Watching Whale Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Whales have come to symbolize a lifetime of dream fulfillment, happiness, warm weather, and free sushi. Wherever you travel, you will always hear these tall tales around the campfire about these creatures of the sea. These are stories woven from generations of fishermen and sailors who make their living from the bounties of the sea.

Watching Whale Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Whale watching is about to get a whole lot more awesome

• Wherever you are, whatever your interests, there’s a whale to watch!

• Watching whales is an experience like no other. They’re so graceful, majestic and mysterious!

• Watch the whales. That’s what we’re here for.

• Watching a whale is like nothing else on Earth.

• the thrill of seeing a whale in the ocean is something you’ll never forget.

• Chasing whales is not just a job—it’s an adventure.

• Watching whales is a surreal experience. There is something magical about being so deeply invested in watching a creature that was once thought to be extinct.

• The ocean is a playground. You can bring the ocean to you with this mug, featuring the playful and majestic whale.

• Breathtaking. Whale watching is better in person, but seeing it live on the screen is pretty awesome too.

• Watching these whale jump out of the water is so much fun.

• The whale is watching. Time to get out of the way.

• When you’re not sure how to feel about watching a whale.

• A #whale is something you can’t ignore. It will always be there, even when you’re not looking.

• This whale is doing what whales do—it’s not always pretty, but it’s always wild.

• There’s nothing like seeing a whale up close. The sheer size and power of these majestic creatures is something you don’t want to miss.

• On the hunt: swimming with orca whales from a kayak. #WhaleWatching

• When watching a whale, you will feel like you are standing on top of the world.

• Let’s face it. The ocean is big and scary, but the fact that whales are here to stay means we should learn how to live with them.

• The ocean is calling. It’s time to go out on that boat and enjoy the wind in your hair. #whalewatch

• Watching whales is like watching movies. They have so many different movements and artistic expressions that it’s hard not to be captivated.

• You don’t have to go chasing whales. But, you should watch them all the time.

• Watching a whale is like watching the sun rise: you don’t know what to expect, but it always seems so big.

• Watch whales breach and dance below the surface of the sea.

• Watch the whales come and go. They are beautiful.

• It’s not just a whale, it’s a sign of hope and change.

• Watching this majestic creature in the ocean will make you feel like a human. We may be small, but we are big hearted.

• The ocean is an infinite movie set, a universe of wonder and magic.

• When you have an encounter with a whale, it’s best to make a note in your journal.

• Watch from a safe distance, but never forget that these majestic creatures are no match for you.

• The best way to enjoy the sea is by staying close to it.

• It’s okay to have fun. And it’s okay to make a mess.

• It’s not the size of your dream, but the strength of your heart that matters.

• When you see a whale, it’s hard not to smile.

• Watching whales is like watching time unfolding.

• When watching whales, all you can do is enjoy the moment. #whale

• Wherever you’re going, take a look out your window and say hello to these friendly whales.

• You can’t see them, but they’re there. The whales. They are always there.

• When you catch a glimpse of these majestic mammals in the sea

• The ocean is a beautiful place with so much to see and explore.

• Every time we find ourselves in awe, it’s a reminder that our planet is a spectacular place.

• Watching whales is kind of like watching your favorite movie and realizing it was just a documentary.

• When you’re watching whales for the first time, it’s impossible not to stare at them in awe.

• Watching whales offshore is an amazing experience. We are so lucky to have them around us.

• Watching whales is an experience like no other.

• Sometimes, we all just need to watch a whale do whatever it does.

• The world is a magical place and we are lucky to have the privilege of watching whales, dolphins and other marine animals.

• Watch the whales enjoy their free-swimming time!

• You can always rely on whales to be graceful and majestic.

• The world is a beautiful place. The oceans are full of whales and I can’t wait to see them sometime soon.

• Nothing says adventure like the sound of a whale.

• Watch the whales swim on the ocean waves.

• Watch the world’s largest creatures in the ocean in awe.

• Watching whales is one of the most amazing things you can do.

• When you’re out at sea and come across a whale, do you stare or smile?

• The perfect time to watch whales swim by

• You know that feeling when you are looking at a beautiful painting and you get that tingling in your spine? That’s what watching whales does.

• Watching whales swim by is an experience of a lifetime.

• If a whale could look up, it might say: “This ocean is amazing. I never knew all the things you can do with krill oil, nor shrimp and salmon, nor the sky and sea.”

• The ocean is vast, and so are the creatures that make their home within it. Watch as these whales outwit a great white shark in this amazing underwater video

• Hello, my name is whale and I like to swim. #whales

• Where’s your inner whale? We’re looking for him.

• This video is a reminder that our oceans are changing. Let’s help them come back in right condition

• Blue isn’t the only color. They can give hope to an ocean with their amazing migration.

• The ocean is a place of wonder that we can’t get enough of. Watch our video to learn how we help to protect it.

• Watching whales is pure magic. #WhaleWatch

• Watching whales is one of the best things in the world.

• Watching whales is like watching paint dry.

• Watching whales is a true treat. You just don’t forget it.

• Whale watching is one of the most magical things you can do in your life.

• Be part of something spectacular and realistic. Watch whales in action

• The ocean inspires. And watching whales inspires life itself.

• We’re believing in humpbacks and whales this weekend—what are you doing?

• Whales are amazing, and so mysterious. I’m in awe of their power and grace as they glide across the water.

• The ocean needs you to swim with the whales and save them.

• There are more than 100 species of whales, and they’re found in every ocean on earth. Watch this video to learn more about these mysterious creatures!

• The ocean is wild and deep. We exist in harmony with nature, just as the whale does.

• There’s nothing like watching a whale or seeing them up close, it’s quite an experience.

• Shedding light on the importance of watching whales and dolphins, especially in the ocean.

• There’s something strangely majestic about a whale’s grace.

• Finding refuge in the whale’s oceanic embrace

• Whales are the most magical creatures in the ocean. They are beyond magical, these animals are so majestic and graceful… #whales

• Never underestimate the power of a whale.

• We are the whale. Always evolving, always growing. Learn more at <link>

• The ocean is calling. Come join us at the beach. We’ll feed you, we’ll play games with you, and most importantly, we’ll teach you how to swim.

• The ocean is calling. What are you waiting for?

• The ocean is the most mysterious place. We’re still learning about it.

• We are full of awe, wonder and respect for all life.

• Watching whales is a magical experience in itself, but watching one that’s got a baby on its back is something else.

• I’m a sucker for whales. especially these ones.

• Sometimes you just have to watch a whale.

• Watching a whale is like watching the ocean breathe.

• Whales. Their majestic journeys and epic tales are some of the most awe-inspiring things in nature.

• Watch this whale swim through the ocean, it is mesmerizing!

• The whales are back, feeding on the ocean waves and we’re here to watch their show.

• You don’t have to be a whale to see the world differently.

• The whale is the ghost of the ocean. It’s a mystical creature that lives in a sea that’s not so mysterious.

• The whale is causing the world’s oceans to rise.

• The ocean is calling and we’re answering.

• The ocean is so big, it can take your breath away.

• Watching whales is like watching movie, it’s really amazing.

• Just like watching whale is all about being present, and letting the water move you forward.

• Watching whales is one of my favorite things to do. These magnificent creatures are so graceful and I love their natural dents in the ocean floor.

• Wherever you’re going, whale watching is a great way to experience the ocean in a whole new way.

• Captivating images of humpback whales, a species that has earned a new nickname: “the gangster whales.”

• Whale watching in Juneau Alaska. This one was special.

• What a thrill to watch our favorite whales swim and play in the ocean. Watch the video below to see our favorite tricks and their personalities.

• Every time we see a whale, we remember their ancestors who survived on land and in the sea. The oceans are worth defending.

• The whale is swimming, the beach is calling.

• Oh, what a sight! The waves of beauty are here to stay.

• The world is a wonderful place, and it’s all right there waiting for you.

• Watching whales is the best way to forget about our problems and stress

• Watching whales is awesome. Watching a whale go sploosh is even more awesome

• Watching whales is an experience that can’t be put into words.

• We can see whales from here. And if you’re a lucky enough to be able to see them, well then you’re even luckier.

• Watch the whales and keep counting down to summer.

• Watching a whale leap clear of the ocean has always been one of my favorite ways to pass a day.

• Humpback whales are the undisputed kings of the ocean. Their music is a celebration of life, their dance is a prayer.

• There’s no better place to watch whales than from an oceanfront room at our hotel.

• Watching the whales, it feels like you’re home.

• Seeing is believing. Watch the whales at Playa Flamenco, Playa Costa Rica!

• A whale’s dream is a world without boundaries.

• This is the kind of video you watch with your wife on a Sunday morning, when you both need a reminder that the world is still out there.

• Watch the whole magical event with us.

• Watching whales is a lot like looking into a mirror. They reflect our lives, and the beauty of the world around us.

• If you’re going to be a wildlife watcher, whale-watching is the way to go.

• Watching whales is like watching the ocean move.

• Watching whales is like opening an oyster: spectacular, and a little dangerous, but also delicious.

• These whales are masters at the art of getting attention.

• The whale’s eye is human, the whale’s ear is human, the whale’s intelligence is human. How will humans make peace with whales?

• Meet the majestic whales of the world as they spread their tails out to the sun like a rainbow in the sky.

• You are not alone. We are here for you, to remind you that we love and care about all marine life.

• Life is an ocean of adventure. Just dive in and find what you want to do.

• Watching whale migration is like watching the ocean breathe.

• Whale watching is the most beautiful thing in the world

• Watching whales breaching without a care in the world. #WhaleWatching

• Whale watching is the ultimate adventure.

• The world’s top experts say that watching whales is one of the most awe-inspiring things you can do. Let’s go!

• Watching whales swim and play is something you can’t find anywhere else in the world.

• To watch a whale is to feel the wonder and majesty of nature.

• Watch this whale and his amazing dance.

• Watch the whales, not just because they are big and beautiful, but because they are on our planet. So let’s protect them.

• We’re lucky enough to be able to watch whales in their natural habitat, just a few steps away from our hotel.

• You don’t need to be a marine biology major to appreciate the majesty of humpback whales.

• To the bottom of the ocean, we dive. To the top of the deep blue sea, we swim. Join us and #SwimWithWhales to raise awareness for global ocean conservation.

• These majestic creatures are the reason we stop and stare at the ocean. They are truly a gift from God.

• It’s the most captivating thing I’ve ever seen.

• Watching whales is an incredible experience.

• Wanna see a whale? Go to Alaska. It’s better than watching the news.

• Captured by a natural foodie in a whale watching boat. Watch out world, we’re coming through!

• What’s better than a humpback whale? A humpback whale who loves to snuggle

• When you watch whales, you’re not just seeing a whale. You’re watching the water.

• Did you know that whales are the largest mammals on Earth? They’re also highly intelligent and communicate through song!

• The whales are calling for you. So are the dolphins and sea lions, but watch out for the icebergs too.

• To see a whale is to understand the universe.

• A whale is an animal with a large body, a fin on its back, and flippers. Whales are sometimes called dolphins.

• The waves are high, the wind is blowing and it’s time for a boat ride.

• A majestic creature that can be best described as “living embodiment of the ocean”.

• Let’s stop being so afraid of the ocean. Let’s swim in it, breathe it, and feel its energy.

• She’s the largest creature on the planet, but that doesn’t stop her from being graceful.

• The most majestic creature on earth, watching whales is one of life’s greatest experiences.

• Watching whales is like watching the ocean. It’s always changing. They never stop exploring and they never grow tired of it.

• Whale watching is not just a way to get closer to the ocean, it’s a way to connect with something bigger than yourself.

• If you are looking for adventure and cool spots to take your family and friends, why not go whale watching?

• There’s something about watching a whale jump out of the ocean and splash back down that makes me grin.

• Come and be a part of the magic: a rare whale watch!

• Did you know that a whale can hear and see everything on the bottom of the ocean? #whales

• A whale’s powerful story is more than just a tale. It’s a symbol of the oceans, and an inspiration to save them.

• Bigger than a whale, bigger than a dinosaur, bigger than anything in the ocean.

• Watch the whales swim by and feel the ocean breeze as you ease into this weekend.

• Captured in a rare moment of underwater beauty with the majestic Southern Resident Orcas.

• What a sight, what an experience and experience something new in life.

• Soaring above the landscape, a graceful movement. A sight to behold.

• Watching whales is like watching the ocean breathe.

• A whale is one of nature’s most majestic creatures. It’s no wonder that watching whales has become a beautiful experience for many people.

• Watching whales is like seeing God’s finger print in the sand.

• Whale watching is one of the most wonderful things to do on a beautiful summer day.

• It’s the most magical time of year when whale-watching is at its peak.

• Whales are so majestic and epic, you can’t help but admire them.

• When the ocean is so big, it’s hard to imagine how two species could coexist. But together these whales have been consuming fish for 240 million years.

• Can you see the difference between a whale and a shark?

• A whale is the largest species of marine mammal. The name is thought to come from the Norwegian word “Hval”, pronounced [ˈhʌvl] or [ˈhɔvl].

• Did you know that whales have a sense of smell that’s 10,000 times more powerful than humans? They use it to find fish and work out where they are.

• Captivating moments under the water

• It’s okay to feel small. It’s okay to get lost in the sea of life.

• There’s a whale in the ocean and his name is watch.

• Whale watching is not just a vacation – it’s a lifestyle.

• Whale watching is one of the most beautiful and natural things that humans can do.

• Watching whales is one of my favorite things to do.

• If you’re lucky enough to see a whale, don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate them.

• Watch the whales, see the whales, swim with the whales.

• Once in a lifetime experience: swim with whales.

• Seeing is believing. See the whales from 25,000 feet up in the air!

• Watch the whales play in the water, as they make their way to the surface for a breath of fresh air.

• See the world’s largest animals up close and personal.

• Whale watching is the best time of year.

• Whale watching is the best way to see nature at its finest!

• Whale watching is not just about seeing whales, it’s about being with your best friends as you share a truly spectacular experience.

• A whale’s unpredictable movements and playful actions are as captivating as the big creature itself.

• Have you ever seen a whale up close? It’s an unforgettable experience.

• The whale is a symbol of power and compassion, and a reminder to be thankful for all the things we have in our lives.

• Gleam the whales with a view of the beautiful blue ocean below.

• Today, we’re celebrating the #WorldWhaleDay by giving you a chance to win tickets to SeaWorld Orlando!

• A giant leap for mankind, and a giant leap of the imagination. #whale

• There’s nothing more majestic than the ocean, and no one captures it like the people who live here.

• When the ocean calls, you answer. You don’t miss out on the big moments, because that’s when your adventure is at its best.

• Watching whales is best when you’re far from land.

• Watching whales in the wild is one of the most awe-inspiring experiences you can have.

• In the mood for adventure? The real feel of whale watching.

• We watched whales today, they were amazing

• “Watching the whales swim and dive, watching them play and laugh. Watching them is one of the most wondrous things I have ever seen.” (Cecil)

• Watch with awe as these majestic creatures glide through the ocean, exploring and feeding on their natural environment. #whales

• The world’s oceans are full of stories waiting to be told. Be on the lookout for them here at Whale Sightings.

• These beautiful animals are amazing to watch in action.

• The wild and free feeling of being in the ocean.

• This is the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.

• Watching whales is a great way to spend a long, sunny weekend.

• Watching whales is one of the most beautiful things you’ll ever experience.

• Watching whales show up at sunset is like watching the sun come up

• There’s nothing quite like watching a whale swim right in front of you.

• It’s never a bad day when you get to watch whales. #WhaleWatch

• Watching whales is a highly meditative experience—if you can avoid falling asleep first.

• What’s better than one whale? Two whales.

• Watching a whale swim is one of the most awe-inspiring experiences in the world.

• Breathtaking and emotional, our HD camera captures the whales in their natural habitat.

• The ocean is calling out to me. I can’t resist.

• A whale is a huge mammal that has a blowhole and lives in the ocean. #WhaleOnWatch

• What sea creature grabs your attention faster than a whale?

• Don’t miss the rare opportunity to watch a whale jump out of the water. Be sure to click on this link if you’re in need of some whale-watching inspiration!

• Watch the whale jump out of the sea and bathe in the sun.

• Capturing the essence of majestic whales passing by

• These majestic creatures are beings of the ocean. Watch them swim and dive below!

• We have no idea how they do it. We’re so lucky to see them in person.

• Watching whales is like being on a cloud.

• Watching whales is one of the most mesmerizing experiences you can have.

• Watching whales is my favorite thing to do on a clear day.

• The best way to see a whale—on a boat.

• Watch the whale, not the ocean. Watch it all with this one-of-a-kind mens watch that keeps time for you, no matter where you are or who’s around you.

• There’s no better way to celebrate whale watching season than with some of the best local brews.

• Watching this whale breach and dive is like magic.

• Hey everyone, I think we’re going on a whale watch. Anybody want to come?

• whales are so big they look like giant mushrooms, not a fish.

• These days, the ocean is a place of quiet and peace. While we’re right there in it, whales aren’t. Watch what they do above and below the water:

• We adore this majestic creature that emerged from the ocean and made its way to our shores.

• The ocean is calling, and for all of us who have spent so much time here.

• Whale watching is a unique and awesome experience.

• Watching whales is like watching the world’s most powerful ocean creatures play.

• When you see a whale, all you can do is marvel at its size and beauty.

• When you’re ready for a deep dive, whale watch is the perfect activity.

• This is what you get when you stare at a whale.

• This week’s most amazing whale on the internet.

• When looking at whales, you feel as though they are so big, they are almost in your lap. #whales

• Whales are magical, majestic creatures that we should all be thankful for.

• Sometimes all you need is a good old-fashioned blue whale to feel better about life.

• There’s nothing more majestic than watching the whales swim & play in the sea

• Always watch where you step. A friendly whale might be watching you from under the water #whale #stevenspain

• Wow. There are so many different kinds of whales, it’s hard to believe they’re all supposedly related.

• That’s one giant whale of an adventure, right there.

• Watching whales is one of the most relaxing things a person can do.

• Watching whales migrate is an awe-inspiring experience. A chance to commune with nature, and feel the majesty of the ocean.

• You know you’re a real fan when you’re excited for whales.

• What’s not to love about whales? They’re so big, they can put the entire Earth in their mouth and then spit it out.

• We don’t need to see the whale…we already know.

• A whale sighting is never a bad thing.

• There’s nothing like watching the world’s most gentle animals play. #WhaleWatch

• Watch in awe as the whales gracefully swim through the ocean.

• The whales of the deep are not as peaceful as they seem.

• This is my ocean, and I am its whale.

• Captured in the wild waters of Maui, Hawaii

• The ocean is a mysterious place, full of beauty and danger.

• Mother nature is awe-inspiring.

• True adventure is waiting for you, just take the leap.