Proud to Be Waiter Quotes and Captions for Instagram

People love to be served. That is the general consensus in society nowadays. But to be served well takes more than a good waiter and one who will only get you what you want in a timely manner. A good waiter has to have patience and be kind of heart as well as have the experience to deal with even the most difficult customers. If a customer doesn’t like his service or food, things can quickly get out of hand and this waiter has already given you an idea of how he deals with such a situation, and to be proud of as well.

Proud to Be Waiter Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Waiter: Did you enjoy your dinner experience? Me: Absolutely one of the best meals I’ve had in my life.

• I’m proud to be a waiter. I get a chance to meet the most interesting people.

• I’m proud to be a waiter. I’m not just delivering food; I’m an artist, creating

• Waiter: I am sorry, we are all out of ice cream.

• I’ve been a waiter for ten years, and I’ve learned that most people are bad tippers.

• We’re proud to be a part of your big day.

• Waiter: would you like a bottle of wine with that sir?

• There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

• You could get the best cup of coffee in the world from a machine, but it would never taste like this.

• You’re not a Waiter, You’re a Weapon.

• Who says you’re too young to make a difference?

• We are proud to be a part of your life.

• Waiter: I have to charge you double because you only have one hand.

• waiter: here’s a side of bacon for that entrée you had the other day, sir.

• We’re proud to be serving our community for over 100 years.

• Never wait for someone to ask, “How do you want to spend your future?” Start creating it.

• I wish to be like water ―drinkable, thirst-quenching and yielding.

• A true waiter can do more than fill water glasses. A good waiter can change your life.

• Waiter—noun: One who serves at tables in a restaurant; a server.

• Waiter: Good evening. Are you enjoying your dinner?

• Some of the best waiters are just great listeners.

• We are proud to be a part of your special moments.

• Restaurants are more than just a place to eat, they are the place where we gather and connect, and share life stories and experiences.

• There’s an art to pouring a glass of wine. Practice makes perfect.

• You can’t put your future in the hands of somebody else. You are responsible for your own future.

• It’s not the load that breaks you—it’s the way you carry it.

• I’m proud to be a waiter: it’s fun, fast-paced, and you’re on stage.

• The Waiter Way: be nice, always keep a smile, and never forget who you are.

• We’re proud to be a waiter. It’s an art we take very seriously. We practice so you can enjoy it.

• I was happier as a waiter. I was my own boss, I worked outdoors, and I had my freedom. Also, customers were more fun back then.

• There’s only one other occupation as noble as making people feel happy with the food, and that’s being a waiter.

• We’re proud to be a part of the community that helps guests connect over great food and drinks.

• Fingers crossed that you get to work with people who like food and hospitality as much as you do.

• Waiter: *write down your order* Me: *cry loudly and run away*

• Once more into the breach dear friends, once more.

• In a society where almost everyone is a waiter, be proud to be a Waiter!

• I being a waiter and making people happy through food.

• You’ve never met a more flexible, adaptable, and resourceful bunch of people . . . until you meet a waiter.

• Waiter: Sir, you’ve read the entire menu. Would you like to order something

• It takes a lot of patience to be a waiter, but thinking about all the money you’ll save makes it more bearable.

• Eating out is just as good as cooking at home.

• If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money cannot buy.

• I’m proud to be a Waiter, You?

• No one knows better than a Waiter how important it is to be kind.

• They say you always remember your 1st. And last. Waiter experience. We are proud to be the first and only.

• We’re a waiter family built on serving others. dine in or carry out.

• We are all just one bad decision away from being a “waiter.”

• Here’s to the waiters—the real life heroes. The ones who know what you want before you do.

• The restaurant industry is full of hard working, conscientious people who wake up every morning and help bring food to tables. We are proud to be waiters.

• We have the best jobs; we get to be the host at thousands of dinner parties every night.

• When you work hard, it shows no matter what job you have. Make sure to love the job you have, because it may be all there is.

• We carefully craft the experience that our customers have in our restaurants. It’s an experience that starts well before they even walk through our front doors.

• We’re proud to be a part of the local dining culture. Cheers to being a great waiter!

• If you’re a waiter or a waitress and proud of it, then this one is for you!

• Waiter: do you want to see the menu? Me: nope never order from your phone, always talk to the human.

• Waiters are the most important people in the restaurant.

• A waiter is an actor, a diplomat, and a service technician.

• Waiter: “Hi, I’m your waiter for tonight. Is there anything special I can help you with?”

• Waiter: Would you like fudge with that?Customer: Is there enough Fudge in the world for me to have fudge with that?

• I’m proud to be a Waiter. I will do my job with pride and professionalism.

• We are proud to be a waiter. A positive and professional atmosphere where hospitality reigns.

• Being a waiter is the only profession where you can be guaranteed to be observed by thousands of people, every single day.

• Dedicated to bringing you the best in luxury, service, and cuisine. We are privileged that you chose to visit with us.

• Waiting to be great is like waiting for rain in a drought. It’s time to work, not wait.

• We are proud to be a part of the growing vegan movement in India

• I’m proud to work for a company that has stellar customer service. It’s our #1 priority here at

• Be proud to be a waiter – the best in the world.

• I’m proud to be a waiter because I put people at ease.

• I am proud to be a waiter. I will be the best I can be at it, and to hell with anyone who’s impressed by anything else.

• Good food, drinks, and full bellies for all! While we work the room, you work the fork.

• You look at it and think, ‘Yeah, I’m a waiter. I can handle that.’

• Our team is always ready to serve the hungry masses.

• We’re proud to be a part of the 100% effort. We know that at the heart of every great meal is a person who’s in love with what they do.

• Waiter: “Which of you gentlemen would like to pay for the next round?”

• Just a regular guy who owns a restaurant and likes to serve crazy people.

• There’s nothing like being around people who make you want to be better, do better, and feel better.

• It’s hard work to be a waiter, but it’s even harder work to be a Waiter. The best job in the world.

• Being a waiter isn’t easy but we’re proud to be one! Waiter, I’ll take a burger. Chef, what’s on the menu?

• We’re proud to be a WAITER—reliable, punctual, and friendly.

• We’re proud to be a waiter because we’re proud to serve.

• Waiter. 100% free range. No antibiotics ever. Hormone-free. No preservatives.

• Waiter: “Are you ready to order?” Me: “Yes! Bring me every pizza on the menu!”

• waiter: Is this your first time at the diner, sir?

• Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!

• It’s never too late for a new beginning, even if you’re over 30.

• I’m getting better at this, one customer at a time.

• Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”

• I’m proud to be a waiter. I believe in service with a smile. I believe in being happy at my job and enjoying it the way I enjoy the rest of my life.

• Don’t just be a waiter. Be the Waiter. The Whoa Waiter.

• Waiting is a talent in itself and the only way to be an expert at it is through years of experience.

• Waiter: You’re not scared of spiders, are you? Me: No. Waiter: Well how about a waiter?

• The wait is over. Download the new app for free on iPhone and Android, and let’s keep in touch!

• Waiter, I have a complaint—I don’t like the table and the location you gave me, because they are too dark.

• You’re free to do what you want, with who you want.

• We’re proud to welcome the following new team members:

• We’re proud to be a waiter, but even more so we’re proud that you’re here. Thanks for making us part of your special day.

• Happy National Waiters and Waitresses Day. We’re proud to have you on our team.

• The best things happen when you’ve got good company and a hell of a waiter.

• The latest sign that we’ve made it as a culture: waiters are getting tattoos of the check average.

• I love my job! I get to meet new people from different walks of life every day, and I am constantly making connections.

• The perfect place to be on a Saturday night: at home, in your underwear, watching Cookin’ on TV.

• We’re proud to stand out and stand up for what we believe in. And if you ask us, there’s nothing more patriotic than small business.

• To be a Waiter is to be someone who makes the impossible possible.

• The waiter is a term used to describe people in many different occupations. The word “waiter” comes from Middle English, water, meaning “to wait”.

• Waiter: “Good morning, welcome to the Breakfast Club. Surprise there’s no breakfast.” Welcome

• The world would not be the same without waiters, because it would be full of people taking their own plates from the dishwasher.

• Waiter quotes, the most important thing to remember is not to forget.

• WE ARE WAITERS. A restaurant where the chef is you.

• I never felt more proud to be a waiter than when I saw people from all walks of life stand up against racism and hate today.

• Being a waiter isn’t just another job, it’s an adventure in human interactions that you can’t get any other way.

• There’s a reason we don’t have busboys. We’re proud to be waiters.

• When your biggest problem is what to order for dinner, you know life is pretty good.

• The most memorable thing about me is that I’m the waiter who never forgets anything!

• Waiter: Something’s wrong, you haven’t touched your food. Customer: I’ve been waiting for the waiter to bring me my food.

• We’re proud to be a part of this community. Thank you for being part of enso.

• Waiter: “I’m sorry, sir… We’re out of milk. Can I get you anything else?

• We love to be a waiter because we want you to leave here happy and satisfied.

• I’m proud to be a waiter. A diner tipped me 100% on my first check of the day. The next 6 people for whom I worked also tipped me 100%.

• The power is in my hands. I hold the menu, I hold the fork, and I hold the opportunity to walk away.

• Every single step towards your goal will require some kind of sacrifice. Don’t be too scared to do what you have to #waiter

• Wanted: 1 Waiter to thrive in a fast-paced environment. 10+ years of serving experience required.

• I’m proud to tell people I’m a waiter. It’s a job that requires great emotional labor, perseverance, and compassion.

• Replace the word ‘waiter’ with the word’ me’ and you’ll see how proud we are.

• Taking pride in every job is a sign of maturity, understanding, and sanity

• We give our all, every time—so you can have a memorable experience at your favorite restaurant.

• Sometimes we get busy and neglect the people who matter most, the ones you see everyday.

• chef Michael Anthony is thrilled to be putting his cooking skills to work at the high-end New York restaurant, Catch.

• There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. –Nelson Mendela

• How to be a Waiter – Make people feel safe, then serve them grapes.

• Proud to be a waiter. proud to be a woman. Proud to be an American.

• I’m proud to be a waiter—a profession that combines the precision of neurosurgery with the creativity of an artist and the patience of a saint.

• Being a waiter is about more than just serving tables. It’s about being someone people want to be around and making them feel special.

• I’m proud to be a waiter. It’s the best way I know of to get money while reading newspapers, listening to music and meeting interesting people.

• Waiter: Have you just been waiting? Customer: Yes Waiter: Welcome to the club.

• Waiting isn’t about time, it’s about feelings.

• Reaching one million followers and counting!

• I can’t wait to become one of those hungry people who come in and order the special.

• Hoteliers all over the world look to Marriott International’s Training Academy for leadership training. Learn more at

• There’s only one place where a burger is judged purely on its own merit—and that’s the table.