t be afraid to pursue your dreams. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

• The only way to go is forward. #YouHoldTheKeys

• Don’t spend a bunch of time thinking about whether you should go on that trip, take that overseas gig, or bring in a new staff member – just go do it.

• It’s time to step up your dailies. Take your skin to the next level. #RxNormative

• Swipe right—treat your hair to a restorative treatment, and your spirit to a little ritual pampering.

• The summer may be coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the time for adventure is! Trek past your comfort zone and plan a day trip you are bound to remember.

• Finally made a decision and took a step.💯 Next step is to get moving.

• Stop waiting for that perfect moment. Dive in now and take that first step towards reaching your goal.

• ✅✅✅ Tomorrow is the day. #DecideToGoFar

• The daring decision you make today will have the most unexpected future.#go for it.

• Shake off that decision fatigue. We’ll help you make an informed choice with our new collection of full-length Suits for Men.

• Life is short, make bold choices.

• I decided to leap and the net will appear 👣

• Show them there’s no stopping you.

• When Opportunity comes knocking, what will Your answer be?

• The good life is the one you make. What are you waiting for?

• I think we’re ready for the next step, don’t you?

• I want to hear the Earth breathe.

• A better you, starts now. #makeadecision ##takeastep

• You can do it. Take the first step.

• It’s time to decide on your future and make a change.

• Don’t let life pass you by. It’s time to take a risk and make your dream happen. Your future is waiting for you to step up, it’s not time to sit back.

• Life is too short to settle. Sometimes you have to just go for it🤷🏼♀️

• Declare your independence with a bold new hair color.

• Be here now. Be there later.

• You only have one life, you might as well make it spectacular.

• Don’t settle for an ordinary life of comfort and security. Chasing dreams leads to an exciting and unstoppable life!

• Don’t take the road less traveled. Take the road you didn’t know existed.

• The time and place for change is now.

• Grab the bull by the horns and make this summer the best one yet!

• All aboard the pumpkin spice train…all aboard! The End.
• Make a decision and take a step!

• If you never try, you’ll never know. Make a decision and take a step to make your dreams a reality.

• Make a bold decision today and take a step toward a better tomorrow.

• Mind made up? Take the next step.

• Stop talking about it and start doing it! Here’s how to get started. ☝🏻

• All it takes is a single decision – to use one portion of your life and dedicate it to this cause.

• Today is the first day of your rest of your life. You’ve made a decision that deserves to be celebrated. #TGDIYA

• Ready to get off the sidelines and into the game? (thinking face emoji) it’s never too late (sunglasses emoji) to join in.

• I said yes, and that was the turning point.

• I believe that goals are meant to be broken into milestones. Break it down into bite-sized steps and complete one at a time to lead you to your goal.

• Attempt the impossible.

• Take the first step to make your dreams come true.

• No matter what happens, you’ve got the heart to change it. Taking the first step is yours.

• Take the first step in changing direction. You can always take a U turn.

• On your mark, get set, decide. You’ve got options, so the choice is yours.

• This summer isn’t going to wait around while you Make Up Your Mind. Dream it. Do it. Now or never.

• It’s time for that thing you’ve been putting off. Choose now. Make it happen. 💪

• It’s a sweet year when you decide to try something new.

• Be the change you want to see in the world. Start here 👆 . . .

• You won’t regret taking the road less traveled – but you will if you never take it.

• Do more of what makes you happy. Even if it helps just one person, it’s worth it.

• New #glasses + new job = total reinvention. Feeling excited to get my grind on.

• In life, it doesn’t matter if you make mistakes. What matters is if you learn from them and never repeat them.

• Sure, it would be easier to wait for someone else to make a decision and step, but that’s life. It’s all about choosing to take a step.

• Making their new puppy the most important decision in their lives.

• When you decide on things, your life changes in the blink of an eye. You will wake up, and all those little choices will add up to one big thing! So make a decision.

• The steps you take will forever change your destiny 💙

• Let the past inspire you – but never let it define you. Take action today, and deal with the consequences tomorrow.

• Never fear failure; fear the time you don’t try. Make your choice and move forward, one way or another. It is never too late to become who you might have been.

• Decide what you want. Go after it—no matter what they say.

• It’s time to answer the call of adventure—travel, study, get a new job or engage in your favorite hobby. The world is yours.

• Open your mind, open the door… xo

• You never know where your path is going to lead you. Sometimes it’s better to leap, rather than wait for the right moment.

• Life hacks for getting everything done

• I am ready to take on the world…

• It’s time. What have you been putting off? Split your own giant tasks into smaller ones and start tackling one right now. Boom. Done.

• It’s challenging to change the way you eat and think about food—but the reward is worth it.

• Make a decision, and take a step. It’ll get you there.

• You are more than enough. Take the leap and make a decision to get off the bench. Today is the day!

• When you realize the importance of making a decision, take 1 step forward and never look back.

• I’ve made a decision to take this relationship all the way, @bizzzzz #TagAMate

• Sometimes the only thing standing between success and failure is the willingness to take that first step. What are you waiting for?

• If you are hesitating and don’t really know how to say no, just do it – unless it’s illegal or unethical.Saying ‘no’ does not make you a bad person or a party pooper.

• It’s time to take the next step.

• It’s time to decide. And it’s time to move.

• This month be a lot more than curious, bring everything to light.

• The only path to follow is your own. #MakeYourPath

• You want to start that business you’ve been dreaming about. You want to learn to ballroom dance. You want to get in shape for your wedding next year. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid. You can do this . . . we have your back: now what are you waiting for 😎?

• It’s time to start something special.

• Here’s to the ones who dream. May we never lose sight of those things that spark our soul and make us feel alive.