Thank God for Cool Weather Quotes and Captions for Instagram

In this hot heat, it is a blessing to have something that can be used to help cool us down. If you live in a place where it is unusually scorching, then these cool weather quotes are something that you need more than anyone else. I would love to share with you some of the best and most interesting cool weather quotes there are out there.

Thank God for Cool Weather Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Thank god for cool weather, and thank god for cotton shirts.

• Thank god for cool weather, a cozy sweater, and the perfect spot on the front porch to totally obsess over how fast summer went by.

• Thank god for cool weather and strangers who know what’s up when you ask them to turn up the heat.🔥

• Thank you, gods, of cool weather 💨🍂

• Thank you, God, for these cool days 🙏🌬

• Heavenly Father, we thank you for the cool weather and football season. Amen.

• Thank you, Lord. For this cool weather outside of the gym, but not in my home where I sweat a lot.

• Thank you for this cool weather. It’s so refreshing

• Thank you for this cool weather, but please don’t take away our coffee shops.

• Dear weather gods may fall and winter never ends until the end of time. 🙏

• Lord, thank you for refreshment in the form of iced coffee.

• Now that the summer heat has passed, how ’bout them apples 🍎?☀️

• I’d be lost without fall in my life—and all the leaves.

• Thank god for cool weather, coffee ☕️ and these fun and comfy sweaters–in other words, the best of fall fashion.

• Thank god for cool weather, pumpkin spice, and the ability to wear cozy sweaters. 🙏🏻😎

• Thank god for cool weather because the sweaters have been waiting on the back of our chairs this whole time.

• Thank god for cool weather, cozy sweaters, and the beauty of fall🙏🏼

• Thank god for cool weather 🙏🏻😎☀️🎤

• Thank god for cool weather 🙏

• Thank god for cool weather, because we need all the help we can get to stay on top of our fitness goals.

• Oh, thank god for cool weather and cozy winter sweaters, Amen.

• Dear weather, thank you for this cool weather—prayers for it to stay cool in the rest of the summer. 🙏😎

• Thank you, Lord, for this majestic fall weather.

• Oh, sweet relief! Thank you, Mother Nature. 😎

• Praise be to the season of football, plaid, and pumpkin spice everything.

• Lord, we remember those who are less fortunate than us and the kids from the hurricane. 😥

• Thank god for cool weather, the best kinds of friends, and the perfect excuse to wear them together 😉

• Thank god for cool weather, because I can’t handle another day of this heat 🔥 🔥 🔥

• Thank god for cool weather, for multiple pairs of boots, for the great joy of a hoodie. 😎

• Thank god for cool weather and sweaters. 😐

• Thank God for cooler weather and open-plan offices.

• Thank you, God. For the cool weather, for the comfort of my favorite sweater, and for giving me this moment to stop and breathe again.

• Thank you, Lord, for this cool weather…

• Thank you, God, for that 70 degree weather, which I am so thankful for.

• Please god, let it be cold forever and save me from the heat.

• Dear God, just one more day of summer, please.

• Thank god for cool weather, a good book, and cozy sheets.

• Thank god for cool weather, fresh-brewed coffee, and hoodies.

• Thank God for cool weather, breezy mornings, and pumpkin spice lattes 🙏💗

• Grateful for the cooler days ahead, because summer was just too hot.

• Thank god for the cool crisp air and the giant blankets you have sent my way. Thank you.

• Thank god fall is here and gone are all the 90 degree days. 🙏🏼

• Praise be to fall and all the things it brings boots, flannels, pumpkin spice everything. And most of all…the cold.

• Thanks, darling Lord for delivering us a chillier season.

• Who needs summer? ‘Cause I sure don’t. 🌧🛬

• Dear God, please let it befall soon 🙏🌞

• Dear God, please give us the perfect fall day, where it’s sunny and warm but not too hot, and there’s a crispness in the air. 🙏

• Dear Lord, I thank you because I’m thankful. Therefore, I am thankful.

• Thank god for cool weather to enjoy the hot chocolate we made yesterday. #fallish

• Thank god for cool weather—especially when it involves thick socks, hot chocolate, and cabin vibes. 😉

• Thank god for cool weather, the leaves changing color, and rich overtones in the air. We’re grateful to live in this beautiful world!

• We thank god for cool weather, 72 degrees and sunny, letting us say goodbye to oh-so-hot summer.

• Thank you, God, for cool weather. Can’t wait to wear pants. #fallishere

• Thanks, God, for cool weather, great Sunday paper deals, and John Lennon. 🙏🏾

• Thank god for breezy weather + menswear…and pockets to keep our hands warm while we snap 📸✨

• Thank you, fellas, for bringing the cooler weather.

• All we pray for is cool weather, crisp leaves, and pumpkin spice everything ☀🍂

• Thank goodness! It’s finally cool enough to wear sweaters.

• Bring on the cozy sweaters and stews, cause I’m cold.

• Praise him for his goodness, his mercies to us never end. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his love endures forever 🙏

• To all my friends, my love, and distant acquaintances: may the earth beneath your feet be soft.

• Thank god for cool weather and sweaters the perfect look to solve #ootd problems.

• Thank god for cool weather and cozy sweaters 🙏😎

• Thank god for cool weather, because now I can finally wear this jacket that I’ve been wearing in my closet since summer 😉👌🏽

• Thank god for cold weather and sweaters.

• Dear God, thank you for… cool weather ☃ #blessed

• I’m thankful for cool weather and fall colors. I’m thankful for sleeping through my alarms, for walks with my dog, and for the ability to still get a pedicure in flip-flops.

• Thanks ☀☔☁ for cool weather and comfort food.

• Dear Spirit, thank you for giving us cool weather so we could enjoy the comfort of sweaters. 🌧🍁

• Thank god for the weekend, because I need this.

• Thank god it’s cool outside—so we can stay indoors, cozy up with a laptop and a mug of hot coffee, and get some work done. Work. Work. Work.

• Praise the Lord for this crisp weather 🍂

• Please make it cold again. And then, please let me go back to being in my 20s and 30s when I didn’t care about the weather.

• Dear God, please let it be cold again soon so I can wear all my new clothes! 😉🌞

• Thanks for that sweet breeze on a hot day.

• I know there’s a reason we exist

• Thank god for cool weather and Turkey 🦃 sandwiches. It’s time to take this fall situation by the handlebars.

• Thank god for cool weather and the chance to hunker down with friends and hot drinks. 🙏

• Thank God for cool weather. Bless up.

• Thank you for cool weather. Amen

• Dear God, please send us more cool weather in the winter. #ThankfulForCoolerWeather

• Thank god that it’s finally sweater weather! 🙏

• Dear God, please let it be cool enough for you to wear your favorite sweatshirt when you wake up in the morning.

• Let that cool crisp air wash over us like a blessing 🙏

• Thanks for the brisk breeze, clearing my head as I walk to work.

• Dear God, please bless us with a fall breeze

• Thank god for cool weather and cozy knits #blessed

• Praise the Lord for cool weather! With fall comes pumpkin spice lattes, apple picking, and Halloween 🎃.

• We’re so thankful for cool weather, cold brew, and all the cozy clothing we suddenly need.

• Thank you for the cooler weather that’s arrived just in time for summer to end.

• Dear climate gods, thank you for this awesome fall weather. Amen.

• Dear Lord, please prepare us for cold weather. Thank you🙏

• Thank you for cool days at the park and warm fires in the fireplace. 🙏

• Dear weather, you’re a saint. Thank you for bringing me this jacket this fall ☀🍂

• Praise the Lord. It’s a cool autumn day. ☀️🍂

• Please, dear God, let it be winter already… ❄️

• Finally, the weather has grown up and decided to act its age.

• Put on your favorite boots, grab a travel mug and let’s get lost on this crisp sunny Monday. 🌞☕️

• Thank god for cool weather, fall flavors, and cozy sweaters.

• Thank god for cool weather—and all the cozy clothes that come along with it.

• Thank god for cool weather, which makes the warm days even sweeter.

• Thank god for that cold breeze—it just wafted through my bedroom window and got rid of all the flies.

• Dear God, please bring back cool weather.

• Thank god I get to wear sweaters and boots this week.

• Dear God, please deliver us from these 90-degree days.

• Dear God, please let it be cold tonight. Amen.

• Lord, please let this heatwave end soon. And don’t forget to send us some Fall vibes. 🙏

• Dear Fall, How do I love thee? Let me count the ways… ☀.

• Thank god for cool weather. ##theweathernetwork

• Thank god for cool weather, and sweatpants. 🙏💪

• Thank god for cool weather. Amen, and hallelujah. ☔️🙌

• We give thanks for cool weather and cozy boots.

• Thank you for this cool weather. We needed it.

• Thank you, Lord, for cool mornings and warm nights ☂

• Praise be to the God of cold, who gives us seasons and a reason for hot chocolate. Amen! 😁

• Dear Lord, thank you so much for a cool fall weather because I need some time to catch up on my beauty sleep.

• Praise the Lord, and pass the pumpkin spice.

• I’m getting that fall feeling, that Christian Bale in Empire of the Sun feeling—want some?

• Thank god for cool weather. #PrayForParaguay

• Thank god for cool weather and sweaters.

• Thank god for cool weather, sweaters, and booties. What would we do without autumn?

• Thank God for cool weather, cozy sweaters, and Cold Brew ☕️

• Thank God for cool weather and coffee ☕️

• Thank god for this weekend, thank god for a warm fire, thank god I can get outside in my favorite boots.

• Blessed be this cool weather and the feels that come with it. 🌤🌧

• Dear weather gods, please give us some damn cool weather. We need it. #sueus

• Thank you for this cool weather (and all things nice). ☃️

• Praise the Lord for this beautiful weather.

• Y’all ready for this fall weather? We are!☀

• Lord give me coffee to change the things I can and beer to accept the things I can’t. 🤞🏻