Volunteer Sayings Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes and sayings about volunteering fulfill an important role in encouraging volunteers to reach their personal potential. Here is a collection of inspirational quotes and sayings related to volunteering. These are great for volunteer appreciation activities or as motivational messages to volunteer groups on their forum boards.

Volunteer Sayings Inspirational Quotes

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Special Olympics movement. #HereIAm

Volunteering doesn’t just feel good, it’s good for you. This time of year the urge to give back and be part of something bigger than yourself is strong. Here’s why…

Volunteer opportunities are available all over the world. If you want to volunteer in Africa, there are worlds of opportunities and the possibilities are just beyond.

Our volunteer programs help students develop valuable skills, engage in meaningful and fulfilling activities, and enhance their college experience.

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the AHC.

Sending out volunteers for the day is like air traffic control for social change: only instead of directing airplanes with physical boundaries, we help ideas and individuals soar freely.

It’s good to give back and help others.

If you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work!

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. —Mahatma Gandhi

We are the true leaders of today who have to deal with tomorrow’s problems that can be solved.

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” — Wayne Dyer

I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. – Winston Churchill

Volunteering is service beyond self. Volunteering helps you find the person in you.

Volunteers are the unsung heroes of this community – and every community. They are always there for us, no matter what, like a steady light shining on through the darkness.

Volunteering is about improving the lives of others and enriching our own. Learn more about giving back to DC to find volunteer opportunities that are right for you.

Volunteers are the heart and soul of communities that raise the collective spirit to new heights. For those who serve and give, thank you.

Did you know that last year, volunteers gave more than 8.3 million service hours to help make an impact and strengthen communities? Learn about volunteer opportunities at Volunteermatch.org.#‎VolunteerMatch‬

Donate your time, talent, and passion to those in need.

We are stronger together: Volunteering, caring, and building community.

Volunteers move our communities forward, one small step at a time.

Help is on the way! Helping others rebuild after disaster strikes is a naturally rewarding experience. Together, we can make an impact.

Serving your community is not a chore, it’s your responsibility to represent the ideals that you believe in and live by.

Low-income adults need your help to fill out an online application for aid.

It’s never too late to start loving yourself. Be encouraged by the words of Esther from our blog newsletter. By subscribing you will receive free weekly motivational messages and other exciting mailing series!

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” –Booker T. Washington

I am not where I need to be, but thank God, I am not where I used to be.

There is a big difference between living and merely existing.

Volunteer quotes sayings, goodwill volunteer quotes – … Encouraging Volunteer Sayings. Volunteer quotes offer positive motivation for everyone who volunteers and can be an inspiration for others to get involved as well.

Have you ever considered volunteering to help others? Volunteer with us in your community today!

Be a part of something bigger. Volunteer with the Peace Corps today. #PeaceCorps

Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization, and this month we want to salute their commitment to the community. So thank you, volunteers!

Volunteerism reduces stress while leading to a healthier mind, body, and soul #volunteersuccess

Volunteering doesn’t have to mean you have to give up your time to travel overseas. Simple acts of kindness can provide more benefits than you think.

We Are VolunTEERing to make a difference. Let’s build a better world together.

Volunteering is about so much more than making a difference for someone else. It’s also about making a difference for yourself and strengthening your sense of purpose, community connection, empathy, and well-being.

When you’re this giving and giving of yourself to others, you discover that the more you give, the more you receive. Get involved and volunteer today at one of our playspaces, parks or gardens

Serving our community helps us better understand the story behind each face, and what drives their passion for giving back.

Let’s work to make a difference, together. Donate Today!

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

My one wish for you is that you live a life of your heart’s content.

Kindness leads to generosity. Generosity leads to faithfulness. Faithfulness leads to wisdom. Wisdom leads to patience.

If you would be successful, you must form the habit of doing things you don’t wish to do.

Volunteering doesn’t have to be a full time job! Visit us for everything you need to get started.

It’s not just the job that makes us feel fulfilled. Volunteering gives us purpose while helping make a difference in the communities we call home

Volunteers represent the best of humanity, they are there to help humankind at their hour of need.

Every day, global volunteers make a difference. They’re changing the world, one small step at a time. Join them.

Open your mind, your heart, and your doors to help those in need.

Your support is making a difference in the lives of thousands.

Mission: Helping Those in Need Since 1888

We rethink how an employee can really contribute to society and make a positive difference in their communities.

Cameron Russell on How to Be a Good Person in an Instagram Captions

This #EarthDay, we’re thankful for things that we can recycle, reuse or repurpose

Upcycling has never looked so good.

Let us not ask God to bless us. Let us ask ourselves to be worthy of His blessing. –Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If you’re not courageous, you need to pretend to be.

If you’re busy making goals, how will you have time to achieve them?

Funny volunteer sayings inspirational quotes

Funny volunteer sayings and inspirational quotes are perfect to motivate, encourage and inspire volunteers.

If you volunteer at London’s homeless shelters, you can sleep any which way you like

Did you know that a slightly more sinister word for volunteer is “volunteer”?

Volunteering is better than a paycheck. (What’s up, Procter & Gamble!)

Volunteering is one of the best investments you can make in your community—and in yourself.

There are only two rules at St. John Ambulance: be nice and bring snacks. 😉

“Some people have better things to do than others.” – Anne Frank

“You’re not a waste of space. You’re the only space that matters.”

“If at first, you don’t succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.” – William Buckley

“If you have time to whine and complain about something, you have the time to do something about it.”

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.

“When nothing goes right, go left”—Bart Simpson

Volunteering is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

I’m a Volunteer. I change the world one day at a time.

Volunteer and give of yourself, for there’s a rich blessing and joy in giving.

The greatest gift you can give a child is a sense of humor.

I’m not a slacker. I’m a volunteer extraordinaire!

I believe in protecting my personal space and the space of those around me with pepper spray #volunteen

Getting involved is like having a real-life hashtag. #GetInTheMovement

I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

Life gets tough, but you don’t get tougher, life gets tough so you get going

If you’re not enjoying your job, then you’re not doing it right. – Jim Carrey

I’m not crazy. My reality is just different from yours.

your head in the clouds, your feet on the ground, and your heart to make a difference.

I read so many good books this year, I decided to cut down on my reading intake and gave the remaining books in my library away to others.

There are 2 solutions to every problem: you either solve it, or you don’t. I prefer the latter.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire.”

So which one of these volunteering quotes will inspire you to help people?

What’s your favorite part about volunteering?

Volunteer. The way to get experience is by doing.

Helping others makes you feel good.

In their own words: “I told myself in my 20s that I’d take advantage of opportunities to volunteer when they came along, but then I didn’t. Now I’m thinking, ‘You better!'”

Volunteer: noun | ˈvɒləˌt(y)o͞o.ər | whoever made the world a better place by lending a hand

We believe in the power of helping hands. Pass it on.

I’ll try yoga, Crossfit, and meditation, but I need to be able to eat cookies too. – Unknown

You just sort of get the sense that you’re surrounded by people who—even if they might be driving Peugeots and living in houses with gingerbread trim—have come to terms with the fact that the secret of happiness is not trying too hard.

I want to be buried here. I don’t care about my final resting place, just as long as it’s here.

“Nothing to see here, just a flesh wound.” -Dwarf ranger in the mines of Moria.

“The only thing worse than a rainy day is a wetter for the same day.” ― David Hockney

Volunteer Inspirational Quotes

Volunteering is important to work—and meaningful relationships. And, we’re grateful to call these men and women part of our family. Thank you for all you’ve done…and continue to do.

Volunteering is something you do for yourself, not others.

Volunteering is not just making a difference in someone else’s life. It’s making a difference on our own.

Volunteerism is a responsibility each of us must accept.

Ladies, let’s get #empowered this fall and make the move to support our community. Let’s start by donating gently used items to the @nonprofit_organization today!

Use some of your off time to make a difference in your community or abroad.

Stop dreaming and do something. Be an example and help us save fellow furry friends from homelessness!

Your voice is a powerful thing. Share your story and raise $20 in 20 seconds to empower someone else.

I wish us all the leeway to pursue our dreams, to be a little selfish about what we want to do and not do. Work hard and live with purpose.

Don’t stop until you’ve made a difference.

There is no perfect place. There is no perfect time. There is only now. And the world needs what you bring to it.

“There is an immense pleasure in self-made success.”

As one of the “others” in the Hitler Youth said: “I never melted. I was always an outsider and will remain so even if I have to fight for it.”

“Volunteer work has had a profound influence on my life. It helped me to discover the world, but more importantly, it has allowed me to discover the true world: people striving for nothing less than love.”

volunteers are the heart and soul of the American Red Cross.

Volunteers are needed for the annual neighborhood block party.

This morning join the hundreds of thousands of volunteers who are donating their time to help make our communities stronger places to live.

Join our team. If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

Open the doors of your heart and house to them because there are children who are vulnerable who need our love and care, though they may seem different. Orphans like them, who are waiting to be part of loving families just like yours.

All of us can make a difference. We just have to take the first step.

I believe in the power of small gestures to make a difference.

Your eyes are the window to your heart and soul.

We rise by lifting others. ― Robert Ingersoll

Do one thing every day that scares you.

Our time is made for living; and, since to live

By investing in the future, the present will take care of itself.

Inspirational Quotes for Volunteers

Volunteers are the heart and soul of our community. Please remember to thank them for all they do!

We all have a passion for volunteering as part of our community’s social future.

Volunteer opportunities are available year-round. For a list of local opportunities, visit pridecenteratlanta.org

Volunteers are the roots that sustain our organization, cultivating future leaders and enriching our communities. Thank you to all who have given their time and talent.

Ongoing volunteers are the cornerstone of our organization. We truly appreciate your dedication and commitment to our mission.

It’s not about lifting people up, it’s about lifting up with them.

By investing in people, you build better communities and make America stronger. -Bill Clinton

Our very best days start with a cup of coffee and a bit of imagination. So let’s go to work.

These days, we need all hands on deck. To make sure we can continue to deliver clean water to those who need it most.

I will never walk alone – Liverpool Football Club

Once an hour becomes three hours and three hours becomes the rest of your life.

Volunteering is giving your time and talents to help improve your community. Many people leave their comfort zones to serve others through volunteering.

Volunteers are the heart of every community. Join one today to make a difference in your community.

Make today count. Volunteer to be a cancer survivor.

Helping can make a big difference. Here’s a list of volunteering ideas from our volunteers.

Continued success to you and all of the volunteers out there

We need your help. Every hour, someone in our community is turning 65 and celebrating a new chapter of life. Help us show our seniors that every birthday should be remembered by lighting the candles on their cake with our volunteer music program.

Rise, so others can rise with you. #KeepDaGlow

No matter what challenges we face, what setbacks occur, or what obstacles we encounter: never lose faith in the power of one person to make a difference. – United States Secretary Hillary Clinton

If you have ever felt the urge to do something — give it a try. If you’ve ever had a strong desire to succeed, follow through with it. If you’ve ever had an interest in doing or being something, follow it up. Be fearless and confident as you pursue your dreams.

Passion is that feeling that keeps you awake on a silent night.

I’m on a mission to prove that crime scene investigators don’t just work in TV shows and movies. Together, we can make our communities safer!

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

Delight in the simple things, because none of them are simple.

Inspirational Quotes About Volunteering

Volunteers make the world more beautiful. Thank them with loyalty and discounts.

Volunteering is a great way to help children. Help make a difference by providing some volunteer hours at your local school or nonprofit organization!

Volunteering is our opportunity to give back; to make a positive difference in our community. Thank you for helping us do just that by volunteering with us.

Volunteering is a way to give back to your community, but also help yourself.

Did you know? For every hour you volunteer, your physical health improves As do your mental health, self-esteem, and attitude We can all learn to be passionate & enthusiastic to give back.

What better way to give back this weekend than by going out and volunteering? Here are some ways you can volunteer for a cause. #FridayFeeling

Ready to help our community? Less busy, more action. Volunteer

Quotable: “Every day, when we talk to someone new, we have a chance to act as Christ’s ambassadors.” — Richard G. Scott

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

Volunteering is the best way to give back and make an impact in your community. Here are some inspirational quotes about volunteering.

Get inspired by the volunteer job opportunities that are available to you. Whether you volunteer a few hours during your lunch break or take an entire day out of your week, every hour counts.

If everyone in the world donated just one hour of their time to volunteering. We would have a very different place in the world.

Volunteer work broadens your perspective, helps you meet new people, and offers a chance to give back 👣

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. And to volunteer is both a light and a blessing.

Serving others is one way to discover your purpose. #volunteer

Want to make a difference this weekend? Volunteer for the local food bank

Volunteering: The biggest difference between people who accomplish things in their lives and those who don’t is not Natural Talent or Luck—it’s Focus.― Gary Keller

Helping in the community makes me feel like I really belong here.

The best reward is the satisfaction that you had a hand in making your community a better place.

The Best Work That We Can Do Is To Inspire Everybody About Doing The Best Work They Can Do.

True leadership is about serving others and leading by example. Everything we do comes down to our core values: Serve, Value, and Lead with Integrity

Be the Kind of Person Your Dog Thinks You Are

Life is short, but if you put in the hard work, you should be able to dream big and become the person you strive to be. 💪🏼

Your eyes are windows to the world, your smile, its mirror.