Funny Tai Chi Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Hey there. What’s up? I know what you’re thinking; another crappy tai chi blog post. But for a change, this is not the case. This is about something different, something new, something you probably didn’t think was possible: funny tai chi quotes. Every beginning student asks himself this question: What’s so funny about tai chi? The answer to this question is not immediately obvious. Most students start getting curious when they realize that their Master never smiles and is always uttering funny (and seemingly random) statements when teaching them!

Funny Tai Chi Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Tai chi is for people who can’t stop scrolling

• Tai Chi is fun. It’s like a dance, but slower and with more clothes on.

• If this is what tai chi looks like, sign me up!

• Tai chi is a gentle and relaxing exercise that can be done anywhere. That’s why I’ve been doing it for years now in my living room.

• If you’re feeling anxious or tense, just do a little Tai Chi. And if that doesn’t work, watch this video.

• Shake off your stress with some tai chi from this ancient practice which is all about releasing your inner chi. 😎

• You know you’ve been sitting too long when you start to wonder if your chair is doing tai chi. #chiropractic

• Get down, get down for the count of three… 1,2,3, whoops you lost again!

• Just like the martial art, coffee should be sustained, focused, and always moving forward.

• How to meditate? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, count to 10… and think of Tai Chi Chasers.

• Don’t miss Sandal Season. It only comes once a year. And it’s coming up fast.

• Feeling stressed? Kick back, get off your phone and do something mindfully that will improve your health:

• I’m not sure if I have this right, but one thing is for certain: the key to happiness is #Balance

• What’s the best way to prepare for a business meeting? Tai Chi with Confucius.

• Hey, relax. It’s called Taiji—not Tai-chi-you’re-probably-pronouncing-it-wrong

• I don’t know what I’m doing, but it sure looks cool. #taichi

• The best part of waking up isn’t Folgers in your cup, it’s your Yoga pants.

• Don’t be embarrassed by your klutziness. You’re not alone—I’m pretty sure I pass this test too.

• Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. (Or at least pretend to.)

• You move like an old man… I can’t believe you’re only 33.

• Stress isn’t a state of mind. It’s an accident you happen to fall into when you don’t know how to relax.

• I’m the best at Tai Chi. And I’m not even Chinese.

• Did you know that Tai Chi can improve your posture? So come down to the park for a little tai chi.

• Tai chi is so relaxing that you can use it for stress relief or to fall asleep

• The secret to Tai Chi is balance—of the body, of the mind, and of all things

• What is the feng shui? Can anyone explain this to me? #taijichallenge

• It’s not just a great exercise, you can use it to scare away those pesky Jehovah’s witnesses.

• The best Tai chi class is the one you can’t sit though.

• What happens when you combine tai chi and your favorite animal? You get a whole lot of awesomeness.

• You can have it all. With Kung Fu Tea, you can enjoy the taste of a good brew while getting in your tai chi and qi gong

• Ever tried doing tai chi in slow motion? It’s easier to follow, but you have to be a lot more careful not to fall.

• Tai Chi is not a form of exercise. Tai Chi is a form of attack.

• Let’s face it – life can get hectic. Take a few minutes to practice some Tai Chi and live in the moment.

• Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art based on the principle of Yin and Yang movement. The movements are quite slow and graceful, demonstrating harmony and balance.

• Trying to balance on one foot is a lot harder than it looks

• It’s important that you always keep your wrists straight and your fingers pointed like a jedi.

 Quotes About Tai Chi

• People’s feelings about tai chi are always very complex.

• That’s the beauty of tai chi. It’s an everyday practice—a way to touch the present moment and regain your balance in a hectic world. Learn more here

• Practicing tai chi is one of the best ways to maintain health and wellness.

• With roots in martial arts, Tai Chi is a healing discipline that improves balance and strength, connects you to yourself and others, and fosters a deep sense of peace.

• Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that is about balance and harmony.

• Tai chi is as simple as returning to one’s natural, tranquil state.

• There is no greater happiness than contentment. — Tai Chi

• The ultimate freedom is the freedom to discipline yourself without outside compulsion. Bruce Lee

• A sport that combines meditation, slow-motion movement, and deep breathing.

• Let’s work on our flexibility, strength, balance, and focus with this ancient Chinese art.

• The best way to avoid stress is to do nothing because anybody can do nothing.

• You do not need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

• When you can flow like water, you will never be intimidated.

• Powerful and tranquil. Soft and strong. These words describe tai chi—and your next summer read.

• The art of tai chi is a powerful tool for finding our place in this world.

• May your happiness be as endless as the universe and may you be at peace with your tai chi.

• Tai Chi is not just a martial art, it’s a way of life.

• This ancient art of moving meditation has amazing health benefits—and it can be as physically challenging as you want to make it.

• Wake your body, calm your mind. Move through life with ease and flow. Find your center and connect to the world around you. 🧘🏼‍♀️

• There are moments in life that force you to slow down, whether they be planned or unexpected—take a deep breath, and Focus on the Present.

• You can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. – Albert Einstein

• Take a deep breath, take a moment, and love the sunrise.

• Every journey starts with a single step. Moving forward with intent animates the body and calms the mind.

• Consistent training brings progress. It’s the accumulation of small efforts that forms the big picture.

• The art of tai chi has taught me to listen to my body, my mind, and all the world around me. And it’s guided me on a journey of self-discovery.

• Doing tai chi is like playing chess with nature, mastering a skill that will last a lifetime.

• Tai Chi is a great way to get centered amidst the chaos of everyday life.

• Tai chi is not really a martial art but a martial way of life.

• Share our love for Tai Chi with the world.

• Tai Chi is a moving meditation.

• Tap into the secrets of taichi that have endured for thousands of years.

• We are what we do and what we do becomes our destiny. Tai Chi → Tao of Health, Way Of Life #taichi

• Tai Chi is endless; there is no end. The (Tai Chi) circle has no beginning and no end. Everything comes back to where it started.

• Treat yourself with a 15-minute power break and help improve your focus and productivity while you recharge at work. 🌶 #TakeABreakToday

• Wu De fought 230 battles in his life and won them all.

• Pushing boundaries to find new paths.

• We can’t see the future, but we can prepare for it.

• Truly strong people are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.

 Tai Chi Quotes and Sayings

• Blocking out the noise and non-essentials from your life, you become more in tune with yourself in the present moment—just as if you’re practicing tai chi.

• Tai chi is not a martial art. Tai Chi is a martial dance.

• Learn the ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi 🥋

• Tai Chi Chuan is not a fast food, it’s a cuisine.

• Getting fit should never be complicated. This is your chance to simplify.

• Nothing is stronger than gentleness, nothing more gentle than real strength. – Lao Tzu

• We’re always doing what we can to move more.

• Trying to live without being compromised.

• We are one with the river, one with the mountain. Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.

• Wu-Wei is the absence of action that brings about the maximum effect.

• You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.

• Strive for greatness, and you will achieve excellence. –Plato

• If you have time to breathe, you have time to do tai chi

• I spent the morning in tai chi—my body is slow to respond, but my mind is alert and confident.

• Weaving together elements of tai chi and parkour, this group defies gravity, like a deep breath.

• Get back to the roots—back to basics. Focus on your center, be in the moment, and learn to breathe.

• Finding strength and calm through the flow of qigong.

• Let go • Be peaceful • Go with the flow • Think positively.

• Peace. Stillness. Contentment. Breathe in, breathe out.

• When you are ready, you won’t be ready. When you are not ready, you will be in big trouble.

• You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.

• I let go of what was, so I could have what is.

• Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

• Be the change you want to see in the world.

• We started as one, let us end as one.

• Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.

• Catch the balance of yin and yang with our Tai Chi Chai Latte. Live in harmony, one cup at a time.

• Learn a holistic approach to strengthening the body, stilling the mind & cultivating compassion. 👋🏽☕️

• I feel that the biggest secret is just to enjoy life. To be happy. It’s all about happiness. If you can make someone else happy, you forget your own problems.

• Go with the flow. Follow your breath. Move with the power. Push with the intention. Let the body lead the way.

• It takes less than a minute to get into a fight, but it takes more than a lifetime to resolve it. So why bother?

• Move to get still. Move-in stillness.

• If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.

• Meeting one good friend is better than a thousand flatteries.

• We must not only allow our light to shine, but we must also allow our shadows to show, as well.

• Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.

 Tai Chi Classics Quotes

• Get centered with tai chi classics.

• Lead by example. The actions you take today will determine your future – Tai Chi Classics

• There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. -Bruce Lee

• No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for your health.

• One must first learn to stand before walking. One must first learn to walk before running. And one must first learn to stop before turning.

• The journey of ten thousand miles begins with a single step.

• Get ready for a season of play with this new limited edition collection.

• I believe that one should cherish the methods by which he attains contentment and eschew those by which he does not.

• Use anger as fuel to be creative.

• The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way.

• Outward calm, inward confidence. – Lao Tzu

• A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

• Tai Chi Classics is the most complete, best organized, and in-depth source available for high-quality tai chi instruction.

• Where there is great love, there are always miracles.

• Unleashing the power of your mind is like capturing the wind in a bottle.

• the wildest dreams is not too big if you put in the effort and don’t give up

• Our bodies are not barriers / to what we wish for ourselves/they are vehicles to carry us there

• Meditation begins when your mind starts to wonder.

• It is who we are and what we do that make us great. It is not what we have, who we know, or where we’ve been that makes us great.

• Those who know do, those who study learn, and those who understand have.

• The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 💪

• The mind is like water. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see—when it is still, it becomes clear.

• Looking for more quotes about Taijiquan? Here’s a collection of tai chi classics to help get you started.

• Tai Chi classics say: if you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

• Tai Chi is not a martial art. It is an art to be practiced by all people.

• The key to tai chi is not just in knowing its forms but in fully understanding its principles.

• Good action wins the prize, but inaction brings regret.

• It is the way to carry yourself through life.

• To move forward, we must first look within.

• A good memory is more valuable than money.

• The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

• The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

• If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

• To accumulate knowledge, one must change; to change, one must be willing to laugh at oneself.

• It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

Tai Chi Quotes Tai Chi Symbol

• Tai Chi symbol, tai chi quotes, tai chi instructor, tai chi master

• We make premium-quality, stainless steel water bottles with elegant designs that are perfect for tai chi lovers.

• Tai chi is a meditative ancient art that blends focused breathing and relaxation with physical movements to create a quiet mind, body, and spirit.

• Life begins each morning with a smile and ends that night with a sigh. – Buddhist Proverb

• The art of #taijiquan is a journey towards peace and harmony with the universe.

• We are born old, we grow young and then we grow old again. -Dr. Alfred Huang

• In every movement, there is an opportunity to learn something new.

• Be grateful for this moment, for it is your life.

• The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

• Be light as a feather, strong as iron.

• All that is real is not in your vision, and all that is in your vision is not real.

• Discover the world of tai chi and find your center.

• Tai Chi is the ultimate integration of the body and mind.

• Tai chi is the path of relaxation, the way to health and well-being.

• Practicing tai chi for years gives you an intuitive sense of how your body moves.

• What is the meaning of Tai Chi? “Heaven, Earth and Human Connection” (天地人相聯)

• Ultimate health is a journey, not a destination. – Deepak Chopra

• Wu Wei—the way of action, a path to ultimate freedom.

• If you could see your Real Face and realize your True Nature, you would live in a state of constant wonder.

• Power is the ability to make things happen (lewis)

• Coming soon to a screen near you. #hi9taiji #taijicommunity

• Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.

• Follow your own way, and walk your own path.

• You can’t push a river, but you can get from anywhere to anywhere to anywhere.

• The symbol of tai chi is the ultimate yin and yang, black and white cosmic design!

• Tai Chi is a martial art that emphasizes slow, graceful movement and balance. . .

• This symbol is used in the Chinese martial art of tai chi and in Taoist yin-yang philosophy. The symbol represents the concept of duality and balance.

• Tai Chi Chuan is a soft, slow, gentle, and relaxed exercise; while Tai Chi symbol is a dynamic balance of yin and yang within a circle.

• Tai chi is a martial art that focuses on awareness in movement and energy flow. #tai #chifamily

• This is not a competition! It’s about feeling good and getting healthier.

• A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. -Laozi

• We’re here to keep you moving in your everyday life—however that may be.

• You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf

• Be the change you wish to see. -Gandhi

• The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

• The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.

 Tai Chi Inspirational Quotes

• Movement is life, stillness is death. -Tai Chi proverb

• It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love we put into them. – Mother Teresa

• There are few joys greater than those of a man who is traveling along the path in which his calling lies.

• Our journey is all about cultivating the things that make you happy. #livebreathejoy

• Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. ZIG ZIGLAR

• Life is like a butterfly—it goes through different stages and changes colors, but it never remains one thing for long.

• We must become the change we seek in the world.

• Go with the flow and let your actions be guided by the present moment.

• It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

• Strength flows from within. Do not seek strength without.

• Embrace the change and flow like a river.

• The road is long and winding, but freedom lies at the end.

• The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark. – Australian Aboriginal proverb

• It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

• Let your spirit soar with these inspirational quotes from tai chi master, Wu Chung-Chuan. 🧘🏻‍♀️

• Keep calm and improve your health with tai chi.

• Tai chi is a Chinese martial art practiced for self-defense, health, and spiritual well-being.

• Become invincible with family-oriented Tai Chi art.

• Practice today and the finish line won’t be so far away.

• Every morning you have two options: Continue to sleep and continue to dream, or wake up and chase your dreams.

• It is when you sit quietly and do nothing that you can really be at peace with yourself. – Lao Tzu

• Be the change you want to see in the world.

• Through training and diligent practice, you can develop total unity of the mind and body.

• Discipline is remembering what you want.

• Do not be vexed. Whatever is happening, it is already past. And the future is yet a long way off.

• ”You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte

• Balance is not stability, but a dynamic state of equilibrium.

• In tai chi, there are no competitions. There is only the mind that wants to improve.

• Tai Chi is the ultimate martial art. It is a way of life and a gentle way of movement exercise that is suitable for everyone from the young to the elderly.

• Never miss a morning of tai chi and qigong. It adds to the life span.

• Tai chi is a martial arts form that incorporates soft circular movements and deep breathing for greater flexibility, balance, and strength.

• When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to touch your nose. Feel the connection between you and the earth, and find a little peace in your life.

• The calm you feel today is the peace of your mind preparing for its greatest challenge.

• Trace the curve of your life. let your mind flow like water.

• If you haven’t tried, try. if you didn’t succeed, try again.

• Be aware of the present moment. Be in each moment as it passes.

• Balance your focus between the end and the means to get the results you want.

• Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backward.

• What matters is not the destination, but the journey.

• The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

• The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

• A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.