Funny Graduation Captions for Instagram

Funny Graduation Captions for Instagram: Graduation season is finally here! I’m sure we’ll be flooded with all the photos you have been waiting to post on social media. I guess it’s time for me to share some of my best graduation captions for Instagram and Twitter to make this season a bit easier for you guys.

Funny Graduation Captions for Instagram

You are the most special girl in all the world, that’s why people always stare. You deserve everything that you wish for and I hope to see you there; at graduation.

I’m proud to know you and proud that we are going to share this next part of our journey together. I love you, man!

In 4 years we finally made it together. From 01010 to Boston, have a great time at college!

You make my heart skip a beat every time I see your smile. Time seems to fly by when we are together, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together…

I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I love you to the moon and back, stay out of trouble. This is the beginning of something beautiful, now go make it happen.

Now, it is one of the most valuable things I have. You are my best friend, and without you, I would be so lost. Writing this now, I wish we were living together in college (and every year after that).

I know what it’s like to live in an old dorm with no privacy, shower with 12 other girls, and get splashed by showers on all sides.

I have learned, laughed, and cried with this class, but mostly I have grown in my own self-discovery thanks to each and every one of you. I wish all of you future happiness, adventure, and love.

You are such a bright light in my life, it will be so strange not seeing you every day. I wish you nothing but the best and hope that you do everything you want in life.

You were a joy to raise and we couldn’t be more thankful for the life that God has given us with you in it. Congratulations and good luck in everything that comes your way.

You are the first grandchild of mine… the first grandchild of my entire family and I am so proud of you, so very proud. You are a beautiful son and possibly one day a fine man just like your father. Stand up to him.

College has been a struggle, and now it’s down to an end. I wish I could have you for my high school sweetheart, then we wouldn’t be apart.

Congratulations on your graduation from high school! For those of us who never made it to the grade that takes the number 12, this is a big deal. You are extremely smart and will go far in life.

It was my privilege to know you. You are a true inspiration and I have nothing but respect for you. I can’t wait to see your name in lights someday! Here’s to never giving up on anything.

Congrats grad! I am so proud of you, I love you always and forever.

I am so proud of you. The trials and tribulations you have been through have made you who you are, and I love every second of it!

I know we’re only just starting our journey, but as long as it leads to your heart I will be more than happy.

You may not remember, but we met in 11th-grade history. I wrote my name on the top of the box that held our desks together and you wrote yours inside of mine. Our friendship then was just another among many.

I am so proud of you. You have come further than anyone could have imagined and I just can’t stop smiling. You are my hero, my rock, and the keeper of my heart. I love you with all my might, from the very bottom of my soul.

I’ve known for a very long time that you will succeed no matter what you put your mind to. You have a strong and positive attitude and everyone likes you. Everyone admires you, as do I. I am so incredibly proud of you!

You have been the greatest friend I have ever had, and you have taken my heart and run with it, bringing joy that I thought was only a myth. All of these memories, they are ours always, no one can take that from us.

Time passes, life changes. But one thing will never change My love for you. I am so proud of my little brother, the harder worker, and person I know. Not only did you graduate high school but college as well. Nothing can stop you now!

Graduation is in a few weeks and I wanted to say something before you leave! You have been one of my best friends for the last 4 years, and I will be honest – you have changed my life.

It’s the last day of class for another year and another chapter in my life is about to begin. As my high school career comes to a close I am so filled with gratitude that you were a part of it.

I can’t believe you took my graduation present to the next level. I am so proud of all your accomplishments, and I am even more proud that you are my best friend and husband.

You have always been a special person to me. I’ve learned so much from you and looked up to you like a second mother.

HAPPY GRADUATION! I am so proud of you, I just wish I could be there! Here’s to a bright future!

We love you so much, you silly little babe. We really are so proud and happy for your accomplishment.

Look at us now. Mom and Daughter, looking so much alike. I can’t help but thank you for all the times you were there when I needed a friend. I love you so much.

I don’t want to tell you how to live your life. I don’t want to control your decisions or tell you who to be with. But… From the moment I met you, I knew you were special.

Congrats on graduating, I know this achievement will take you far!

Dear friend, when you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on! Good luck!

Funny Graduation Picture Captions Instagram

You are so smart and intelligent, you have the ability to be whatever you want in life. Remember to stay humble and continue working hard towards the things that make you feel fulfilled.

I know you have a bright future ahead of you and even though we are miles apart, my love for you will always be there forever.

You are my world and I would do anything to be with you forever. We will have a great life together, and I can’t wait to marry you!

You make my boring life fun, and I will never forget the first time we met and how much you made me smile, even back then. You make me glad to wake up and live another day. I hope forever gives us many more reasons to love each other!

At least you graduated this time. Don’t worry, I’ll get even with you for all those times you embarrassed me in front of my friends and family. Just kidding 🙂

You are a fighter! Always striving to do your best and never giving up on your dreams. I am glad to be by your side this long blue road that stretches before us into the horizon.

You are graduating, you made it! I am so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished. I love that your mind is open and you think differently from many other people.

I am so proud of you! You are such a brilliant student and I know that with hard work and dedication you will go far.

I love you more than you could ever imagine. Seeing your face everyday makes everything better. I can’t stop thinking about you and pictures of us on my wall are the only things that keep me sane.

I love you. Even though we have only been together for four months and have yet to go on our first date (we are still planning it), I can’t imagine anyone making me happier than you do.

Congrats on making it through another year of school! You can do anything you set your mind to! I will always be here to support you and cheer you on. I love you so much❣️

You are my dream come true. You’re everything I ever wanted in life and more. I love you wholeheartedly and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

I can’t tell you how proud I am of you for this! You worked hard and persevered. I’m so happy for you. Keep up the good work, you will go far! -Love mom

Well, here it is. Graduation day. We made it! No one knew where their life would lead when we started high school. I’m not saying we were the smartest students or our teachers loved us the most, but things change, time passes and now we’re graduating.

Your dreams are bigger than the greatest sky and your work ethic is unparalleled. I’m so proud of you and everything you have done these past years. I can’t wait to see where the world takes you!

Thank you for being so strong, supportive, kind, and loving. I am proud of you because you never ceased to amaze me with your strength. In spite of all the challenges that this life has handed you.

Congratulations on earning that degree in orthodontics. Every 12 hours for the rest of your life you will have to fit someone for braces. This is not a joke.

Funny College Graduation Captions for Instagram

You helped along the way with little acts of love, support, and encouragement. You helped pick me up when down and you stood by my side when I needed a friend most.

I have gained hundreds of fantastic friends, I have experienced what it is like to be independent and brave; to do things I never thought possible.

We have been through so much together that it’s a shame we couldn’t stay in love forever. I will always remember you…You will always be mine, even if I can’t have you.

You brought so much joy to my life. I can’t wait to see what awaits us in the future, but I will always cherish the memories we made together.

You are my treasured gem and I love you more than words could ever say. Today I stand here celebrating your accomplishments, but also celebrating the many more to come in our future.

To the love of my life… I can’t believe how quickly college has gone by, and how much it has grown me as a person.

Happy graduation! I am so proud of you. You are leaving this place knowing that you can do absolutely anything you want to in life. Keep reaching for the stars because a future full of happiness, love, and adventure is awaiting you. I can’t wait to see where it leads us.

You are the most amazing, intelligent, and beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You stole my heart the first time we met and I will never be able to let go.

I will miss our road trips, vacations, and dates. I will miss waking up next to you every morning and giving you a kiss good morning. I will miss spending the day with you each Sunday.

Whenever I’m around you, I can’t help but smile. You bring me endless joy and happiness.

Congrats pop! We all make mistakes and the only way to learn is by making them. You’ve done great and continue to do so. Just remember who you are, be yourself, and never leave your soul behind. We’re super proud of you! Love ya!

Each day we seem to drift farther apart from love and closer together with hate.

Graduation Instagram Captions Funny

I know our marriage will have its ups and downs, but as long as we face them together, we’ll be okay. Are gonna make it!

Thank you for being an amazing boyfriend, a wonderful soulmate, and the most compassionate man that I’ve ever known. My inspiration, my heart, and my world… Luv ya!

I want to thank you for always being my student, my leader, and my friend. I am going to miss having you in class, but I know you are ready for your new adventures and I will always be here for you! Congratulations on a wonderful high school career!

I never thought that what started as a friendship could turn into something so amazing. The moments we share are truly unforgettable. How you make me smile, laugh, and feel special everyday is something I’ll never take for granted. You are truly the best of me. I love you!

I can’t believe you actually managed to finish school. Who would have thought you could actually do it? Well, congratulations anyway! I am so proud of you and I will always be here to support you. Now it’s your turn to take care of me! 🙂

You are the most incredible friend, who is kind, smart, and caring. I am so lucky to have you in my life, and I cannot imagine where I would be without you. I love you with all my heart and am honored you are a part of my life.

I love you for always, for all that you are and all that you have been. I will love you forever, no matter what happens. Our marriage is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

When I graduated high school at 18 years old, I didn’t know what to do with my life. What should I study at college? Will I enjoy it? Or will I just follow the major of my parents? But the only thing that made me decide everything was you!

Your strength, kindness, and patience have absolutely amazed me. I am so fortunate to have you in my life. When I think about the ups and downs of this journey I’m glad we took it together.

I love our life together. I know it’s only just beginning, but I am already in love with you.

It suits you, your personality. It fits your outlook on life, the way you look at the world. I wish you could see yourself throughout eyes. You are stronger than you think. You are beautiful and can do anything if you put your mind to it. Never forget that!

You found a man far beneath your worth, And he worships every inch of you. So, this poem doesn’t rhyme, But I wanted to let you know…You are my love, my light, and my best friend. I am so lucky that you’re mine!

I’m not going to lie, I was probably one of the few people who wasn’t sad to see you leave. However, I do wish you the best in your future endeavors, and I hope that someday you can look back at your time here with fond memories. Sincerely, Your Future Employer.

Of all the things I’ve done and places I’ve seen, I’ll tell you this, there is nothing that is quite as important or as meaningful as a high school diploma.

Funny Graduating Instagram Captions

I love you with all my heart and would do anything for you. Now that you are leaving for school, I’m going to miss you more than words can say! Stay true to yourself and your dreams and always know how much I love and support you no matter what you decide.

You mean everything to me and I truly couldn’t be happier that you are by my side. It was so fun to share this special time in our lives together-

Remember, every “no” gets us one step closer to a “yes”. So remember to keep on dreaming and we will graduate together!

You constantly remind me to always be my best self and to never settle; a hard lesson at times but an important one nonetheless. In this world full of uncertainty, you give me something to always believe in yourself.

I am so excited for this chapter! You are going to do great things, climb to new heights and reach new goals! I will be cheering you on every step of the way. Go get ’em girl/boy! You’re the best. 🙂

I am going to miss the endless fights on who gets the shower first, and who always has to do a million chores around the house. But most of all I will miss your “I’m too sexy for my shirt” dance moves in front of the mirror.

In our 5 years of dating, you have taught me so much about life. You have always been there for me through my many struggles in life and I am so grateful to call you my best friend.

Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of you! You never cease to amaze me with your brilliance, and I’m happy to be a part of this new chapter in your life. To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world.

Honestly, I don’t know where to start. But here it goes. You’re not only my best friend but my greatest love, the light of my day, the joy of my life, you’re such an amazing person and I still can’t describe how in love I am with you.

I’ve been thinking about this. I don’t know what I’m going to do next year, but I know that you are always going to be there to support me. Your love means the world to me, and your strength makes me want to be a better person. I love you.

Dedicated to the love of my life: Thanks for being there for me. I know our time together hasn’t always been easy, but you’ve always been there to pick me up when I needed it most.

I’ve learned so much from you and yet, I can’t thank you enough for all that you have given me. Since the moment we met, you’ve shown nothing but warmth and kindness.

You are my soulmate, my best friend, and my partner. I can’t wait to start the journey of life with you at my side.

I’m going to miss those late-night volleyball games that lasted until 5 in the morning.

You inspire me every day. You move, motivate, and change all in one. I look forward to seeing where our adventures will take us next!

You’re going to miss me more than you think when I’m not around…

Congratulations Stephanie! We are all so proud of you! May you always find your way, reach for the stars, do what makes you happy and reach for the goal. Enjoy the journey and never lose sight of the finish line!

Funny Captions for Graduation Pictures on Instagram

I’m going to miss you so much now that we are living apart, but I promise to be there for you whenever I can. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.

Every day I fall for you more and you forever make me happy. I love learning about you, watching our friendship grow, and I just want people to know how amazing you are. So to everyone reading this, spread the word, she’s wonderful!

You mean more to me than anyone else. You are my best friend and the one person I want to grow old with. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life and your love gives me strength.

You are a smart and hard-working young man with the brightest future ahead of you. I just want to be there for every step and help you along your way. Just remember, I love you!

Congratulations on your recent graduation! You’re so amazing, and I really admire you for all the hardwork you have done.

You made it! I can’t believe you are graduating today. I am so proud of you because you have worked so hard. I love you and wish you all the best in the future.

Dear Austin, thanks for everything. I never expected graduating to be easy, but you made it bearable! Stay in touch because I want to know about your successes with school and with your new girlfriend. Congrats pal!

So I’m not great with words, so this is my best way to express how I feel. I LOVE YOU! You are more than amazing and I’m so glad that you decided to be in my life.

Thank you for the most amazing year of my life! I feel so lucky to be in love with such an amazing man! You truly are my best friend and my whole world. I can’t wait to see where the future takes us! I love you to the moon and back!

I’d like to thank you in writing for keeping me smiling even when you can’t be with me. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Be confident in knowing that you are more than just good enough for me. I believe in you and know that anything is possible.

Congrats on graduating! I am so amazed by all your hard work and dedication. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am truly grateful to have shared this experience with you! Also, you look so hot in your cap lol.

The only thing that could make this moment any better is if you were right here to celebrate it with me. I want you to know how much I love and care for you.

Dear Kim, We are so proud of you! Always remember to work hard and never give up on your dreams! We love you more than anything in the world!

I’m so proud of you! You are a wonderful person with a bright future ahead of you. I love seeing you succeed, and I am so happy that we get to share our lives together. I can’t wait for the amazing things to come our way!

I love you more than the air I breathe, I love you more than you could ever know. You are my world and I will always be there for you, I’ll be right by your side no matter what. You make my life worth living. With you, in my existence, I have everything I could ever wish for.

Congratulations on yet another achievement! I am so proud of you, but you already know that.

College Graduation Instagram Captions Funny

I’m so thankful that you are my best friend, the one person who brings out the best in me. I constantly find myself falling more in love with you each day, there is no denying it, my heart won’t let me.

You have surely made your family and friends proud. Your journey has now ended but your future has just begun. Go out there and make this world a better place because you are in it.

It makes me so happy to know that my best friend is also my partner in love and life. I love you, Michael!

You cracked my heart open that cold spring day I met you, and have my heart forever, only beating for you.

You stood up for what was right even though the odds were against you. You have a future that is full of endless possibilities, and I will be proud to say I saw this from the beginning.

Love isn’t just a word. It is a state of being. You taught me to look at love and relationships in a different way.

Congratulations!! Today is your day, you have achieved what many have failed to do before you.

You have to be one of the most amazing people I know. From your wit and charm to your beauty and brains, you always leave me in awe. Our friendship is one that I treasure.

Congratulations on your graduation. You have persevered and fought through many challenges along the way earning you this wonderful moment where you can now breathe easy knowing that all the hard work has paid off and you can pat yourself on the back knowing that YOU MADE IT!

You are a hero, a magician, and a saint. Thank you for making my dreams come true and I will never forget the sacrifices you made for me. I love you with all of my heart!

I am so proud of you, you are a wonderful daughter. I love you, Mom

The sky is the limit for you, your dreams are endless. Keep going forward and never look back! Congrats on your accomplishment and all the new roads that are ahead of you. Grab life by the horns and go for it!

You were the one thing I was sure of when everything else was uncertain. I never doubted that you had my back, even when all odds were against me.

You pushed yourself when you didn’t think you could. You held your head up when someone told you to lower it.funny graduation captions for Instagram

Graduation season is finally here! I’m sure we’ll be flooded with all the photos you have been waiting to post on social media. I guess it’s time for me to share some of my best graduation captions for Instagram and Twitter to make this season a bit easier for you guys.

You are the most special girl in all the world, that’s why people always stare. You deserve everything that you wish for and I hope to see you there; at graduation.

I’m proud to know you and proud that we are going to share this next part of our journey together. I love you, man!

In 4 years we finally made it together. From 01010 to Boston, have a great time at college!

You make my heart skip a beat every time I see your smile. Time seems to fly by when we are together, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together…

I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I love you to the moon and back, stay out of trouble. This is the beginning of something beautiful, now go make it happen.

Now, it is one of the most valuable things I have. You are my best friend, and without you, I would be so lost. Writing this now, I wish we were living together in college (and every year after that).

I know what it’s like to live in an old dorm with no privacy, shower with 12 other girls, and get splashed by showers on all sides.

I have learned, laughed, and cried with this class, but mostly I have grown in my own self-discovery thanks to each and every one of you. I wish all of you future happiness, adventure, and love.

You are such a bright light in my life, it will be so strange not seeing you every day. I wish you nothing but the best and hope that you do everything you want in life.

You were a joy to raise and we couldn’t be more thankful for the life that God has given us with you in it. Congratulations and good luck in everything that comes your way.

You are the first grandchild of mine… the first grandchild of my entire family and I am so proud of you, so very proud. You are a beautiful son and possibly one day a fine man just like your father. Stand up to him.

College has been a struggle, and now it’s down to an end. I wish I could have you for my high school sweetheart, then we wouldn’t be apart.

Congratulations on your graduation from high school! For those of us who never made it to the grade that takes the number 12, this is a big deal. You are extremely smart and will go far in life.

It was my privilege to know you. You are a true inspiration and I have nothing but respect for you. I can’t wait to see your name in lights someday! Here’s to never giving up on anything.

Congrats grad! I am so proud of you, I love you always and forever.

I am so proud of you. The trials and tribulations you have been through have made you who you are, and I love every second of it!

I know we’re only just starting our journey, but as long as it leads to your heart I will be more than happy.

You may not remember, but we met in 11th-grade history. I wrote my name on the top of the box that held our desks together and you wrote yours inside of mine. Our friendship then was just another among many.

I am so proud of you. You have come further than anyone could have imagined and I just can’t stop smiling. You are my hero, my rock, and the keeper of my heart. I love you with all my might, from the very bottom of my soul.

I’ve known for a very long time that you will succeed no matter what you put your mind to. You have a strong and positive attitude and everyone likes you. Everyone admires you, as do I. I am so incredibly proud of you!

You have been the greatest friend I have ever had, and you have taken my heart and run with it, bringing joy that I thought was only a myth. All of these memories, they are ours always, no one can take that from us.

Time passes, life changes. But one thing will never change My love for you. I am so proud of my little brother, the harder worker, and person I know. Not only did you graduate high school but college as well. Nothing can stop you now!

Graduation is in a few weeks and I wanted to say something before you leave! You have been one of my best friends for the last 4 years, and I will be honest – you have changed my life.

It’s the last day of class for another year and another chapter in my life is about to begin. As my high school career comes to a close I am so filled with gratitude that you were a part of it.

I can’t believe you took my graduation present to the next level. I am so proud of all your accomplishments, and I am even more proud that you are my best friend and husband.

You have always been a special person to me. I’ve learned so much from you and looked up to you like a second mother.

HAPPY GRADUATION! I am so proud of you, I just wish I could be there! Here’s to a bright future!

We love you so much, you silly little babe. We really are so proud and happy for your accomplishment.

Look at us now. Mom and Daughter, looking so much alike. I can’t help but thank you for all the times you were there when I needed a friend. I love you so much.

I don’t want to tell you how to live your life. I don’t want to control your decisions or tell you who to be with. But… From the moment I met you, I knew you were special.

Congrats on graduating, I know this achievement will take you far!

Dear friend, when you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on! Good luck!

Funny Graduation Picture Captions Instagram

You are so smart and intelligent, you have the ability to be whatever you want in life. Remember to stay humble and continue working hard towards the things that make you feel fulfilled.

I know you have a bright future ahead of you and even though we are miles apart, my love for you will always be there forever.

You are my world and I would do anything to be with you forever. We will have a great life together, and I can’t wait to marry you!

You make my boring life fun, and I will never forget the first time we met and how much you made me smile, even back then. You make me glad to wake up and live another day. I hope forever gives us many more reasons to love each other!

At least you graduated this time. Don’t worry, I’ll get even with you for all those times you embarrassed me in front of my friends and family. Just kidding 🙂

You are a fighter! Always striving to do your best and never giving up on your dreams. I am glad to be by your side this long blue road that stretches before us into the horizon.

You are graduating, you made it! I am so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished. I love that your mind is open and you think differently from many other people.

I am so proud of you! You are such a brilliant student and I know that with hard work and dedication you will go far.

I love you more than you could ever imagine. Seeing your face everyday makes everything better. I can’t stop thinking about you and pictures of us on my wall are the only things that keep me sane.

I love you. Even though we have only been together for four months and have yet to go on our first date (we are still planning it), I can’t imagine anyone making me happier than you do.

Congrats on making it through another year of school! You can do anything you set your mind to! I will always be here to support you and cheer you on. I love you so much❣️

You are my dream come true. You’re everything I ever wanted in life and more. I love you wholeheartedly and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

I can’t tell you how proud I am of you for this! You worked hard and persevered. I’m so happy for you. Keep up the good work, you will go far! -Love mom

Well, here it is. Graduation day. We made it! No one knew where their life would lead when we started high school. I’m not saying we were the smartest students or our teachers loved us the most, but things change, time passes and now we’re graduating.

Your dreams are bigger than the greatest sky and your work ethic is unparalleled. I’m so proud of you and everything you have done these past years. I can’t wait to see where the world takes you!

Thank you for being so strong, supportive, kind, and loving. I am proud of you because you never ceased to amaze me with your strength. In spite of all the challenges that this life has handed you.

Congratulations on earning that degree in orthodontics. Every 12 hours for the rest of your life you will have to fit someone for braces. This is not a joke.

Funny College Graduation Captions for Instagram

You helped along the way with little acts of love, support, and encouragement. You helped pick me up when down and you stood by my side when I needed a friend most.

I have gained hundreds of fantastic friends, I have experienced what it is like to be independent and brave; to do things I never thought possible.

We have been through so much together that it’s a shame we couldn’t stay in love forever. I will always remember you…You will always be mine, even if I can’t have you.

You brought so much joy to my life. I can’t wait to see what awaits us in the future, but I will always cherish the memories we made together.

You are my treasured gem and I love you more than words could ever say. Today I stand here celebrating your accomplishments, but also celebrating the many more to come in our future.

To the love of my life… I can’t believe how quickly college has gone by, and how much it has grown me as a person.

Happy graduation! I am so proud of you. You are leaving this place knowing that you can do absolutely anything you want to in life. Keep reaching for the stars because a future full of happiness, love, and adventure is awaiting you. I can’t wait to see where it leads us.

You are the most amazing, intelligent, and beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You stole my heart the first time we met and I will never be able to let go.

I will miss our road trips, vacations, and dates. I will miss waking up next to you every morning and giving you a kiss good morning. I will miss spending the day with you each Sunday.

Whenever I’m around you, I can’t help but smile. You bring me endless joy and happiness.

Congrats pop! We all make mistakes and the only way to learn is by making them. You’ve done great and continue to do so. Just remember who you are, be yourself, and never leave your soul behind. We’re super proud of you! Love ya!

Each day we seem to drift farther apart from love and closer together with hate.

Graduation Instagram Captions Funny

I know our marriage will have its ups and downs, but as long as we face them together, we’ll be okay. Are gonna make it!

Thank you for being an amazing boyfriend, a wonderful soulmate, and the most compassionate man that I’ve ever known. My inspiration, my heart, and my world… Luv ya!

I want to thank you for always being my student, my leader, and my friend. I am going to miss having you in class, but I know you are ready for your new adventures and I will always be here for you! Congratulations on a wonderful high school career!

I never thought that what started as a friendship could turn into something so amazing. The moments we share are truly unforgettable. How you make me smile, laugh, and feel special everyday is something I’ll never take for granted. You are truly the best of me. I love you!

I can’t believe you actually managed to finish school. Who would have thought you could actually do it? Well, congratulations anyway! I am so proud of you and I will always be here to support you. Now it’s your turn to take care of me! 🙂

You are the most incredible friend, who is kind, smart, and caring. I am so lucky to have you in my life, and I cannot imagine where I would be without you. I love you with all my heart and am honored you are a part of my life.

I love you for always, for all that you are and all that you have been. I will love you forever, no matter what happens. Our marriage is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

When I graduated high school at 18 years old, I didn’t know what to do with my life. What should I study at college? Will I enjoy it? Or will I just follow the major of my parents? But the only thing that made me decide everything was you!

Your strength, kindness, and patience have absolutely amazed me. I am so fortunate to have you in my life. When I think about the ups and downs of this journey I’m glad we took it together.

I love our life together. I know it’s only just beginning, but I am already in love with you.

It suits you, your personality. It fits your outlook on life, the way you look at the world. I wish you could see yourself throughout eyes. You are stronger than you think. You are beautiful and can do anything if you put your mind to it. Never forget that!

You found a man far beneath your worth, And he worships every inch of you. So, this poem doesn’t rhyme, But I wanted to let you know…You are my love, my light, and my best friend. I am so lucky that you’re mine!

I’m not going to lie, I was probably one of the few people who wasn’t sad to see you leave. However, I do wish you the best in your future endeavors, and I hope that someday you can look back at your time here with fond memories. Sincerely, Your Future Employer.

Of all the things I’ve done and places I’ve seen, I’ll tell you this, there is nothing that is quite as important or as meaningful as a high school diploma.

Funny Graduating Instagram Captions

I love you with all my heart and would do anything for you. Now that you are leaving for school, I’m going to miss you more than words can say! Stay true to yourself and your dreams and always know how much I love and support you no matter what you decide.

You mean everything to me and I truly couldn’t be happier that you are by my side. It was so fun to share this special time in our lives together-

Remember, every “no” gets us one step closer to a “yes”. So remember to keep on dreaming and we will graduate together!

You constantly remind me to always be my best self and to never settle; a hard lesson at times but an important one nonetheless. In this world full of uncertainty, you give me something to always believe in yourself.

I am so excited for this chapter! You are going to do great things, climb to new heights and reach new goals! I will be cheering you on every step of the way. Go get ’em girl/boy! You’re the best. 🙂

I am going to miss the endless fights on who gets the shower first, and who always has to do a million chores around the house. But most of all I will miss your “I’m too sexy for my shirt” dance moves in front of the mirror.

In our 5 years of dating, you have taught me so much about life. You have always been there for me through my many struggles in life and I am so grateful to call you my best friend.

Congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of you! You never cease to amaze me with your brilliance, and I’m happy to be a part of this new chapter in your life. To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world.

Honestly, I don’t know where to start. But here it goes. You’re not only my best friend but my greatest love, the light of my day, the joy of my life, you’re such an amazing person and I still can’t describe how in love I am with you.

I’ve been thinking about this. I don’t know what I’m going to do next year, but I know that you are always going to be there to support me. Your love means the world to me, and your strength makes me want to be a better person. I love you.

Dedicated to the love of my life: Thanks for being there for me. I know our time together hasn’t always been easy, but you’ve always been there to pick me up when I needed it most.

I’ve learned so much from you and yet, I can’t thank you enough for all that you have given me. Since the moment we met, you’ve shown nothing but warmth and kindness.

You are my soulmate, my best friend, and my partner. I can’t wait to start the journey of life with you at my side.

I’m going to miss those late-night volleyball games that lasted until 5 in the morning.

You inspire me every day. You move, motivate, and change all in one. I look forward to seeing where our adventures will take us next!

You’re going to miss me more than you think when I’m not around…

Congratulations Stephanie! We are all so proud of you! May you always find your way, reach for the stars, do what makes you happy and reach for the goal. Enjoy the journey and never lose sight of the finish line!

Funny Captions for Graduation Pictures on Instagram

I’m going to miss you so much now that we are living apart, but I promise to be there for you whenever I can. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.

Every day I fall for you more and you forever make me happy. I love learning about you, watching our friendship grow, and I just want people to know how amazing you are. So to everyone reading this, spread the word, she’s wonderful!

You mean more to me than anyone else. You are my best friend and the one person I want to grow old with. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life and your love gives me strength.

You are a smart and hard-working young man with the brightest future ahead of you. I just want to be there for every step and help you along your way. Just remember, I love you!

Congratulations on your recent graduation! You’re so amazing, and I really admire you for all the hardwork you have done.

You made it! I can’t believe you are graduating today. I am so proud of you because you have worked so hard. I love you and wish you all the best in the future.

Dear Austin, thanks for everything. I never expected graduating to be easy, but you made it bearable! Stay in touch because I want to know about your successes with school and with your new girlfriend. Congrats pal!

So I’m not great with words, so this is my best way to express how I feel. I LOVE YOU! You are more than amazing and I’m so glad that you decided to be in my life.

Thank you for the most amazing year of my life! I feel so lucky to be in love with such an amazing man! You truly are my best friend and my whole world. I can’t wait to see where the future takes us! I love you to the moon and back!

I’d like to thank you in writing for keeping me smiling even when you can’t be with me. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Be confident in knowing that you are more than just good enough for me. I believe in you and know that anything is possible.

Congrats on graduating! I am so amazed by all your hard work and dedication. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am truly grateful to have shared this experience with you! Also, you look so hot in your cap lol.

The only thing that could make this moment any better is if you were right here to celebrate it with me. I want you to know how much I love and care for you.

Dear Kim, We are so proud of you! Always remember to work hard and never give up on your dreams! We love you more than anything in the world!

I’m so proud of you! You are a wonderful person with a bright future ahead of you. I love seeing you succeed, and I am so happy that we get to share our lives together. I can’t wait for the amazing things to come our way!

I love you more than the air I breathe, I love you more than you could ever know. You are my world and I will always be there for you, I’ll be right by your side no matter what. You make my life worth living. With you, in my existence, I have everything I could ever wish for.

Congratulations on yet another achievement! I am so proud of you, but you already know that.

College Graduation Instagram Captions Funny

I’m so thankful that you are my best friend, the one person who brings out the best in me. I constantly find myself falling more in love with you each day, there is no denying it, my heart won’t let me.

You have surely made your family and friends proud. Your journey has now ended but your future has just begun. Go out there and make this world a better place because you are in it.

It makes me so happy to know that my best friend is also my partner in love and life. I love you, Michael!

You cracked my heart open that cold spring day I met you, and have my heart forever, only beating for you.

You stood up for what was right even though the odds were against you. You have a future that is full of endless possibilities, and I will be proud to say I saw this from the beginning.

Love isn’t just a word. It is a state of being. You taught me to look at love and relationships in a different way.

Congratulations!! Today is your day, you have achieved what many have failed to do before you.

You have to be one of the most amazing people I know. From your wit and charm to your beauty and brains, you always leave me in awe. Our friendship is one that I treasure.

Congratulations on your graduation. You have persevered and fought through many challenges along the way earning you this wonderful moment where you can now breathe easy knowing that all the hard work has paid off and you can pat yourself on the back knowing that YOU MADE IT!

You are a hero, a magician, and a saint. Thank you for making my dreams come true and I will never forget the sacrifices you made for me. I love you with all of my heart!

I am so proud of you, you are a wonderful daughter. I love you, Mom

The sky is the limit for you, your dreams are endless. Keep going forward and never look back! Congrats on your accomplishment and all the new roads that are ahead of you. Grab life by the horns and go for it!

You were the one thing I was sure of when everything else was uncertain. I never doubted that you had my back, even when all odds were against me.

You pushed yourself when you didn’t think you could. You held your head up when someone told you to lower it.