Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Instagram: Are you looking for some fun 7th birthday Instagram captions? If so, you have come to the right place. The first step to creating a killer Instagram caption is coming up with a great topic or joke. Without a strong opening, your caption will be bland which will ruin the first few seconds of your post. An effective Instagram caption should be inviting enough that viewers stop scrolling on their news feed and engage with your photo. If you want to create an engaging caption, start by using one of these funny birthday captions for Instagram.

Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• This is a great life hack for anyone who wants to stay young: Just have a kid every six years. Happy 7th birthday!

• ‘You’re not seven until you’ve made it to the top of the slide without crying.’ Happy 7th Birthday!

• Happy 7th Birthday, We’re not saying that you’re an old soul, But we have a feeling that you’ll be taking your naps for one more year.

• Forget about the cake, this is a cookie party. Hope you brought your sweet tooth. Happy 7th Birthday!

• We don’t know how you became this old, but we hope your birthday cake is better than #7 is for horse racing. Happy Birthday!

• You’re 7 today but you’ll still always be a child to me.

• I can’t believe you’re already 7. I remember when you were a baby, just yesterday! Happy birthday, kid!

• Happy Birthday! Hope your special day is amazing, wonderful, and spectacular.

• The best thing about being seven is that you still get to eat cake for breakfast!

• Happy birthday to someone who is no longer a baby, but still not quite an adult.

• A little girl who loves cake and ice cream, a day dedicated only for her, the best day ever!

• Who knew that 7 years ago, I would be blessed with an angel like you. Happy birthday my dearest!

• Happy Birthday, boy/girl. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Oh wait, it was yesterday!

• Happy birthday to my 7-year-old little child, who isn’t too old for a bedtime story: Once upon a time, there was a big, bad wolf.

• Another year of me and you, that’s 52 weeks, 365 days, and 8760 hours of love! Happy 7th Birthday Son! I’m so proud of you.

• Happy 7th birthday to the cutest, funniest, sweetest, and a most rambunctious little girl I know

• I’m sorry I don’t know many 7-letter words to celebrate your awesome 7 years of life.

• I would have given you your gift earlier but I didn’t think you were old enough. Happy 7th birthday!

• There are a lot of important days in a 7-year-old’s life. Today is one of them. Happy Birthday!

• 7 candles, 7 wishes… Another year of being my favorite Roommate. Best birthday.

• For your birthday I got you a new backpack because when you’re 7, the backpack is your best friend.

• Seven years ago today, someone special came into my life. They came in snotty, turdy, and crying.

• Another year older, another year closer to getting that pony I’ve always wanted

• Happy 7th Birthday! You have officially made it to your seventh year here on Earth. You can now refer to yourself as a “seven-year-old” or “seven years old”.

• Happy 7th Birthday! You are so young and too old to be a copycat. It’s time to find your path.

• Happy birthday to the cutest, sweetest, funniest 7-year-old in the world! May you have a great day and a fantastic year ahead of you.

• I wanted to get you a nice gift for your seventh birthday, but I was too busy being seven times better than your dad.

• 7 years old! You are a wise and amazing person! I’m glad you were born! Happy Birthday!

• I can’t believe you’re already 7! I’m so proud of you, son. Love.

• A happy birthday to you, a happy birthday to you, a happy birthday baby boy, a happy birthday to you!

• At last a decent birthday present, I’m seven!

• Birthdays are a new start, a fresh beginning, and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You’re a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!

• At seven, you’re cute enough to make adults smile without even trying. Happy 7th birthday!

• You’re the cheese to my macaroni, the peanut butter to my jelly. Happy 7th birthday!

• Happy 7th Birthday, you’re now as old as you were young.

• Happy seventh birthday. Today’s your lucky day because you get to eat cake!

• I’m not sure what you’re growing into, but I hope it’s not a teenager. You’ve been the best 7-year-old I know. Happy birthday!

• Here’s to seven years of childhood memories, seven years of fun, and many more to come. Happy birthday!

• At 7 years old, you are old enough to start making your birthday cake, but it still needs to be in the shape of a pony. Happy Birthday

• You know what they say…seven is a lucky number, so I wish you lots of luck for the next year of your life!

• Today is your lucky day! You’re seven years closer to getting a license…

• I can’t believe you’re 7 years old. It seems like just yesterday when you were 8.

• You’re seven years old. You’re one year away from being able to save your own life and society from extinction!

• Happy 7th birthday! You are one year closer to being a teenager and far away from being a full-on adult!

• Happy seventh birthday to a child who just won’t stop growing!

• 7 years back, you were a cute little bundle of joy, and now you have turned into the cutest of all. Happy 7th birthday to my sweetheart!

• Happy 7th birthday! It’s time for some real fun to begin!

• Age seven is a great time to teach your child about the importance of irony. Happy birthday!

• You’ll always be the sweetest seven-year-old in the world.

• Thank you for all the birthday wishes. You’re all 7 times better than I expected.

• When somebody asks you how old you are, don’t go with 7. Say it’s your 38th birthday again. Happy Birthday!

• I hope your birthday is as sweet as you are. Happy Birthday!

• It took seven years, but I think you’ve finally got it: It’s all about me. Happy birthday!

Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Sister

• happy 7th birthday sister, congratulations and happy 7th birthday to you

• Happy 7th Birthday Sister!!! May your special day be filled with many blessings.

• Birthday girl, you are the cutest and the sweetest sister in the world. Happy 7th birthday🎂

• A little girl like you is a jewel beyond compare, have a fantastic 7th birthday!

• I was born lucky, but having a cute sister like you makes me feel doubly blessed. Happy 7th birthday!

• 7 is the best bday ever. Now you can officially join in on everything I do and that’s amazing for me!! Happy Birthday!

• I thought you were sad and getting old, but now I see that you’re only seven! Happy birthday.

• Here’s to another trip around the sun with you by my side—happy birthday, little sister! We make seven look good.

• You may be little, but you’re very fierce. Happy Birthday, to the best sister a girl, could ask for!

• happy 7th birthday to you sister and always remember that in heaven, all the dogs are seven years old.

• Happy 7th birthday to my little sister. I hope that you don’t get into any more trouble today, but if you do, I will be here to bail you out as always. Happy Birthday!

• Happy seventh birthday to my little sister who is growing up so fast! I’m going to have to start becoming nicer to you, don’t you think?

• Happy 7th Birthday! Because you are now seven, it is time to give you several rules. If you don’t follow them, your present will be taken away immediately. Rule number 1: do not take the present out of the box!

• Happy birthday to you, sister! I wish you could see me shining for you. I can’t wait for my big day tomorrow.

• Happy Birthday to my dearest sister who was born on the same day seven years ago.

• Happy birthday to the world’s greatest sister.

• Even though it’s your birthday, I was still able to make you laugh. You are an amazing sister.

• Short and sweet messages that can be sent in a birthday card or posted on Facebook

• I know all the fun things you can do as long as you are seven years old. So, beware of my plans!

• Happy birthday to my little sister who still thinks that I’m the coolest person on earth.

• Sweet 7th birthday sister. Seven is the magic number and here’s to seven years of lifetime memories!

• Happy 7th birthday to the best sister in the world! I know we don’t always get along, but I love you more than anything.

• Happy 7th birthday to my sweet, sweet sister! You’re all I could ever want in a sibling. Cheers, little one!

• Happy 7th birthday to my best friend, sidekick, and sister.

• To my favorite sister on her seventh birthday, remember this every day—you are loved and amazing!

• On your 7th birthday, I just have one wish for you: that you continue to be as awesome as ever.

• Congratulations to my girl! Seven is sweet and so are you!

• Seven is the perfect age to glare at your sister and stomp off with a great flourish.

• “I hope that you have the best birthday ever from the moment you open your eyes in the morning until they close late at night.”

• Happy birthday to my mini-me, who’s quickly catching up to me in size, sassiness, and attitude.

Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Brother

• My big brother is 7 today! I’m now the only one that he can legally beat up! Happy birthday to my little buddy.

• 7 years ago today I was so excited to have a little brother and now a brotherly love is the best thing ever. Happy Birthday, Bro.

• I’m so proud of you, my little brother. You are 7 years old, but I think you have an old soul and the mind of a wise man. I love you so much. Happy Birthday!

• Happy birthday to a great boy. You have amazing eyes, look at your birthday cake!

• Time flies when you’re having fun but being 7 is all the fun you can have, happy birthday.

• Happy birthday to the most fantastic brother in the whole wide world.

• You may be seven, but you are still my little brother.

• It’s your birthday! Time to be seven times happier than usual.

• Happy Birthday to my brother. Thanks for never allowing me to get away with anything!

• Being a year older is no big deal when the cake is this good. Happy Birthday little bro.

• You’ve made seven years seem like only a couple of days. I can hardly believe how fast time has flown by!

• Never stop being yourself!! Happy 7th birthday to you brother.

• Today you are seven years old, try to be more like me, I want to be more like you too. Happy 7th birthday brother.

• You are seven years old! At this age, I would just try to put my shoes on the right foot. Happy 7th Birthday, brother!

• Happy 7th Birthday, bro. You are finally a teenager.

• Happy 7th Birthday to my little brother. He may be getting older and wiser, but he still has no idea how to properly use the toilet!

• Happy seventh birthday, kid. You’ve been a great kid and we’re proud of you.

• Happy 7th birthday to the little brother who can do all the things he said he’d never be able to.

• Happy 7th birthday! I know that you are still a kid but you are already wiser than me.

• I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are. Happy 7th Birthday!

• You’re 7 today! 21 years ago, I started a new life – as your brother!

• It’s your birthday once again… 7th time!

• Oh my goodness, it’s your birthday and you are 7 years old. I am in shock! After all, you were just a baby yesterday. Now you’re sharing your cookie with me and making fun of me. Huh?

• My 7-year-old brother is smarter than your honor student.

Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Son

• Son, on your 7th birthday I want to wish you a very successful and happy life. Happy 7th birthday!

• Happy 7th birthday to my precious little man. Your silly, goofy ways make my life so much happier and better. I love you more than words can say.

• Happy 7th birthday, son! Do you know how hard it is to carve seven candles into a cake?

• You’ll always be my baby boy, but I can’t wait to see what you turn into! Happy 7th birthday!

• Happy 7th birthday to my world’s greatest kid. Your smile can make all the bad things go away. Have a wonderful day!

• Happy 7th birthday to my son. Because seven is a magical number. There were seven days in the week and seven colors in the rainbow.

• You are too young to be this adorable! Happy birthday, son!

• I have never seen a seven-year-old who looks this handsome! Happy birthday, buddy

• I can’t believe it, you are seven years old already, how time flies. Happy birthday my boy, may all your dreams come true!

• Being seven years old is super awesome. You can ride bikes with training wheels and you don’t have to go straight to bed after dinner anymore. Have fun, kid! I’ll see you in a year!

• Happy Birthday to a special boy! You’re not getting older, you’re getting better.

• You’re 7, my love. I hope your day is full of IPad and Xbox!

• HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone who is still trying to figure out how to make a bed! Love You

• Don’t grow up too fast, or you might miss the best part of being a kid. Happy 7th Birthday Son!

• Happy 7th Birthday to my wonderful son!

• Happy 7th birthday to the world’s greatest 7-year-old!

• Stop growing, son! I know, I know. You can’t stop getting taller, but who says you have to eat all the time? Haha, just kidding. Love you. Happy 7th birthday!

• Don’t count the years, count the memories. Happy 7th Birthday to my little fellow.

• With each year that comes and goes, it’s becoming harder to believe you’re 7 years old. It makes me wish I could stop time and savor the moment. Happy 7th Birthday!

• Congratulations to my little guy who is growing up fast. You are turning number 7 and you are the SUPER KID! Happy birthday, son.

• Happy Birthday, my little man! You’re 7. Now you have one more reason to stop listening to me and start listening to your parents. From now on, if I tell you to do something, you can say “I’m 7.”

• Hoping your birthday is as magical as unicorns, sparkly as fairies, and magnificent as dragons. May your 7th birthday be an adventure

• You are 7, you are a blessing and a joy. We adore your sunny personality and the way that you bring us so much happiness. Happy seventh birthday!

• My little boy is turning seven today. Happy birthday to you, son!

• Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world, happy 7th birthday my boy. May you grow so old that you take up your wing in a retirement home.

• Time flies when you are on the iPad. Happy 7th Birthday!

• Rome wasn’t built in a day, but our dear son was! Happy 7th Birthday, Son!

• Happy seventh bday my little son, happy seventh bday weekend!

• You are growing up to become a wise and intelligent man. Your 7th birthday is a reminder of how much I love you!

• Happy 7th birthday to my little prince. You are growing up so fast and I am so proud of you.

• I love how you can be the center of attention by simply being yourself! #celebrate your seventh birthday

• Happy birthday, my little seven-year-old son, I hope your special day fills you with happiness and joy.

• When you’re 7 years old, you can finally understand how much you messed up when you were 6. Happy Birthday!

• Happiest birthday to my favorite 7-year-old!

• You’re already 7! Soon you’ll go to school and I’ll be the old lady who walks her spoiled dog.

• I couldn’t ask for a more perfect child. Seven has never looked so good.

Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Daughter

• Happy 7th Birthday to the Cutest 7 Year Old in the World

• Happy 7th Birthday to my daughter, you are so sweet when you are not stomping your feet.

• Happy 7th birthday to my amazing daughter. I hope today is filled with fun and happiness as you celebrate another year of life.

• Seven is another one of those magical years and what this means is that your magic powers are growing stronger, little birthday girl. Happy 7th Birthday!

• I hope that your 7th birthday is as amazing as you are!

• It’s your seventh birthday! Time to act seven!

• Happy birthday, daughter, for being a wonderful gift to us. We love you so much.

• I’m so glad that you’ve finally turned seven. Your messy hair and drooling in your sleep were getting a bit old.

• Wow! You are already seven! Time goes so fast, I can’t believe that my baby is growing up so soon.

• You are so old that your age is considered a felony in 50 states. Happy Birthday.

• Happy Birthday to a 7-year-old who has grown into quite the “character” over the years.

• I’m not going to tell you how old you are. I will leave it up to your imagination because that’s how fabulous you are!

• After seven years of carrying you around, you still haven’t reimbursed me for the delivery cost.

• I’m so lucky to have you as my daughter, after all, nobody else would put up with me! Happy 7th Birthday., Birthday niece quotes and sayings

• It’s not every day a girl can say “I’m 7!” — so I’m saying it for you today. Happy 7th birthday to you, my daughter!

• Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one! Happy 7th Birthday to my daughter.

• I am so proud of you. Before I knew it, you’d become a big girl. Happy 7th birthday darling daughter!

• Happy 7th Birthday! Now that you’re officially 7, you can start doing chores around the house.

• The wheel gets a little squeaky at seven but it’s still fun to ride! Happy 7th Birthday!

• Happy 7th Birthday, darling! Just two years ago tomorrow you turned 5. LOL!

• The seven-year itch is more like a seven-minute itch. Just ask any parent. Happy 7th Birthday!

• 7 years ago I was blessed with the most precious gift that God could ever give me. You are my sunshine and my stars, Happy birthday my daughter!

• The only possible way that I could love you more would be if you turned into a big chocolate cake just for me. Happiest Birthday To You!

• My dear daughter, on this special day of your birthday, I want to wish you all the very best that life can bring.

Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Granddaughter

• Happy 7th Birthday granddaughter, you have brought so much joy to our lives and I am blessed because of you.

• You’re the perfect mix of sass and class, love. Happy 7th birthday, granddaughter.

• My granddaughter is a complete jewel. Happy 7th Birthday! 786

• You are the cutest and smartest 7-year-old in the world. I love you a lot… Happy 7th Birthday!

• Happy 7th birthday, granddaughter. I’m so glad you were born and I’m so proud to be your grandmother!

• When you have a granddaughter as cute as you, seven years feel more like just one.

• Happy 7th Birthday. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

• Happy 7th Birthday! It’s a miracle you are so awesome because I know I am not that cool.

• Happy birthday, granddaughter. I cannot wait to spoil you more and more each year.

• You’re the best and brightest 7-year-old I know. I hope you have a fun day!

• You’re getting older and wiser. How lucky am I to be your Grandma! Happy birthday!

• My granddaughter is one of the most beautiful gifts I have ever received. Happy Birthday, Princess!

• Happiest of Birthday wishes to a 7-year-old who is sweet as pecan pie. (And then eats all the pecan pie.)

• I love you, granddaughter. You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, and the waves in my ocean.

• Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a present just for you. Happy Birthday!

• Wishing you a happy 7th birthday, granddaughter. May you have many more to come!

• Wishing the sweetest granddaughter a very Happy 7th Birthday!

• Grandson, you’re seven today, and I am older with every passing day. Happy Birthday to you!

• My granddaughter, you’re 7 years old today! I had to look up “seven” in the dictionary for this birthday message. It says: “The number after six and before eight.” Again, congratulations on another year of being awesome.

• You are the apple of my eye and my seven-year-old granddaughter! Happy Birthday!

• My love for you grows bigger and bigger everyday, Happy Birthday to my amazing granddaughter!

• Birthdays come around every year, but Granddaughters like you only come once in a lifetime. I’m so happy you came into my life. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

• Tick tock, tick tock, my granddaughter is 7 today, blow out the candle and make a wish,

• Hip hip hooray for having such a cool granddaughter on your birthday! Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

• Happy Birthday to a 7-year old who can run faster than her daddy.

• Happy Birthday to the most beautiful little girl in the world!

 Funny 7th Birthday Quotes and Captions for Grandson

• Happy 7th birthday to our smart and funny Grandson. You make the best out of each day. Happy 7th birthday to the greatest kid around!

• Happy 7th birthday to the cutest grandson ever.

• May you grow up to be healthy and strong. Happy 7th birthday!

• Happy Birthday, Grandson. You’re only seven once!

• When I look at you, I see the future. Happy 7th Birthday!

• Happy 7th birthday to my original partner in crime. You’re getting more awesome every single year.

• It feels like just yesterday when you took your first steps. You might be a big boy now, but you will always be our baby! Happy 7th birthday!

• 7 years ago you came into the world like a gift, and we’ll love you forever. Happy birthday, dear.

• I love that you’re seven! Happy Birthday my wonderful boy!

• The fact that you are 7 years old today is making me feel like I am running out of time. Time to live it up!

• Seven is a magical age. At seven, you sparkle. You are full of wonder and possibility. Happy birthday, my dear!

• Happy Birthday my little buddy! We’re getting old, aren’t we? Here is to another great year of friendship.

• A message for our Grandson on his 7th Birthday. You were so sweet when you were little, now you’re a big boy! We are so proud of you.

• You’re the most awesome grandson a grandmother/grandfather could ever hope to have. Happy 7th birthday!

• Happy 7th Birthday my little darling, have an unforgettable day.

• I try to be gracious and all, but I am so over this sharing thing. Happy 7th Birthday!

• Happy seven years of life, I’m so glad you came to be a part of our world, and I hope to see you grow as the years go by, may all your dreams come true.

• My grandson turned 7 years old today, that’s 49 in dog years, I am so proud of him.

• Grandson, you are at the age that is tough to get along with. But I am sure that we can make it through by just loving each other.

• Just 7 more years until you are legally old enough to have fun.

• 7 years old and still amazing at everything, love you!

• Happy Birthday to my Sweet 7-Year-Old, may you have many more. The Bigger the Number, The Bigger the Party

• Seven years ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Seven years later, he has become a smart little brat. Happy birthday!

• I love my grandson, not just because of his cuteness but because he’s the best person to share my candy with.

• Believe it or not, you’re seven! I hope your birthday is as awesome as a Jedi Master.