Cheating Quotes in Relationship

When you’re in a relationship, there is a cheating test to pass, because you want your partner to be loyal to you. But sometimes, cheating happens. There is a special place for it: quotes about cheating. Cheating hurts so much, why do some people do it? And what are the consequences of cheating?

Cheating is the most serious form of relationship abuse. Cheating is a violation of trust and causes immense emotional, physical, and spiritual pain.

Cheating Quotes in Relationship

• It’s not cheating if you feel it and they don’t.

• A relationship isn’t about getting what you want, but about giving what you have.

• Best lie ever: I’m just here to make you feel better.

• You can’t be with someone if you don’t know them.

• A relationship is a choice. So choose wisely, because it can last for a lifetime.

• “Cheating is a matter of perspective. All else being equal, it’s not an issue.”

• If there is no heartbreak, then what is true love?

• It’s not about finding the one that fits, it’s about creating a relationship that fits.

• If you’d rather have the truth, face it. If you want a partner who won’t cheat on you, look elsewhere.

• There’s no better way to keep love alive than by making it a habit.

• What’s not to like about a relationship where you can be yourself, have fun and make each other happy?

• The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we aren’t worthy of unconditional love.

• You’re my reason for living and my passion. I love you so much.

• The most important thing is to keep it simple. You’re my everything.

• If you’re going to cheat, cheat on me with someone who’s not lying.

• There’s something special about a relationship that’s built on lies.

• In a relationship, it’s not always what you say. It’s how you say it that matters.

• I’ve been cheating on you with my makeup bag.

• The only thing that can make a relationship work is honesty and trust. – @lizard-lady

• A relationship is nothing more than two people who find themselves having to compromise on what they want and need.

• When you can’t stop thinking about someone and texting them every hour of the day, it’s a pretty good sign that you’re in love.

• You can’t cheat love. It’s the one thing that will always out, no matter how hard you try.

• A relationship isn’t just a meeting of minds. It’s also an opportunity to learn new things about yourself and your partner.

• Be the inspiration of their life. Be the dream they wake up to.

• I want to make you mine, even if it’s just for a second.

• If you cheat on me, it’s not a big deal. If I don’t cheat on you, I’m a fool.

• Just remember that love makes the world go round.

• When you love someone, it’s beautiful to see them happy.

• I’m gonna be the one to make you fall in love

• I’ve been looking at your phone, but it’s not me.

• When you start to learn the little things your partner does, it’s a sign that they mean something more to you than just sex.

• You and I, we’re different. You see, you’re a lot like me. We’ve got the same crazy tendencies…and that’s why we need each other!

• Nothing is more beautiful than the first time a person kisses your lips.

• I want to be with you because I know when I’m with you, I’ll feel like myself. And that’s a good feeling.

• Cheating on you is the biggest mistake I made.

• The only way to keep a relationship fresh is to cheat on your significant other once in a while.

• There’s no such thing as cheating if you love each other.

• Don’t cheat on your significant other and think you’re going to get away with it.

• Every relationship suffers from “the 3 am thing”.

• There’s no cheating in love. That’s why you can’t cheat with love.

• You know when you are in love. The rest of the time you are pretending.

• Love, it is a game of selfishness and self-interest. If you win, I win. If you lose, I win.

• Being in a relationship is like being in a relationship with yourself. Which means that you are always breaking up and getting back together.

• Don’t be afraid of commitment, because it doesn’t mean that you have to give up your freedom.

• There are a million ways to say I love you, but it’s the only one that matters.

• Sometimes you got to go outside your comfort zone.

• You are my other half, the other piece of my soul. We fit together like two hands fitting into a glove.

• It’s not cheating if you both know it’s wrong.

• It takes two to tango, but it takes one to break up with someone.

• You know what’s better than a great love? A great love with a great relationship.

• All the beauty of love is in its complexity.

• Cheating doesn’t mean your love isn’t real. It just means you need some time apart to figure out what’s really important to you.

• When you cheat on me, I get the feeling that everything is falling apart. But when you’re faithful to me, I get the feeling that everything is coming together perfectly.

• Cheating is like lighting a fire. You can keep it small and pretend it’s not there, but sooner or later it becomes a blaze that consumes you from the inside out.

• I fell head over heels, but in the end I landed on my feet.

• The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

• You don’t know what you’re missing till you find it.

• You alone are enough. Let no one take your place.

• You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails to sail with it.

• You only get one chance to make a first impression. So don’t take it for granted—make that first impression count.

• In the end, everyone is cheating on you.

• The best kind of lies are the ones you tell to yourself about your partner

• You can love someone else, but it’s still cheating if you don’t tell them.

• Sometimes we need someone to remind us that cheating isn’t cool.

• There’s a fine line between being in love and being obsessed.

• The biggest lie is when you are trying to convince yourself that someone can make you happy. That’s what a breakup is.

• We’re not meant to be one-and-done. Love is better when you get a second chance.

• When I’m with you, I’m not chasing perfection. I’m chasing you.

• Be your own biggest fan and cheerleader. Stay true to who you are and the love that you have for each other.

• The more I give up on you, the more you slip out of my hands.

• Relationships are like spaghetti. The longer you wait the better it gets.

• Cheating is like a margarita on the rocks—you know you shouldn’t, but you still have to have one.

• We all have those moments when we want to cheat on our partners. Here are some of the best quotes about cheating in relationships

• I’m cheating on you with a better version of you

• There is no greater feeling than the one that comes from being honest in a relationship.

• Cheating is like a cookie—a little goes a long way.

• Love is like quicksand. The harder you struggle, the deeper you sink.

• “Love is when you realize that the person who makes your heart skip a beat isn’t the one beside of you on this planet, it’s the one inside of your head.”

• You never know how strong love is until you give your all.

• The most important part of a relationship is communication. Knowing how to work together is key to a successful relationship.

• The more you give, the more you get back.

• You are my everything, I could not live without you.

• Life is the greatest teacher, if you listen and really try to learn.

• Having someone in your life who you can be yourself with deeply, like a story book that’s always open to new pages.

• If you find yourself losing faith in your relationship, remember that some people take so long to get over their exes they never actually do. – Margaret Atwood

• You can’t cheat love, but you can definitely cheat on it. –Unknown

• The only way to find the meaning of life is through a relationship.

• Hey, everyone: I’m cheating on you with myself.

• I am going to cheat and I don’t care. I just want to be with you.

• Always remember, cheating is never the way to build trust and loyalty in a relationship.

• The best relationships are built on trust. And if you could ever cheat on that person, would you?

• If you love someone, let them go. If they return, it was meant to be. If not, then it was never meant to be

• Let’s keep our relationship on a lighter note—no matter how dark it gets.

• Relationships are like a dress, you have to keep changing it or it gets old.

• Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Take risks and go outside of your comfort zone

• The little moments that matter most are the ones we don’t plan, don’t remember, but instead are the ones that stay with us forever.

• I don’t want to be the one to tell you all the reasons why we can’t, but I know you’ve been waiting for that moment.

• If you’re not cheating on your significant other, then they’re cheating on you.

• When you love someone, don’t cheat them. Cheat yourself

• Cheating? That’s a choice you make. Not a rule you follow.

• Always remember that true love is not perfect, just rare.

• When your love is true, it makes everything better.

• Always stay loyal to the one who loves you for who you are.

• Don’t you ever think that a relationship is too good to be true. It’s true! ☺

• I’ve been cheated on, but I don’t love that person anymore. You can’t cheat an honest man.

• If you cheat on me now, I’ll be gone. But if you cheat on me then, I’ll be here all day.

• Once you’ve found someone to love, the rest is easy.

• “I love that my partner is always up for trying new things, no matter what they may be.”

• Getting back together with an ex is like reliving your first kiss, only better.

• I can’t wait to find out what surprises you have in store for me this weekend.

• Be the cheating person who makes their significant other feel great by telling them they’re beautiful and they have a lot to be proud of.

• “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.” -Khalil G.Gibran

• If you want to be happy in your relationships, you have to accept their unpredictable nature.

• I may have cheated on you once, but I promise I won’t do it again.

• I’m the one you want to hold on to. Why? Because I’m strong. But more importantly, because I’m yours.

• Smart things are better than clever things, but clever things are better than ingenious things.

• The best things in life are not just free. But you have to work for it.

• I can’t promise you a perfect relationship, but I can promise you that no two relationships are ever the same.

• “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -Mahatma Gandhi

• I never thought I would fall in love the way I have. You’ve been my rock, my safe place and my everything.

• Perfection is just another word for “another day, another chance.”

• With all the lies and broken promises, cheating is a two-way street.

• There are two kinds of lies: lies and then there’s the truth.

• Nothing is more exciting than finding out that your partner has been fooling around on you.

• Life is too short to be serious all the time.

• When you’re with the right person, the way they look at you is all the proof you need.

• Love is the greatest force in the world, but too often we use it as a weapon to hurt the one we love.

• When two people are deeply in love, they’re dying to share their thoughts and feelings with each other.

• I’ve got what I really want. You will always be my first choice in relationships.

• We’re in this together. We support each other, mind, body and soul.

• Some people think true love comes by finding someone who looks good with you, but it’s not that easy. You have to find someone who looks good for you too.

• I’d rather have someone that loves me for who I am, than for what I can do for them.

• I can’t wait to see you. I can’t wait to be with you. I can’t wait to make love to you again, darling.

• It’s not how much you love someone, but how careful you are with the words that come out of your mouth.

• If you love me, then confess your cheating habit in a loving way.

• The best kind of cheating is a little with your eyes closed.

• Love is a game of chance, don’t gamble away all your chances.

• The most important thing is to have a relationship that’s honest, open and fun.

• A good relationship is not a competition, but it can still be fun:)

• The most beautiful thing about a relationship, is seeing a happy person when they look at their partner.

• Cheating on your significant other is like breaking up with your best friend. It breaks your heart, but it’s worth it in the end.

• The more you try to control me, the more I’ll control you.

• You don’t have to be perfect to be loved, but you do have to try.

• If you think eating your own cooking is cheating, you haven’t cooked for me.

• Can you really compare the things that you feel for one another to anything?

• You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.

• Why don’t you strum your heartstrings? And let me play with yours

• I can’t imagine what the future holds, but I know it will be a better place when you’re here with me.

• When you’re in a relationship, it’s never just the two of you. There’s also the other person who is always cheating on you with another person.

• Life is about finding someone you love as much as they love you.

• Cheating is like falling in love, the sooner you realize it’s over the better.

• Cheating is like a consensual crime. It might feel good at first, but the long term effects of cheating are devastating to any relationship.

• Don’t ever be afraid of taking chances. It’s only cheating if you get caught

• A relationship is not about sharing the same dream, but dreaming together.

• We’re not perfect for each other. We just happen to be perfect for each other.

• You can’t love me and hate me at the same time.

• Now that I’ve found you, I don’t want to let you go.

• Those who know you are always there for you. They just don’t know it yet.

• I love you. You’re my whole world. I’ve got everything I need and more right here.

• ☆When you want to treat yourself, go for a massage.

• Nothing in life is free. Do you pay for everything?

• I’ve been wanting to say this forever, but it’s the first time I feel empowered enough to actually say it.

• You have to be cheating in a relationship. The only test is if you can always get away with it.

• When we cheat on each other, it’s out of love, not spite.

• Cheating is never a good idea. If you want to be with someone, be with them and make it work.

• Sometimes you have to cheat a little bit to keep the spark alive.

• Love means never having to say you’re sorry.

• “Love is taking care of someone else’s feelings—someone who takes care of yours in return.”

• When you can’t resist your lover anymore, it’s a sign that you’re ready to fall in love.

• “The only thing more powerful than love is trust, and the only way to gain trust is through communication.”

• When you find your perfect match, don’t let go of them. Stay with them and make love together – that’s the secret to a healthy relationship.

• Love is not patient. Love does not even wait. It just flies in and crashes on top of you…

• It’s not cheating if you don’t get caught.

• When I spend time with you, I feel like everything is right in the world.

• If you want something done right, then do it yourself.

• What is a cheating quote? Cheating quotes describe when you have feelings for someone, but you don’t properly express them.

• I love cheating on you because it makes me feel alive.

• “We can still make love, but we cannot make love without cheating.” – Mignon McLaughlin

• You can’t cheat an honest man, but you can make him think he’s cheating.

• Be the person that you want your partner to be.

• When you love someone, all that matters is the little things.

• When you’re with the one, all the problems seem simple.

• Don’t cheat. It’s not worth it. You’ll be better off without me.

• Cheating is like being a bad neighbour. It’s so much more fun to blame your partner

• Love is the pursuit of happiness. If you’re not happy with someone, it’s time to move on.

• Romantic talk, memories, and a smear of lipstick. That’s all it takes to make everything perfect

• No matter how long it takes, we will always be together.

• Keep your eyes on the prize, and don’t let anything distract you.

• I’m not great at being a woman. But I’m not bad, either.

• If you want to know what love is, try to live without it for a day. You will not be able to do it.

• I want to keep you forever, but I know you’re just going to cheat on me.

• Because there’s nothing better than a cheating person that loves you.

• You can’t cheat an honest man, but you can make him believe he’s cheating.

• Don’t cheat on me unless you’re willing to stick around even when I’m not.

• You want to be supportive, but you also want to be selfish.

• If you’re going to cheat, do it on an overnight flight.

• You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

• When your partner turns the light off, you can’t help but look at their face and smile.

• The more I get to know you the more I realize how lucky I am.

• The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them. If they let you down, it’s because they didn’t have enough faith in you to begin with.

• A love relationship is not like a business deal. You can’t write a contract on how you feel and then try to force it to work out.

• Unlike a workday, where you can always rely on another’s precision, with love you’re uncertain. And that makes it more exciting.