Be Kind Captions and Motivation

Be kind captions and motivation. Being kind to others should be something we’re taught from day one. I’m not saying it is, but it should be. Because being kind can change the world. And that’s an impact you will have on everyone who comes in contact with you.

Be Kind Captions and Motivation

• Be kind. It’s hard to notice your own mistakes when you’re too busy being critical of someone else.

• Be gentle with those you meet today. All are fighting a hard battle.

• Being kind is the best health insurance.

• Love is a word that is constantly misused. Its meaning differs with everyone using it. I believe you have to put work in to get love, rather than just expecting it to fall on your lap like magic #moreperksplease#

• Please be kind to yourself and treat your body with respect.

• Kindness is a choice we each make—every day.

• Kindness is the secret ingredient to everything good. Kindness beats toughness, every time.

• Love everyone. Trust few. Do right by none.

• “Love is my religion—I could die for that!” ― Mahatma Gandhi

• Kindness is a language that the Deaf can hear and the Blind can see. ~ Mark Twain

• Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

• Be Kind. When someone hurts you, forgive them because it’s hard to know what another person is going through.

• Be Kind to one another, even when it’s difficult. Reach out to others. Encourage them to succeed, and believe in good things happening.

• Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• Be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle

• Be kind to everyone you meet. Not just because they’re worth it, but because you are too.

Be kind to one another. We’re all just walking each other home.

• Be kind to one another. If someone is different than you, look past the surface and see the essence of who they are.

• Being kind is the new cool.

• Your reflection is only a mirror, it can only give you back what you put in front of it. Be Kind to Your Reflection ♥

• Even if your friends think you’ve gone mad, stand by your convictions. If they don’t come around, it probably means that they’re on a different path than yours.

• Be kind. Rewind. . . .As you move through life’s many twists and turns, take time to reflect on who you are and how you want to make a difference. Always strive to be someone’s cup of tea

• Be kind to our world and yourself.

• Kindness is contagious. So be kind to others and they will want to be kind back

• Kind can be cool — if being kind is something you’re into—or not. We’re not here to judge. Just visit for tasty treats and more inspiration on how to live your best life.

• Not every environment is right for you. Not all change is good. Be kind to yourself and those around you while you find your fit and follow your own, unique path.

• Kindness goes a long way—for everyone.

• Kindness is the only investment you will ever make that will pay you interest.

• Don’t wait for the perfect moment to start living your dreams. The Perfect Moment is Now

• Kindness matters —let’s spread the word.

• Kindness matters. Caution: If you are a jerk, people will notice it.

• Begin today with the end in mind.

• Kindness should be as natural as breathing.

• There is more beauty to be found in a single flower than in the entire fields of the enemy.

• Be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• Be kind to yourself. You are the only person you will spend every minute with all week.

• Support kindness. Surround yourself with kind people and share your kindness.

• Combining kindness and confidence is a rare thing, but it is possible.

• Kindness will be the biggest thing you give or receive this year.

• Kindness feels good. Do it for you.

• Kindness is the greatest full-proof armor against life’s troubles.

• Stop waiting, stop wishing, stop hoping, stop wanting … Start Doing

• Be Kind” is not just a saying. It is a choice you make every day. Be kind when sharing your next big idea. Be kind when thanking someone. And always be kind to yourself!

• Smile at them. They might be going through a rough time.

• Be kind. It costs nothing, and yet is priceless

• Be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• We lead with our hearts. Be kind.

• You don’t get kindness from being kind — you earn kindness by being kind.

• Kindness is powerful. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

• Coffee isn’t the only thing that can make me happy, are the small things that make me who I am today.

• You are never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick yourself up and celebrate who you are. #NationalSelfieDay

• Kindness isn’t a nice thing to do, it’s a necessary thing to do. Kindness matters

• We’re all just walking each other home.

• Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• Be kind and unconditional to everyone, even if they are not kind to you.

• Be kind to others. You never know what they are going through and it may be the only day that they have.

• Everyone says kindness is one of the most important traits someone can have. Here are some quotes about kindness to inspire you to be kind!

• Be nice to yourself, as you are always with you.

• “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

• Coffee is like life, It gives you the strength to carry on.

• Let’s make 2019 the Year of Kindness.

• Kindness matters. Use your voice to speak up for kindness and take action to help spread peace in your community, on social media, and beyond.

• To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

• Sometimes it may seem like the whole world’s against you, but remember that you are always on the winning side.

• Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. – Mark Twain

• Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see

• BE KIND, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• Be Kind to yourself. You are loved.

• Be Kind to your mind, body, and spirit—you deserve the best.

• Be kind and be your best self.

• Be kind to others and be kind to yourself

• Be kind to one another. Today’s the day!

• The world is yours, so what are you waiting for?

• Kindness is a simple need, like water. It’s something every human craves. Let’s fill the world with more compassion! ✏️

• Keep moving forward. Never stop fighting for what you believe in. Be kind always. And surround yourself with good people. If you do that, you’ll always be on the right track. -Taylor Swift

• If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.

• What comes in faster than light, but no one can see it? ~ Love

• Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

• People make mistakes, as long as they are known to be mistakes and they are not repeated, they are not failures.

• Be kind. Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about today…

• Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• Be kind to your future self—Make fitness a priority.

• Always be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• ✨Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci.

• Kindness comes back to you. Reward yourself with something special, #kindnesspayitforward

• I feel like a button-pushing kinda gal, so here is my attempt at button-pushing.

• Let’s get together and try something kind for a change…

• Kindness is the dawn that breaks in your heart and makes the day shine.

• “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” -Thomas Jefferson

• Kindness is a language that the Deaf can hear and the blind can see.

• Be Kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind.

• Be kind. Love is a choice—choose love.

• Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• Be kind to everyone you meet, and make sure they know it

• Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

• Life is too short to waste on negativity. Smile and spread positivity.

• Kindness is a key ingredient of human beauty.

• Believe in your self-worth. Speak with kindness. Work hard. Give everything you’ve got in the moment, and when it is over, shake it off and get ready for what’s next. Because every second counts.

• When we are kind to others, the energy of kindness spreads and enlightens us all.

• Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So make it a good one

• Kindness works two ways. The one who gives big gets big.

• Be kind to one another in this world that is bigger, quieter, and more beautiful than you can imagine.

• Be kind to yourself. Everyone’s fighting a battle you know nothing about.

• Let’s be kind to the world. It’s the only place we got.

• Be kind to others. Step into their shoes. Understand and accept their differences.

• Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Speak up! To know more interesting quotes related to life, love, friendship.

• Life is better when we’re kind to each other.

• Strive for kindness. Start simple. Speak to the person in front of you.

• Show kindness and act in such a way that if everyone were to do the same, the world would be a much better place

• Treat others how you want to be treated, and then some.

• Kindness is contagious, spread it far and wide.

• When kindness, respect, and love are in our hearts, we need not be afraid of anything.

• Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

• Kindness is the Language the blind can see and Souls have ears, Goutam Nanda

• Let them be kind, it takes great strength. -Be Kind!

• We’re not just here to look cute. We’re raising awareness for a good cause. Spread some kindness and donate what you can today in your loved ones’ honor.

• Be kind. Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

• Be kind. The world has enough mean people.

• Be kind. Everyone is fighting a hard battle.

• Kindness is the new cool. Be nice, everyone!

• Be kind: it is always easier to be kind than to be right.

• Be kind to yourself. It’s hard to be happy when you never make time for it.

• Kindness counts, in business and life. Keep being kind.

• Show kindness and respect to others. Love life. Smile often. Think before you speak.

• Kindness is everything. Kindness is the best part of me, and it always will be.

• Kindness isn’t going to cure all the world’s problems. But it will make your world better.

• Kindness isn’t always comfortable. But it’s always worth it.

• Seize the day and never look back. Be Kind. Be Gentle. Be Strong.

• Be kind to your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

• If you move through the world in any capacity, be kind. We need to make the biggest impact we can, and we can’t do it without kindness. – Anna Quindlen

• As we make our way through the various stages of life.. be kind to one another.

• Kindness is a choice. Be brave enough to choose it.

• Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.

• Acts of kindness can be small but have a huge impact.

• You always have options, you just need the courage to see them.

• Go to bed with gratitude, wake up with purpose.

• You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.

• Act like you’ve been there before

• Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

• Stop waiting for the time to be right. The time is now. Be kind to everyone. Every chance you get. #BeKind

• Be kind to yourself and others as you are never guaranteed a tomorrow. #respecttheself

• Be kind to one another. Let the most important person in your life by yourself.

• Be kind to the people you meet on your way up because you’ll meet them again on your way down. Remember that karma is real and what goes around, comes around.

• Be good to the world. Pay it forward and stand for the things that matter

• I will choose to be kind to you, and I will choose kindness.

• “If you are lucky enough to be different, don’t ever change.” -Johnny Depp

• Kindness is a choice, and it starts with an act as simple as putting your phone down to talk to a loved one.

• When you’re having a bad day, look at the big picture and realize things could always be worse. Also, I don’t like when people ask me if my eyeballs are located in my eye sockets.

• Kindness matters because it makes a difference in the lives of others. Start with a smile, a kind word, or a helping hand today.

• See the good in everyone and everything.

• To create the world we want to live in, we must first believe that it is possible

• Kindness is not a set of rules; it’s an expression of our true nature.

• Leave the world a better place than you found it. Lift, speak out, help out. Kindness Captions & Motivational Quotes

• Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a huge battle

• Be kind to everyone you meet. Not because everyone is nice, but because you can never tell who is fighting a hard battle.

• Kindness goes a long way. Be the change you wish to see. Help your fellow man

• Every day, you have Great Things inside of you just waiting to get out. Be unapologetically you.

• The kindness of strangers—I thought you’d be taller.

• “Every day in every way. I’m getting better and better.

• Kindness is my mantra. Kindness is my religion. Kindness is my spirit animal.

• The things you do today can improve all tomorrow’s tomorrow.

• Kindness is never wasted, it always has a ripple effect.

• I don’t care how slow you go, as long as you do not stop.

• Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

• Be kind—by being yourself. Be more by being inspired. Be good to yourself and others by creating.

• Kindness is a currency that makes everyone richer. Speak up, be courageous and stand for what you believe in. Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle.

• Don’t let anyone steal your joy… or your sparkle.

• Kindness Counts. Mean People Hate.

• Kindness is the greatest example of love a person can give.

• Kindness is contagious. Pass it on.

• There will always be a challenge, obstacle, or test… it’s how you get through them and keep moving forward that counts.

• May our kindness return to us in full measure.

• You don’t need to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

• If you can spend time worrying about the things you have no control over, use that same energy to do something about it.

• Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Kind words cost nothing yet they do not count to those who receive them but they carry great weight to those who send them.

• Be Kind. Rewrite the definition of beauty, redefine confidence, and rewrite your story.

• Be kind today. Not because it’s better than being mean, but because life gets reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally tough, and if you’re nice to others, I promise they’ll be nicer when you’re at your weakest.

• Be Kind because you never know who is fighting a battle you can’t see.

• Be kind today. You never know who is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

• Be kind. It costs you nothing and buys everything.

• “Be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

• Be kind and caring…be bold, be brave, be strong.

• Be kind in the face of hatred, because hatred cannot drive out hatred: only love can do that.

• Be kind to yourself: you deserve it.

• Kindness matters. Be brave, be strong, be kind.

• If you want to hug a tree, then hug a tree. If you want to decide that you’re enough, then decide that you’re enough.

• You can’t feel peaceful and be angry at the same time.

• You missed 100% of the shots you didn’t take.