Foggy Weather Quotes and Captions for Instagram

When the world gets engulfed in a mystical haze, it’s time to bring out the funny side of foggy weather! We’ve curated a collection of rib-tickling captions that are perfect for capturing the essence of misty moments. From comical observations like “Fog: nature’s way of playing hide and seek” to whimsical phrases like “I’m not lost, just chilling in the fog,” our captions will infuse your foggy photos with laughter and joy. Embrace the enigmatic atmosphere and transform every foggy day into a comedy show. Whether you’re a fan of wordplay, witty remarks, or clever puns, our funny captions will make your fog-filled adventures even more entertaining. Get ready to bring out your inner comedian and add a dose of wit to your foggy weather photos!

Foggy Weather Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• When the fog comes in like this, put on your warmest, heaviest coat and go out there to say hello. ❄️💨

• It’s time to don your favorite trench coat, or blanket scarf, and throw on some bold red lipstick. The fog has arrived. #fog

• My favorite season is…fog season.

• I love the moment when it first starts to rain because every drop feels like a unique quilt stitch.

• Sometimes you can’t see the sky for the clouds, but it’s still there.

• You can’t see the whole city, but that gives you a clear perspective of where you’re at.

• I’m feeling a little under the weather.

• Dense. Dank. Damp. Foggy weather. Brings out the best in people, a hot tea, and a cozy sweater.

• Warm and cozy or cool and refreshing? Either way, it’s a foggy day in the city.

• The fog rolled in like a fast tide and blanketed the city in the perfect kind of stillness.

• This weather is just what we needed.

• Whatever the weather outside, our coffee and tea will warm you up.

• There’s a chill in the air, so wrap yourself up in these cozy layers!

• I can’t remember if dreams or cloudy days are better.

• What’s that? You didn’t get enough of my glamorous neckline-on-the-go lifestyle during Paris Fashion Week? Too bad.

• I want to jump in a pile of leaves and hug the ground.

• It’s hard to see, but it’s not hard to feel.

• There are two times of the year when you need to buy pure wool: This one, and next winter.

• Make the fog part of your morning routine.

• I love the fog. It hides everything it cannot reach.

• The fog is opening up. Let’s plot some mischief.

• Let’s get it together and start December right… with a tropical heatwave.

• Rise to the top with a cup of our NY Roasted Fog Chaser Blend….

• Stay in school, stay cool, and don’t do drugs.

• Be the change you wish to see in the world.

• The blaze of noon does not last the entire day; likewise, a man’s true glory does not consist in never falling, but in rising every time he falls.

• Foggy weather forecast for the next 7 days: 100% Chance of sleeping in and watching Netflix.

• Hopefully, this weather has you in a fall mood #fog

• It’s gonna be a foggy night tonight. Then again, that’s typically true for every night in San Francisco.

• 🌬 Can’t see the forest for the trees. Fog so thick, you can’t even see your beer

• Think of the fog as a cloud you can touch.

• The fog rises. The sunsets. Celadon City is about to come alive.

• Sunny days might be over, but we’re not done yet.

• It’s never too late to change the weather.

• Wondering if it’s worth getting out of bed yet? It is.

• You can’t be afraid to live your life because you’re scared of the storm.

• If you can’t see the yellow lights in front of you, how do you expect me to see where I’m going?

• If you don’t have the time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

• It’s not the mountains ahead that wear you out—it’s the grain of sand in your shoe #Hiking

• The winter fog is a blanket that covers the world in peaceful silence #foggyweather

• Strange and incredible, mysterious and magical. Fog is a captivating, ever-shifting phenomenon. Join us as we explore how fog changes with the passing of time.

• Fog is calm and quiet, fog is silent. Fog is full of secrets and it shares them with me.

• Dear clouds, please don’t take this as an insult, but your mom’s been smoking again. Love, the sun.

• We’re ready for crisp mornings, hot cups of coffee, and friends and family by the fire

• Nothing’s better than an on-trend, cozy-chic outfit paired with a hot cup of coffee

• When nothing goes as planned, and everything is in a fog.

• The only thing that clears up around here, is the air.

• You’re not afraid of the mist because you wear a mask.

• I was here yesterday, and I’m here again today. Guess that means I’m stuck in this place called Nowhere.

• Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

• When it’s foggy, you’re either inside looking out or outside looking in. What are you doing?

• There’s nothing quite like a thick fog to make you forget how much you hate your job.

• Fog is the smoke of a great city, spouting up from a million chimneys, making friends with the clouds.

• The fog is like a soft blanket. I feel all cozy inside it.

• The fog is a good lens to see things you wouldn’t otherwise see.

• The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over the harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.

• The fog is so thick, that you could cut it with a knife.

• To live in the fog, one must not exist in the mind.

• There’s a chill in the air. But just like this cold front, your outfit doesn’t have to be boring.

• Anything is possible in a world of magic and wonder. Happy Haunting season, friends.

• If you embrace the fog, it will never make you feel lonely.

• Mr. Mist, as he’s known to his friends, will be in fine form today. Bring on the fog!

• Just this morning, a calm fog rolled in over the city. It’s like being inside a cloud

• I’m not a morning person, but I do love the foggy mornings

• The fog is thick, the air is heavy. But I am light in my head, and with a skipping heart. For all is new, as though for the first time.

• Today was basically the anti-sunshine. But that didn’t stop me from hunting down this epic iced latte.

• If you’re going to ask someone 10,000 times a day if they’re awake, why not just marry them? 🌨

• It’s hard to see in front of you, but it is harder still to see beyond you.

Romantic Foggy Weather Quotes

• There’s something about foggy weather that makes the world seem softer, more romantic.

• In a romantic mood? Step into this fog like you’re in a dream.

• Beneath the romantic fog that fills the air, I’m still mad at you.

• Hazy. Misty. Foggy. Misty with a chance of fog. Keep calm and carry on.

• The crisp morning air, wet pavement, and foggy cityscape create a whole new mood.

• Warm, drizzly nights are perfect for snuggling up under warm cozy blankets with someone special.

• Here’s to firing up the fireplace and cuddling on the couch with a good book, hot tea, and fuzzy blankets ❄️

• “I can’t explain it, but when I’m in your arms, I’m home.”

• If you like being outside, but not the cold, this weekend is for you.

• Look at her. Can you blame me for wanting to spend my life with her?

• It’s called the City that Never Sleeps for a reason.

• The fog off the coast is so romantic, that you could cut it with a knife. Let’s get lost together.

• It’s a foggy morning. The windows are fogged.

• It’s the season for cozy coffee dates, lingering over after-dinner drinks, and enjoying long walks. Love loves the fall.

• From sunset walks in the park to first snuggles under blankets, fall means cozying up with someone you love.

• ☁When the weather’s this dreary, you need something to spice up your day. What’s more exciting than Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos?

• Dress in layers, so you can peel off as the afternoon warms up.

• Tonight, the rain is an orchestra and you’re a symphony.

• Warm weather is great and all, but we wouldn’t want summer to be over just yet.

• Breathe in. Breathe out. I’m here. You’re here. Lazy days and cool nights are upon us.

• March brings not just rain, but also spring fever

• I don’t know if winter is cold I’ve never been there.

• From the misty streets of London to a foggy day in SF, we’re here for you no matter what kind of weather you’re having #SFkitchen

• Walking hand in hand through the fog with you is where I want to be.

• There’s a layer of fog this morning as I look out of my window—it makes me want to grab your hand and we go for a walk in the woods.

• It’s a rainy day. Put on your most stunning coat and your most beautiful shoes, and go enjoy the rest of your day.

• That kind of fog where you can’t see more than a few feet in front of you.

• Because sometimes you just need a cozy blanket, a warm cuppa, and perhaps some misty morning walks

• Start your day with a bang, not a ding – linger over joe with your loved one

• To-do’s, schmoozes. The weekend is here. Coffee. Cookies. Books. Blankets. You.

• You deserve to be in a relationship where you’re seen for all your glory, flaws, and all.

• Looks like we have a case of Mondays. Let’s nip this in the bud before it turns into a full-blown crisis.

• When the fog rolls in, it’s time to cozy up with a warm drink.

• In the fall you can smell the sweet scent of romance in the air.

• Love this weather, but it’s also starting to feel like Christmas. Which is awesome!

• Rainy days are my favorite. They make me feel like I’ll never be bored again.

• Summer love isn’t a fairytale. It’s an adventure that begins when two people fall for each other in the summer, end up together in the fall, and stay together for a lifetime.

• Got your Tinders? We’re about to get some mistletoe in our mouths.

• Cannot wait for winter to be over and to get that postcard from the West coast.

• Rain or shine, we’re ready for you—even if Mother Nature isn’t.

• Fall in love with the way your lips look when you wear our Timeless Rose shade

• Turn off your phone, turn on your music, and let’s get lost.

• You know it’s fall when you start watching #FridayNightLights over and over again.

• This isn’t the first time we’ve had a red moon or cold summer nights like this.

• It’s not where you’re going, but who you take with you that matters.

 Funny Quote Posters About Foggy Weather

• Foggy weather is my favorite because you never know what you’re going to get.

• When my brain is hitting a creative block, I just focus on the foggy weather outside and wait for something cool to come to me.

• Fog, mist, haze, steam, smoke: all words that mean the same thing. Well not quite.

• What’s the difference between fog and smog? Fog has a much better PR agent.

• The cloudy days are here. You see them coming, so you take your coffee outside with a blanket and just stay.

• Here’s to all the times it felt like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed but then you got some coffee in your system

• Foggy weather is not my favorite… but it sure looks cool.

• It’s Friday night, and you know what that means…It’s foggy in San Francisco.

• I heard there’s a 90% chance of fog. I don’t know what to believe anymore. It’s all so confusing—the weather, politics, everything!

• You’ll be seeing foggy all right when you see the bill for my therapy.

• The fog is rolling income on in and grabs a cup of coffee.

• You can’t see your hand in front of your face this morning. But we’re pretty sure you don’t need it to see this poster.

• This is fog. There’s no better place to be, even in the winter.

• If there’s a cloud in your coffee cup, don’t forget to wish for more.

• There’s no better place to be than in the middle of nowhere.

• Love this weather! It’s the perfect day for a foggy walk.

• Taking a picture of the fog is like trying to lick your elbow. Impossible, not fun and you get really wet!

• Be grateful you can see the beauty of fog because none of us could see it before.

• I’m not saying I hate the fog, but I had nothing to wear that day.

• Oh boy! It’s cold, it’s wet, and it’s foggy out there. I’m ready to snuggle up in this warm blanket, pour myself a mug of something hot, and read a good book.

• Foggy, cold, and rainy—except we’re not complaining because we’re watching Stranger Things and eating pie.

• When you wake up and your house is covered in a blanket of fog, but you still really want coffee.

• Fog. The weather of a thousand faces. But just one mood: Low-key sultry.

• The best way to find something lost in the fog while fishing is to pretend it isn’t lost.

• Summer is over, but you’ll never forget those 90-degree days.

• Dreary days are the perfect time to dive into an adventure story.

• If you remain alert, you will always

• Fog’s cool but just think of all the fog-related puns you can make today.

• When you leave the house wearing sunglasses… but it’s foggy out.

• Spring is here. The sun is out–but so is the fog!

• Hate the fog? Who doesn’t? Maybe it’s time to move somewhere more tropical.

• It’s foggy outside. I’m in-between worlds, not here nor there.

• You know the fog is bad when you can’t even see the person in front of you while taking a walk.

• Even this morning’s fog couldn’t dampen my spirits. Now let me see… some coffee and a puppy, I think.

• Today’s the day it makes sense to wear peacoats in the morning.

Best Quotes About Foggy Weather

• When it’s foggy outside, grab a mug of hot cocoa and cozy up on the couch to watch some Netflix.

• I love when the fog rolls in at night. The moon is so moody and romantic. It’s almost like a character in a movie. I’m obsessed with it right now.

• Sunscreen season is over. Fog season has arrived. Fight the dull-skin blues with a few expert tips.

• It’s a foggy fall morning, which means…it’s coffee time.

• Dusting off the cobwebs, shaking off the sluggishness, and getting prepared for a new week. Let’s SKIFT.

• I don’t care if it’s raining or snowing. I will wear what I want.

• It’s the most wonderful time of the year. And where there is pumpkin pie, there must be

• If you’re going outdoors, remember that mother nature is stronger than any weapon. Stay alert and stay safe. Smith

• Foggy morning, sunny afternoon. No one does it like San Francisco.

• Smothered in clouds and fog, you might not see it but the sun is definitely here.

• Be it rain or fog or gloom of night…when you drive with us, you’re in good company.

• Fog can be seen as an atmospheric obstacle or a blank canvas. We see it as an opportunity to explore, play and create.

• Sunshine and rain, sun and clouds—fog is the kiss of both.

• Here’s to staying in and doing absolutely nothing tomorrow.

• It’s not the type of day you write home about, but it is the type that makes a place feel like home.

• It’s okay to not be okay. We’re here for you. (image of coffee mug filled with coffee or tea)

• It’s foggy out there—we’re still not over it.

• The foggier, the better. Welcome to San Francisco.

• Foggy not, miss! Be ready for any and all misty mornings with our extra-vampy, waterproof mascara.

• Uncover your eyes and look ahead. There’s foggy weather ahead, but that doesn’t mean you should stop moving.

• No, it’s not the mistletoe, but something just as good: a foggy morning.

• It’s the perfect time to get lost in a good book with someone you love. #FallVibes

• There’s no better time to reflect on your goals and plan for the year ahead. Happy New Year!

• Foggy weather or not, we’ve got your back … no matter what Mother Nature throws at you.

• Sunny days are for the dogs. Foggy ones are for the renegades.

• Pumpkin spice everything is here. And so are the fogs. An aura of mystery shrouds the air and we love it!

• The fog is out to play, so grab your woolies and join the party. . . .

• It’s going to be a great day no matter what the weather, so let’s get out there and make it happen!

• Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t look stylish.

• Isn’t it great that we can wear our favorite fall sweaters and still be warm?

• The real fog is the fog of living, the failure to see reality, the withdrawal into oneself.