Funny Instagram Captions for Mom and Son

When it comes to Instagram captions for mom and son there is always that awkward moment when you have to write one. There’s no specific on how an Instagram caption for mom and son should be. It’s important that the post doesn’t sound forced. It just has to be real. That doesn’t only mean about the pictures, but about the relationship between a mother and child in general.

Funny Instagram Captions for Mom and Son

• When you ask your son for a hug and he responds with a quick “NO”

• I love my mom. I mean, she’s my mom, but I also love her. And if you don’t understand that sentence, you’re not my mom.

• Some kids take after their parents. Others…not so much

• I’m not a real estate agent, but I’ll tell you how many rooms I think this castle should have: ALL OF THEM.

• Life is better when we share it with those we love. Like my son and this perfect fall day.

• I was in a meeting once and they used your product. I have been using it since. That was last week, so thanks for that.

• Grab some Pop-Tarts and let’s watch Rocky. I’ll meet you in front of the Sylvester Stallone statue after work.

• I’m pretty sure I still have boogers in my nose from last night.

• You can’t buy happiness but you can buy Costco, and that’s kind of the same thing.

• An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But momma never said anything about applesauce.

• When you’re on a family trip and there’s no wifi.

• I finally get to do what I’ve always wanted to do since the day he was born: hold my own son’s hand.

• Why don’t you just put me on a leash? I promise I’ll come right back whenever you call.

• Mom: Son, what do you want for breakfast?

• I’ve had a lot of kids, but you are definitely the easiest.

I love you more than bacon

• Only two weeks until I get to come home and put my feet in your face.

• That time you wore your teacher’s shoes to school.

• Don’t ever let your parents tell you that homework isn’t important. Because one day, it will save the world.

• That’s my mom. She likes to move it, move it!

• Being a mom isn’t easy, but it’s the best thing in the world. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!

• To my mom, the woman who helped shape the person who I am today.

• This is my mom. I was just taking her picture when she asked me to take a picture of her and that woman over there.

• Mother: *wipes sweat from my forehead* Son: Here, mom, you need this more than me.

• Mama, I’m in love with you, so I put a ring on it.

• The most interesting man in the world and his son

• When you see that one shade of fall leaves at the park, but it’s not quite time for them to change

• Wish u were here. Just kidding, I don’t want you there.

• There are some things you can only learn from experience. Like the fact that moms rule and dads just don’t get it

• A photograph can capture a single moment in time, or it can capture a lifetime.

• And this is why I never take you to the doctor.

• What we want to do today… and what we end up doing are like night and day.

• When your mom is incredible at every sport.

• Things my son will never in a million years say: “I’m bored.”

• Busted! My mom’s favorite thing to do when I fall asleep on the floor.

• The answer to this is simple…It’s just my mommy’s hands!

• Empty nest syndrome: when your son moves back home because of a tough economy!

• So many great things come in small packages. Thanks for keeping the noise down and being so great at moving to new places

• I went all the way to Paris and all I got was this lousy Tricolore scarf.

• I’m not carrying you, I’m carrying your stuff.

• When mom finds the first thing that your new girlfriend has ever made for you

• Dear Mom, We love you. Love, Your sons

• What is your worst mommy moment? Mine was when I walked in on my son with his face buried deep into the couch cushions.

• Not to be outdone by dad, she’s making sure he looks his best for the holidays, too.

• I told my son to take a shower for school, and I got this…

• Mustaches and babies are two of my favorite things!

• So proud of the young man my son has become. And he was such a cute baby too.

• It’s my last day before mom leaves and I could not be more thrilled. Because mama, we be racin’.

• Being a mother is like having tea with an angry, screaming monkey.

• Like father, like son. #tbt to my baby blues

• Wisdom is knowing I’m never going to be as cool as my mom.

• My mom: Do you know why the sky is blue? Me: Why? My mom: Because my eyes are blue.

• How come you never want to eat your vegetables?

• Come on guys—we shouldn’t have to work this hard for a good Instagram pic

• A son’s best friend is his mother, but his mother’s closest friend is her thermos flask.

• You’re my most favorite person in the whole world! And on your birthday, you get anything you want. What do you want? Do you want a pony?

• What do you mean I can’t take the car to get my nails done?!? How else will I be 3 hours early for a yoga class?

• Jimmy’s Allergy just called. They said, “If you’re not careful, your mother will kill us all.”• No matter what you do in life, if you don’t have fun doing it, it’s not worth doing.

• this is like the best thing on earth, but also the worst thing on earth

• If you hold a grudge, you’re spending too much time holding on.

• When your Mom is “liking” all of your Instagram posts.

• When mom says you have to go to school and you pretend to be asleep #momwin

• Now that #momlife is over, I’m going to miss being half hydrated by a faucet. But I’m so happy to spend every second of my days with my little man!

• Mom: Are you actually going to eat that sandcastle? Son: Yes.

• Smile when you’re with me and I’ll smile even more when I’m with you

• Mom: Don’t worry about the playdate, mommy is here to do it. *mom walks into the room* Mom: oh no. I’ll get that

• Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right—here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

• Making a vacation out of having to go back to work ( a quote from the movie How I Met Your Mother )

• Mom: don’t forget to wear a sweater, it’s chilly outside.

• Confucius says: If you make your bed, you will forever have to lie in it.

• Mom: you should get a haircut! Son: No, it’s fine mom, I don’t mind if girls like guys that look like girls.

• I’m not just his mom, I’m his personal chef, chauffeur, therapist, banker and I can even change a diaper. But if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do some yoga.

• If you love me, you’d take a photo of me in my natural habitat

• We are so grateful for your caption ideas and for the contest! We really had a lot of fun with this!

• I’m running the whole show around here now. I’ve got my coffee in one hand and a fork in the other, just making sure things get done right.

• Madeleine Albright said, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” Well, mom, today is the day I quit you.

• Baby: *in monotone voice* I think it’s time for dinner. Me: Is that a statement, or a question?

• Good things come to those who wait. Unless you’re a kid, then good things come to those who whine.

• From your first steps, it was clear that ballet would be your main source of cardio.

• Blessed are the flexible, for they can tie themselves into knots.

• My son is so cool that both Kanye and Kim follow him on Instagram.

• It’s the rare son who teaches his mom how to use a smartphone. And it’s the even rarer mom who passes along such wisdom.

• Moms, you know how we got these kids to stop arguing with us? We stopped arguing with them.

• I told my son I was going to be a good mom, but it didn’t work out that way. LOL

• Some people just can’t handle the cuteness of their own kids.

• Summer is coming to an end, but we’ll still be sipping on this frosty cheat day treat.

• I may not be perfect but at least I’m the perfect size for my bed. -Me

• Moms always know the way to a kid’s heart…through the stomach.

• The look I give the cashier at a BBQ place when she asks me: “Hot or mild sauce?”

• My mom loves when I share my vape tricks on Instagram.

• Me watching my mom try to learn how to use her new iPhone 8

• No complaints about being dragged to the beach by my mom

• Truth. While hipster beards are on point, no one knows how to wear them quite like your lovable old man.

• While out with my munchkin today, he discovered some new things about his mom:

• Can’t wait to sneak a sip of your pumpkin spice latte when you’re not looking.

• When the best present you get for your birthday is a new vacuum cleaner, you know you’re officially old.• If you can’t figure out how to use our product, just give in and treat yourself to a pedicure.

• It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to (but not on the inside)

• Don’t worry, mom. I’d never be able to resist your sassy Instagram captions.

• I love using the smell of a pumpkin spice candle to mask the smell of the pumpkin spice lattes I’ve been drinking.

• I love you more than I love selfies, wine, and chocolate combined.

• Tales from my real life: I graduated from a prestigious College. My son graduated from Pre-school. There’s hope for him yet.

• Mom: I want grandkids. Me: How many? Mom: At least 6.

• We do what we want, when we want because we can.

• I just have one question: what were you THINKING?!

• Geez son, are you trying to tell me something?

• It’s hard to be mad at someone you realize has been peeing their pants for the past 10 years.

• I don’t have time to read what you just said. I’m too busy reading all your old texts.

• Mason- “I know you love me, Mommy. And I love you so much.” Me- “Well, that depends on if you make me a sandwich or not.”

• Took my son to the grocery store for a little father-son bonding time. This is what happened

• Let me just take your picture and I’ll post it on Instagram.

• My mom says she’s going to vote for me because I’m running out of years and she’s running out of patience

• It’s just like what Mom always said: If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.

• I’m thankful for all the ways you’ve made me laugh, even when it’s at your own expense.

• If loving you was a job, I’d be so work-incompetent my boss would fire me.

• Can’t decide which of your mom’s recipes to try? Why not try them all?

• Before you let them kill me, they’re not getting my chocolate.

• We may be the only people that know what this flower is called.

• Dad was already the funniest person I knew… until my mom joined Instagram.

• The best thing about dad jokes is when you have kids of your own to share them with.

• A mother’s love never fails. A sons gotta listen to his mom, even if it means wearing a tie.

• It’s never too early for a selfie! Thanks for the sweet tea dad, love you!

• Even superheroes need to unwind from time to time: Moments before bedtime with my little man

• Mom: Why are you doing that? Son: Because there’s nothing good on TV and I’m out of laundry.

• Everywhere I go, people want to talk to little young me.

• Happiness is a picnic with lots of chocolate pudding, and mom.

• No. I’m not crying. It’s just raining on my face

• Mom: Why are there so many clothes on the floor? Jason: Because I’m decorating for Halloween.

• Moms and sons have a language all of their own.

• When your mom asks you to take a picture of her in front of the Eiffel Tower

• Look into the face of your mother once she’s heard the words, “mom, I’m pregnant.”

• My days are filled with little boys. I’m supermom–I make kids.

• Coming to you live from mom’s phone: “This is what I deal with on the weekends! hahaha”

• Some mothers take pictures of their kids. I recreate scenes from “Sound of Music” with mine.

• No, I don’t have a problem. I just like to hold your baby.

• if you like it then you should have put a ring on it and made me your wife.

• Blessed are the children of Instagram, for they get to spend their days with their moms.

• This kid is already such a lady-killer. He’s so good-looking. He’s going to be a star

• That moment when your little boy finally makes his debut in a fresh and clean outfit!

• Mama’s got a brand-new outfit but that’s okay ’cause baby boy already has all the best duds.

• If you’re looking for me, I’ll be under these covers until Thursday.

• I was thinking of getting a tattoo of you, but I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to mark the property of someone else without their consent.

• No mom is perfect, but thanks for everything you’ve done. My heart is full. I love you to infinity. #mom

• The moment every mom dreads: when your little boy wants to go to bed wearing his favorite baseball cap, but it’s just too big.

• I know this is Instagram but can I just say how nice it is to have my son home for the summer.

• Mom life is hard and I’m glad, it’s you that makes it easy.

• I’d search the dessert table for my kids way before the wedding cake.

• You can’t pick your parents, but you can pick your nose… and I’ve picked mine.

• I never knew that taking a shower again could feel so good.

• The best thing you can be is yourself, unless you can be a dolphin, then always be a dolphin.

• Blessed are the cheesemakers, they have seen the true glory of heaven.

• The more you learn, the less you need to show.