Zoo Pickup Lines

A zoo is a bit like an icebreaker. You show up, meet some exotic animals and then walk away with an interesting story. So if you’re looking to break the ice with that adorable zoo agent of your dreams, look no further: here are some zoo pickup lines to get the conversation started!

Zoo Pickup Lines

• Justify your need to have this animal in your life with the perfect pickup line.

• If you’re looking for someone to love, I’m your guy.

I’m so taken with you, I bought a whole zoo to keep you close.

• Hey, when you’re done exploring the zoo, you can play with me.

• Come on in and check out these animals at the zoo.

• Hey, lover! I’m a little bit thirsty. Would you like some fresh-squeezed lemonade?

• You know that time of year when you’re surrounded by all the animals, but your special someone’s not around? Well, here I am.

• You’re not going to find a better place to be yourself.

• You’re in my top 5, and there are only 5 spots.

• It’s zoo pickup time! Pick me up, pick me up.

• Hey, cutie. What does this zoo say about you? That we’re full of surprises and animal magnetism

• If you walked into my zoo, I’d be your best bet.

• I don’t care if it rains, I’m calling to make sure you get the right zoo animal.

• I’m not here to judge, but if you don’t watch out you might find yourself in a zoos.

• If your zoo is home to a lot of lions, tigers and bears… don’t be afraid to go get your wild one.

• You’re a panther and I’m in the jungle. Let’s get wild!

• I’m a little bit wild, but that’s what makes me, ME.

• Pick me up and put me in your pocket.

• I’m the kind of girl who can inspire you to improve your life.

• I can’t decide which animal I love more. The one you have or the one I want

• I may be a little bit out of touch, but I’ll always be right here with you.

• I don’t know what you see in me, but I appreciate the effort.

• You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about this.

• “Zoo pickup line? That sounds like you’re trying too hard to be smooth. I prefer to think of myself as a real animal.”

• Don’t be afraid to go out there and get that zoo pickup line…or two. #badattitude

• Yo baby, I just got back from the zoo. Did you know that every time you look at me, I get horny?

• Hey girl. I’m in a zoo and I can’t take my eyes off of you.

• Hey, are you from the zoo? I mean… not really.

• If a zoo can’t get you to smile, I don’t know what can!

• If you put a zoo in my drive, I’ll have a zoo in your driveway

• Come on, let’s go. The zoo is waiting for you.

• If you’re looking for a date, I’m dinner, dessert and a movie on the couch.

• “So I heard you and your friend just got a new baby.”

• Only the best will do when I’m picking you up.

• Hey, I have a black belt in pickup lines and I can’t wait to use them on you.

• You can tell that I’m a smart man because I know how to talk to women.

• Hey, you’re looking pretty good. Is it the zoo?

• I wish I were a zoo animal so I could go wild on you.

• I’m a tiger, you’re a chicken. Raise your hand if you want to be my dinner!

• You’re the best kind of animal to snuggle with.

• Hey, have you seen my favorite animal? She’s a keeper!

• I’m a lion. And you should be too.

• You can’t escape my eyes, which are always watching you. And they never stop!

• Remember: we are all animals here.

• You’re looking purrrfect in that little black dress

• Just a reminder: you’re the only person who can save this animal

• Zoo pickup lines are the best of both worlds: a delicious mix of humor and intimacy.

• While you’re picking up your animals, why not try some of these pickup lines to make it more interesting.

• The only way you get to the zoo is through me.

• I’m not sure if you realize this, lady, but you are the biggest zoo animal of them all.

• When you’re a zoo animal, it’s not only important to be a curious zookeeper…but also have a sense of humor.

• I’m heading to the zoo, looking for some fresh meat.

• Hey there, gorgeous. I know you want me to say that but I’m not going to.

• Our best days are the ones where we’re together.

• We’re always open to new adventures.

• Are you going to hold my hand or walk in front of me?

• I saw you’ve done your spring cleaning and made room for the summer – here’s a hug!

• Need a pickup line for the zoo? “I bet the tigers are hungry.”

• What’s the best pickup line you ever heard?

• What do you get when you cross a lion and a tiger with a zebra? A great date.

• You’re a zoo in the wild and I want to be your zookeeper.

• The zoo is closed but the animals know they can always come back to you.

• The only way to tame a tiger is with a big bag of Cheetos.

• Did you know if you have your sweetie by your side, you’re never alone?

• You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

• Hey, I’m your bodyguard. You’re safe with me

• You’re a keeper I’ll keep you in my heart

• Hey. Need some help getting this animal?

• Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

• Hey girl, do you have a zoo pickup line? I’ve got stretch marks and social anxiety, what can I say?

• My favorite place to meet new people is in the zoo.

• Hey girl, have you seen my zoo? It’s got a lot of tigers and monkeys but no one is in it.

• Do you want to go to the zoo? because I’m the only animal that’s not there.

• You’re not just a zoo, you’re my favorite zoo.

• The zoo is always open for business—wherever you are.

• We’re about to make you look like an animal.

• You’re looking so cute that I think I’m gonna bring you home

• You’re cute as a button. I’m glad you were in the neighborhood! (#HauledIt)

• Come on, you know you want to come get these animals

• Collect opportunities like a squirrel collects acorns.

• You’re so strong, you could carry the entire city of San Diego on your back.

• If you’re looking for a zoo pickup line, I can help you.

• Hey there, handsome will you go with me to the zoo?

• If you’re thinking of going to the zoo, we have a special place in our heart for you.

• We’re not in a zoo, we’re out on the town.

• It’s the little things that make me smile. #zoophat

• You’re so cute I almost want to go home and cuddle with you. ☺️

• I was going to say I was all about getting your number, but then I realized that would be creepy, so I’ll just ask for your name.

• If you can’t find your way out, I’ll help you find your way in

• How did you get that big of a smile? Because I’m so glad to see you.

• Hey there, babe. Hope you’re feeling well. I hear the animals are doing great in their new habitat…

• I’m in the mood for something sweet, like you.

• You may not be able to save the world, but I can at least get you a coffee.

• You know what they say: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

• Whenever life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then surprise everyone with lechon

• If a zoo pickup line doesn’t work, what will?

• I’m the kind of girl who will drive any guy wild. And if you’re a zoo keeper, I’d be your personal cuddler.

• Hey, you’re a zoo animal. How about we go on a date?

• So you’re the kind of girl who secretly wants to have sex with a tiger?

• Hey, you might be cute and adorable, but the zoo is closed.

• I’m picky about my dates, but I think you’re pretty great.

• You’re the kind of girl that makes me do bad things.

• If you don’t mind, can I get a lift? This zoo has really scary looking animals.

• Are you looking for a fun, romantic night out? I’m your girl.

• I’m an animal. I’ll let you know when you’ve gone too far.

• If you follow me, I’m going to make you my new best friend.

• I don’t know about you, but I love animals.

• Your dog’s bark is so loud it broke my eardrum.

• Got a zoo pickup line for you! The animal kingdom’s most eligible bachelor is at your service.

• How do you feel about zoo pickup lines?

• Got an animal in the family? Try this pick-up line on for size: “Where’s your zoo?”

• You’re so cute, I want to grab a pen and paper—and the zoo.

• You can’t go wrong with a good pickup line

• You’re so cute, even your poop is adorable.

• Hey there. I’m a little bit of a romantic at heart and I’ve been watching you for weeks.

• I can’t believe you’re not my girlfriend.

• I’m looking for a little romance, are you up for it?

• Hey girl, I’m not gonna lie—you’ve got me mesmerized.

• If you’re gonna put your heart on my plate, I’ll do the same. Please stop stealing my conversations and start paying attention to me.

• Hey there. You look like a wild animal that I’ve been stalking.

• Cats have nine lives. I have a new one waiting for you

• I’m a guy, but I like non-traditional women.

• If you’re going to park at the zoo, don’t leave your car door open.

• I’m at the zoo, but I’m not a monkey. I’m human and I can climb up you if you’d like?

• I’m an animal lover, so I’ve decided to add you to my zoo of people.

• You’ll never find a creamier or sexier monkey.

• What’s the zoo like today? Because I’m feeling really wild.

• When you’re in a relationship, it’s nice to have someone you can text and have a laugh with.

• Are you a person who loves animals? Because I think we just met our soulmate.

• You’re so cute and precious, I can’t help but tell you that.

• Hi, I’m just a simple guy. I like to think that the animal kingdom is kinda like a big family. So in the spirit of teamwork, can you please help me find my friends?

• I’m a bear who came to pick you up.

• I’m sure you’re not just a pretty face.

• Hey, I’m a big fan of your style and I always like to see a bit of what’s inside.

• What do you mean I can’t take it home?

• Zoo pick up line: “Have you met my brother? He’s just like me, except for the fact that he’s a baboon.”

• “I’m a big fan of the zoo because it’s always so crowded and everyone is just so friendly.”

• The Zoo’s always been a good place to be.

• If you pull up to the zoo, I’ll be there with open arms.

• Being a parent is like running a small zoo.

• I know you’re shy, but I bet you feel a little more comfortable when I’m around.

• You’re the best part of my day, and I just wish we could be together all day.

• You’re not just a cutie, you’re an animal.

• Hey, how do you get a tiger in the streets? Drop it off at your house.

• No one will ever be as excited to see you as I am.

• Hey, did you get my message? I’m not a 5th grader.

• There’s been a change in plans and I’m not going home tonight.

• There’s something about a that makes you want to do things you’ve never done before.

• We have so many animals here that you might not know what to say. Just be yourself and try making a great zoo pickup line! ☺

• I got time for a little zoo pickup line. What’s your favorite animal?

• My favorite zoo animal is the one that has the best pickup line 🐘 🐻 🌎

• Zoo, zoo, zoo. You’re the animal I’m most sure of.

• I’d say I could pick you up, but then I’d have to ask you where the zoo is.

• When you run into an old friend on the zoo grounds, you’ll regret having forgotten to pack a pen.

• I’m not asking you to be my Valentine, but I do want a kiss.

• I’m a big fan of animal welfare, but my favorite zoo animals are the ones I see walk into this truck.

• 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩🚨… I’m all yours to play with, baby.

• A lion never wakes up with a snore, that’s why you need to come to me before the other male lions do

• You are one of those rare animals that I would never mind keeping at home.

• I like the way you look in those glasses, and I especially love how your eyes light up when you smile.

• Though I may be small, my heart is BIG.

• I’m not sure what you’re looking for, but here I am.

• I’m free this weekend, what are you doing?

• Hey there, you’re cute. I’m a zoo pickup line?

• Get in the loop with these zoo pickup lines.

• Hey girl, let’s go on a date. You’re my favorite animal, and I really need some romance in my life.

• You’re in my zoo and I just want to pick you up.

• I don’t know if you’re a zoo animal or a human, but I’m hanging out here if you want to go get a drink.

• I’m a tiger. You better make room in your heart because if I don’t get laid tonight, I’m gonna lose my damn mind.

• We all know your kids are the cutest. And they’re certainly cute when they’re cuddling and cooing at the zoo animals.

• I’m a crazy zoo animal that needs to be touched.

• Zoos are like people who’ve been locked in a cage for too long. They start to act wild and crazy.

• It’s a zoo out there. They don’t call it the wild for nothing.

• Come on grab your favorite animal and let’s go.

• Get me some animal bones. I’m a tiger in the making.

• We’re not into the stuff, but we’re definitely the stuff

• When you pick up your baby, you’ll see that I am not a gorilla.

• A zoo is the place for animals who never get fed up. #tacotuesday

• We got your snack game on lock. Come get some

• I’m not a monkey, I just wanted to climb your tree.

• We’re picking up some cuddles and a few cute smiles.

• We’ve got the perfect animal to put you back in the mood.

• I’m a tiger, baby. You’re on my turf now—unleash your inner tiger!

• Hey, I love animals and I’m a sucker for cute things. What can I say?

• You’re the kind of woman who’s always got a new adventure on deck. You’re never too busy to pick up some boxes and go exploring

• My favorite animal is the tiger because it’s fierce and deadly.

• If you don’t know where to look, just look in my eyes.

• When in doubt, ask the animals. They always have the right answer.

• Hump day? It’s time for food, fun and animals

• I have a zoo pickup line for you. What time is your favorite animal?

• Did you know that we have a zoo pickup line? It goes like this: “Is it safe to come out of your cage?

• If you’re ever on a date and the zoo opens early, you can’t miss.

• Hey, you’re a pretty cool chick. I’m gonna go ask my dad if I can date you.

• Hey, you’re so cute. Let me tell you about my new favorite animal. It’s a super-cute penguin named Flipper and he can do the most amazing poo!

• You’re not the only one who loves a zoo

• If a lion could look at me the way you do, I’d be on top of the world.

• Hey, you want to go see a real animal?

• I’m going to go ahead and say it: you’re the best-looking animal I’ve ever seen.

• We just learned that you’re the one we’ve been looking for. We want to set up a meeting as soon as possible.

• I’ve got a tiger in my tank top. What do you think of that?

• You are my summer vacation and I am just laying on the beach.

• What’s your secret to loving Mondays?

• Are you the type of person who enjoys a good zoo pickup line?

• You: Hey, do you have an extra ticket for the zoo?Me: *thinks he’s been asked out on a date*

• “How about you and me make a date for the zoo? It’ll be like old times.”

• They say the zoo is always a good place to meet someone. So how about tomorrow night?

• Get your Zoo at the ready, it’s time to go wild with me.

• Hey, I saw you at the zoo. We’ve got a deal: I’ll take one snack, and you keep the rest.

• In case you’re looking to pick up a friend at the zoo

• If you’re looking to have a wild night, come see my zoo.

• Don’t wait for a second date, take me home

• It’s a zoo. And you’re my monkey. So how about we go?

• Would you like to take a selfie with me?

• Hey there, gorgeous. What’s your name?

• What are you trying to do here? Put me on a leash?

• Hi, I’m a senior citizen but I still like to have fun.

• What’s the secret to a long and happy marriage? A zoo pickup line

• There’s a lot to be said for the power of a well-timed pickup line. #ZooDate

• You’re the kind of girl I can’t wait to get stuck in a zoo with again.

• I’m a bear looking for my honey, so give me some space.

• This summer, you’ll be seeing more monkeys in the zoo

• Hey there, babe. I’m just in town for a visit, and I thought I’d drop by and say hello.

• I’m a lover of all things cute, especially you.

• Hey there, baby. Are you ready to have some fun?

• I saw you on a walk, and it turned out to be the most romantic day of my life.

• When you’re near me, I can’t help but think about how beautiful you are.

• Hey there, animal. How’s your Tuesday?

• Bet you never expected to see a tiger in a tutu

• It’s not what they say, it’s how you say it.

• Freshen up your sentence with a good pick-me-up.

• The only thing better than a Zoo pickup line is the fact that I have no idea where to start.

• You know what’s better than a zoo visit? Zoo pickup lines.

• I’m a big fan of zoo pickup lines. I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I am a human.

• When you order the zoo pickup lines, you get your pick.

• I’m a zoo animal who is looking for a mate and I like to keep things simple.

• Hello, I’m at the zoo. Black Mamba likes me best.

• You’re more than a zoo animal. You’re an exotic beauty who should never be behind bars.

• You’re brilliant, I’m fabulous. Come and get lost in our world of wild animals

• If you move a little closer, I might just let you pet me.

• I’m a lion and you’re a deer, but let’s face it, we’re both just trying to survive.

• I don’t panic when I see you, because I know that the only way to find me is to look for me.

• You are as tall as a tree. Is that your favorite type of tree or something else?

• Ready for your next adventure? Let’s go.

• Looking for a zoo pickup line? Here’s one for you: “I may be small, but I can still conquer the world.”

• You’re a zoo animal and I’m your favorite show. You could be my date for Sunday brunch.

• Hey girl, have you seen my zoo? You’ve been missing it.

• If you’re looking for the perfect line to use when you drop off your kids at the zoo, we have a fave from @thehollywoodpaws.

• You’re my favorite zoo animal (don’t you know that I’ve been watching you all night?)

• You’re the kind of girl I’ve been looking for.

• I’m not your cat, I’m the zoo’s new tiger.

• I’ve been doing this a long time. I can pick you up and put you down anywhere.

• Are you going to be my friend or put me down?

• Come on, come on over. I’m looking for someone to save the day

• I’d love to come back with you. You’re doing great!

• If you love animals as much as I do, then I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.

• You can’t hide from your true self.

• A zoo pickup line is used to attract attention and spark a conversation. It’s not necessary to be true, but it should be entertaining.

• We all need a little more adrenaline in our lives, so come on over to pickup lines central and add a little excitement to your date night.

• Hey, you’re cute. You should be in a zoo.

• It’s a zoo out there—and I’m your ticket.

• My favorite part of zoo is your animal.

• I’d rather be with you than at the zoo.

• We love when you’re at the zoo…but we love it even more when you’re with us.

• I’d like to thank you for taking the time to drop by our zoo today. Hope your visit was enjoyable and we hope to see you again soon!

• I had an itch for zoology and you got caught.

• “I’m gonna get you pregnant and keep you for myself.”

• You’re perfect just the way you are

• You’re looking good, but you’re not quite on my list of favorite animals.

• I’d rather be with you than alone.

• So you like fish and animals? Lucky for you, I’m a fish

• It’s not just me, but everyone who doesn’t have a zoo pickup line.

• When a guy says he wants to pick you up for a date, but you don’t know what that means.

• You are so cute, I want to pick you up and take you home with me.

• I’m a big fan of the zoo. Have you seen my lips?

• Don’t hide your zoo animal #friendship in a cage.

• I’m sold on the idea that you’re the kind of girl who can handle the truth.

• If you’re in the zoo and the animals are acting up, who do you call?

• There’s no better way to start a date than by saving the day for two.

• Hey, I’m the guy who looks like a squirrel but is actually a cat

• What’s the most effective way to get your message across? Here’s a hint: it starts with a strong chew and ends in a roaring crescendo.

• I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’re in this date because you can’t handle your own jackhammer. #nailedit

• She called, but I was too busy looking at myself in the mirror.