Happy 1 Week Baby Captions for Instagram With Quotes

If you are looking for a happy 1-week baby caption for Instagram then this list has been created for you! These captions can help you post the perfect picture with a quote. Use the word of wisdom to sparkle on your profile and gain more likes!

Happy 1 Week Baby Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• Happy 1 week to our beautiful little girl. We love you, sweetie

• The day you took your 1st breath on earth, our family tree became complete. Happy 1-week baby

• Happy one-week birthday! Your first week has been a time that I’ve learned how to love.

• enjoying your baby’s first week is a real adventure!

• You’ve accomplished so much in one week of life! Proud of you, baby!

• My only and dearest one-week-old LITTLE BABY!

• It’s been one week since you came into this world and I can honestly say that my life has never been the same!

• It’s already been a week and I can’t believe how lucky I am to be your mom.

• I think every time I’ve had a baby, it is great to have a new baby in the house. The baby becomes the most important thing. You try and be with the baby as much as you can.

• We are the masters of our destiny and we have to choose wisely. The first week has flown by and we’re already on top of Instagram trends!

May your days be cute, and your nights be sweet.

• I am going to love you like no one else. I see in you all that I have been searching for.

• Bring on the cargo shorts and flip-flops, baby!

• When I see you, I smile. When I hear your voice, I listen. When you touch me, I feel you. When you leave, I miss you

• Happy 1 Week to us baby, I love you so much. Let us keep this love growing for as long as we are together.

• I’m one week old today, & I’m already so fabulous.

• We spent 6 months preparing for your arrival and 1 week getting to know you. We’re already so in love

• A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart till the day you die.

• She’s a wild one and I can’t wait to watch her grow up!

• “A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.”

• I am so proud of you for many reasons but mostly that you are mine.

• 1 week of you will always be worth more than 7 days, 7 months, or even 7 years

• The smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

• Happy 1-week birthday, my sweet baby! You are so special to me and I feel so honored to be your mother.

• Happy 1 week to the stinker who stole my heart

• I love you forever and a week. Happy one-week birthday!

• It’s been a week since you came into our lives and we are head over heels in love with you sweetie, Can’t wait to watch you grow.

• 1 week ago you made me a mommy and no words can describe how much I love it. You are my everything.

• Today marks ONE WEEK of you being here and it has been nothing short of amazing!

• Our little angel is a week old today. We spent our day watching you smile, playing with your tiny toes, and counting how many times you peed on us during your diaper change – seven times!!

• We have been talking about you since we first heard your heartbeat. We have a room full of surprises just for you. Our hearts are full of love and ready to receive you into our lives.

• Life is about moments: don’t wait for them, create them.

• Our love is so deep, the ocean will be jealous.

• Happy 1-week baby, I love you with all my heart and soul.

• 1-week baby photo caption: 7 days old and already my world.

• Happy 1 week my dear child, May your smile is filled with joy and happiness that will bring me great pride.

• 1 week old today!… and I’m already in love

• Babies cry, poop and sleep. And they are so cute!

• this is the first week & your first week with me, baby.

• Happy first birthday to all the tiny humans having their very own cake smash

• You’re one week closer to being fully potty trained, kid!

• It’s been one week already since you came into my life. My heart is full of gratitude, and I want nothing more than to be with you forever.

• It’s been one week since you looked into my eyes and told me “I’m here!” And every day since then, I have fallen more in love with you.

• In the last 7 days, I have laughed, I have cried, I have seen more love than I have in my whole life.

• someday you’ll grow up and tell stories of your crazy days… but now I’m just thankful to be yours.

• Happy 1 week, baby! I cannot believe a whole week of loving you has passed by already. I love you more and more each day!

• Congratulations on your 1-week old baby. May your life be filled with happiness, love, and joy.

• A week ago today, I made one of the best decisions of my life and it was to give you my heart. I love you, baby. Happy 1st Week Anniversary!!”

• Don’t steal my thunder. I have the perfect baby caption for this picture.

• A week ago today I became a mommy. My whole world changed in a second.

• After a week I have learned your little noises, like the throat-clearing hum that means you are happy and ready for more milk.

• I am so thankful that this week was full of smiles, cute clothes, and firsts. We are already in love with you!

• My love, I am so happy to have you in our lives. You are the sweetest gift I have ever received.

• We have officially been a family of four for one week, one year, and we would not have it any other way!

• My first week was a tiny fraction of my whole life but it feels like it will be the most memorable.

• One week down, forever to go. Growing stronger by the day!

• Hello, world! The best week of my life.

 Happy 1 Week Old Baby Captions for Instagram

• One week old and already outshining the rest

• “Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.”

• Help! I just gave birth and now I’m in the newspaper!!

• I can’t believe—in a week you’ve grown so big and strong. I love you every day, but today I want to celebrate you.

• A week ago our family grew by two feet. Our firstborn daughter

• We can’t get enough of this tiny little bundle.

• “This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef and this little piggy had none. This little piggy went wee-wee-wee all the way home.”

• Your first week on Earth was out of this world!

• You are a blessing from the heavens above.

• You are our greatest adventure.

• I am the beginning of this new world.

• Little snuggles, big smiles, so much love for our baby girl

• 1st week has been full of love and laughter. We feel so blessed to be your parents and watch you grow every day

• I can’t believe it’s been a week already! You’re cuter than ever, little lady (or gentleman).

• Thank you to all my family & friends who have met our baby boy Billy. We love you all so much!

• Looks like we’ll be doing the first week of parenthood all over again, or should I say, our first week as a family.

• I couldn’t be more excited to be your mom!

• “As a human being, your life doesn’t begin until that first smile and thank you.”

• Life is a journey that is meant to be explored

• I’m not crying, it’s just been raining on my face.

• The best feeling in the world is to know that you mean something to someone

• Happy sweet one-week-old birthday, my precious little darling!

• 1 week old and already addicted to the camera

• Hayley Claire, You’re a month old today. It’s so exciting to watch you grow!

• Only one week old, but already full of personality.

• Seven days old today and we have fallen deeper in love with him every moment. We are blessed beyond words to have you in our lives baby Elijah.

• You have so much to look forward to little one.

• Newborn babies are just like new books. You can not stop reading them

• Little one, you are a gift beyond my dreams.

• A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, and life worth living.

• Away from all the faces, doctors and nurses, I and you can spend some time by ourselves.

• Wishing you lots of good luck and happiness as you start this new chapter of your life

• Some days I wish I could go back in life. Not to change anything, but to feel a few things twice.

Happy 1 Week Old Baby Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• I am so excited to see what you can achieve. It’s good to have a son; it’s amazing to have a best friend. Time flies when you are one week old

• My baby is one week old today! I can’t believe how much he has already changed.

• Sweet one-week-old baby rosebud, you are too precious for words.

• Only a week old and you’ve already taught me more than I ever knew. I’m so blessed to be your mommy.

• From the moment they placed you in my arms, you snuggled your way into my heart and filled it with so much love. Baby, we’re already so proud of you!

• Not even a whole week old and you’ve already taught me SO much

• You were a wish come true for us. There are no words to explain the love we feel for you. You’re just pure joy! Our sweet little miracle!

• You’ve only been in our lives for a week, but you’ve already filled our hearts with so much joy. Wherever there is love, there is peace and victory.

• I made the 1st week in this world! And you can’t handle it.

• The best things in life are Prince William and Kate Middleton’s new baby boy.

• Happy 1 Week Old Baby. Welcome to the world baby girl!

• “A week ago today, my life changed forever… and I became a Mom. Happy One Week Birthday to my little angel”

• Oh, snap! My baby is one week old. Don’t you wish you were this cute?

• You are only 1 week old today but I have loved you for far longer than that.

• I’m only one week old, but my love for you is forever strong. I’m so blessed to be your granddaughter!

• Our little angel is turning one week old today. We’re truly blessed to have this beautiful gift from God.

• #Newborn life is so exhausting that you will get used to sleeping with your eyes open.~

• I am the luckiest person in the whole world to have you as my baby

• You’d think that with all the crying, I’d be in great shape. But my face is just red and puffy.

• You are our sunshine, our one, and only sunshine. You make us happy when skies are gray.

• The happiest days of my life are here and yet to come.

• Today, my baby is one week old. I’m so happy to be her mother. I love her and I want to give her all the best in the world.

• Little lips, little smiles, little eyes, baby feet. I love every part of this sweet and tiny treat! #babysmiles

• So in love with this precious little thing, it’s almost scary. Love you!

• You may feel lost and alone, but this little face will soon fill your world.

• When you were born the angels clapped their hands in celebration

• In my son’s eyes, I am a hero. I am strong and smart and funny and kind. In my son’s eyes, I am the world.

• When you smile at me, your first week has been the happiest of my life.

• Oh, baby! It’s time to get out of this room & explore the world.

 Happy 1 Week Old Baby GIF Captions for Instagram

• Happy 1 Week Old Baby! You already know how to wow us.

• Don’t mind me, just trying to come up with my baby’s first Instagram caption.

• Treat yo self to a little throwback like this one of me at one week old. I’m so cute I can’t handle it!!

• Life is short, capture every happy moment. Baby’s First Week

• what a precious little bundle of joy you are!

• The only thing more beautiful than the day you were born is who you’ve become since.

• “It’s been a week since you screamed bloody murder in our faces and made us fall in love with you! You’re the coolest, little one.”

• You are a gem A gem that sparkles no matter what.

• “Your baby is the most beautiful thing in the world. Asking you to love your baby is like asking you to breathe; it’s just what you do.

• One week old! It’s amazing how much our lives have changed in the last seven days.

• The look you give mom when she says it’s time for bed.

• this is my first selfie, the world is a nice place, can’t wait to explore it.

• To sum up this week, I’d have to say: It’s been ah-mazing!

• I’m pretty sure my favorite thing about you is your laugh.

• I’m here because I was created to help someone learn how to leave a legacy, change their world and make a difference.

• Happy 1 Week Old Baby GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals are available for free on GIPHY. Download today!

• Happy 1 week old, Darcy. You’re a champion sleeper! I can’t wait till you’re old enough to appreciate this picture of me holding you

• Hello everyone! I’m 7 days young and I have my eyes open. I think it’s time to celebrate.

• I love you little one. You may be tiny, but you are mighty! Never forget how amazing you are!

• This summer will be the best, we just need a reason to celebrate.

• “Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring.” —Jon Lee

• My love for you is like a circle, it has no beginning and will know of no end.

• You are Braver than you believe Stronger than you seem Smarter than you think

• It’s been one week since you’ve stolen our hearts. Happy One Week Old!

• You’re one week old, and already so loved.

• This little cutie pie is 1 week old today. It’s been an incredible journey!

• A week with you and we’re so in love, our hearts feel like they will burst. Welcome to the world, little one.

• Your first week of life has been so wonderful; we hope it’s a sign of the amazing future that awaits you.

• Birthday week is mandatory. We can’t let this baby turn one without festivities.

• Every newborn baby is the fulfillment of a dream.

• 7-day-old, you’re already everything I ever wanted and more.

• “I am the same age as my attitude.” “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” “The best thing about me is you.” “Your first breath took ours away”

• It’s been a week of PJs, milk, and snuggles and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

• I became a mom when I had your son. I was created to be your mother, thank God for you!

• You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

• You’re my dessert, I’m your candy, baby. You make me feel pretty oh so sweet like candy

• I will never get over your tiny toes and fingers.