Funny 11th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Instagram

Here’s a list of some funny 11th birthday captions and quotes you can use for Instagram. It’s your son or daughter’s birthday? Congrats! If you’re posting pics on Instagram, make sure to choose a funny quote for their special day.

Funny 11th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Instagram

• You have instilled valuable life lessons into me that I will never forget. I pray that God brings you a happy healthy and enjoyable life!

• You may be a big girl now but when I kiss you good night, you are still my baby. Happy 11th birthday!

• I can’t imagine how many keys you will have now when you start driving, how many letters you’ll type, and how much gum you will chew.

Wishing you a very happy birthday! I love you, my son.

• May all your birthdays come with high visibility so the entire world can see your joy and happiness. Congratulations!

• Keep up with the good work and strive to achieve even greater things in your life. There is no limit to what you can do.

• You have everything that is needed to be successful in life, so don’t get distracted by anything or anyone.

• You are an amazing person and I believe a lot of people envy you for being so good looking, smart, and creative – all in one!

• I never imagined the two of them would grow to be so big, tall, and handsome! Happy birthday from both of us!

• I cannot imagine life without you, so happy birthday you old dude.

• Your name diminutive is what you are to your friends and I, we love you the most.

• I’m glad to be friends with one of the lucky ones! I wish you all the happiness in life!

• You and I have so much in common! Let’s solve the mystery and end these friendly sibling rivalries once and for all!

• Life is about evolving but never forgotten; your childhood should be celebrated as well. Happy 11th birthday sweetie!

• I believe that you will shine brightly all your life as you are full of brightness.

• Love you, sweetie! May you have a blessed life that is happier than mine was.

• Your father and I are wishing you a very special birthday today while keeping all of your troubles away at bay.

• Even though you aren’t eleven anymore, maybe you can still get away with having the last slice of cake.

• I am happy you are my sister, for I can think of no one else who shares such an unbreakable bond with me.

• I am looking forward to being your friend forever! Have an amazing day today with much laughter and fun, you funny person you! Happy Birthday!

• As a matter of fact, you’re going to get more and more cool stuff! So far, I think it’s going great. I wish you a happy birthday my friend.

• I love you for every single thing you have done for me. May God bless you more than he already does!

• It’s a great day for celebrations and I hope it turns out to be an awesome one for you. You really deserve it. Don’t forget to have fun!!

• I value all the laughter and support that you have given me over all these years. I wish you a great life filled with smiles and love. I hope your birthday is wonderful!

• The food, fun, and festivities are overwhelming, so I suggest taking a rest on your throne made out of loops cachaça. Relax and enjoy life, honey!

• You have 11 candles in your cake today and I am glad that we are 11 years old together.

• I bet you will never forget your 11th birthday. It has been a pleasure having you as my son. You are a sweet little kid who means the world to me.

• If there is anyone who deserves a big bash on his birthday, that is you! Your amazing smile brightened my world and made living worthwhile.

• Hey, we are of the same age and it’s your birthday today!

• Happy birthday to my favorite person! You have always been there for me. Not even death can separate us! I hope your birthday is full of laughter and joy!

• I wish you a happy birthday and don’t ever forget that a woman is always turning thirty-six. Millions of people have made the big 3-0, but few have made it with a smile on their face.

• Happy birthday! Hope you had a great day! You complete me with your presence, and your absence leaves a gaping hole in my heart. I wish you all the luck for the future.

• Happy ____th birthday to my cousin. May you have a long life and never grow up!

• For my best friend whose sense of humor has never failed me, you are an incredible inspiration to me and I cant wait to see what the future brings. I love you!

• If you see your name on this list and are not related to me, then please let me know, because we need to be related.

• Happy 11th birthday to you! Whenever I look at your face, I can still see the child in me, the child who loves to run around.

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear son, may all your wishes come true! You are so thoughtful, funny, and sweet.

• Have a great day on your special day, happy birthday!

• Angel, you are the sunshine of my life. I love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday!

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SON, your love means everything to me and I will forever be blessed.

• Today is your birthday, and I won’t let you ruin it with a silly grumble and a big pout.

• Happy birthday to him whose heart is filled with the sun and whose mind is guided by the stars.

• Son, I am so proud of you. You have grown into the best man I know. I wish you can always walk with your head held high knowing that you are loved and cherished. I hope that you stay as kind and selfless as you are now.

• Happy Birthday! I have a gift for you, it’s something you have always wanted. A three-minute breath mint.

• Today is a day to look back and ahead at the same time – the past to remember, the future to rejoice in.

• While my friends have been busy being teenagers, I’m the only one with a PhD. (Photo credit: WeHeartIt)

• I am glad I have a friend like you! You are always helping me, caring, being understanding, and many more.

• The next year is going to be even better than the previous, life will just keep on getting sweeter.

• Happy Birthday To the one and only person who has been there for me during my birthday parties! You are simply amazing.

• Wishing you a very happy birthday! Haha! It’s funny to see you all grown up now. You must be so overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

• Do you know why a birthday cake has so many candles? Because a fox has to have one for each of its tails! So, blow them out, because today’s the day my dear!

• A lot of people have come and gone, but none has impacted my life in the way you have!

• I think it’s time for you to take a break from all the excitement of being 11 years old.

Funny 11th Birthday Captions for Son

• Happy 11th birthday to our little boy! You certainly have grown up a lot, but you’ve still got a lot more growing to do. We are so proud of the young man you are becoming. The pride we feel for you gets bigger every year. Happy 11th birthday, son!

• You are 11! You are such a big boy now. I am so proud to be your mom and your best friend.

• To the world, you may be one person; but to me, you are my world. Happy 11th birthday.

• You are too big to ride on my lap, but you’ll forever be my baby boy. Happy birthday, Son.

• It’s my 11th birthday and I’ll be happy if I want to.

• My son is all grown up at 11 years old. I have no idea how this happened, but I’m pretty sure it was all my spouse’s fault.

• For someone so young, you sure are getting old. Happy birthday!

• Dear son, I hope today is a blast. I’m so so proud of you and love you to the moon and back!

• Happy birthday to my son and first boyfriend.

• I’m not a teenager like you, but I was one once. Let me give you some advice—the best years of your life aren’t ahead of you; they’re behind you.

• Happy 11th birthday! I’m so proud of the young man you’re becoming. May your special day be filled with joy and laughter.

• Happy 11th Birthday to the best son a father could ask for. You always make me proud even if I don’t say it enough.

• Happy 11th Birthday! You must feel so grown up!

• Happy 11th birthday to the best little man I know!

• And another year has gone by. I can’t believe you are already 11 years old, my son.

• You are everything I remember about being 11, and nothing like I suspected. Happy Birthday.

• And just like that, he’s 11! Time is flying by way too fast.

• Wild things happen when you turn 11.

• Getting old is inevitable, but growing up is optional. Happy birthday, son!

• You’re turning 11 today. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or bad. Probably both

• 11 things I love about you:

• I really hope that today you have the time of your life.

• Don’t tell me how to live my life. I have been alive 11 years longer than you have!

• You have changed my life in so many ways I can’t even begin to describe them.

Funny 11th Birthday Captions for Daughter

• Happy 11th birthday to your precious little girl.

• “Where does the time go? I can’t believe you’re 11 years old and it’s been a year since your last birthday. Happy Birthday to my best friend, daughter, and most opinionated child.”

• 11 years ago today, my life was forever changed. Happy Birthday to my incredible daughter!

• Happy 11th Birthday to our little pumpkin…you are the apple of our eye!

• Happy Birthday to my daughter who is the best and coolest girl in the world.

• Happy Birthday to the sweetest and cutest daughter of mine. Don’t forget to give me my allowance. I love you!

• My Daughter is off to college and she doesn’t need me. I’m happy for her because she will always be there for me forever.

• Finally, only 11 years to go before I can legally drive you around.

• When our 11-year-old daughter told us she was depressed, we felt powerless.

• You’re 11. You can now officially start all your sentences with “I’m not old, but…”

• Daughter, you are my greatest gift. You are the girl of my dreams. Happy 11th birthday to my sweet angel.

• It’s finally time for your boy to become a man, Happy 11th Birthday!

• Happy 11th birthday to my daughter! You are still my favorite princess at the party!

• Growing up is mandatory. Growing old is optional. Happy 11th birthday!

• Yup. 11 years ago our family got a whole lot cooler! Happy birthday beautiful girl!

• Happy 11th birthday! You’re one step closer to being a grown-up!

• Happy Birthday to my (insert appropriate nickname) Daughter! You’re #1 in our hearts.

• I can’t believe that my girl is finally 11! She’s so awesome, and I’m so proud. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

• 11 things I want you to know as you turn 11. (1) I love you. (2) You’re awesome. (3-11) That’s it.

• Girl, you’re the reason I look forward to the future. You’re my sunshine on a cloudy day. Happy Birthday!

• My daughter is 11 and can’t be trusted with anything sharp. That includes a pen or pencil.

• You were born with wings. Don’t be afraid to use them.

 Funny 11th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Grandson

• Happy 11th birthday to our beautiful grandson! We are so proud of you and hope you have a great day today.

• Happy 11th Birthday my little dude! I don’t know how you’re growing up so fast but I just want to hold you in my arms like a little baby all over again.

• You are one special kid! I’m so proud of the man you’re becoming! Happy 11th birthday. May you continue to grow in style and grace.

• Do you want to know the 11th birthday wish? Give me a gift first, and then I will tell you. Happy 11th Birthday!

• Happy 11th Birthday. I wanted to buy you a big present but I didn’t have enough money so here’s a small one.

• happy birthday to the sweetest, most adorable 11-year-old in the world!

• Happy birthday to my grandson who manages to look cool even with his pants up around his neck!

• Hey there, 11 year old! I hope your birthday is a great one!

• They say that with age comes wisdom. You must be a genius at 11 years old.

• You’re the best present because you always make all the people around you happy.

• You’re 11. You’re the boss of you. If you want to eat nothing but pizza for the next week straight, there’s not a darn thing I can do about it.

• The day has finally arrived for you to eat your weight in cake and candy, hopefully not at the same time.

• Happy 11th birthday, grandson! You are as sweet as candy and as bright as the sun. Have a wonderful day and keep shining.

• Grandson Sweetie, I hope your 11th Birthday is full of fun and adventure!

• Happy 11th birthday, Grandson! I’ll go against the grain and say it: you’re old enough to start being a productive member of society.

• Happy Birthday to my favorite little boy! Enjoy this birthday and the next eleven, Grandson.

• Happy 11th birthday to my handsome, intelligent, sweet boy.

• I can’t believe that you are eleven years old already. It feels like we were just taking you home from the hospital yesterday, and now you are a young man. Happy Birthday to my handsome grandson.

• Happy 11th Birthday, sweetie. We are so glad that you are in our lives.

• Happy 11th birthday to my closest nephew! I hope your year is as sweet as you are.

• I told you one day you’ll thank me for making you get up so early on weekends. Happy 11th birthday to my favorite grump!

• When I was 11, I thought my parents were the coolest. Now, when I look at my 11-year-old nephew, I know they were right.

• Your birthday makes me super happy because I don’t know anyone else who can do the things you do. Happy 11th birthday, kid!

• You’re 11 and you still haven’t saved the world. Let’s work on that, buddy.

• If I had a nickel for every birthday of yours I’ve missed, I would have $5.50.

 Funny 11th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Granddaughter

• Happy 11th Birthday! My granddaughter: May you live to be so old that your driving scares the hell out of people.

• Happy 11th Birthday, Granddaughter! Have a great life ahead!

• Happy 11th Birthday baby girl! To the sweetest and most beautiful granddaughter. You deserve to be celebrated on your birthday and every day of the year.

• Happy 11th Birthday to my favorite little person on this earth.

• Your 11th birthday is a perfect time to start writing a list of your lifetime achievements. You can come back and add to it when you turn 12, 13, 14….

• My granddaughter is always on my mind and in my heart.

• Although you are an adult, you need to know that I am still taller than you…

• Today is a very special day for me. I was born 11 years ago, and today I am the birthday girl. Happy Birthday to Me!

• My Princess! I’m so glad to have such a thriving young lady in the family!

• You are officially a teenager today. Don’t worry, you can still come over and play with my things.

• I am so proud of you. You are an amazing person and I love you!

• I’m 11 today. Let’s discuss the benefits of me staying in charge of everything!

• Forget the past, look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come.

• If you dribble on your granddaughter’s 11th birthday, she will probably not be impressed.

• Happy 11th birthday to my beautiful granddaughter! I hope your day is filled with surprises and cake as sweet as you are.

• You are the reason for my happiness, the source of my joy. Happy 11th birthday to the cutest granddaughter!

• No 11-year-old girl can resist a good pun. With that in mind, why not make her smile with one of these captions.

• Ala re ala, ala re ala: It’s your 11th birthday, what a big day for you! I hope this special day will bring you much happiness, love, and fun. You deserve them a lot. Happy 11th Birthday, Princes!

• Blessed is my granddaughter on her 11th birthday!

• A selfie with that cute granddaughter of yours!

• Finally legal to drink, smoke and VOTE! Happy 11th Birthday!!!

• Age is just a number! Happy Birthday to our 9/11 little princess.

• Girl, you’ve grown so much in the past 11 years. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite girls!

• You are our princess and that makes you royal pain, but we love you still!

• All grown up: 11-year-old girls are more confident, but they still need guidance.

• May your day be filled with delicious cake, melting ice cream, and happy memories!

• Today, I officially became a tween. And I’m never looking back.

 Funny 11th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Sister

• It’s not the age, it’s the attitude Happy 11th birthday to my sister!

• It’s the age of puberty. So, we should probably lock her up till the next birthday. Just kidding, we love you. Happy 11th birthday sis!

• B-day wishes from your bratty big brother / sister: Wishing you many more years of awkward childhood memories that I can tease you about for the rest of your life. Happy Birthday!

• 11 years ago, I got the greatest gift when my baby sister was born. Happy birthday, sis!

• Happy birthday to my lil sister. Today’s your special day and I’m so happy we get to celebrate it together!

• I can’t believe you’re already in your teens! Happy birthday to my younger, but wiser sister.

• She may not be five anymore, but she’s still as adorable and precious

• I think you are lacking vitamin ME! Happy birthday to my peach

• There’s no one I’d rather share a slice of cake with on my birthday than you.

• Time to hit the town and celebrate…because you’re finally legal.

• Happy 11th birthday to the most awesome sister in the world. I hope you have an amazing day full of love and happiness.

• Happy 11th Birthday to my best sister! You are the most amazing person I have ever met.

• Happy 11th Birthday to my sweet baby sister. I’m so proud of how much you’ve grown! Congrats on getting older and taller, but no wiser!

• A year older but still as awkward as ever. Happy 11th birthday to my amazing sister!

• Happy 11th Birthday sis. You’re growing up so fast…I can’t even keep track of your age anymore!

• A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. Happy Birthday, Little Sister!

• Happy 11th Birthday to my favorite 11-year-old!

• 11 years ago, you were born! And I have been annoyed ever since. You’re the best sister ever!

• My big sister is like my matching luggage – I just can’t leave home without her. #sistersforever

• Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder.

• Dear clothes, too tight. Dear mirror, too honest. Today I’m going to bed in you and pretend none of this happened.

Funny 11th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Brother

• Happy 11th Birthday, my little brother! You are not getting older—you’re getting funnier.

• Happy 11th Birthday to My Amazing Little Brother! Enjoy the day.

• Happy 11th birthday to a boy who is 11 years old today.

• Happy birthday to the most amazing brother in the world! May your heart always be as bright as your 11 candles.

• There is always a reason to be happy you are 11 today. Happy birthday, dear brother.

• For this special moment, I am wishing you a happy 11th birthday!

• Congrats on your new height. Happy 11th birthday!

• You may be turning 11, but your spirit is forever young.

• I wish you a heart full of love, a mind full of adventure, and a lifetime of happiness. Happy Birthday, Bro!

• an 11-year-old with the mind of a toddler. Watch out for this one!

• I’m 11! The number of digits in my age is now equal to the number of digits in your age.

• The odds are that you will still be taller than me when I grow up

• My brother is so annoying, and he is also 11 today. Happy Birthday, bro!

• I can’t keep calm. It’s my brother’s 11th birthday!

• You Burned the Midnight Oil To Lighten Up My Days! Happy Birthday, Dear Brother!

• Turning 11 will be fun, fun, and only fun!

• I’m not just the big sister, I’m also your personal babysitter. Happy 11th birthday!

• For your eleventh birthday, I wanted to give you my love for football, but I figured it wouldn’t be a fair trade. Happy birthday, bro!

• Happy 11th birthday! You are now considered one of the supervillains.

• Happy birthday, bro! It’s time to party on your special day!

• When you come of age, be sure to celebrate in style!

• 11?! I thought you were 10 for the last 11 years?

• I don’t have to respect my elders because I am one!

Funny 11th Birthday Captions and Quotes for Best Friend

• Happy 11th Birthday to my Best Friend who is more like a sister to me! I couldn’t ask for anyone better.

• Best friend since we were 11 years old, I can’t imagine life without you!

• It’s your 11th Birthday friend! I hope your birthday is as wonderful and extraordinary as you are.

• Happy 11th birthday, my friend. You’ve come a long way since your 10th birthday!

• Happy Birthday from the sassy 11-year-old you were a decade ago to the beautiful 11-year-old you are today.

• Happy Birthday to my best friend for life!

• Momma needs an espresso to deal with YOU! Happy 11th birthday!

• Happy 11th birthday! As you already know, you’re still cool, even if you’re one year closer to adulthood.

• You’re older than you’ve ever been and now you’re even older. Happy 11th birthday!

• Happy 11th birthday, you’re officially in your pre-teen year.

• Happy 11th Birthday! You are now entering the Last Year of your childhood

• Happy 11th Birthday Best Friend! Whoever said you can’t buy happiness forgot little puppies.

• You are such a lucky boy because you have best friends like me. Happy Birthday, Buddy!

• Happy birthday. Now, let’s party like tomorrow is your day AFTER your 11th birthday.

• 11 years ago, God said let there be a friend. He should have been more specific. Happy birthday, bro.

• 11 is for fantastic and fabulous, so let’s eat cake and have a party!

• I’m 11. I’m awesome. And one day, I will rule the world.

• 11 years later and I still can’t take you anywhere

• I’m not 11. I’m eighteen with three years of experience (name tag icon)

• Happy Birthday! Let me know when you’re ready to start acting your age.

• You get better with age like good wine and great cheese.