Funny 20th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Instagram

Having a hard time finding some funny 20th birthday captions and quotes for your photos on Instagram? I feel you, my friend. It’s so much more difficult to think of something funny to put when the number of years has double digits. I’m sure you have a lot to say at this moment. But what should you say? below we come up with our best hand piking captions for you to use.

Funny 20th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Instagram

• Happy 20th birthday! I’m so glad you are finally legal, and I can stop asking your friends for pictures of you on the weekends. Enjoy your special day!

• Today I turn 20 and still don’t know what “adulting” means.

• Happy birthday to me! I’m 20, legal, and looking fine

• 20 years ago, on this day I came into this world. Since then my life has been nothing short of amazing.

• Today is the day I have been waiting for since I turned 19. Sorry not sorry, mom and dad!

• If you’re not getting older, you’re dying. Happy birthday!

• Yay, I can legally do all the things that I did when I was 20.

• I didn’t get my driver’s license until my third attempt. Now, I’m just looking forward to turning 21 and getting my learner’s permit.

• The napkin says ‘Happy Birthday, but the cake says ‘Get fatter.

• Never thought I’d make it this far in life without going to jail, but here we are.

• I am not old. I’m just chronologically gifted.

• One more year of being able to wear a fanny pack without looking like an old man!

• Happy 20th birthday! Welcome to the best decade of your life. The twenties are time for being selfish and doing what makes you happy.

• Age is just a number. I’ve reached a point in my life where the number no longer matters because it doesn’t define who I am. Today is all about me, myself, and my twenty-first birthday.

• “Dear 20, I’m not your friend. Love, 30.”

• Happy birthday to me! 20 & fabulous

• 20-somethings are just confused teens wearing grown up clothes.

• Don’t feel bad, a lot of 20-year-olds don’t have their s

• Look at you, all grown up. Now it’s time to party like a grown up!

• Remember when you were in your teens and thought you were an adult? LOL, same.

Ready to live the best 20’s decade of my life.

• 10 percent more mature and 10 percent younger at heart. 20 is the perfect number!

• Put on your party pants and celebrate.

• You’ve got the gift of 20/20 hindsight.

• This is the year you turn your can’t-do ‘tude to a can-do attitude!

• Happy 20th birthday! “I’m only 20 years old” is officially an acceptable excuse.

• “Welcome to the world of adulthood. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go cry. #20yearsold

• Happy birthday to my favorite human for the last 20 years!

• Age is just a number. You are as young as you feel! Happy Birthday!

• Turning 20 may be hard for some people, but for me, it’s just a countdown to the big 21.

• Turning 20 wasn’t that bad, I’m still young, I don’t have wrinkles, and I can still run really fast.

• 20 years of being awesome, let’s celebrate!

• I’m not 20, I’m 18 with 2 years of experience.

• Just a 20-year-old with a 10-year-old mindset.

• You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. Happy birthday!

• I almost made it to 30 without being old.

• I’m not getting old, I’m getting closer to my place in the sun.

• Happy 20th Birthday! Here’s to many more years of smiling, laughing, and making memories.

• Hey there, you’re 20 years old now and officially an adult. Happy birthday!

• In honor of my 20th birthday, I get to do whatever the heck I want.

• Today is the day, my sweet 20. I’m officially too old for a lot of things and too young for a lot more, but one thing’s for sure: I’m not like me from yesterday.

• When I was 20, I thought I knew everything. When I turned 30, I realized I had a lot to learn.

• You know you’re getting old when the candles on your cake cost more than the cake itself.

• You know you’re getting old when you get that one candle on the cake. It’s like, ‘See if you can blow this out.

• Time to shave the mustache, and get a real job.

Funny 20th Birthday Captions for Son and Quotes for Instagram

• Son from Mom: You were so tiny and cute as a baby, and now you are growing up into a handsome and mature young man. Happy 20th birthday!

• Happy 20th Birthday my dear! May your life be filled with immense happiness, and I wish all the best for you in this new decade of your life.

• Life is all about celebrating. Happy 20th Birthday, my love!

• Son, you failed your driver’s license test. Please take it again in 20 years. Happy Birthday!

• So who’s excited for the most epic 20th birthday celebration ever?

• Life is funny, you’re 20 you’re broke, but at least you’re not alone.

• This is your 21st birth anniversary, the time has officially come to celebrate the 21st year of your life. Now you are a legal adult!

• If you don’t know this yet, then let me remind you that I love you! Happy birthday!

• Happy Birthday to the only person I would want as my getaway driver!!

• You are getting older and more awesome.

• Always, be yourself unless you can be Batman; then always be Batman

• I believe that all my birthdays are celebrated in the wrong month. I was born in September, not December.

• A party without cake is just a meeting.

• Happy 20th birthday son. I hope your 20s are full of excitement and fun filled moments.

• Happy 20th birthday to my son! Come let’s go out and party all night.

• Happy Birthday to my dear son, you have been a bundle of joy right from when you were in mommy’s tummy. Love you!

• I know I’m not your favorite … and you’re certainly not mine. But Happy Birthday, Son!

• Happy Birthday to my baby boy. The little one who stole my heart and gave me a reason to smile.

• Today, you get to spend your 1st birthday as an adult. So let’s celebrate!!

• The first ten years are a trial. The second ten are a party. Happy birthday!

• We can officially add “Adult” to your list of accomplishments. Keep it up, son!

• Let’s celebrate being a year closer to not having to change any more diapers.

• Happy Birthday to my son! Happy 20th birthday, you are now old enough to buy (or drink) your own alcohol.

• Happy birthday, son, you’re not a little boy anymore, now you’re a big boy. Wow! You made it to double digits.

• Happy 20th Birthday. You’re now officially old enough to know better, but still young enough to get away with it.

• Maybe you weren’t the best at turning 20, but hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. You will always be beautiful to me! Happy birthday!

• Happy birthday to my baby boy. Can’t believe 2 decades have passed and you are still alive!

• Happy Birthday to someone who is almost as awesome as I am. Now, let’s party!

• Being 20 is a beautiful struggle, but I’m thriving.

• I love you more than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow.

• You’re like a 4-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.

• I didn’t want to turn twenty. Twenty is for a bird, and I don’t like birds.

• “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

 Funny 20th Birthday Captions for Daughter Quotes for Instagram

• Happy 20th birthday, Daughter! Let’s stop and take a moment to appreciate the fact that you’re no longer a teenager.

• Happy 20th birthday to my favorite daughter. Just kidding, you’re the only one I have.

• Happy Birthday, daughter, you are the best of both worlds.

• Happy birthday to the most special girl in my life. I’ll keep loving you until my last breath!

• Happy birthday to my little angel! 20 years ago today, God sent me the sweetest gift I could ever hope for. I love you with all of my heart.

• You are the biggest gift of my life. Happy Birthday to you.

• You’ve been waiting for this day all your life, so I’m sure you’ll find something to do.

• Happy 20th Birthday to my daughter. If I told you how funny and smart and beautiful you are, it would take 21 years. Love you!

• Happy 20th Birthday to my amazing daughter. Can’t believe you are only 20, because you have the wisdom of a much older woman.

• My daughter has grown up to be an amazing young woman. She is so beautiful, so smart, and so much love and joy in my life. Happy 20th birthday my dear daughter.

• Happy birthday, daughter! We are so thankful for you. You bring joy and laughter into our lives, every single day. I hope that all of your dreams come true. Love you to the moon and back!

• Never thought I would see the day when my little sister, who used to follow me around by the heels like a puppy, turned twenty. Congratulations!

• Okay, so this is really funny. You were born on the same day that I was but in 1998. #birthdaygirl

• You are now 20. That is too old to be doing some of the things you will do tonight. Happy Birthday!

• You’re not 18 anymore, so don’t be afraid to ask for your ID because you cannot tell a lie that you are still young.

• They say that with age comes wisdom. At 20, you’re still a baby.

• You are finally old enough to buy your own alcohol.

• 20 is like a bowl of fruit, how full it depends on how much you ate in your teens.

• Happy 20th birthday, dear daughter. You know you’re long overdue for the talk.

• You are the most special, amazing, and beautiful person I have ever met. Happy birthday my dear daughter.

• This is the day when you are free from your parents’ legs and start finding your own way of walking in the world. Happy 20th birthday, dear.

• It’s your 20th birthday you are all grown up now! You are a big girl now! Happy birthday!

• Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter – the only person I would ever be caught out in public with wearing pajamas, sipping coffee, and eating a donut.

• Happy birthday to my amazing, talented, smart, and beautiful daughter.

• A woman turns 20…and then 30, and then 40 and then 50, and then 60…..She never looks back.

• We can’t stop them from growing up in real life, but we can stop the clock on Instagram.

• Happy Birthday to you! You are already 20, so now it’s time for you to take responsibility.

• You’ve turned 20, finally! What a relief to see you do something right?

• Welcome to the adult world! Be responsible, don’t drink and drive.

• The only time it’s acceptable to have a mustache is when you are in prison or after your 20th birthday.

• My walk was never swag, it was always a strut. Happy 20th Birthday Quotes for Daughter

• Happy 20th birthday, to the brightest star in my life. Being your mom is wonderful because I know that you will never let me down.

• Happy 20th birthday to my little girl! Only 10 more years until you hit those dirty 30’s.

• The best thing I’ve ever done is have you as a daughter. Happy Birthday to you!

• I’m running out of ways to tell people on Instagram you’re 20 today

• The two basic rules for a good life: Don’t lie, and don’t eat soggy potatoes. Happy Birthday, Daughter!

• 20 years ago today, you completed my life. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

• Happy Birthday to one of my best friends. Thank you for making me laugh every day and also tolerating my weirdness. ✨

• You’re 20 years now. Congratulations! Now let’s try being a grown-up for a change

• It’s my 20th birthday and I can cry if I want to.

 Funny 20th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Grandson

• Happy 20th Birthday Grandson !!! I’m so glad that you’ve shared your life with me.

• Happy 20th birthday to you, grandson! Congratulations on becoming a fully-fledged adult. Now I get to tell everyone that you’re all grown up with your own place and everything.

• Happy 20th birthday to my favorite grandson. Here’s to 20 more years of grandparent-grandchild shenanigans!

• Happy Birthday to my fav grandson! You’re only 20 once so make sure you do it right!

• A Birthday is a very special day, but today’s extra special because it also marks the halfway point to your first heart attack. Happy 20th birthday!

• Happy Birthday to my favorite prince. I can’t believe you’re 20 now, time sure does fly!

• You must be at least this old to ride. Happy 20th birthday!

• You’re no longer just my baby boy, but now a man. Enjoy the road ahead.

• Wow, you’re 20. Lucky for you, you don’t look a day over 18!

• Happy Birthday! Let’s celebrate your last year of being a teenager.

• Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.

• My 20th birthday taught me a lot, but mostly how hard I will look for my 21st birthday

• I’m twenty years old and I still don’t know how to tie a tie.

• It’s like a coming-of-age movie, except no one dies and you get cake.

• Have a happy and fantastic 20th birthday, grandson. I couldn’t be prouder to call you my grandson!

• I am so proud to have you in my life. Happy 20th birthday, Grandson!

• Congratulations, Grandson! Happy 20th birthday!

• Happy Birthday, Grandson! I hope life smiles back at you as much as you smile at others.

• 20 years ago, you were born and my smiles began. Happy 20th Birthday to the love of my life.

• Wish you peace, love, and laughter on your 20th Birthday!

• Congratulate him on being a big 20-year-old boy.

• Somebody call an ambulance because this kid is disgustingly hot! Happy birthday, grandchild.

• Wishing you the best 20th birthday ever!

• Happy birthday to my sweet nephew, who is 20 today. I’m so proud of the young man you’ve become and can’t wait to see where your next 20 years take you!

• Happy Birthday to someone who knows how to party like it’s 1999!

• If it wasn’t for all the candles, your birthday cake would be a fire hazard. Happy Birthday!

• You’re not getting older you’re getting more distinguished.

• Happy 20th birthday, dear grandson. You have been running for 20 years now, it’s time for you to fly!

• Happy 20th Birthday you are now officially an adult. I say this because your legs are no longer the same length and your arms bend the wrong way.

• Happy 20th Birthday, may all your wishes and dreams come true!

• Happy birthday to my grandson, I wish you all the best in life.

• I’m so proud of you son on your 20th birthday! But don’t forget, I was there every step of the way.

• It took twenty years to look this good. Happy 20th Birthday!

• Yes, he’s old enough to be called a grandpa. Just don’t call him that.

• It’s not officially your birthday until you get some likes on this photo. Happy Birthday!

• You’re probably wondering where your presents are. Well, I’m too old to buy you anything.

• ★ You know you’re getting old when the candles on your cake raise your insurance premium.

• Spoil him, but don’t make him soft. Respect him, but don’t make him subservient. Cherish him, But never let him rest on his laurels.

Funny 20th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Granddaughter

• A great granddaughter is a gift that will keep you young. You’ve added so much joy to my life! Happy 20th Birthday

• Happy birthday to the granddaughter who has the best personality ever. Enjoy your special day!

• Happy Birthday, granddaughter! You are now of an age when you can grow a beard.

• Every day is a gift, but on your birthday you get the gifts! Happy Birthday my Granddaughter!!!

• You might be turning 20, but you can still hold on to the amazing memories from your childhood. You’re getting older. Now turn down for what?

• Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. We’re not singing because we don’t have a tune. So we’ll say it the only way we know how: Happy Birthday!!!

• All right, so you’re twenty. What’s the big deal? It’s not like you have to give up your video games and start going out on dates or anything.

• May you always find in each other the love, laughter, and happiness that only partners in life share.

• Happy 20th birthday, gorgeous granddaughter. You’re already one of the most amazing people I know and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish over the next 20 years!

• Awesome, beautiful, and smart. You have it all. Happy 20th Birthday to my awesome niece.

• My favorite granddaughter is 20 years old today. Don’t tell my other favorites. Happy Birthday, sweetie!

• Happy birthday, granddaughter! You’re not just the apple of your grandpa’s eye — you’re also the best gift he’ll ever get!

• Happy Birthday to my sweet granddaughter! I love you so much!

• There’s very little in this world I love more than you. Happy birthday to my beautiful granddaughter!

• Happy Birthday to my incredibly young, beautiful granddaughter! I hope your birthday is as sweet as you are.

• For your 20th birthday, I hope you don’t get a big head because you’re still growing.

• Now you’re old enough to be a stranger in the world.

• Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me! I’ll laugh at you

• Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh, so mellow.

 Funny 20th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Sister

• Happy Birthday To My Sister. Don’t tell mommies, and I bought you a cake.

• Happy 20th birthday to my sister. The one who taught me that makeup is actually a second language and how to apply it without looking like a clown.

• You are old enough to drink, date, and make your own choices… but you are still too young to give advice. Happy 20th Birthday!

• Happy 20th birthday to my sister, who is still younger than I am at heart. Happy birthday!

• Happy 20th birthday to my sister! Here’s to staying out past bedtime and eating dessert before dinner.

• Happy Birthday to someone who is smart, beautiful, and funny at the same time.

• In 20 years, you’ll look back on Instagram and laugh.

• Another year down! Happy birthday to the best sister around.

• You are growing more beautiful with age, you have grown so old that it has begun to show.

• At twenty years of age, the will reign; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.

• Happy Birthday. I’m finally old enough to tell Mom and Dad you are adopted. Happy 20th Birthday My Sister!

• Happy 20th birthday to the sister who still owes me $5,000 in emotional support payments.

• Sister, the best gift ever given to me by God is you. Thanks for making a difference in my life. Happy 20th birthday!

• This is by far the best 20 years of my life, with you being in it… Happy Birthday!

• Happy 20th birthday to the sis who still hasn’t stopped putting up with me even though I’m legally an adult. Guess age really is just a number after all.

• Happy Birthday to the most original copy in the world. You are the best sister ever.

• Happy birthday to my beautiful sister! You’re not getting older; you’re just becoming a classic.

• Happy birthday to the coolest, funniest, craziest, most beautiful girl I know. You’re going to have a blast on your special day!

• Cheers to one of the greatest friends ever to have walked on this planet. Happy birthday, sister!

• Happy 20th birthday! You’re now part of the legal drinking age. Congrats, you made it.

• I hope your 20th birthday is filled with as much alcohol and drama as the day you were born

• Happy Birthday, Sis! Another year of no sleep, restless nights and coffee for you.

• The real reason your 20’s are so messy? You’re busy laying the foundation for success in your 30s.

Funny 20th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Brother

• Happy 20th Birthday to my baby brother! Thank you for always being annoying and hilarious.

• Happy 20th Birthday to my favorite brother! Keep on livin’ the dream!

• Happy Birthday, Brother. When God set out to make you, he broke the mould. And that’s why you are so Unique.

• Happy 20th birthday, bro! You’re not old—you’re just getting started

• You’re not older, you’re just wiser. Happy birthday, Brother!

• Happy birthday to my real life hero! Thank you for all of the support and guidance. You are getting 20 years older, but I will always think of you as a 19-year-old forever.

• I can’t believe you are 20 now. I know we have this habit of laughing at each other mistakes, but do you really have to do it…

• Dear twin brother, we are officially old. Time to start acting like adults and stop embarrassing the family name.

• You’re looking at 20 years of experience in the art of being annoying.

• Yes, I am twenty. But I have the mental age of a four-year-old.

• Dear birthday, I’m really sorry but I have to cancel our plans.

• Now you can officially do nothing with your life!

• Happy 20th birthday to the best brother in the world!

• Happy 20th birthday to my brother, the only guy I can count on to look out for me!

• That awkward moment you realize how old your brother/sister is. Happy Birthday

• Happy 20th Birthday! I hope you have the best day ever. Just try not to get arrested or make a big mess, okay?

• Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a brighter day. Happy Birthday, Brother!

• Dear brother, I know the other day we got into a little fight about who’s the older one but I’m still willing to share my birthday cake with you. Happy birthday.

• Happy birthday to my brother and roommate whose ultimate dream was to have a flatmate but never thought it would be his own sister p.s. I love you

• Now that you’re 20, your friends will always ask for your ID as a joke.

• Happy Birthday! Don’t look at your age as a number. Look at it as the amount of time it took to get better looking.

• “If you want to look young and thin on your birthday. Hang around a bunch of old fat people.”