Workout Captions and Motivation Quotes

Workout, exercise, and losing weight can be hard when there are weeks when you just don’t feel like working out. Take a look at the following workout captions and motivation which will help you stay motivated and on track this week.

Workout Captions and Motivation Quotes

• Life is short. Work out while you can. Be a champion.

• Working out should never be a chore, so we made it fun. Find your fit at 24 Hour Fitness, the No. 1 global gym brand.

• Monday motivation: Know you’re why. Work one day at a time, and keep at it!

• That feeling when you work out so hard that your stomach muscles swell up into 3D.

• Getting your sweat on has never felt better than with these soft and comfy headbands that dry quickly.

• I might slip, I might slide, but at the end of the day, I know my heart can take the climb.

• We believe that if you are healthy and happy, then you will have the energy to go after what you love in this world.

• The best coffee doesn’t need milk or sugar, it only needs you. Everything is starting to feel heavy in your hands. You’re ready to sweat

• The best way to prove your worth is by giving your all.

• Some people are snacks and others are salads, but you’re a protein shake

• A workout is always more exciting when you have someone to text about how great it’s going.

Put in the work.

• No matter how you decide to sweat—be it a gym, a Pilates studio, an outdoor trail, or your local dance studio—bringing your favorite tunes along with you is always a good idea.

• While yoga is a fun way to build strength, so are actual weights.

• Cardio and strength training in one exercise? Get it done with our new high-tech ellipticals.

• Get your sweat on with this fresh 3-move sequence that goes from the ground up and focuses on increasing your overall muscle awareness

• Grab a weighted vest and get nice and strong for winter.

• When you set a goal, accept no substitutes. Set it bold, set it big, and make it happen.

• Sleep well, eat clean and don’t settle for anything less than the best.

• Take a break, rest is the best exercise.

• Stoked to be a part of the Equinox Tribe!

• You have to take it one step at a time, be positive, and set goals. If you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, just make one.

• To get the body you want, you have to be the person you want to be. And that starts with taking care of your mind as much as your body.

• Working out shouldn’t only be about getting your body looking good—it should also be about feeling good.

• Sometimes you need the motivation to get moving. Other times, a small reward in the form of a shiny new pair of kicks is enough.

• There’s no better time than to start a new workout routine.

• Your body is stronger than you think. It’s time to take action and visualize your success—today. #letitbeyou

• It’s not hard. Come on and get up, get out. Go on and run. We can do this!

• Hard to believe I used to think that lifting weights would make me huge and bulky. Here’s how I unlearned those myths and learned to love lifting heavy.

• Let’s remember that today is cooler than yesterday and tomorrow will be cooler yet. Stay cool. (Warmup set)

• It’s over. You can get up now.

• There is no way to peace. Peace is the Way. Aikido is a martial art of peaceful movement in harmony with the universe.

• It’s Friday! Time for your treat/reward. What will you do? How about a workout?

• What a great way to use your legs and get some cardio for the day. Do you want tough legs or good-looking ones?

• At the end of the workout, all you’ll have left is the feeling of satisfaction you had while doing good for your body.

• Sweat more than your competition.

• The view from the top of the weights…Thanks for your support and tag who else should see this.

• Be uncomfortable. Push yourself to your limits and break some boundaries.

• Don’t even trip about the goal that you’ve set for yourself, just keep it up!

• The only thing better than an early morning run…is an early morning run with a good friend.

• It’s a new week, the end of summer, so let’s make the most of it. As they say, there’s no time like the present!

• It’s hard to see the finish line when your eyes are set on how much is left.

• All the things that make you stronger have the power to hurt you. The pain is a sign of growth.

• Slip into something a little more comfortable… Like getting back in touch with you. #VFWorkout

• This is what a workout should feel like: smooth, springy, and sassy.

• Find your inner warrior with these fun and fierce workout classes. Let’s do it.

• Day 1 of my loose ‘n light workout routine. Can I make it to day 30? How light will I be by then?

• There’s nothing like a workout to fill you with that after-workout high. Need a boost? Go for a quick sweat sesh.

• Nothing feels better than getting an early morning sweat session in before the day gets busy.

• Save yourself from a workout that’s all snooze and no energize.

• This Saturday. Can’t wait to sweat it out in the sun. IPL is just around the corner y’all

• Achieve great things in the gym, at home, wherever you might be. But most importantly: achieve happiness!

• Bumpin’ this pocket of resistance throughout my workout. It’ll ride with me, wherever that may take me.

• This is your body, do what you want to it. Wear what you want and make sure you stay on top of the game mentally. If this one thing matters the most to you then all else will follow.

• This is your moment. This is your time. Own it, and rise with strength and confidence.

• Glad we’re over hump day. Let’s have a great week.

• Get up and get your sweat on, no matter how busy you are. Schedule a quick workout in and still make it to work on time.

• Working on the weekend? Grab a sweatpant

• Throwback to that cliché definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This is your wake-up call to start working out because it’s never too late to change your lifestyle! #bestfitnessmotivation

• This weekend, lace up your sneakers. Get outside and run around. Or dig out your yoga mat and do some Downward Dog. Just get moving. You’ll feel good about yourself and your day will be better for it.

• Throw your best shapes in this one-piece. Go ahead—we dare ya (but we believe you can

• It’s a treadmill, but I call it Frida-Day. And I came up with that name all by myself.

• Like a fine wine, an adult gains muscle with age. Have a good week, everybody!

• I wanna run until my hands forget their old address.

• Every Monday is a new beginning, there’s no way around that. Motivation: Do something today you wouldn’t have done before – Theodore Roosevelt

• Cooling off with a power shower is the perfect way to keep cool in the summer heat. Stay cool by staying clean with @power_shower.

• Sometimes, it pays to do things the hard way.

• Today’s the day. What are you going to do?

• You’re never too old to work out—so don’t stop!

• Ever since I started working out, my life has gotten better. I feel like it’s helping me as a person overall and it’s just been fun.

• Workout: Dipped down, punched through, fists in the air. Now that’s the power of nature.

• Just do it. We’re here to help you reach your goal with the best workout plans and equipment.

• Can’t think of anything more relaxing than a nice workout.

• Sunday sunrises are the best way to start a workout. Hit the ground running!

• Pushing yourself and making progress is what the gym is all about. If you want to make progress, you gotta invest in yourself.

• This week is about seeing how far you can push yourself during your workouts. With this in mind, try to have fun, enjoy the challenge, and embrace the process!

• No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everyone on the couch.

• You just did what everyone else said you couldn’t.

• My motives do not require your permission, my actions will prove themselves.

• Is there anything more satisfying than finding your favorite pair of leggings in the bottom of your gym bag?

• No matter how good or bad your day is, a good sweat session always feels like the best time of your life.

• If she’s ready for a run on a Saturday, then so am I.

• Let’s go! It all counts…from the reps you just did to the sweat you’re gonna wipe off your brow in a minute. That’s #dedication.

• You’re not going to reach your goals without hard work, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your health or sanity. Find an exercise routine that works for you and makes you happy—you’ll be more motivated to stick with it.💪

• Push harder, grow stronger. Rest up, work out to be the best version of yourself.

• Whether you like to jump in the gym or take a more leisurely morning walk, taking time for exercise will help you become your best self.

• Your body is your instrument. Respect it with clean, healthy eating and regular exercise, so you can sing/play/dance for a long time.

• Working out has never felt so fun, thanks to our supportive leggings. So grab your girls, and get free leggings!

• Get in a fit state of mind at our newest location—a midtown gem that gives you the energy to burn calories all day long.

• Bored of your workout routine? Kick it up a notch with this powerful routine designed to torch calories and fat.

• You don’t have to struggle to find motivation. Just get up and act on it. Stop talking about your goals and start working toward them.

• Don’t be afraid to shake things up! It’s the only way to stay motivated, surprise your muscles, and have fun.

• Work out what you ate. Whatever you eat, whatever you burn. You can’t out-train a bad diet.

• Sometimes you have to do something uncomfortable and awkward to achieve your goals.

• Breeze through those supersets and take a well-deserved break when the timer stops.

• Wanna get back on a healthy summer routine? Use the special summer discount code I sent you over text to get a free month (okay maybe you’re reading this in September… but take me back with you to summer 2015 when it was just 4 weeks ago!)

• There’s a special place in my heart for those workouts where I say “zoom zoom zoom” to myself over and over

• Cool day today! And a new one tomorrow at the gym! Get your sweat on people, let me know what you’ve been up to.

• With every workout, you unleash your mind and body to new possibilities.

• Some people need a push to get going. We’re at your service, dear (insert your brand name).

• You’re stronger than you think. Conquer what life throws your way today.

• Find your happy place, whatever that means to you.

• Still, feeling foggy from those Halloween candy hangovers? Reach for a glass of warm water with lemon to help you start your day off on the right foot.

• Need the motivation to work out instead of hitting snooze? Learn how in this workout video.

• Join thousands of others and be part of a movement going viral. Let’s sweat it out, play it out, dance it out this weekend. What’s your workout?

• How you do anything is how you do everything.

• It’s the start of a new week, which means it’s time to hit the gym. All we want is to see you break a sweat… and maybe curse at the machine next to you. Wait—that’s just us? You go!

• I know I can be better than this. But I can’t do it alone. If a #workout partner doesn’t scare you, then add me on

• The gym is busy. The coffee line is long. A million things to do—and so little time. It’s times like these when you need a reminder that quitting never starts with not showing up.

• Treat your legs right, girl! Upon a rainy fall weekend

• Breathing deeply in the forest to capture that elusive “runner’s high.

• Do you sweat like us? So many options for a post-workout light meal and drink

• Getting strong with our Apple cider and then powering through an afternoon of homework like a boss!

• Feeling determined. You can do this, too. Enjoy the journey. Thanks for following my journey and being part of it.

• Take a deep breath and appreciate the moment, focus on what’s right in front of you.

• Have you started your workout routine yet? *grinning emoji*

• A reason to stop dreaming about the beach and get to work. #TropicalInfluencer

• Get ready for some sweat sessions because it’s weights day in the gym #workout #fitness

• Climb like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and run like you are being chased by a cheetah.

• Your sweat and inspiration are about to get a lot cuter.

• I just finished an early morning workout.

• After a good #workoutday, there’s no better feeling than a hot shower or bath.

• You only have excuses if you sell yourself short.

• How sweet it is to extend the summer and get a little more time outside.

• You don’t have to run all day, to be all day. Do what you can do and don’t look back.

• I’m not doing it for any of the reasons you think.

• Find your happiness by finding what makes you fulfilled, and never looking back.

• If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.

• Squeeze in a workout and keep your fitness routine on track with our latest classes. #FitnessFriday

• How are you feeling today? Are you dead set on seeing and feeling results from your workout or are you just going through the motions?

• Feeling good after a workout. Not a feeling you get very often… and it feels great.

• Summer sunsets, happy hours, and late nights. The day’s almost done. Now’s the time to get busy. Be present in every set. Focus on a new PR.*pause*Be free of excuses and regrets tomorrow morning. This is your time—do it!

• How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent. Keeping a flat back, lower into a squat until thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause at the bottom, then push back up to the standing position.

• It’s the first day of Fall, which means sweater weather and pumpkin spiced lattes. Let’s celebrate with some yoga poses!

• Exercise is crucial to proper muscle function and optimal physical health. It develops a healthy body, mind, and energy. Here are 10 top exercises for total body toning.

• It’s not about the outcome, it’s about the journey.

• You gotta dream before your dreams come true

• On that endorphin high after hitting my personal best on my squats challenge.

• When you work out, you push your body to run farther, lift heavier, and be stronger. The next day is when you reap the rewards: muscles strengthened, heart pumping, sweat dried.

• You can’t outwork hard work. Have your sweat session today!

• Here’s this Monday’s motivation that won’t mess with your head: slow and steady wins the race. Pace yourself during a tough workout [link to 9min exercise]. Let’s go!

• It’s the end of another workout week. Let’s all celebrate that we made it through the week and treat ourselves to a delicious meal at our favorite restaurant

• It might be darker than usual when you hit the gym in the early hours of the morning, but your determined brain shines brightly, pushing your body up and down that Stairmaster without fail.

• Glad to be back near the beach this summer. Remember, give your body what it needs.

• Sweating out the sorrows of a disappointing season. Push play and let’s go.

• This week, you’re a mover and a shaker. Stay focused and keep pushing through it. #MotivationMonday

• I just had a revelation…We are never too busy for today.

• With warmer weather behind us, we’re ready for long weekend barbecues and bonfires.

• Working out in the morning has been shown to greatly improve your mood, your daily productivity, and your quality of life.

• Find your fueling rhythm with delicious PROTEIN ACTIVEWEAR for every season.

• Everyone needs a little motivation now and then. Keep going when the going gets tough.

• The best revenge is to be well-remembered. Be bold today, and do unforgettable work. #MotivationMonday

• Whether you’re leaning into a fall twirl, running the last quarter mile of your five-miler, or swinging kettlebells at the gym, keep pushing forward. This season will be over before you know it!

• Lift your body and mind with our yoga sessions, the perfect antidote for a busy day at the office.

• Get some fresh air, get some exercise, and get outside today. Life is better with a view.

• Unexcited about an upcoming workout? We’re here to change that. How do we work up your excitement? Do this…

• No matter how busy you are, there’s always time to take care of your mental and physical well-being.

• An evening run is like a long, slow date with your thoughts.

• Drink to your health with no regrets, but don’t forget to stretch first.

• Sweating out all last week’s toxins. What it was like to eat during the pre-Thanksgiving food coma?

• No matter the pace, you’re moving forward.