Sunday Activates Pick Up Lines

It’s Sunday, your favorite day of the week, and the final countdown to the weekend has begun. While you might be relaxing at home, you can rest assured knowing that your favorite blogs are going to offer you their insights for the day. So kick back in your comfiest chair with a fresh cup of coffee and join me as I take you through what the best blogs on the web have to offer this Sunday.

Sunday Activates Pick Up Lines

• You can’t take love for granted. Sunday pickup lines will make you realize how important your loved ones are to you.

• Sunday pick-up lines are like Saturday pick-up lines.

• It’s Sunday. You’re sad, you need a pick-me-up. Here are some funny Sunday pickup lines for you to use.

• We know you’re looking for a new pickup line to use when a girl you’re flirting with wants to get out of the date she’s on.

• Sunday is the perfect day to be on a date. Let’s get together and make it happen!

• Because Sunday is for getting your game face on and crushing the world. Sunday is the best day of the week.

• You’re the kind of guy who can make me forget about Monday.

• Your smile is like a bag of chips. It’s only a matter of time before you’re done with me.

• You get what you give, except when you don’t. I came so hard I think I just made the universe a lot darker. Sunday pickup lines are always the best.

• You’re the only one I want to play with today. You’re my Sunday pickup line!

• For real. Sunday pickup lines are a nice way to start your weekend off right. Sunday pickup lines: not a good idea.

• You don’t need to plan ahead for a Sunday pickup line. It plays out naturally when you’re on a date with the one-and-only.

• Sunday pickup line that actually works: “Hey, I just got back from the bar and I’m not feeling so great. I think it’s my liver.” Sunday

• Sunday morning pickup lines: “Hey, what are you up to?” “My secret is that I am always up, but I am actually sleeping.”

• You’re the only person that I could possibly spend a Sunday with.

• Sunday pants are the only ones that go with a pair of boots. Wanna grab a weekend with me? Sunday is for picking up where we left off.

• “What do you want to do this weekend?” – The obvious, but the best. Keep your man close with a little swag.

• The first step to a great relationship is finding the right companion. Sunday pickup lines are the best.

• What’s a better way to start your day than with a little Sunday pickup line?

• Sunday pickup lines—because weekend plans are made for these moments.

• Sunday is for the weekend and these Sunday pickup lines will make you feel like a million bucks.

• Sunday pickup lines for your next date night and weekend plans. SloppySunday

• Sunday is the best day of the week, because you can pick up a variety of ladies at any location.

• Sunday’s not a day for boring lines. They can be tricky, but with a little creativity you can see how you fit right in!

• Sunday is coming and you know what that means: the week to live, laugh and love.

• Sunday is the day to follow your dreams. You don’t need a reason to see each other.

• Why don’t you come up to our house? It’s not far from here. It’d be easier for you to get here than for us to get there.

• You’re cute when you’re mad. Sunday pickup lines, take a seat.

• Sunday pickup lines are the best pickup lines. Sunday pickup lines for the win.

• Sunday pickup lines for those who need a little inspiration.

• Sunday pickup lines? Here are the best ones to use on your girlfriend

• Sunday pickup lines are one of the best ways to meet someone new. Use these to get her attention:

• Sunday is the day to kick off your weekend right. Let’s get into it.

• Sunday morning: “Wanna go get some coffee?” Sunday evening: “It’s been a long week, can I take you home for a late night kiss?”

• Are you going to church on Sunday or are you going to brunch?

• You’re the reason I start my Sundays early.

• Hello beautiful, I’m a creature of habit and can only survive on the weekends. Will you let me in?

• I’m getting ready to leave the house and I just realized that this shirt is going to need a good wash.

• You’re a star in the making. You’re the only one who gets me.

• Sometimes it’s hard being yourself. But don’t worry, we’ll be here for you

• Sunday pickup lines are one thing, but Sunday pickup lines that actually work are another.

• Sunday pickup lines: don’t be afraid to try new ones.

• Sunday pickup lines are always better than no pickup line.

• Sunday pickup lines that get the heart racing and make you feel like a princess.

• Sunday pickup lines—the best line to use on your S.O. is a solid, simple one that will capture their attention and keep them wanting more.

• Sunday night pickup lines for your smile

• Sunday is the best day of the week. I’m in the mood for you.

• Do you want to go on a date tonight? I’ll pick you up at the church.

• Sunday is a great day for letting someone know you’re thinking about them.

• Don’t you just love Sunday morning? It’s the best day of the week to get it on. Hey, Sunday? Did you miss me?

• Sunday. The day we’re all thinking about doing something nice for ourselves, or at least being productive by cleaning the house.

• Are you gonna pick me up? Sunday morning, don’t forget to look up.

• Sunday pickup lines are a little more creative and the best part is, they’re perfect for any time of week.

• Sunday pickup lines are where it’s at. To all the Sunday drivers, you’re welcome.

• What are you doing on Sunday? I want to be there with you.

• When Sunday morning is over, I’ll grab you by your booty and whisk you away to get knee-deep in the clean. What are we up to?

• You know what’s better than a lazy Sunday? A lazy Sunday with someone you love.

• We’re looking for someone to make our Sunday’s complete

• Sunday, Sunday. When will you be my date for the weekend.

• Show me a man who can say no to Sunday dinner and I’ll show you a real man.

• What’s your biggest goal? Me: to make you laugh. You: to text me back.

• Sunday is the day that you make all your dreams come true. It’s a great day to bring home the bacon.

• There’s a world of possibilities out there and we’re glad you came.

• What if we were friends? We could call each other and just hang out.

• Sunday pickup lines. Sunday’s a good day for you and me.

• Sunday pickup lines are all about connecting on a deeper level.

• They are about sharing a smile and building trust between two people who may not have met before.

• Sunday pickup lines are a thing. Let’s get into this one together.

• Sunday pickup lines are the best. Nothing better than a Sunday pickup line.

• The easiest pickup line on Instagram? “Let’s do this”

• Sunday is the best day of the week. Because that’s when we get to see you. I’d love to take you out on a Sunday.

• It’s Sunday and you’re reading this. I’m thinking of you.

• A Sunday drive with the top down, a hair of wind in your face and someone you can’t wait to see.

• Sunday morning: your words create my world. Saturday night, the best part of my week should be here.

• We’re not buying it. You would say anything to get us to take you back.

• I’m not sure if you’re busy or ‘busy’, but I would love to take a Sunday drive with you.

• Hey, you’ve got me at a loss for words. Sunday pickup lines, here’s to you.

• Sunday pickup lines can be a thing of beauty. Sunday pickup lines are the best way to spice up a dull night.

• Sunday morning pickup lines are all about comfort—especially if you’ve been out all night.

• No one can resist a good pickup line on a Sunday.

• Sunday is the day to be bold with your pickup lines. text us your best one at

• The best pickup lines are the ones that make you think, self-reflect and grow.

• You know you’re a Sunday person when you’re up at 11. Sunday is here. Let’s go get some.

• You’re the reason I put on pants every morning. And then put them back on.

• Sunday is the only day that can make me feel like a king.

• You know what they say: the way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach. Cheers.

• Do you have an extra set of hands? Because I need one. “So, I hear you’re a little bit OCD. What’s your superpower?”

• I know what you are looking for. Sunday mornings call for Sunday pickup lines.

• Sunday pickup lines are the name of the game. Sunday pickup lines for you!

• There’s nothing like a little Sunday pickup line to brighten the week. Sunday Prep

• Sunday is the day for ladies, who are looking to get laid. Tell us your pickup line so that you can cheat on your single status and get laid with us!

• SICK of the same ol’ pickup lines? Try these puppies on for size.

• Sunday. When you should put on your best pjs and go to the bar, not just any bar but one that serves killer cocktails.

• I see you’re wearing a sundress and I want to take it off for you.

• Sunday’s are for the long, hard days.

• When you’re in the mood to go on a date, but not sure what you like.

• What are you doing for Sunday Funday? We’re gonna have a ball.

• When you’re all dressed up, it’s super easy to pass off as a model.

• Sunday is always a good day to get a little something extra done.

• I’m not sure what you’re doing, but whatever it is, just keep it up.

• Sunday pickup lines. Saturday night pick-up lines. Get your game on!

• Sunday pickup lines that will get you laid.

• Sunday pickup lines: the most powerful, romantic phrases that can take you from strangers to lovers in a single text message.

• Sunday pick up lines for those who love to explore.

• “Don’t be lazy this Sunday. Pick up your phone, call me”

• When you’re all dressed up, but nowhere to go, who do you call for a pickup line?

• Let’s get together, it’s Sunday and I’m ready to party.

• The right lines are the difference between a good pickup and a great one.

• Sunday is coming. Sunday is coming. Sunday is coming. Sunday is coming. All right!!!

• Sunday Funday, baby. Time for some fun and games. I’ve been thinking about your smile all week.

• I’m waiting for you to tell me what you want to do… I’ve never been to church but I think I’m ready to become a believer.

• Sunday pickup lines are the best way to start your week off right. Sunday pickup lines that actually work:

• You know who else has the best Sunday pickup lines? Us. (And no, we’re not talking about cheesy pick-up lines from your favorite movie or song.)

• Sunday pickup lines that will have you LOL-ing by the time you’re done reading them.

• There’s nothing better than taking your lady to the park on a Sunday afternoon.

• You’re the kind of girl that makes Sunday morning worthwhile.

• You’re perfect the way you are. I can’t wait to see what you look like with lipstick on your mouth.

• Sunday morning, when you’re in the mood to get a little dirty. Sunday Funday is the best day for it.

• When you go to pick up your girl from brunch and she’s not there.

• Sundays are made for coffee and conversation. We can talk about whatever’s on your mind (or any topic at all).

• You’re the only person who can save me from myself. Drive me home before I make a fool of myself again.

• If a job is going to get done, you don’t do it yourself. You hire a professional.

• Sunday pickup lines: “Take me home, I wanna feel like a movie star when I wake up.”

• If you’re looking for Sunday pickup lines, we’ve got you covered.

• If you’re looking for a sweet Sunday pickup line, then you’ve hit the jackpot.

• Sunday pickup lines are hard. But we’ve got more than enough Sunday jokes to keep you going through the week.

• Sunday pickups—you could use a little pick-me-up.

• Sunday pickups only. No pulse, no pulse. Just a blank stare in your direction

• Sunday’s better when you’re here with me. How about treating yourself to a date night?

• Who says Sunday is for sleeping in? Let’s get out there and make the most of this day.

• Ready for Sunday? We’re ready for you. When 2 hipsters meet: “You need a selfie stick?”

• I’m the kinda girl who likes to play, but I’m not gonna lie. I’ve been looking for a real man.

• You’re the kind of girl that makes me want to be a better man.

• When you’re ready to go out, but have no idea what you should wear…

• Sunday morning, I wake up and I’m already excited. Hi there! I see you’ve got a few minutes to spare. How about we…take a walk?

• Sunday pickup lines: you’re always the one who left Sunday morning mellow, I never want to spend it with anyone else.

• If you’re lucky enough to have a girl that loves you, you name the time she’s home for Sunday pickup line.

• Sunday pickup lines are going out of style. It’s Sunday, you know what that means…it’s pickup lines time.

• Sunday’s are for relaxing, not relaxing. You need a pickup line that can pump up your confidence and make you ready to go out on a date with someone special.

• Sunday’s best pickup line: “Can I buy you a coffee?”

• Get in the zone and get ready to go out with the best pickup lines.

• Sunday morning is the best time to be on date night. Pick up your date and take her to brunch—you know you want to.

• It’s Sunday, and you know what that means. You can sleep in as long as you want—it’s time to go get some breakfast.

• It’s the weekend, and you’re looking for a way to get some attention.

• Sunday’s just not Sunday unless you’re with me. Hey there, honey. What’s a girl gotta do to get you in the kitchen?

• This coming Sunday is the day I stop being nice and start being a badass.

• If you’re looking for a place to go, don’t drive around. You may take the road less traveled, but you also might find your way home.

• You’re just my type of girl. You’re bold, beautiful, and daring. 😉 Sunday pickup lines have never been so epic.

• Sunday pickup lines. These are the best line to use if you’re late Friday night and want to let your ex know that you’re still thinking about them.

• Sunday pickup lines are the best pickup line in the history of pickup lines.

• Sunday pickup lines? You’re making me blush. Sunday morning pickup lines.

• I’m just getting in my Sunday pick-up game with some of my favorite pickup lines.

• I love Sundays because I get to see you without wearing pants.

• I’m not here to be your Sunday morning coffee date.

• Sunday is the best day of the week. Sundays are made for making out.

• If a lineup isn’t as good as we think it is, it’s because it just went to midnight.

• Hey, it’s Sunday. Did you miss me? Sunday is the best day of the week because…you can take me to church and back.

• Saturday night, here we go again. Nothing feels better than when someone is waiting for you to come home.

• Sunday Funday is here and we’re ready to party.

• Sundays are for rest, but we are here to remind you that Sundays also mean brunch

• Celebrate Sunday, the day to set aside your cares and focus on family, friends and good cheer.

• Sunday Funday and these bad boys are ready to take over

• Sunday is the most beautiful day of the week.

• It’s Sunday, it’s the weekend. Time to relax and enjoy a little break from all those weekday craziness

• Sunday is the day for relaxation. Let’s take a moment to be still, just for a bit.

• The weekend is here, and we are ready for any and everything!

• Sunday. The day of reflection. The day of rest. The day where we give thanks for all the things we have and take time to do so.

• No matter where you live, it’s time to get out and start exploring.

• Sunday Funday. It’s time to get it on.

• Sundays are for Sundays, not for work. Let’s take a day off from the routine and enjoy some time with friends and family.

• Sunday Funday is here and we couldn’t be more excited. Let’s do this.

• Sunday is here, and it’s time to relax. Maybe even get some reading in.

• It’s Sunday, you’ve got nothing to do, let’s go for a drive!

• No matter who you are or where you’re from, there’s always a place for you at the table.

• Today is the day to unplug, disconnect and take a moment for yourself.

• Let your hair down and enjoy the view.

• No matter where you go, there you are.

• Sunday Funday—the best way to celebrate the weekend.

• Sunday is the best day of the week—filled with great food, relaxing time and family.

• Sunday is coming. Sunday is here. Sunday’s here to stay

• Sunday is here, Sunday’s are made to be spent with your friends!

• Sunday Funday with your besties.

• Sunday Funday is here—let’s live it up.

• It’s Sunday, and we’re all a little more relaxed. #SundayFunday

• Sunday is a day for rest and relaxation.

• Sunday is my favorite day of the week.

• Sunday is for rest and rejuvenation, but also for a good cup of coffee

• The best way to start the weekend? With a good fallback for those unexpected rainy days.

• You are your own best friend. You can only do what YOU want to do and who you want to be.

• Sunday is the best day for a Sunday Funday

• Sunday. It’s not just for church but also for relaxation, brunch and beauty.

• Sunday is the day to relax and unwind, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still look good doing it.

• Sunday is a day for rest, giving thanks and catching up on your sleep. We hope you’re having some of all of those things this Sunday!

• Happiness is a #Sunday morning coffee, a fresh bagel, and the sun shining over your shoulder.

• The best part of Sundays is waking up to a brand new week.

• It’s Sunday. It’s hot. Take a break from work and relax in the park with friends, family, or your significant other.

• Sunday gives me the time to reflect on my week, and then plan for the next.

• Sunday’s all about the people who brighten your week, those who inspire you and those who never let you down.

• Time to get your weekend started!

• A day to think about all the things that are right in my world.