Throwback 20’s Captions and Motivation

Throwback 20’s is a place where you can find captions and motivational thoughts, memories of your 20s, stories about throwing back 20s, and reminiscing your awesome twenties. If you are feeling nostalgic about your twenties, then this is the right place for you to go.

Throwback 20’s Captions and Motivation

• We are young. We are strong. We are 20.

• Wine, Dimple, Style. The ’20s weren’t all bad.

• With the endless #ThrowbackThursday posts, we felt inspired to create a series of men’s grooming products that pay tribute to our roots. Because if you live in the moment, you’ll always look better.

• Looking back on the 1920s and feeling inspired. I believe in you. You got this.

• Flappers make wishes, but movers make it happen.

• Remember the feeling of letting go and losing yourself in the moment.

• Live fast. Live right.

• In the 1920s all they had to worry about was bootleggers and bathtub gin. Nowadays, we’re busy hatching app ideas and building robots. But one thing hasn’t changed: the need for some good old-fashioned Get-Up-and-Go.

• Curious about the world around you?

• Live the life you want, the one your parents warned you about.

• I could dance like Fred and Ginger, only I don’t have a Ginger. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

• Carpe Diem. Seize the Day. Our 20’s will be here before you know it. Make the most of them… because they won’t last forever.

• There is no nostalgia quite like the ’20s.

• If there’s one fashion trend I’d like to borrow from the 20s it would be footwear. Also, the fact that we have cars AND driver would make things a lot better (or worse) than it was in the old days.

• We’ve got the look for you. The style, for delighting and charming. For swaying crowds. For big-city nights. We’ve got it all covered

• Don’t let your memories fade. Keep them fresh, organized, and safe for generations to come with Shutterfly.

• During the ’20s of most couples, they are in love. They face their challenges and grow together.

• Resting my world-weary head on your shoulder and laughing at our 20s. Weren’t bad after all.

• Light up your life with a glow that can’t be replicated.

• This is the decade where women started to have more freedom and independence. Embrace your independence. Live your life

• Wearing the “compact look” in my white bucks.

• Dancing in the twenties, a time when women danced for fun and freedom. The way it should be.

• Live life in the fast lane. Be impeccable with your word. Always have a flair for life.

• 20’s, that’s the time of a woman’s life. That’s the time a woman looks her best, is more fun than ever, and owns it all. Embrace every second.

• Ladies of the ’20s, we love your fierce style. And your serious

• Turn back time and let our 1920’s inspired designs give you a fashion injection that’ll get everyone talking.

• Get your pinup girl on with this deep, vintage-inspired hue and a cat-eye flick.

• Let’s make it like we’re in our 20s again.

• 20+ years of bringing you cutting-edge entertainment, now available in the palm of your hands.

• We’ll never run out of places to go, people to see, or memories to make.

• There is no sincerer love than the love of food.

• Don’t ever forget where you came from.

• When you always believe the best is yet to come, that’s when the best happens.

• The Roaring Twenties! Flappers! Jazz! Great Gatsby! Prohibition! Our top five

• Throwback to these vintage 20’s feels. Also, why aren’t your eyelashes doing their job?

• Say goodbye to 2017 and HELLO to the first day of our new lives as twenty-somethings.

• Life is better when you’re living in the fast lane- like this guy. “Live” it up in the twenties, 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond!!

• You know you came to the right place when your bartender knows what you like without asking.

• We’ve been around a while. We’re not just a fad or fleeting trend. But we sure do know how to have fun—and our customers do too.

• Smoking jazz cigarettes with a dapper bird while driving your Studebaker down the boulevard

• We live in the best time of all times together

• Let’s get it together and live in the present, learn from the past, and dream about a future.

• “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

• Still can’t believe we spent the first decade of our marriage in the 20s. What a crazy, amazing decade… And even wilder decade to come

• It all started In the ’20s… and it can still get better.

• These wingtips will fly you straight to the top of your game.

• The 1920s. The Jazz Age. Traveling across America in a manly Packard luxury car. Also, smoking cigarettes indoors and drinking cocktails out of bathtubs.

• Always moving forward with a charming smile

• Your twenties are the time to go for it. And not just “for it”—all the way. Make big choices, take big risks, fall big.

• Ante up, and show us your finest hour. Our thirties were pretty dope. How bout yours?

• The Roaring Twenties was a fascinating decade in United States history.

• We’re ready for our close-up because we were back in the 1920s

• In the 1920s, black tie was the most formal of dress codes…

• The best way to predict the future is to create it.

• Don’t be afraid to demand the best from yourself. Live like you’re a winner every day.

• Your twenties are your last chance to make mistakes and have fun

• Make the most of today. Reminisce about the things you’ve done before, your style and attitude in the twenties – share your memories with us!

• In the 1920s, for every cocktail, there was an equal and opposite reaction.

• When I was in my twenties, the future was just this big general concept. Now that I’m nearly thirty-five, I realize how fast it’s flying by.

• I am the founder of this proud young business. I’m too young to know everything but old enough not to care.

• Dream, plan, work and hustle twice as hard to make them four times as good.

• Live your life by design, not default.

• What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

• We’ve got the zest, guts, and gumption to go out and play. Only 5 more days till the weekend. This is what it sounds like when the 20’s march.

• Dress the part and feel the vibe in 20’s-inspired pieces that make you feel like the belle of the ball.

• This is what the ’20s looked like and felt like, right?

• What’d you do in the ’20s?

• Remember the good old days? Of course not. And when you look this good, why would you want to?

• Time to get back to the basics. #nofilter

• It’s your time to shine – putting the best version of you forward every single day.

• Live in the moment. Let go of what holds you back from joy.

• Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean that I don’t know my past. Let me tell you about the ’20s…

• In the 20’s – men were men and women were women. Or more accurately, men were women, and women were strong….and we liked it that way.

• You’re NEVER too old to show off (your killer bachelorette party moves.)

• Live fast, take chances, have fun.

• Life is a grand adventure. Enjoy it to its fullest.

• Wake up and rise. Kickass and take names.

• The Roaring Twenties was an era of optimism and innocence, where the things you knew about life would change forever.

• An era when women had their ideas for art, music… and most importantly their hair.

• Don’t waste any time—this is the moment to make your mark.

• Live life on your terms. Embrace every moment. Let go and let the good stuff come to you.

• Excuse me, do you know where the nearest speakeasy is?

• Thank you for being here. We’re honored to show you all the #memoriesof20’s, valid through May 20. Enjoy your weekend.

• Your 20s are the perfect time to have crazy adventures and make big moves—from quitting your job to travel to living in a new city. Be brave; let the universe surprise you!

• Takes you back. Drink in the nostalgia.

• Friendship, fashion, the Roaring Twenties. Let them inspire you to live in the moment—and always live it beautifully ^^

• The past is gone. The future is uncertain. This moment is everything!

• We’re giving you a glimpse of the most memorable moments that helped shape our 20th century—and made us who we are today.

• Remember when all we had to worry about was the Great Depression?

• Life in the 20s is when you experience your first kiss, and dress up for Halloween for the first time, when memories are made.

• The 1920s – they were awesome, but don’t worry, you can be awesome too! Photograph by

• The Roaring Twenties may be long gone but the lessons they taught us live on.

• Let’s just pick a decade & stick to it

• Life’s too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don’t. #FotD

• Keep your head up and move forward.

• “No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.

• Live life with no regrets, always look at the bright side of everything, try new things, and forget about the past.

• Girl, you’re just exploring. Find the light and pour yourself a drink, because it doesn’t stop here.

• The art of living is making yourself happy—and why shouldn’t you smile?—it brightens up the whole world.

• Once, I was a mover of mountains. Now, I am a painter of words.

• Remember when you couldn’t wait to get home to plop on the couch and watch your favorite TV shows? Welcome back, the 20s. We’ve missed you.

• Feel the romance, hear the music, see the show… and enjoy that bygone era once again.

• Let’s make something special this minute. Let’s make it special every day.

• Live your life with gusto, style, and imagination…always keep the romance alive

• BreakawayBreakaway from the routine. Experience something extraordinary.

• Remember to take time to smell the roses and not just the coffee

• We are the coolest, maybe because we’ve been cultivating cool for over a century.

• Live the life you love, love the life you live

• Remember that time we were all alive and well (and not marathoning old episodes of “The Great Gatsby”)? It was pretty cool.

• Live to the point of tears, love to the point of madness, and fight to the point of bravery.

• I always believed I could achieve whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. That’s the spirit of @DOVERDOCK

• Live your life to the max, and always be yourself.

• Lookin’ like movie stars of the ’20s

• We all have a silly, fun side to our personalities. Don’t be afraid to let yours show.

• Live in the moment, be spontaneous get up find out how the day will end after you’ve had that cup of joe

• You’ve got that flapper spirit!

• Swinging into the weekend

• Taking a trip down memory lane, when women made history and we raised our glasses high.

• Life moves pretty fast

• You see, back in the day, we didn’t have all these fancy gizmos. We had to do it manually and we were still cool!

• When it comes to beauty, don’t miss out on the good stuff. That’s how fool’s errands get started. That’s how the road to hell begins.

• Let’s make this a new year for change.

• You can’t start the next chapter if you keep re-reading the last.

• Set your goals high and don’t stop till you get there. The 20s are the perfect time to take your place in the sun!

• This is how we do it in the 20s

• Remember the 1920s when women wore dressy dresses, men wore suits and hats, and danced the Charleston?

• OMG, I love this look! What a decade, amirite?

• We’ve come a long way… but there’s still more to go! Dream big… work hard… and know that there’s no better time than now.

• It feels like Sunday, whatever that means.

• Imagine the possibilities of your future when you can picture the possibilities of your past.

• You only live once—make the most of it by doing all the things.

• If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.

• You can do anything you put your mind to.

• The Roaring 20’s were a time of new technology, modern music, and original fashion—all captured in vibrant color.

• Life moves fast. Make every second count 1920

• Fell in love in my 20’s. Modern, fresh, ready to love again.

• Let’s be honest, the twenties are great because we finally get to have fun without our parents or future employers breathing down our necks

• Made it through another summer—let’s do this one last time.

• You only live once. So grab the bull by the horns and give it everything you’ve got before you reach your twenties.

• Let’s party like it’s 1925, look fierce and support the fashion industry. Be unapologetic.

• Live life like you are starring in an episode of Black Mirror

• “You have to try new things…” (Marilyn Monroe)

• Like your flapper, think prohibition. Like you prohibitionist, think flapper.

• Never, ever, ever wish for something you have not already got a mental picture of. – Katherine Mansfield

• There are so many fresh Summer styles for this 20’s fall to #inspire you. Are you a flapper? How about a ‘tea drinker’?

• Tight silhouettes, loose morals. Make that 20’s flapper dress and dance the night away.

• Travel back in time to the 20s when flappers ruled the night. Glitz and glamor were all they had and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

• We’re turning back time to a simpler, more glamorous era—now available in our fall collection.

• I don’t always dress like this but when I do, I prefer Art Deco.

• Back in the day, slim belts and slim ties were a must! Now they’re back in a casual setting. Don’t forget to Flapper-fy your outfit with ours: (link)

• For 20 years, we’ve been dedicated to the art and science of perfecting men’s grooming. Here’s to the next 20.

• 1929. Broads are boning up at Harvard. Curls are in fashion, and our freckles can no longer be contained in frosty mint chocolate chip ice cream 🍦

• Take it back: to a place where less was oh-so-much more. You’re not the same now & you know better. Go back to the beginning and then go beyond…#LVMH #LouisVuitton

• A different era—an era of prohibition, extravagant parties, and unorthodox ideas. The roaring twenties.

• Hemingway said that the best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. This makes total sense.

• Flashback to the summer 20’s in 2017 when we first fell in love with the original

• Right now, we’re partyin’ like it’s 1999. Fh QT 44Ss 20’s, who’s with us? Cut’em out!

• As the summer sunsets, we invite you to join the movement and relive your best days. A voice, a look,a smile, a laugh—there’s a way to bring it all back just by using Old Spice Bottled

• We never cease to be inspired by the vibrant spirit of that decade, and we want our customers to be as well. So, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of our brand, we’re repackaging our original tea boxes in a fun “Tin-Lite” artwork.

• Imagine that you’re in this post. You can’t wait to see the look of your followers once they see what you have cooked up for them. You stop for a second, and think about all the great memories, places, and people you’ve seen from the 1920s and how thankful you are today to be in 2018!

• Remember when your mom let you stay up late for the premiere of Crookly

• When it comes to everything in life, it’s always now or never.

• “Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air”

• Don’t try — do it. Seize the day. Carpe Noctem. And so on.

• Throwback Thursday to a time when a man’s name was his word, and whiskey flowed like water — We’re humbled by the honor.

• The 20s are the time to get out of a boring routine and socialize, travel the world, and make money to start a family.

• Do you smell that? Smells like some tired competition!

• Race forward, never look back. Be the young person that you are.

• What’s old is new again – We made this for you, but we’re going to keep it. Keep being epic!

• That’s what I call a country breakfast

• Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. Be bold, be fearless.

• Relive the Roaring Twenties and live your best life in the Age of Awakening!

• Just the life of the party, dazzling flappers and all. Keep on dancing!

• “There’s no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.” – Frank McKinney

• Throw back to the 20s with a revolutionary product to make your skin glow from within.

• Turn back the time and make your twenties count.

• Feeling nostalgic for the 1920s? Let us help you dust off your past, learn about fashion in the 20s and create a fun photo booth prop inspired by the decade.

• Throwback to a time when men wore nice hats, smoked cigars and did sweet pull-ups.

• Remember that time when the Charleston was THE dance, flappers were in and cocktails were

• We’re going to make building your brand feel like drinking a gin fizz. Good things come to those who hustle. If you can stand the heat, get out there and show everyone that you’ve got

• Channel your inner flapper and join us at The Cotton Club.

• Have the confidence to take risks and to live life the way you want to live.

• Always stay true to yourself

• Have a little 20’s mood this week

• Our memories of the 20s are sweet but BOLD. That decade #taughtme to live it + love

• Let us bring back the 20s for you because life is better in a flapper dress.

• No matter how you cut it, the twenties are a time to stand out.

• Get ready to make some classic moves. Enough time has passed. It’s time to get real and make things happen.

• You’re not just a face in the crowd. You are an original. Don’t compare yourself to others, be yourself and keep it real.

• You’re in for a real treat, doll. After you make yourself a dress from this pinboard collection – you’ll have your very own flapper costume!

• Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

• Having so much fun I’m having flashbacks

• Smile, have fun, enjoy every moment of today, dance like no one is watching—live like there’s no tomorrow.

• Heard it over the Grapevine: you look like you could use a drink.

• You’ve got a lot of living to do. Start now.

• “You are born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win and prepare to win.” Muhammad Ali (1942-2016)