End of December Dinner Party Captions and Quotes

The end of the year is here, and it’s time for a holiday party! Everyone knows that giving gifts at the holidays is often considered better than receiving. But what we don’t give as much thought to is hosting a great party. Lunch will be served buffet style so your guests can eat casually and mingle with each other. Since this is the end of 2021-22, I’ve compiled some captions that I think you might need.

End of December Dinner Party Captions and Quotes

• Hors-d’oeuvres and cocktails at the ready.

• It’s beginning to look a lot like a cocktail hour.

• Cheers to the nights we won’t remember, with the friends we will never forget.

• This gathering was delicious, thank you all for coming

Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.

• No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice, and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.

• New Year, New you. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

• Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

• All we want is a dinner party with our besties, some tasty noms, and a little bit of gossip!

• Holiday parties are a great chance to meet new people, eat lots of food, and make yourself sick.

• Let’s eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may diet.

• “For a long time now I have tried simply to write the best I can. Sometimes I have good luck

• Good company and good wine: The perfect end of the year.

• If you can’t get to Napa, California, make it to the dinner table.

• A cozy night in calls for a roast, candlelight, and some nice red wine.

• Start a new tradition this Christmas. Instead of trying to make a cake, try to bake one.

• Happy New Year! May 2020 bring you many hugs, kisses, and good times.

• When the final clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, we’ll have a smile on our face and hope in our hearts.

• Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

• The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams.

• One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.

• As we are into the year-end celebrations, mark these special days with these memorable quotes.

• Tonight’s plans: gathering around the table, friends, and family for a yummy dinner and lots of cheer.

• Bubbles in the champagne, dancing in the new year

• You can never have enough sparkle during the holidays.

• We’re raising a glass to a year of big laughs and even bigger memories! Happy New Year!

• We’re taking a break from our Mistletoe Margaritas to eat some turkey.

• Maybe we went a little overboard with the cheese board, but at least we can say we tried.

• “May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions

• To old friends and new friends. May we always have old wine, new wine, old friends, and new friends.

• Not all heroes wear capes, but some do wear chef’s hats

• The best way to get your friends together is to serve them a meal

• I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday. I’m so thankful for everything this year.

• From our table to yours, we want to wish you a happy new year!

• Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

• “Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.”

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!

• It’s the time of year when we gather to thank our lucky stars for all we have.

• Some folks look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.

• Attention party planners: You might want to schedule your NYE dinner party for 6 pm or 7 pm on Dec. 31, because you’ll definitely want to have time

• Dinner party conversation should be lively, but not so personal that you lose your appetite.

• All we want for Christmas is a good bottle of wine and a plate of charcuterie.

• Holiday parties are here! Let’s get this table ready for guests.

• Say goodbye to this year and hello to the new. Here’s to making more memories with the fam in the new year!

• It’s the time of year to eat, drink and be merry. Or, you know, just stay in your sweatpants.

• Hope you have a great evening. Looking forward to seeing you tonight!

• The year is ending, but a new story is about to begin!

• Did someone say Jingle Bells, Cocktails and holiday smells??? Dinner party tonight. Be there or be square!

• Couldn’t think of a better way to end this year. Cheers to family, friends, and all that’s ahead of us in the new year.

• It’s the end of another year, but here’s to all the incredible memories we created

• This is my last chance to create the best memories in 2019 with all the friends who have made this year so special. Thank you and Happy New Year, my friends.

• “Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.

• “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.

• It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

• It is the time of the year to come together. Christmas has a way of bringing families and friends, just like this dinner party, together again and again.

• ‘Tis the season to eat, drink, and be merry—and nothing says ‘merry’ like a festive holiday dinner party.

• Take your pick from our preferred last supper menu, then eat, drink, and get merry.

• With just a sprinkle of fairy dust and a whole lot of sparkle

• There are only two times that I want to be with you. Now and Forever.

• Eat, drink and be merry. We have a lot to celebrate this year!

• Cheers to that sweet time of year when sandal season and pumpkin season align.

• With a cup full of cheer, may your holidays be bright and festive? Happy Holidays!

• The one thing that would make tonight even more perfect is…you!

• And into the forest, I go to lose my mind and find my soul.

• The only thing I love more than a good dinner party is the feel-good afterglow.

• Ring in the new year with some sweet drinks and treats

• Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.

• The day after Christmas, I was given the gift of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

• Tonight, may we all be too full of food and joy to argue with our cousins. Happy holidays!

• “I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to reflect on the past year.”

• Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may diet!

• The leaves are off the trees, and the scenery is bleak. Our poor souls need winter cheer, so let’s make some Christmas cookies.

• Thank you for leaving and giving us the opportunity to miss you.

• “The recipe for happiness: Don’t just count your blessings, enjoy them.

• “The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.”

• Last day of the year: Be sure it’s spent with those you love, or someone exotic.

• “The two most popular things in the world are dinner and a show.

• May your holidays be filled with parties and cocktails. Cheers to the New Year!

• When it comes to the holiday party circuit, we have a feeling you’ve got this down to an art.

• Here is a toast to our friends, the people that make us laugh, keep us strong, and share our memories.

• “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” – Luciano Pavarotti

• May the coming year be filled with all the good that life has to offer.

• Happiness is a path, not a destination.

• Let’s kick off the weekend with a dinner party.

• Ready for a night of dinner, drinks, and dancing.

• “A holiday dinner with family is like having a slumber party at a friend’s house. You might not always be comfortable, but you’re very welcome.”

• Dinner parties are in my blood, but I hate being the hostess. I’d much rather be a guest at someone’s table.

• Holidays can be filled with love and laughter, or it can be a mess. A delicious mess

• It’s the most wonderful time of the year: party season is upon us.

• On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…a lot of delicious food

• All I want for New Year’s Eve is a midnight kiss and to fall asleep by 1 A.M.

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

• It’s the end of the year and we’re glad to leave all the bad memories behind.

• New Year’s Eve is all about counting down the seconds until midnight! It’s no surprise that part of its appeal is the actual process of watching the clock.

• The goal of this dinner is to eat too much and pass out with your shoes on.

• She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans- Kobi Yamada

• Happy New Year. Here’s to a fabulous party and a fabulously successful year for all of us!

• Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she became a butterfly.

• “It’s not what’s on the table that matters, but what’s on the chairs.”

• “May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, and every window open to great possibility.

• I hope your 2023 is great, but not as great as mine is going to be!

• “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”

• The best way to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another is to share with your friends and family.

• A toast to the end of a spectacular year, and a fabulous night.

• The only thing better than dinner parties with friends are dinner parties with friends who love to drink wine.

• I hope your new year is filled with lots of dinner parties and celebrations with friends and family. Cheers to 2023

• May your New Year’s resolutions include hosting many fabulous dinner parties. Have a safe and wonderful New Year’s Eve!

• Food, family, friends, and fun. Sounds like a party to us

• I’m only a morning person on December 26th.

• And the countdown begins, Cheers to yet another crazy year!

• When you stop believing in Santa Claus is when you start getting clothes for Christmas.

• I hope your new year is filled with success, health, prosperity, and happiness.

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

• We’re all a little more festive this time of year. Cheers to the next 365!

• The only time you should look back is to see how far you’ve come.

• The only thing better than a dinner party is having a dinner party in the comfort of your home! #DinnerParty

• We’re toasting to the end of 2019 and an even better 2023!

• Keep calm and have a cocktail, it is Christmas! Embrace it. Enjoy it. Our favorite captions are bold, honest, and unafraid of punctuation.

• It’s the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. A time to remember and a time to let go of all that has passed. Cheers to a new beginning.

• When the drinks flow and the food is delicious, the night is sure to be magical.

• Here’s to a year of happy, healthy meals with those we love!

• The end of the year brings no greater joy than the opportunity to express to you season’s greetings, goodwill, and gratitude.

• Here’s to the new year, and being with the ones we love.

• New year, new me? No. Same fabulous me with stylish new friends.

• Dinner and a show in one. We’re bringing the food and you bring your outfit to impress!

• Who wants to come over for a New Year’s Eve dinner party?

• Dinner parties aren’t about food, they’re about friends and family.

• “Come to my house for dinner and I’ll make you feel important. -Marilyn Monroe

• Bring enough wine and food to last forever. We’re ringing in the New Year with a big bang

• “It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.”

• “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the wine you’re with.”

• Live for the night, but also live for the dinner parties.

• Feeling extra festive! Just put the finishing touches on our holiday table setting.

• It’s that time of year to get together and eat too much and be merry!

• “It’s the most wonderful time of the year to be with family and friends.

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer: drinks, food, and music!

• Toasting to a New Year full of good people, good wine, and lots of love.

• Thank you for keeping me in stitches this year.

• It wouldn’t be the holidays without a little bubbly.

• This is my party hat. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

• Definitely over the limit but we are just getting started!

• Don’t let the cold weather stop you from having dinner parties and get-togethers this holiday season.

• “A dinner party is so often a dispiriting business that one is grateful to any happy thought which may help to enliven it.

• Tis’ the season to party … and then party some more.

• This is the end of the year, a time to look back on what has been and ahead to what will be. Now is the perfect time to celebrate the past year and embrace a brand new year.

• Gather round the table for food, drink, and good company.

• For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.

• May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.

• Welcome to the end of 2023. Break out the bubbly and have a celebratory night with your closest friends.

• Can’t wait for a December to remember, ringing in the New Year with my favorite people.

• Just a couple of cuties cooking dinner.

• Champagne, friends, and celebration. Happy New Year!

• Want to know what the best part of the year is? All of it.

• May the cheers of New Year’s Eve last throughout the year!

• Cheers to the New Year & another chance for us to get it right.

• My new year’s resolution is to be more realistic.

• Baby, it’s cold outside! Let’s cozy on up and toast to a joyous new year.

• “A great social event, but it gets a bit much after five hundred years.

• Start with something that looks good on your plate. Then eat what’s good for you.

• A dinner party is a gathering of people to eat dinner. It also gives us the chance to show off our hosting skills

• Dinner parties are at their best when the hostess is relaxed and the guests don’t know each other.

• Be the party no one wants to leave, even if you’re alone

• A dinner party is a gathering of people to eat dinner together, usually in the host’s home. It can also be a more formal or elaborate meal held for a specific reason. #dinnerparty

• Time to pop that champagne and celebrate the end of another year.

• I’ll have a glass of the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”

• ‘Tis the season for stuffing your face, and I’m all about that.

• As the year comes to an end, remember that the best is yet to come. Happy New Year!

• What better way to celebrate the holidays than by ringing in the new year with your loved ones.