Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 1

Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 1: It’s her special day and you want to make it special. She has just turned 1 and you want to celebrate the day with something special. There is no occasion that calls for more prayer than this. Here are great birthday prayer quotes for your daughter and tips to help your little princess enjoy a great, fun-filled, and blessed day.

Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 1

You bring joy to our lives, and for that, I am truly grateful. This coming year is yours, fill it with happiness and love like you have done to mine. I am wishing you a wonderful 1st birthday!

Protect her from danger, and provide for all her needs. Be with her today as she begins this new journey in life. Please give your angels wings to watch over her every step of the way.

You are the first and last person we think of when the clock strikes at 12 or 11 am. Your birthday marks the start of another year which brings us individually so much closer to our dreams. May God always be with you and bless you with infinite.

Now that you’re all grown up, I’d like to make it up to you. You are now officially an adult and deserve to be respected as such. If there’s ever anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask me directly.

I pray that his divine blessing would make you a leader of a nation. Now only God knows your future but he has chosen you to be the best of a leader. And you will do great things for your country and for the world. Enjoy your day.

I implore you to use her time on earth to allow her to grow and mature into a woman made in your image. May she use her knowledge for a better cause and rebuild our world into heaven on earth as we were intended to be.

Dear daughter, you were born on my birthday, and that is probably the reason why we are so special to each other. I know you love me lots and show it in ways that I could never imagine.

Heavenly Father, I come to you today in prayer for my daughter who is turning one. Please give her beauty within and without, so that she may find true happiness. Let her radiate confidence, let her smile light up a room as she shares the love of Christ with others around her.

My little darling daughter, today is your first birthday. I’m glad that I was blessed to be your mother. And I wish you a long and healthy life. May you smile as much as you laugh and may happiness surround you every day. You are a ray of sunshine in my life, a gift from God. Be blessed, sweetheart!

Dear daughter, may God’s grace and abundance be bestowed on you! May your life prosper in all areas, and may you lead a fulfilling life. Have a wonderful birthday!

Dear Mercy, we are glad that God has blessed us with you and how fortunate we are to have a daughter such as you in this world. We always prayed that God would send such a beautiful daughter to us who would always remain close to our hearts.

Darling, I didn’t know how beautiful you were when you were born. But now that I have grown with you, I discovered how sweet and adorable you are. You’re a special gift sent from heaven and I am the luckiest person to be your mom. I love you so much!

God, please let my baby grow up with great self esteem. Give her the heart to be good and a mind to help others. Love her with your divine love and guide her with your holy spirit. Please bless her for me eternally.

My darling daughter: I want to say I’m sorry for the stupid mistakes I made when raising you. It’s very clear now, that with my limited knowledge of how to raise a girl, I did the best I could.

Lord, protect my daughter in all the steps she takes and in everything she does. Guide her to follow your good way and keep teaching her how to love you more than she loves herself and others.

Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary I am saying this prayer to ask God to look upon you and bless you.

Lord, I thank you for the wonderful gift you have given me. I understand that number is just a coincidence of time and space, but used by you to mark your will on earth.

I know that you may never see this but I want you to know how much you have inspired me. You are still very young so I request from the Almighty God to protect you always!

It is a prayer that all the happy memories we share together will remain dear in your heart. I hope you will keep them close to your heart, even when you grow up. Merry Birthday my darling.

daughter, on this day I wish you the best of everything. May all your dreams come true, and may all your prayers be answered. May you be the happiest little girl on earth, full of life and love, joy and peace. And may you live happily with your family for many years to come! Happy birthday!

We dedicate this prayer to your birthday, we pray to the Almighty God that you grow up to be an amazing woman.

Dear daughter, I am grateful for the fact that you have opened my eyes and set me free of all my fears. After you were born, I realized I was able to handle hard times, which made me a better person.

Lord, watch over my daughter in the days ahead. We love and appreciate her dearly. Thank you for this precious child who blesses us with her love.

Dear God, thank you for creating my lovely daughter. I pray that your presence be with her always. She is my greatest gift from you and I promise to always protect her, love her and make sure she is safe and healthy. May her life be filled with happiness, prosperity, and most of all, may she know how much she means to me. Amen.

On this special day, the Lord is graciously blessing you with another year of life! I pray that he will continue to watch over you and keep you safe. I am praying that you will grow up to be a child of God! As your parent, I hope you can know that you are loved and cherished. My daughter, as always, I love you.

The greatest blessing of life is a child, a gift from the almighty. To you my dear daughter, I am grateful for giving me the most precious gift ever. With great urgency, I pray to the Lord to give you strength, patience, and courage to face challenges thrown in your way.

Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of my daughter. Please continue to guide, protect and bless her wherever she goes. I pray that you help her to always remember who she is and where she comes from. You are in control, thanks for your continued love and support!

A Funny Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 1

You have learned to climb stairs and walk across the room with great confidence which gives the entire family the opportunity to laugh and cheer you on.

You are a wise hearted little girl—so full of life and love. I am proud to call myself your mother, and as long as you need me I will be by your side! Happy birthday my sweetheart!

Little birthday girl…. With all my heart, I thank you for being in my life and making it simpler with your smile and laughter. You are way more than just a gift from above.

Dear daughter, today you turn one and I wonder what is this one thing that has changed in your life. Well, let me tell you apart from getting older is your new ability to point out things and say a word.

My darling angel, for you to be here is a miracle and we thank god for that. You came when we needed you most, and our lives have been seen through your eyes ever since.

Dear God, The child you gave me to raise is one year old today. So for helping her as a baby and now as a toddler, Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your tender mercies every day And thank you for my darling daughter whose created this world so awfully cute. Amen.

My sweet, there are many people who have never seen the ocean. There are people who have not heard a rainforest at night. But I realize that there is only one person in this world who can pull me into a game of dance and sing a silly song to make me forget my troubles: you.

Thought I would start with a prayer. God, thank you for this day, and all the happiness it will bring my daughter. She is a darling gift from you. Please enhance her mind and soul. Let her be filled with noble ideas and dear dreams. I expect to see her grow up to be a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman, who will bring joy to many people’s lives.

Dear Lord, please protect this child from the people she will run into while walking. Please help her to stop talking when she walks into walls. Dear Lord, please keep her safe so that this is one birthday she remembers. Thank you, Amen.

Dear God, on the day of her first birthday, please give my daughter the following traits:

Dear God, thank you for making my daughter so cute and beautiful, I may die trying to live up to her expectations.

Dear God, thank you for blessing me with the best gift ever. I know she must have stolen your heart and mind because she is one of a kind. Lord, let her to grow up to be an outstanding and lovable woman, just like her beautiful mother.

Dear God, please let my daughter forgive me for all I have put her through in the past years. She can actually be a handful… She’s so sassy, full of life, and a true drama queen. Please help her to be nice and respectful. Thanks!

Dear daughter, I can’t say how grateful I am to have a child as smart and beautiful as you. You are the perfect mix of both your mother and myself. During the first year of your life, you were always looking up at me. However, now you have grown taller than me! But kidding aside, I just want to thank for all the joy that you bring into my life. Happy birthday!

Dear God. Thanks for creating this cute face, a bundle of joy, a little angel, and to the world’s most precious baby girl, who is getting ready to turn one year old. Thanks for giving her parents who will always love her no matter what. Thanks for making my baby daughter so beautiful that she can win anyone’s heart with just a smile.

My dearest baby girl, happy birthday to you! For today you resemble a pastel candy set. With your tiny pink dress, I am sure all your friends will love you as much as I do. With your white floral headdress, you look like an angel dipped in frosting. I am sure that cupcake with a candle on your head would look good even if it was not your birthday! Happy birthday!

Dear angel, I heard that you are one today! I’m so proud of you. I’m sure you will play a great part in the world’s history. And guess what? I’m so happy to be part of your life. May you grow up to be an impressive human being full of love and kindness for others! Happy Birthday to my child!

My dear daughter, as you turn one today, I wish to be the first person to tell you that if there is anything you ever come to me for, be it TLC, a swing, or just some help with your homework, I will drop anything I am doing and be there for you. Because you are mine, my priority should always be yours.

Dear God, thank you for enabling me to bring life into this world. Please allow my daughter to enjoy another year of life and cheer up her family from all the hardships in their life. Keep her safe from accidents and harm. Thank you in advance!

Dear Lord, I thank you for this day. Thank you, Lord, that we were blessed with a beautiful gift of the lovely —- Happy birthday.

Lord (please insert the name of your daughter’s deity), please protect my baby, not grow up too fast before I’m ready. Please keep her safe from harm, toodles, and fizzles, especially overzealous aunts!!! I love you, sweetheart! Hope you think about this as you grow up 🙂

Dear Lord, thank you for your kindness in blessing us with our daughter Faith. We are grateful for her very existence! Please continue to watch over her and guide her through the challenging times that are ahead. In return, we promise to remain loyal to you. Amen!

Dear Lord, here is a request for the life of Kim. Mostly that she ends up good looking and a high earner like her mother. Amen

A Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning One

Dear daughter, from the moment you made your appearance in the world, I thought of you as my angel that came down from heaven. By now, you have also realized just what a tremendous joy and pride it is to be your mother. So here is a prayer for your birthday: oh dear Lord above, please continue to touch this little angel with your grace and love always. Amen.

Hello Princess, today is your very first birthday and I am sure you will be curious why all these people have come here to celebrate only you. It is because they are my dearest friends and they are just as excited as I am to see what a beautiful girl you turned out to be. Today, my little darling, you made us all so happy because you don’t know how to cry at all. You have been blessed with a gift of kindness and generosity.

Dear daughter, you are one year old today. Thank God that you are in my arms and on earth. I am grateful for the fact that your days are filled with sunshine and laughter. Enjoy life to the fullest, because it is only once.

My dear baby girl, I hope your big day is filled with giggly fun and you get to wear the prettiest birthday crown! I’m also hoping that your party has a lot of dancing and singing and extra cake for mama. Love, mommy

Today is a special day, with your first birthday passing. I look at you now, on this occasion, and think back to the time when you looked into my eyes and made a wish. I know that I am the happiest father alive and love you so much, my only child.

My little one, today is your special day and I pray that you get to celebrate it to the fullest. May all your wishes come true, and may God bless you with long life and happiness.

let us wish you are blessed today with all good wishes and joy, and may we also say/pray that you’re a ray of sunshine in your father’s heart.

Dear Lord, thank you for gifting me with this child. Now, do pardon me if I ask you to keep her safe and sound as I am not sure that I can handle the responsibility of an adult. However, if at all she grows up to be a responsible person one day, please give her your blessings and let her make my life easier. Amen! Sorry if this prayer seems cynical, but I am just trying to be honest.

You have changed my life not only because you made me a mother, but also because you are the best company I could wish for. Being your mom has been the most rewarding experience in my entire life.

Oh dear Lord, thank you for bringing the most beautiful angel into my life and making me a dad. I sure do hope that she follows in your footsteps and enables me to look back at my life as a man who brought joy to many hearts. For all the happiness you have brought to me, this is my prayer on her first birthday – Bless her with your love.

My dear daughter, what a day! It’s a special day where I get to be thankful for having such an adorable, beautiful daughter like you. You are the most precious gift and blessing I have ever received. Now that you are one year old, I want you to know how much your daddy and mother love you so much.

I see this is your first birthday. It is true, the mother’s age shows up in the daughter. You are my darling and I love you from your cute little toes to your beautiful and elegant face, to your innocent eyes, to your budding ears and brain. You were supposed to come out as my little baby tot in the arms of your daddy, but you decided on a different way of entering into this world.

Dear God, I pray that someone makes a birthday card short enough that I can read it!

You are a celestial being, sent down to earth to grace us with your presence and your love. You have changed our lives forever, and we cannot thank you enough. You have opened up a magical treasure chest of memories, where we will find millions of interesting things. The mix of perfection, curiosity, and curiosity makes you one in a million. I wish you a very happy birthday!

Dear Baby, you have taken some time to be born. Thank God! Mama did not die giving birth to you. She was ready to and would have, but your father stopped her from doing so. You are too cute for words and Daddy loves you very much. Now that you are one, I know that you will grow up to be a strong lady church member and an excellent mother someday. Allow the love of Jesus to flow through every aspect of your life.

Blessed is the day where I had you in my life. The day that made me realize that mothers are the most important people in their kids’ lives. Despite the fact that you were crying, kicking, and pulling my hair, I knew, even at just a few seconds old, I was going to love you more than I could ever imagine. And now as we stand here, one year later, I cherish every moment I have with you. You are my little girl and nothing can change

Happy birthday to you my little girl. You were conceived in love and carried with justice. Jesse said two weeks ago, that he saw you as a perfect piece of art. He told me he would agonize over any decision he would make if it would affect your hair and eyes color, weight, height…

I raise you up, God above. I pray that you give my daughter the values of honesty and integrity. Help her to be an inspiration to all, that she realizes her worth by finding the value in others and being part of a bigger community. Bless her journey with all your grace and glory. I ask this most of all in the name of Jesus! Amen