Be Happy, Be Bright and Be You Captions and Motivation

Be Happy, Be Bright, be You! So simple to say yet so hard to always live by. We do have a choice to be happy, bright and you today! Sometimes yes it is not easy but if we don’t make that choice we can get real down. I’m going to give you some ideas of what to do on the hardest days. That will surely motivate you to be happy.

Be Happy Be Bright and Be You Captions and Motivation

• When life gives you lemons squeeze those suckers and create a rainbow out of it!

• Be Happy. Be Bright. Be You. Believe in yourself and your dreams more than anyone else could ever believe in them.

• Make every day your favorite day by opening your mind. Be Bold Be You.

• If you are not being true to yourself, nobody else will be. If you aren’t honest about who you are and what you want, you force others to lie to you.

• Love the skin you’re in. Embrace your flaws and show them to the world! Our bodies are not as perfect as we think them to be. Everyone has different shaped faces, body types, the shade of skin, etc… so please love who you are

• There are all kinds of beauty in the world ― there’s beauty in a flower, there’s beauty in the sky, there’s beauty in a huge rock, and certainly, there is beauty on the inside. People should be happy to have that kind of beauty.

• Believe in the BEST, not what others tell you is the best. The whole world would tell you to be practical but I say give dream all your heart & might. Be inspired and CARPE DIEM

• Be bold and fearless to speak up. Speak your mind and voice your opinion whatever it may be because it is the only thing that matters.

• You owe it to yourself to never stop striving for your best. You’re better than you think, and you can do more than you could imagine.

• There is no random act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.

• Never look back at the Mounds of Opportunity you left

• Be you, be happy. We’re here to keep that a priority

• Turn your social media into a sparkly, vibrant, happy, and colorful space.

• I want to be where I’m needed most, where I can do something for somebody who feels like giving up.

• You’re it! Your time is now! Life is short! So, make every second count.

• I think your choice to be happy, is a good one. I have proven it beyond any shadow of a doubt.

• You are you. It’s up to you to do what makes YOU happy. Don’t compare yourself to others—they don’t know the path that got you there.

• We don’t age, we mature. Face the future with a youthful spirit and love the new you.

• Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. – Helen Keller

• Make the most of today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow might never come.

• A little self-love boost to get you smiling. We love this picture and caption from the Women’s March, it was awesome to see you all out there.

• Bold is beautiful and it’s within your grasp. Show the world your best self and celebrate what makes you unique.

• Live your truth + be the light that makes this world a brighter place.

• Jump higher, run faster. Be the best version of yourself. Inspiration:

• Feel the glow of glowing skin. Get Radiant get CoverGirl.

• The brighter, the better 🔦

• Spread your wings, fly high, and make your mark. From our family to yours, happy mother’s day.

• Make the most of being young and free…laugh a lot, work hard and stay true to yourself and you will have everything you want out of life.

• Don’t be afraid to smile more, laugh louder, love deeper, and live the happiest life you can. Happy is a choice—choose happily.

• Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.

• Don’t let the darkness of a Fall Monday get you down. There are plenty of reasons to be happy and bring some light into your week

• You don’t need a reason, you don’t need a rhyme, to make all your dreams come true

• Life is too short to always be so serious.

• Don’t let anyone else define who you are. Be the change you want in the world.

• Because the real you is worth getting to know.

• It’s brighter outside than you think.

• Dive into today, tomorrow has its adventures.

• When life gets tough, remember that you are tougher.

• Happiness is not getting everything you want, but wanting what you already have.

• You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.

• If you are what you eat, this is simple: be happy, be bright and be you.

• Be happy with who you are, be proud of yourself and your choices. And remember that we only get to be in this life once, so do what makes you happy.

• She wouldn’t want you to wear black, or be gloomy on such a special date. Have fun and wear something colorful – that was her favorite color anyways.

• Have nothing to hide—express yourself and be real. This is you. Always be you.

• If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. Be Bold.

• We are all Golden if we allow ourselves to be.

• Love is a decision. Not a feeling. So decide to love yourself first. Then feel how easier it is to love others.

• Don’t listen to others when they say you can or can’t do something. Listen to yourself, because no one knows what’s right for you except you.

• It’s okay to let go of the past and be who you are. Be happy, be bright. Be you

• Be happy. Be your brand of beauty.

• Be bold. Be confident. Be free. You set your limits, so don’t let anyone else put up fences around you. Live the life you want and choose your adventure!

• For a limited time only, you can be happy and bright with your purchase of Michael Kors Beauty at

• Your job Is to be you—the best creative expression of YOU that you can be every day. It’s not easy and takes courage. But it brings a kind of happiness that is built to last.

• Your birth was a miracle, and so is your life. It’s time to start celebrating how truly incredible you are—and get some super sweet deals in the process.

• You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

• Don’t hide in the dark of your fears. Shine bright, shine fearlessly!

• Be happy, be bright, and be you this summer. Words can’t describe how truly stunning you are

• Spread positivity and become happier yourself. Find your light.

• Born to be wild―let your inner child run free. Go back and forth in a cycle of mischief, laughter, and adventure.

• You aren’t just a beautiful memory. You are so much more than any of the experiences you have ever had in this body. The soul (or spirit) is You. Don’t let your personality be lost.

• Today is all about you. Your mind and your body are just asking for healthy loving nourishment. So put that extra effort in and make your day something to remember.

• Girl, you’re so bad. You’re like this dope leather jacket that fits me right.

• Winter’s chill fades away as the summer glow becomes more and more apparent.

• Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away

• There is a time for everything—a time to be quiet, and a time to speak. A time to keep silent and a time to laugh. Ecclesiastes 3:7

• Be happy, be bright and be you—we are all beautiful in our way✌🏼

• You were born to shine, so don’t wait for permission to be brilliant. Be yourself and shine your light. Shine On!

• “ What I love is being free to be who I was made to be and not who somebody else wants me to be…” -Unknown

• When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you do good.

• Our lookbooks are always in a mood. Browse them to find the latest looks, or to feel inspired yourself.

• We all have it hard, we just have to pick up the pieces

• When daylight saving time hits, let us remind you to set your alarm an extra hour early—for a walk outside.

• Life is too short to be ordinary. Be bright, be bold, and be you!

• You are you, and that’s a superpower! Be proud of what makes you different.

• Be you. The world needs more of that.

• Be vulnerable. Be true to yourself. Know who you are and be unapologetic about it. You can’t be anyone else… so be you!

• We believe that with a great quality of life, anything is possible

• “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

• Throw your hands in the air if you’re trying to get by with a little less sleep because we are! That’s right—we are total

• Be happy, be bright and be you! Get lost in the magic of the everyday.

• I’m trying to be the best version of myself. The best version of me doesn’t have time to be anything but happy, bright, and YOU.

• Here’s to always living your most colorful life.

• The importance of self-love and confidence is priceless at any age.

• Everyone is unique, that’s what makes life exciting.

• Doing things alone can be pretty great. If you look outside, you might notice that it’s done wonders for others too.

• Let it all out. The crazy, the blunt, the real.

• Let’s be fearless and work on making the world a better place—together.

• Let’s color outside the lines today.

• Don’t miss a moment of the summer fun.

• Life is a song—sing it. Love is gameplay.

• Be happy be bright be you because baby you were born this way

• Be happy. Be bright. Be you. Because all that matters is the value you bring to others. #TransformToBlossom

• To follow the rainbow and find your way to a pot of gold, start by being happy, being bright, and being you.

• Stand up for yourself, who else will? Be happy and bright, because life is short. Be you.

• Choose to be happy, because whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And when you are STRONG you become beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside too!

• Find the one thing that makes you happy—and do it today.

• The key to all beauty is confidence.

• We trust that you will find your path to security and happiness. We can’t wait to see what your future holds. To help out, we’ve got a great present waiting for you inside. Open up!

• Here’s to choosing your moment—seize it, and have a colorful day.

• Don’t be afraid of your emotions. They will teach you, let them.

• I am done hiding / I’m coming out if I need to yell, then I will yell.

• “I woke up like this” only you didn’t

• Whenever you reach the point where you have to do something, remember that all the geniuses were once beginners.

• Stand out in a crowd. Be beautiful inside and out. Be bold. Be you.

• Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. ― Oprah Winfrey #motivationquotes

• Be happy, be in love with the world, open up your heart to those around you…”

• Don’t try to be someone else. Just be yourself and shine on.

• If you love it, wear it. Life is beautiful.

• Others’ opinions of you don’t have to be your reality.

• The hustle never ends, and we’re proud to be in it with you.

• Life’s a beach and what’s not to love?

• The best conversations are always with yourself.

• It is never too late to be what you might have been.

• I hit my head and saw the stars flying by

• Be happy, be bright and be you. That’s what the sun does, so it must be right. -Bill Keane

• Be yourself. Be happy. Be bright. Stay true to the path you’ve chosen, and the places you will go.

• Be the person you needed when you were younger.

• A true reflection of personality is when you look back at a photo and think “damn, I look cool.”

• No matter how dark things seem, if you just keep on shining … your chance to see the new day will come. #lightitup

• You finally get to wear that cute dress and red lipstick you’ve been saving just for this occasion.

• I heard there is a comet passing – just waiting for the right moment to strike, so I could say: I saw it all.

• Always remember that you are beautiful, intelligent, and capable. Be Happy Be Bright Be You

• When you paint your world with strokes of color, it fills with more light and joy. Be Bold, Be Bright, Be You

• Feeling merry? Be the light in the world around you. Happy holidays and c’mon, cheer up already! #bethelight

• Be yourself. Even if popular opinion says otherwise.

• A laughing face in a crowd of frowns is like a ray of sun breaking through dark clouds

• Our bold approach to doing what matters.

• What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women.

• I’m having a ‘Be Happy, Be Bright and BE YOU’ kind of day. Tell me about your day using the hashtag 👉🏽 #liveyourlife

• Let your light shine, be a positive force in the world, spread goodness and love.

• Be fearless in being yourself. Go get what you want. Challenge your comfort zones and push your boundaries.

• Let your light shine. We’re shining just for you today.

• Stop comparing your journey to others’ paths

• Changing your perspective is the quickest and easiest way to change your life for the better.

• Let’s make today the very best ever.

• Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Don’t wish it away.

• Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink the wild air.”

• Stand up for what is right. Even if you are standing alone.