Wedding Anniversary Instagram Captions for Parents

When writing captions for photos at a wedding, you know the wedding photo needs to be witty and funny. You also need to do this for your parent’s wedding anniversary, too. It is a big deal after all! The captions should reflect that your parents have become a statistic and are still together. Which is why we compiled those list for you here today.

Wedding Anniversary Instagram Captions for Parents

Ten years ago, you two fell in love and created a beautiful family. Here’s to the next decade of growing your little family together.

Celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary. Here’s to a lifetime of more adventures and new frontiers

Happy Anniversary! We didn’t know what you’d like for your birthday. So we got you a divorce lawyer.

Today we celebrate 16 years of marriage. While you’ve changed over the years, one thing will always stay the same: my love for you. Happy Anniversary!

Cheers to the couple that survived 20 years of marriage—may they celebrate many more!

It’s been a whole year since we said our vows. Here’s to many more years of being the greatest couple in the world!

Sometimes the greatest moments in life are unseen. We love you, Mom and Dad!

In our marriage, I’ve learned that there are two things better than one… (his photo)

Some things in life you just can’t plan for. Thank goodness for our child, who turned out to be the best surprise of all.

Two decades and a million memories later, we’re making more as fast as we can. Happy anniversary, babe.

Celebrating our fifth anniversary today. We have learned to be an unbeatable team.

A day to celebrate the most special connection in life—the love between you and your spouse. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40! Happy anniversary, mom and dad!

We’ve been married for 25 years and we’ve never looked back. Here’s to the next 25.

19 years of love, laughter & adventure. Here’s to 2 decades more.

30 years have passed and still counting… Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Anniversary dinner. Year two. Next stop: the rest of our lives.

Easily capture every moment of this milestone with an Instagram-friendly camera that’s built for adventures.

Your marriage was a blessing from the very start. Today, thank your sweetheart for the amazing journey you’ve shared over the years. Happy anniversary!

25 years of laughing, loving, and living. Happy anniversary to my dear husband, I love you

Twenty years have passed since we’ve first met. We’ve traveled a long way together and still going on, side by side. Happy Anniversary!

When we got married, we never dreamed that we’d end up celebrating our wedding anniversary on top of the world.

40 years ago today, my grandparents tied the knot and I was born 3 weeks later. So happy anniversary to them!

Celebrating 34 years of happiness and love with my wife today. Happy Anniversary!

A few years ago you said ‘I Do.’ Today, we celebrate your everlasting love. Enjoy the journey ahead of you.

It’s a good thing your parents didn’t get you a card. That money is better spent on booze. Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

Celebrating a decade of making memories together. Here’s to the next ten years!

10 years, who knew? I’m so grateful to have met you and to have the honor of being your partner in this crazy adventure called life.

10 years already feels like a lifetime. Thanks for sharing your life with me

Rise and shine with the aroma of rich coffee and fresh-baked breakfast pastries. It’s time to celebrate another year together.

30 years of matrimony and still counting down to grow old together. Happy anniversary.

We’ve loved, laughed, & grown together. Celebrating you on our wedding anniversary! We love you both!

Every Love Story is Beautiful, but ours is my favorite. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad.

40 years ago today, we became husband and wife. Happy Anniversary!

40 years ago, we weren’t even a twinkle in our parents’ eyes. But thanks to their love and support, today we are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary!

Our first date was a total disaster. A year later we’re married with an 18 month old boy, what do you say to that?

How do you know it’s your anniversary? It’s the day that you were two, not three.

Loving you is the very best part of my day. Happy Anniversary!

Some people come into our lives and just stay. Forever.

I wouldn’t trade your love for anything in the world.

We’ve been through it all together, this memorable journey. Happy Anniversary!

It’s the little things that mean the most, like the way you’ve been looking at me all day long.

Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Couple

Two decades of loving you. Two decades of growing old together. Happy anniversary.

Celebrating one year of marriage with my lovely wife. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Many happy returns of the day, year, or month…to your favorite and bestest couple.

Congratulations on 14 years of friendship and love, Chris + Bryn. We wish you continued growth and adventures.

Celebrating the day we bonded over coffee, a daily romance, and nearly 15 years of bliss. Cheers to many more happy years of adventures with you!

Happy anniversary to my best friend, the most incredible human I’ve ever met. I love you more than there are stars in the sky.

Here’s to every happy memory we’ve created, to every adventure we’ve taken, and to the life we’re building together.

You’ve loved us as we are all these years, and now it’s our turn to love you like you’ve always deserved.

Thanks for being the kind of couple your parents always hoped you’d marry. Happy anniversary!

A love that grows stronger year after year… Happy Anniversary, sweetheart!

It’s your anniversary and the only gift you need is a kiss. Happy Anniversary, Babe!

Happy Anniversary my love. I’m so lucky to have met you and be on this journey with you.

Love is like a rose, and it needs to be nurtured. Happy Second Anniversary!

There is nobody else you know who will love you this much. Happy Anniversary, Moonbeam!

You’ve been there for me, on good days and the bad. Here’s to another year of adventure and romance.

Celebrating 25 years of love as bold and adventurous as you are. Here’s to many more!

40 years of shared memories, love, and laughter – we love you more than ever!

Happy 20 years of marriage to the coolest guy I know. Keep smiling, and keep on laughing.

It’s your anniversary, get adventurous. Remember why you chose each other.

Here’s to many more years of happiness together, (Name), and (Name)

We started with a love story and grew into the greatest love story ever told.

Celebrating another year of love and laughter as one. Cheers to finding someone who makes you laugh.

You have made a commitment to one another, and that is the greatest gift of all. Congratulations!

To celebrate the best of times, and the worst of times. To never forget. Here’s to another year.

Here’s to another year together—wishing you it’s the coolest one yet!

What is important is how good you are together. Happy Anniversary

It’s the little things I love about you. We’re celebrating 8 years of being married today. Happy anniversary babe!

We’ve been married for a whole year! Time sure has flown by—can’t wait to make another year of memories with you.

The worst thing about falling in love is that you have to fall back out of it. Happy Anniversary Sonny, I love you!

Happy Anniversary to my favorite travel companion, who always makes me want to see the world

The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives. That’s something worth celebrating.

Celebrating 15 years of laughter, adventure, and love with my best friend.

You’ve been there for all of my ups and downs. Here’s to the years ahead, and to us.

25 years and counting, but I’ll always be your number one.

Congratulations! You’ve survived another year, and we couldn’t be happier for you. May the good times last forever.

Wedding Anniversary Facebook Status

Celebrating our __th wedding anniversary. It’s been an amazing __ years of fun, family, and friendship. We love you to the moon and back

Happy anniversary! You make me proud to be a woman…can’t wait for next year

Celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary today!! Here’s to another 25 years!

Your anniversary is a celebration of what you love, who you’re with & where you’ve been. Love and cherish this day every year. Happy anniversary!

And they’re still as in love today as they were then. Happy Anniversary!

They say that time flies when you’re having fun. After 25 years, we’re still having more fun than we can remember. Happy Anniversary!

Celebrating our [marriage anniversary] with epic late-night tacos and a margarita.

Five years ago, we became best friends. Today, we celebrate becoming husband and wife. #happyanniversary

You know you’ve found your soul mate when every day you wake up with a smile because of the thought of seeing them that day. Happy Anniversary!

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but I prefer friends who stick around for the long haul. Happy anniversary, honey

Just married. The only thing that has changed is the number of years I’ve been with you.

Happy anniversary to my best friend, my partner in crime, and the love of my life… I love you with all my heart

You’ve made it for the first year! Be sure to go out to celebrate your anniversary, and don’t forget a photo to post on Facebook.

25 years! You’ve been there for every major event in my life, and I wouldn’t want to face any of them without you. Happy anniversary! I love you.

Happy birthday, you gorgeous thing. Here’s to 50 more years of happiness and adventure.

20 years—21st annual trip to Paris, our favorite city in the world!

Wedding Anniversary Party Quotes

Our anniversary parties are more fun than your anniversary parties.

Celebrating 20 years of marriage. We’ve had a lot of fun together—will you join us in making the next chapter epic?

Anniversary, Anniversary! It’s been a whole year since we’ve been married.

Cheers to a lifetime of love and laughter. Happy Anniversary!

Celebrating 20 years of marriage and 28 years of friendship.

Tie the knot in this beautiful lace gown and celebrate your anniversary.

Thank you for making our marriage better than we ever thought it could be

Staying together isn’t the hard part. It’s staying together FOREVER . . . that’s the trick.

Celebrating our 20th anniversary of happily wedded bliss.

If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.

If you love someone set them free, if they come back they’re yours, if they don’t they never were. (Richard Bach)

Here’s to the memories—and here’s to making new ones.

Boldness is always in fashion. So rent this dress to wear out, and wear it proud. #sheerclass

Life, what are you doing? Because it seems like you’re constantly throwing us surprise anniversary parties… but in the best way. Happy Anniversary!

You only get one first dance. Make it a moment you’ll never forget with music from the best wedding DJ in town. #ForYourHappiness

Celebrate the beginning of forever—and all that comes with it: laughter, love, and life. Here’s to you and yours. 🥂

Let’s give the kiss of life to dim sum on Valentine’s Day. Here are the best Hong Kong restaurants to fill up your #DateNight.

☀Sunny days are here again, but just like the sun and the moon, sometimes two people need to enjoy their own season. Happy Anniversary!

Anniversaries are the perfect time to show how grateful you are for your partner.

How do we keep the magic alive after all this time? We don’t take each other for granted. Happy Anniversary, my love.

Be bold and daring in your love. It might be unconventional, but you two were unconventional from the start. Congrats on this anniversary!

When you look at your life, the greatest happiness are family happiness. –Joyce Brothers

Wedding Anniversary Funny Quotes

We’re celebrating our wedding anniversary…do you know where your spouse is?

There’s no place like home… especially when you’re celebrating 50 years of marriage!

Happy Anniversary to my partner in crime, can’t recall how we’ve made it this far, but I’m so glad we survived.

We’ve been married for 10 years now and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but I haven’t aged a day.

Celebrating our two-year anniversary! I love you, mama.

We’ve been through hell and back, but we’re still together.

We’ve had four years this month, and we’ve never looked better.

Our roots have grown together, but our twigs are still crazy and free. Here’s to making 50 feel like 10.

You’ve made me the happiest person in the world. Celebrating one entire year of marriage with you

There’s more to love in this world when you’re married to your best friend. Happy anniversary!

We’re celebrating 20 years together! We know how to make each other happy and we never take each other for granted.

Happy Anniversary! You make me laugh every day and that’s my favorite present.

Turning paper into a promise. We’re going to make it work this time, I swear! Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to the two of us, celebrating 20 years. Thank you for still putting up with me after all these years!

They say that fifty is the new forty. If that’s true, we’re in for another twenty years of pure happiness!

A toast to ten marvelous years of laughter, love, and being annoyingly in sync

This is where I’ll be every year on this day: by your side, as Mrs. and Mr. Coolidge.

TBT to the day that turned everything around. It had to be fate—we were meant to be.

I like you so much that I want to keep saying it forever and ever until the universe explodes

They say marriage is a marathon, not a sprint. We’re ready to run the race and celebrate 26 years. Thanks for being by our side.

We’re celebrating our 5th year of marriage today and we’re so happy we didn’t give up on each other.

Celebrating 25 years of love and laughter & counting!

Take a good look at the numbers in your life and make sure you’re celebrating them on an anniversary day. Happy Anniversary, Number Two!

Laughing with you every day is my favorite thing to do. I really like spending time with you.

10 years of laughter, love, and the occasional child-created mess. Love you to the moon, back again.

You’ve had 364 days to get this right… now you have 364 more. Happy anniversary!

It’s been a whole year. You’re still my one and only.

Pinky swear that this is true… … a link to the full caption.

If you love me, let me go. If I come back, I will always be yours. If I don’t, I never was.

Hedging your bets is for squares. Let’s do it in the fall, we’ll have a blast.