Proud to Be a Student Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Being a student gives you a unique perspective on life: it’s full of new challenges, new experiences, and new perspectives. So take a minute to smell the roses and let our “proud to be a Student” captions help you remember why it’s good to be back in school.

Proud to Be a Student Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Nothing makes you feel prouder to be a student than helping others.

• I am a #Student. I am #Proud. I am growing every day and finding my voice as an artist and writer.

• The audacity to be a student and not an influencer.

• Proudly rep the school you attended and a class.

• Never forget that you’re a student first, an athlete second, and a person-third.

• Graduating means that you’re about to start a whole new chapter in life. Soak it up! Congratulations.

• Hearing your name called at graduation is a moment we all dream of. We are proud of you.

• Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

• You are not here simply to occupy space. You have been placed on this planet for the sole purpose of achieving your full potential.

• Proud to be a student at the finest institution in the world

• Dear Students, be proud to be a student. Always. Grateful for what you are now and what you will be in the future.

• I’m proud to be a student because I am learning every day.

• I’m proud to be a student who is never late for class!

• We are proud to be students today and everyday—always curious, always learning.

• I wouldn’t know where I would be without you! Thanks for the knowledge, laughs, and friendship!

• We are proud to be a student-led, student-operated station.

• Excited students. Awesome instructors. Real results. That’s what you can expect at the University of Phoenix.

• It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choice.

• Finals: not just a test of how much you know, but also a test of how long you can stay awake.

• We are so proud to be a Student. We will be using this hashtag on our social media handles for the rest of the year.

• I’m proud to be a student and students make history.

• When you are a student, you feel so proud to be a part of it.

• Strive for success, not perfection.

• That pride you feel after graduation—it’s real. The future is bright!

• Being a student is tough, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re here to help you sail through your college career with the least amount of stress.

• A student has to be the best version of him or herself and because of that, they have to have a positive attitude towards life.

• Our students have all that it takes to survive and thrive in a tough workplace. They’re ready to show you what they’re made of.

• It’s not about a grade, it’s about the learning, skills, and experience you gain that you can leverage for a lifetime.

• It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.

• Proud to be a Student! We all need one once in a while

• Hard work pays off. I am proud to be a student with the persistence and drive it takes to succeed! #studentpride

• I’m proud to be a student at the name of your school. Quote (text).

• It’s Pride month and I’m proud to be a student at the University of X. Here’s to a year of learning, self-discovery, and love!

• We’re proud to be a part of students’ journey to success.

• As a student, I am proud to be able to make a difference in the lives of others.

• We’ve got what it takes to turn your dreams into a reality.

• We are not just students, we’re chemists, physicists, and statisticians. We’re an All-star team. #Allstarsunite

• This is all yours, this is your time. I could not be more proud to be your teacher.

• Wow! Congratulations on making the honor roll! We’re so proud of you and can’t wait to see what you do in the future.

• The best thing about getting older is that you only get older once.

• We are proud to be a student and we are so excited for the new semester. Let’s go!

• You’re not defined by what you have, but rather by who you are. Be proud to be a student.

• When you are a student and you do something good, don’t let others take the credit for it.

• Even as a student I’m proud to have been able to work on projects like this. Congratulations, class of 2017!!!

• When you aim high and work hard, anything is possible. Congratulations to the Class of 2017!!

• You can be the smartest person on earth, but you have to work hard.

• Today’s a day to be proud of and thankful for the people we work with, who have helped us become the people we’re becoming.

• I am proud to be a student. I will always keep learning, growing, and pushing my limits.

• I’m proud to be a student at the first university in my country that has a department of

• All that matters is what you’re doing with the time you have. Live it as if there is no end. #student

• I’m proud to be a student at [Institution] but only if you are too.

• To be a student is to be the future. To be an engineer is to make that future a better one.

• The greatest gift that you can give yourself is the gift of knowledge. You will always be a student in this journey called life.

• We’re ready to take on the world, and we’re not waiting for anyone else. Learn more about our school at [Instagram link]

• Nurture your ability to think critically, creatively, and bravely, so you can be the best version of yourself.

• There’s no time to waste when you’re heading in the right direction. Keep going.

• I’m proud to be a student, always learning more and making a positive impact on the world.

• I’m proud to be a student at the University of California, Berkeley

• Rise and shine. Here’s to another day as a student.

• All the knowledge I have gained at school will help me achieve my dreams and the success I aim for in my future career.

• You’re not a student anymore. Now, you’re a professional.

• What makes a college education worth it? The friends you meet along the way

• We are proud to be celebrating our alumni this weekend at our Alumni Weekend.

• I’m proud to be a Student. I believe in hard work. Dedication. Learning is fun. And the power of education!

• Go forth and rock your world, I’m proud to be a student.

• I’m proud to be a student, but even more proud to be a teacher. Thanks for the support.

• I pledge to be a student all my life because there is always more to learn.

• Everything you need for your new school year.

• It is a career-defining moment. The pride of belonging to a community and soaring towards success, with the incredible help from parents and teachers.

• With so much to learn, and so much to do, we’ll be plenty busy for a long time. So let’s get busy.

• If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be.

• Just because we don’t have time to do everything, doesn’t mean we can’t do something.

• This is a simple and heartwarming quote for student captions.

• Be proud to be a student. Be proud of yourselves for walking the path less taken.

• I won’t always be a student, but learning will always be essential to my identity.

• The real benefit of studying is that it gives you the power to create your own future.

• You are never a loser until you quit trying, keep going and you will be successful someday.

• The best way to predict your future is to create it.

• The world is yours and it’s all up to you now.

• What does the world need more of? Determination. If you have a goal in sight, go for it. Period.

• Some people like to see the world through rose-tinted glasses. I prefer rose quartz.

• So many reasons to be proud to be a student #students

• I am proud to be a student of life. We can learn a lot from everyone we meet and everything we do.

• To be a student is to choose a lifestyle of learning, exploring, creativity and challenge.

• I’m proud to be a student at Ohio University!

• We are proud to be University of Arizona students.

• Being a student means you can make mistakes. That’s how you learn not to repeat them.

• We are proud to be students at [the name of your school]

• Living your best life starts with a great education.

• It’s time to get that degree. Your future is waiting, and it starts here.

• We all make mistakes, but only some of us learn from them. It’s okay to fail, so long as you’re improving every single time.

• life is not about how fast you run but how well you bounce.

• Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

• Proud to be a student today and everyday.

• I’m proud to be a student with a name on my diploma that I earned, not one that was just given to me.

• Yes, I’m a student. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have to go to work.

• You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great

• I honor you professionally and personally, graduates of the class of 2017. Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey.

• There is no passion to be found in playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

• They told you what you wanted to hear, but little did they know it was actually a secret message hidden in those words.

• Taking yet another one of my quarterly exams that’ll help determine whether I graduate with honors from 2020.

• Proud to be a student at UC Berkeley. I wouldn’t trade it for the world

• I’m proud to be a student. It’s where I learn and grow.

• Swipe up to meet students that have had the most impact on our community this year.

• Whether you’re a current student, or a graduate, or alumni—we want to help make your lives a little easier along the way.

• Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.

• With an average of 26 students per class, you’re not just getting an education from us. You’re getting a family.

• We exist to edify and reform students into committed Christians.

• In a world without heroes, you can still be a hero to an individual.

• There’s no time for hate because now is the time for a change.

• I’m so proud to be a student at

• 3 easy steps: Study hard, do great things, and get closer to your goals #studyinglooksgoodonyou

• Walking across the stage and graduating from college is the beginning of many great things to come. Congrats!

• My happiest memories of college come from studying hard, getting good grades & having fun with friends. Best wishes for the finals!

• I’m proud to be a student because it’s not just a phase of my life anymore. It’s my identity.

• I’m proud to be a student at one of the most innovative and entrepreneurial schools in the nation.

• To be a student is to know the world in an intimate way, and to know yourself in a broader way.

• We believe in supporting students and teachers. Be the school hero.

• I am a student, I am an engineer. I am a creator of things that don’t exist and a remover of things that do. I have no idea what I’m doing

• Over the course of my 4 years at [University], I’ve been able to see myself grow, both personally and academically.

• I am proud to be a student, a student of life. I will continue to grow and learn every day.

• We have worked so hard to get here, and now it’s time to enjoy the fruit of our labor. We are so proud to be Students.

• A student is someone who hopes things will turn out and then makes them happen.

• Graduating is just the beginning. Take pride in everything you’ve accomplished, and keep striving for more.

• In a world that values professional experience over education, the value of a degree is harder to see than ever.

• It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up. -Vince Lombardi

• If you are going to try to reach great heights, it’s a good idea to have a big trunk.

• FDA-Approved, doctor recommended, and 100% clinically proven to be effective.

• It’s always the right time to be a student. We’re proud to educate the leaders of tomorrow, today.

• I’m proud to be a student at the University of Washington! #gohuskies

• We’re proud to be a part of the student community in [place of study]. Here is to all the future successes!

• Here at school, we are proud to be a part of many students’ journey to success by providing them with an easy to use and affordable academic planner.

• Cheers to #summerschool. We’re proud of you, students!

• Your education is the most important investment in your future.

• It is the students of today who will be running the country tomorrow.

• For every challenge encountered, you will be stronger and wiser. Always keep learning, keep growing, and keep pushing yourself.

• Being a student is not about who you know or what you have, but about the potential in your heart and mind.

• I’m glad to be a student! I have learned so much from my teachers and peers, but what I love most is learning from myself.

• I am proud to be a student of this university—Be proud of your personal or professional experiences.

• I’m a square. I just go to school and learn things, you know? The whole new world out there.

• Be kind to everyone you meet because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

• The halls of your alma mater echo with the laughter of yesteryear.

• I am proud to be a student of the University of Maryland College Park: A Terp for Life.

• They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well it takes a whole community to get one through college

• It is an important choice that shapes the rest of your life. It’s what you want to be when you grow up, and it’s something to be proud of.

• Engineering is a creative discipline, and creativity is at the heart of all design. So we want you to think outside the box. Literally.

• Think. Work. Achieve. When you truly believe that you can achieve something, you will find a way to make it happen.

• Always be proud of what you are, even if it means being an outcast.

• Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery and Today is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.

• It’s not where you come from, it’s where you’re going that matters.

• It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.