Weekend Dinner Party Captions and Quotes

Dinner party season is in full swing, which means it’s time to start brainstorming dinner party captions for all of your Instagram posts. Whether you’re throwing, going to, or just watching from the sidelines, these dinner party captions will keep your photos posted on point from now until New Year.

Weekend Dinner Party Captions and Quotes

• “Where there is no wine, there is no love.

• Life is a matter of moments, but it is up to you to make them memorable.

• Four friends who gather together on a weekend, cocktails in hand = the best dinner party.

• Weekend vibes are just around the corner. Ready for some dinner party

• I’m making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty and nice.

• Tonight’s menu? Delicious food, great friends, and laughter.

• Bring your own wine and stay as long as you want.

We’re all butter together!

• Our favorite errands are foodie-focused.

• “If your friends don’t come to you at the end of the night and ask, ‘Who took all my mac & cheese?’ have you really lived?

• The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.

• Your Weekend Dinner Spread Looks Amazing.

• Dinner parties are a time to enjoy each other’s company over food and great conversations.

• Cheers to the weekend, let’s eat cake

• There’s nothing greater than gathering around a table with those you love.

• “The only thing better than talking about food is eating.” -John Walters

• It’s Friday night and you know what that means: the weekend is here.

• We’re open for business….drinks and dinner are served!

• The best part of Friday is knowing that in two days it will be Sunday.

• Life is too short not to eat dessert first.

• He who does not have time for good cooking has no time for anything better.

• The only thing I remember about last weekend is that I drank too much and made a fool of myself.

• Here’s to good friends, and a long weekend. Cheers!

• Sweatpants, hair tied, chilling with no makeup on. That’s when you’re the prettiest.

• With your feet in the air and your head on the ground try this trick and spin it.

• In case you needed another reason to throw a weekend dinner party, we’ve put together a roundup of the best recipes, décor ideas, and more!

• Dinner parties are a celebration of the fact that we’re all alive. And that alone is worth celebrating.

• “Looking forward to a Saturday night in. Decaf, Netflix, and savory snacks.”

• I’d rather be at a dinner party than going out to dinner.

• If a weekend of delicious food, great drinks, and good friends is wrong, we don’t want to be right. #weekendvibes

• “Cooking for friends is a form of generosity that often goes unrewarded.” – Tamar Adler

• Perfection comes with time. A fun meal like this isn’t rushed, it’s made with love and prepared with patience.

• I go out to dinner on the weekend, and I eat my one meal of the day. I’m a creature of habit.

• When you’re having a party, your guests should feel that they are at the most important event of the year.

• A chef’s job is to make sure every guest leaves happy.

• Who wants to cook on a Saturday night? Not me.

• Turning our kitchen into a five-star restaurant every weekend! Come on over, we’re making

• Dinner party with friends, let us set the scene.

• Drinks. Dancing. Dinner. Forever my favorite weekend activities.

• It’s a little bit wine o’clock, a little bit of homemade pasta time, and a whole lotta I hope this lasagna turns out alright.

• A dinner party is a gathering of people, who are brought together to experience and share a meal together.

• Is the weekend almost here? Good. Then let’s get this party started.

• Don’t stress about the mess. If a dish doesn’t turn out, there’s pizza delivery.

• I live for the nights I can’t remember with the people I won’t forget.

• Life is too short for a small glass of wine

• I’m not bossy, I just know what you should be doing.

• Me, thinking about that weekend dinner party I just have time to plan because it’s still only Wednesday:

• The most important factor in a dinner party is the kind of food you serve.

• Weekend vibes: eat like there’s no one watching

• Weekends are meant for wonder, so let’s eat the stars.

• The best memories are made gathered around the table.

• The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.”

• The weekend is the best time to let your hair down, awaken all your senses, and party out loud.

• What kind of party animal are you? Find out with our party personality test!

• You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy pizza and that’s kind of the same thing.

• Good wood, good wine, and a bad girl are all the ingredients for a great weekend.

• “As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists.”

• When I’m in trouble, she’s still the only person I got.

• Weekend dinner parties are the gateways to the new and exciting.

• This is not a dinner party. This is a gathering of friends to break bread, exchange stories, and share in the unspoken joy of fellowship. Welcome!

• Here’s to a night of good food and even better company.

• A party without a cake is just a meeting.

• Spread the love, the joy, and the food.

• I don’t know about you but I can’t wait for the weekend

• Shake up the night with a spiced margarita

• What didn’t you understand about the word ‘party’? It’s a five-letter word that means bring your own beer.

• You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food.

• To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites

• Life is a little brighter under the glow of candlelight.

• I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it. -Art Williams

• If a weekend dinner party is on your mind, we’ve rounded up some of the best captions.

• A weekend dinner party is a chance to refresh your creative juices.

• Saturday night dinner party. Good food, good drinks, good friends!

• Let’s burn the house down #dinnerparty

• This is not just a dinner party, it’s a feeling in your stomach.

• Eating together is a great way to spend a weekend, but cooking together is even better

• If you’re looking for a party. There’s one in my stomach.

• “Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.

• When people told me to eat my vegetables as a kid I didn’t realize at the time that was basically their way of saying “live longer.”

• The secret of good food is that it is both simple and delicious.

• Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.

• When the stars go blue, they’ll shine for you.

• It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful

• Weekend dinners are for catching up with friends and family.

• Dinner parties are always a lot of fun.

• I don’t want a dinner party without wine. Because it’s not a dinner party, it’s just dinner.

• You get dressed up and you go to dinner. Let’s do this.

• The most memorable dinners are the ones that take place at home with best friends and good food.

• The only mystery at my dinner party is why they come.

• A meal with friends is the perfect antidote to a busy week.

• We don’t need to wait for weekends to party when we can party every day.

• It’s a night of great food, drinks, and good company.

• I’m assembling a squad of people who can have fun on a Tuesday.

• If you’re having a bad day, try dressing up as a cat.

• A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying “shit, we screwed up!”

• Dinner with friends is all about catching up and laughing a lot.

• Weekend vibes. Weekend vibes. Weekend vibes.

• I love being at home. I’m really into my house; I’m a big homebody. It’s just so much fun to have people over on the weekend and make some drinks, cook some food, play music, and light candles; it’s my favorite thing to do.

• A party without cake is just a meeting. -Julia Child

• Are you coming to the party? Got you a drink, this weekend will be wild

• Friends are the family you choose so let’s kick off the summer with a fun filled weekend!

• Yeah, you’re a total foodie. Life’s too short for blah food.

• Life is too short for boring food.

• Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off!

• It’s time to gather around and eat good food.

• Dance like no one is watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, and party like it’s the end of the world.

• I can only cook for two people on the weekend. My husband and whoever he gets to help him!

• The weekend is here and it’s time to party with your friends, drink a lot of wine, eat good food, and dance on the floor like crazy.

• Life is short – go to that party, eat the cake, drink the wine. #TGIF

• I love it when I have leftovers that I don’t need to eat for three days.

• We come together to celebrate the start of a weekend, making memories with friends and family 💓

• Friends who gather to drink wine and eat food.”

• Wine and dine with a touch of romance

• The best social gatherings are those that allow for one to be bold.

• Where there’s a wine glass, there’s always away!

• Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success.

• Weekends are for gatherings with friends and family and delicious meals.

• Be the reason someone smiles today. Bring a friend for dinner and have a good time

• Oh, man… I’m so ready for this weekend

• Eat and drink whatever your heart desires, because you can’t be too careful these days.

• It’s not really drinking alone if the dog is home. – Charles Bukowski

• The best way to spread holiday cheer is by supporting local restaurants this season.

• “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.

• To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.― François de La Rochefoucauld

• If you’re not having a dinner party, you’re missing out on the best part of the weekend.

• Dinner parties are like a grown-up version of a sleepover. There’s food and fun, games and gossip.

• If a Friday night dinner party promises to be the best ever, and everyone’s favorite people are there, then you might find yourself with an “oh my gosh” moment or two.

• Dinner parties can be a really fun way to bond with friends and showcase your cooking skills.

• The only thing better than being invited to a dinner party is being invited to two dinner parties on the same night.

• Let’s stay home, light some candles, and get takeout.

• Food is always better when you eat it with your friends.

• A party without cake is just a meeting. #Cheers

• “Good food is all the sweeter when shared with good friends.”

• Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only to be aware to stop and savor it.

• Who said weekend dinner parties were impossible? 🌙

• Weekend dinner parties with friends. Let’s eat, drink and be merry.

• If you are planning to enjoy your weekend with gossip and party. Here are some captions you can use.

• We’re all in this together . . . this Saturday night potluck, that is. Which dish should we make?

• Don’t stress too much about perfection. After all, it’s just dinner.

• Don’t worry about the mess! We’ve got a long weekend of wine and laughs ahead.

• I love cooking with wine, sometimes I even put it in the food.

• Any day that starts with mimosas is a great day in my book. Cheers, weekend!

• *Boldly* caption what you fear most.

• Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings with friends who turned into family!

• Be bold in what you stand for and careful in what you fall for.

• It was a night to remember and a life to come.

• When life gives you more than you can stand, kneel.

• Did Someone say dinner party at my place??!!

• There is something magical about dinner parties and hosting people in your home.

• This is not a dinner party. This is a state of emergency.

• Eat, Drink and Celebrate the Weekend!

• Forget the day of the week! It’s party time!

• “I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.” —W.C. Fields

• Pretend it’s a good photo, pretend you like the caption #selfie

• Food brings people together. It’s that simple.

• It’s wine o’clock! Cheers to the weekend!

• What do you do with a drunken sailor? And there was butter in my way, so we all had egg salad sandwiches.

• He who opens a school door closes a prison.

• Attention dinner party guests: There will be no discussion of politics. Only witty banter and wonderful food.

• Dinner party is always the best party! The food! The wine! The gossip!

• A dinner party is all about creating memories. The best place for memories to begin is the dinner table

• Thought of the day: If you couldn’t eat dinner with your friends this weekend, was it really the weekend?

• A good dinner makes you feel better than a good sleep

• Beans and rice, this is life. Beans, beans they’re good for your heart

• Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

• Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people

• It always rains the hardest on people who deserve the sun.

• It’s a well-known fact that weekend dinners are the best part of the week.

• If you’re looking for a fun way to kick off the weekend, invite friends over for a gathering that’s sure to please with this collection of inspirational quotes and captions!

• A dinner party is not a meeting. Conversation should never be allowed to lag. ~Anna Russell

• You can’t wine about dinner every night.

• Another Friday night, another take-out order.

• Hanging with friends and drinking away the work week! #TGIF

• “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” —Pablo Picasso

• Don’t think about making life better for other people, think about enjoying your life in a way that makes other people enjoy theirs.

• Dinner Party Captions because every party starts when you’re around

• I love the idea of having a casual dinner party with friends or family. It’s so easy to get out of the habit of entertaining.

• Hey, you! Wanna come over for dinner?

• When I invite friends over for dinner, they expect the rarest steak and vintage wine. To me, cooking is like taking care of someone you love. Sharing a meal is caring.

• Wine & dine with friends this weekend. they deserve it

• We’re pretty sure if you won’t be filling your feed with delicious photos this weekend, somebody else will. Let’s get social y’all!

• The only thing better than Friday night is a Saturday morning.

• A great meal is a way to a person’s heart.

• One is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a Little Black Dress.

• “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

• There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. – Aristotle

• Weekends are made for dinner parties and wine.

• A weekend dinner party is not just about food, but also about the company, and the conversation.

• Dinner parties are my favorite way to spend time with friends when the weather is warm. They’re casual, laid-back, and a great opportunity to catch up while enjoying delicious food and drinks.

• A dinner party is a great way to engage with the people you love

• Dinner parties are always a good idea.

• A dinner party is a great place to sit and eat at the table, not on your phone.

• Eat like it’s the weekend every day.

• Dinner is ready! Come and get it before it gets cold!

• Gather, Eat and celebrate on the table.

• A happy home is one where you can go to the kitchen for food and come out with friends.

• “The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.” — Audrey Hepburn

• If you are not invited to a weekend dinner party, it means you are the party.

• Every day is a party when you have tacos on the table.

• It’s the weekend, time to let your hair down…a little.

• Why don’t we stay in tonight? I’ll cook you dinner, then we can eat from the same plate and listen to records and fall asleep on the couch.

• You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ~Dr. Seuss

• Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday.

• “Life is a combination of magic and pasta.”? Federico Fellini

• Sometimes you have to spend time apart from the people you love, but that doesn’t make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them even more.

• In the midst of life’s struggles, it is important to find joy in your home and with your family.

• Dinner party with friends always make for a great Friday evening!

• Cocktail party, dinner party, pool party, block party—if it’s a party, we’re there

• I wanna cook and bake every meal. I love a house full of people, and I want to celebrate all the mundane moments.

• Drink more champagne {wine} and wear more sequins.

• Forget the waiter—can we get busser over here?

• “Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” – Hugh Hefner

• The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

• The weekend is here! Time for you all to invite me to dinner

• It doesn’t matter what’s on the menu — it’s who you share it with that counts.

• What’s for dinner? We’re keeping things light and fresh, but still full of flavor.

• “What a nice place to have dinner!”

• the best parties are the ones that last until Tuesday

• When there is no one around, my kitchen and I have the best conversations.

• I could eat a horse. Now you know what to do tonight.

• Friendsgiving, Friendsmas, or just a Friday night in with friends—celebrate the people who make gathering around the table meaningful

• The best moments in life are the ones you can’t tell anyone about.

• If you cook it, they will come (even during a pandemic).

• Be a little early and you won’t be late.

• “You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food.” —Paul Prudhomme

• A dinner party is a one night buffet of friendship, laughter, and memories.

• No one puts dinner parties in a corner.

• Don’t be a hot mess – come and get messy at Tiff’s Kitchens – Sundays from 6 pm. Extra napkins and snacks provided

• Tonight’s dinner has us feeling some type of way.

• “When you’re a hostess, you don’t get to sit down.” -Ina Garten

• Cocktails, movies, and popcorn? Yes, please!

• I’ve got 99 problems and this party is about to fix most of them.

• Saturdays are for adventures, Sundays are for cuddling.

• Gather round the table, y’all.

• “The important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.” – Audrey Hepburn

• A lively dinner party is a perfect way to celebrate the weekend

• It’s time to enjoy the weekend with a party, and good food.

• The only thing we did on Saturday night was stay in and have friends over for dinner.

• The weekend is all about gathering friends and family to celebrate. Let’s do this!

• Tonight, we do dinner like the French do: long lingering conversation, long nights, good food, and great friends. #bonjour

• Here’s to those who are making their weekends count. All the happy hours, all the morning runs, ALL THE FOOD.

• The best nights are always unplanned, random, and spontaneous

• Don’t try to impress your guests—just feed them really well.

• It’s ok to be the social butterfly, but it’s best to be the butterfly that shows up when she’s invited.

• Never trust a person who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn’t try it on!

• The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake.

• To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.

• A dinner party is basically a gathering of friends to talk about food.

• Craft cocktails, good friends, and a shared meal. There is no better way to spend the weekend.

• I’m going to cook, dance and drink wine. You should come over!

• Chill vibe and great food is what we call weekend!

• When you absolutely must post that pizza selfie

• On Saturdays We Wear Pajamas.

• It’s always a party when you’re around!

• Cooking: where a mistake is a meal and a lesson.

• There’s always time for wine and cheese.

• On Saturday mornings, the sun comes in a little different. I think it’s stronger and brighter to acknowledge that it’s a day you could be doing things for yourself.

• Nothing brings people together like good food and everything else that comes with it.

• “You have to have your own style, you have to be comfortable in your skin. You have to know what works for you.” – Dolores Huerta

• Haters are going to hate, and players are going to play. But haters are going to be playing for your team someday.

• The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate

• A dinner party is an excuse to cook your favorites with your favorites!

• Dinner for two? Step into the kitchen and whip up something spectacular.

• “Friends coming together to share a meal is the essence of community.”

• Bring out the good china. Drink a glass of wine. Eat something delicious.

• Oh, my favorite time of the week. Cocktail Hour.

• A good meal with family and friends is one of my favorite things.

• Ok ok I got the drinks, now you bring the guest list

• Bringing out the good china, crystal, and silver tonight