Proud to Be an Uncle Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Being an uncle is an amazing thing. You get to be a role model and prove that being uncles is awesome (Disclaimer: It’s not a competition, it’s just awesome). So, with that in mind let’s look at some quotes and captions for Instagram to declare your status as an awesome uncle.

Proud to Be an Uncle Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• I’m so proud to be an uncle. I look forward to spoiling my nephews with things they really didn’t need but absolutely adore.

• Proud to be an Uncle to this little one

• I’m so proud to be an uncle to this ridiculously cute baby.

• I’m so proud to be your uncle, bro. You’re not just the coolest kid in our family—you’re the coolest kid in like all the schools!

• She’s beautiful, smart, and the most incredible niece in the world. I know the coolest uncle too

• The world’s coolest uncle right here.

• This was the best day of my life. And it’s not even over yet!

• You’re awesome! I can’t wait for you to become part of this crazy family. See you soon.

• Can’t wait to spend Christmas with the little one.

• To a one of kind nephew, I’m proud to be your uncle and I’m happy you’re in this world. Congrats on your graduation.

• I’m going to be the best uncle ever. Period. I’ve already got my niece wrapped around my finger.

• This is what an uncle does – he’s a role model for his nieces and nephews.

• Uncle of the year award goes to my little nephew and niece

• My nephew, I’ve told you this once before and I’m gonna tell you again, you’re the coolest kid in the world

• Baby Bash is a cool uncle. And he never stops talking about it.

• I’ll be spending this weekend with my niece, probably posting some lame-o Uncle Troy pics on Instagram.

• Don’t worry about being perfect. You’ve got me for that.

• When I look into the eyes of my nephews, I see their mothers. I ask myself how can I be better. I wonder what is yet to come?

• And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

• I am proud to be an uncle, this magical experience keeps me young!

• Baby boy will be here in a few weeks and I’m so freakin’ pumped to be an uncle.

• There is no such thing as a perfect uncle, but there are uncles who try

• I may not have raised you, but I’ve got your back.

• My woman demands the best in life… so I gave her a nephew and the tools to raise him.

• I might be an uncle for the first time tonight. I’m simultaneously nervous, excited, and just plain old scared.

• Started from the bottom now we here, if you ain’t screaming uncle then your not trying.

• There is no limit to what you can achieve if you’re always busy doing something for someone else.

• The most interesting people I’ve met so far, are all family.

• I’m so proud to be an uncle. My nephew is the coolest kid on the block!

• When you’re not just proud to be an uncle, but also a human.

• All your nieces and nephews want is to feel loved by you.

• My sister is having a baby and I’m gonna be an uncle

• I’m so proud to be an uncle. Also, yes, I am wearing a white shirt.

• If you want to be successful, surround yourself with people who are more successful than you.

• What you are as a man, not what others make you out to be. An uncle who is proud of his nephew.

• Monster-in-law and proud uncle of an awesome niece

• I love these kids more than anything in the world… even my third place ribbon from 4-H.

• It’s the little moments spent with family that means the most to me.

• Barry and I are proud uncles. We had a great weekend with our niece, whose first word was “balloon.”

• Yes. That’s right. The world just became a better place because of me.

• Uncles don’t get nearly the love they deserve. Let’s change that. I’m proud to be an uncle.

• My nephew’s first birthday is this month! I can’t believe it. I’m so proud to be an uncle. Happy birthday, little man!

• When your little nephew calls you his uncle, you know that’s love.

• You make my heart sing…and you’re the coolest thing to happen to the planet. I love you, nephew!

• I’m a proud uncle cuz my nephew has his first tooth and that’s why I get to be an uncle.

• There is a huge difference between having a niece and having an aunt.

• Proud uncle alert. That’s my little nephew you’re messing with.

• Never let someone be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

• Roaster Uncle, Roaster Great. Don’t forget to throw me some of that roasted goodness.

• Trying to figure out how I canned my first batch of salsa with a 1-year-old and a 3-month-old watching every move. #GoodLuck

• Bryan is the best uncle a girl could ask for. I’m so proud of him! This makes a great caption for an Instagram photo showing your brother or sister’s new baby.

• Today my niece was born! I’m so proud to be an uncle, and I can’t wait to see her grow

• Proud to have a niece growing up so fast! You’ve taught me a lot in the last 12 years. Here’s to the next 12!

• I’m so proud of my nephew, who is already teaching me life lessons.

• Uncle of the year contender…at least for today

• Uncle of the year award coming in hot from my talented niece.

• The greatest gift I’ve ever received is my niece, who is the love of my life.

• I tried but I could not keep up. If you were one of my nieces and nephews, I would be so proud of your accomplishments!

• I’m so proud to be an uncle. With each of my sister’s kids, I feel like I’ve met the next generation of royalty

• I’m proud to be an uncle, I’ve always wanted a nephew named Kyle.

• The best part of being an uncle is motivating my nephews to be the greatest they can be. What do you think?

• Being an uncle is amazing. I just wish my uncle would have told me that being an uncle was amazing.

• Being an uncle is awesome. I’m a proud uncle!

• Another nephew. Another baseball uniform. It’s a beautiful thing.

• I’m 100% sure my nephews think I’m the coolest person on earth. No competition.

• The happiest moments in life are not about getting everything you want but to have everything you’ve always wanted.

• In this generation, it’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.

• I’m going to spoil this little girl rotten. I can’t wait to see what she thinks of the moon.

• I am so #proud to be an uncle and I will be a great one.

• Wish all the best to my nephew who’s turning five today. I’m so proud to be an uncle and can’t wait to see you grow!

• When people ask me what my favorite pastime is, I don’t say golf or fishing. I say being an uncle.

• An uncle is one who can take the place of a parent without anyone noticing the difference.

• This is what an uncle is supposed to look like

• Hi, I’m an Uncle. I’m not a dad, so I don’t have to change diapers or make any other sacrifices. Got a problem with that?

• When my nephew says “I love you,” it feels like the first time.

• Hauling my nephew in on my shoulders like he’s a trophy. I’ll never forget this moment.

• You have been chosen, you’re my best friend, & you’re someone I’d follow to the ends of the Earth. I love you!

• Dumb uncle of the year award goes to me.

• A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.

• Say it. Show it. Tell the world you’re proud to be an uncle to your favorite niece or nephew.

• I’ll always be proud to be an uncle. If you’re not sure about it, ask me about my niece.

• You’re going to be an incredible uncle. I hope one day you get to see your beautiful niece or nephew. Love, Uncle Mike #unclemike

• No one in the world can you ever replicate exactly what is between you and your nephew or niece.

• That’s my nephew for you. I’m so proud to be an uncle.

• I’m a big deal, from baby to uncle. I know because everyone tells me so. #UncleMaterial

• There is no love stronger than the love for a nephew.

• My sister had her 17 month old daughter 2 weeks ago and my first nephew was born the same week! He’s so precious!

• Smiling for no reason. Can’t stop smiling for no reason.

• A good name is better than precious ointment.

• I’m proud to be an uncle. It’s the coolest job I’ve ever had.

• I’m only an uncle to three girls, but I’m really a princess to all my nieces.

• The best feeling in the world is being an Uncle!

• Happy 6th birthday to my nephew, Alex. I’m a proud Uncle!

• We’re so #blessed to have been chosen as a part of your family. I love you!

• More joyful than having a boatload of kids, is the joy I feel in having my nieces and nephews.

• He thinks I am the best person in the world. It’s true.

• I’m so proud to be an uncle — I get to hang out with my favorite little guy all the time!

• The best part of being an uncle is the instant family. So blessed to be a part of this one.

• There are few things that make me prouder to be an uncle than seeing my nephews out in the woods with their dads.

• Starting with my brother and sister, then introducing my nephews, now my niece. I’m a proud uncle and couldn’t be more excited for the future.

• I’m proud to call you my nephew and I’m equally as proud to be your uncle.

• My nephew is my greatest achievement … Next to my last name being Jones.

• When your niece is named after you, that’s a good indication you are the proudest uncle.

• We are overjoyed to welcome our new baby nephew into this world.

• Uncle of the year award goes to… me! Uncle of the year award goes to… me!

• I’m not just any uncle. I’m an awesome, great-looking, fantastic, hunk of burning love who’s got a niece or nephew that he adores!

• Being an uncle to Finley and Lucy is easily the best thing ever! I love seeing how much they both adore their

• I’m so lucky to be an uncle. I get to spoil my nieces with toys and love—and shhh!—I don’t even have to tell them.

• I’m in love with my nephew, and I’m not afraid to say it.

• My nephew is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. There’s no other person that can make me smile like he does.

• How often do you get to be proud of yourself? ”

• Honoring the amazing people in our lives who’ve inspired us to do great things and learn from them as we grow.

• If you’re the kind of person who goes looking for reasons to be happy, you will find them. -Thornton Wilder

• I’m so proud to be an uncle to my little nephew What is your favorite part of being an uncle or aunt?

• Blessed to be an uncle! Excited to see my sweet niece grow up.

• So proud to be an uncle again. Introducing Riley to the world.

• I’m proud to be an Uncle – wearing this title with honor, PROUDLY.

• Aunthood is the best. I don’t have to clean up after nieces or nephews…yet. Happy!

• Love you nephew, watching you play ball for the first time was a truly special moment for me.

• I don’t know much, but I do know this—there’s nothing like a niece or nephew.

• Uncle of the year award goes to… ME! I’m so proud of my nephew, he’s just as cool as I was at that age.

• Uncle of the year, hands down. Congrats to baby Gabby on her adoption.

• Trying to keep up with my niece who is definitely going places.

• The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to set goals for yourself that don’t make sense…

• I’m so proud to be an uncle, so I can spoil my niece every day.

• I’m proud to be an uncle to these badminton whizzes.

• Being an uncle has its ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

• Congrats to my niece on her first birthday today! You’re already smarter than your Uncle Jack.

• I’m the luckiest man in the world. I have four nephews who I love dearly.

• Feel the warmth, breathe in the fresh air, smell the flowers, look at your nephew and realize that you only have a few precious moments left to live.

• We definitely didn’t plan it, but we’ll take it! We’re proud to announce the arrival of our baby nephew [username’s name here]. #blessed

• Happy Birthday to my favorite little girl in the whole world!

• If he grows up to be half the man you are, I’ll be happy.

• Welcome to the world, little one. I have a feeling you’re going to change it in ways we can’t even imagine yet.

• Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts.

• I’m so proud to be an uncle and call this little guy my nephew. I feel blessed to have him in my life. #nephew

• Baby nephew is the best—if only he wasn’t so dang cute.

• To anyone who thinks he’s too old to be an uncle, I’ll let you in on a little secret: You’re never too old to be an uncle.

• Never underestimate an uncle’s power to make you smile.

• My wife and I had a kid. We named him Hal. This is my nephew, Hal. I love my nephew, Hal. He’s the coolest person I know.

• I couldn’t be #prouder to announce the birth of my beautiful niece, Miley. Congratulations, !

• I don’t need to be the best. I just want to be the only one my niece thinks of first when she sees a turtle

• Uncle of the year goes to…ME! I love my nieces and nephews so much!!

• If you’re lucky enough to be an uncle, you’ve got it made. If you’re lucky enough to have an uncle, count your blessings every day.

• I don’t need a cutie pie niece or nephew to have the best life ever, I just need my two nephews.

• Dear cousins, I cannot wait to teach you how to play pranks, toss pizza, and eat candy for breakfast.

• I don’t have a nephew. I’m an uncle.

• Hey nephews, uncles, and all you cool aunties, this one for you. Love you always

• Isn’t it crazy how fast they grow up? Guess we better savor every precious second

• Your kids are lucky, you’re the aunt or uncle who gives the best gifts and spoils them with love. So proud to be your uncle.

• The most important thing I’ve learned from my nephews is to be proud to be an uncle.

• I love being an uncle because I get to spoil someone as cute as my nieces and nephews.

• Being an uncle is a real designation. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re the oldest or have kids of your own, it’s a title that anyone can hold.

• I have an amazing niece and I’m sure she will make a huge impact on this world. Proud uncle, here we come!

• The little one has made life so much more fun… Love you nephew

• I am always proud to be on your side. Happy Birthday, Nephew.

• 5 years ago I married the most beautiful girl in the world, today we had a baby girl (:

• I’m so proud to be an uncle. It’s pretty much the best thing I’ve ever been to.

• Proud uncle to the coolest niece and nephew in the world! Love you!

• when you see the world through your niece or nephew’s eyes for the first time, it’s like seeing it for the very first time yourself.

• We’re so proud to announce the birth of our nephew. We can’t wait to be part of your big, bold world.

• My heart is so full. I watched my nephew take his first steps. I wonder what kind of little man he’ll be. This kid is going to make this world a better place.

• Uncle of the year award goes to my nephew Richard. Well done little man, well done.

• Just taught my niece how to ride her bike. The greatest feeling ever.

• You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

• No matter how you started the year, it’s always a good time to finish strong.

• Hey everyone! Meet my new niece/nephew. I’m super proud to be an uncle.

• I’m so glad I get to be an uncle and call you my niece. You’re the best little troublemaker I know.

• The most important thing about being an uncle is making the nieces and nephews think that you are the most important person in the world.

• I haven’t forgotten my family and roots. There’s nothing like the feeling of being an uncle!

• I’m so lucky to have seen the world thru my nephew’s eyes.

• Uncles don’t have a cape or an “S” on their chest. But they do carry a bat, a rope ladder, and some bubble gum.

• Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.