Proud to Be a Grandpa Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Being a grandparent is the most amazing part of life. The love that we share with our grandchildren gives us the biggest kind of pride and satisfaction. It makes loving a grandchild all the more special — the way they fill your heart with joy and laughter, bring out your childlike sense of fun, introduce you to new experiences and provide you with that precious gift of time. Here are some quotes about being a grandparent as well as quotes and pictures for captions that can be used by grandparents on Instagram.

Proud to Be a Grandpa Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Proud to be a grandparent—and so glad that my grandson has such a caring, inspirational mom.

• This is my grandson! I’m going to be the best grandpa in the history of grandpas, but only for him.

• I’m a grandpa! I’m still here! Thanks be to God—still a soldier in the army!

• Grandsons are God’s reward for not killing your kids. – Author unknown

• There is no sweeter sound than when my grandbabies call me Daddy.

• My grandkids are like me, except they stopped at the crazy part.

• With my whole heart, I want to be the kind of man that sets an example for my girls. I want them to look up one day and think, ‘I want to be just like him.’

• Proud to be the grandpa of these two amazing young women.

I’m proud to be your grandpa.

• I’m a grandpa. That’s all I’m gonna be. And that’s enough.

• Life is a celebration of family, friends, and the special moments that together make up our days. I am so happy to be part of your lives, my grandchildren.

• I am so proud of my grandson. He’s a chip off the old block and has been such an example to me all of his young life.

• My grandkids are growing up so fast, before I know it they’ll be grown up and off to college. I can’t wait for the years ahead!

• my granddaughter asked me if I’m a bird because I tell such good stories

• There’s no way to put a price on pure joy. Thank you for bringing me so much of it. I love you!

• Proud to be a grandpa. The most wondrous adventure yet!

• I’m so proud to be Gigi’s grandpa – I can’t wait to watch her grow!

• I love my Grandchildren and have the pictures to prove it. #grandkids #bestgrands

• Grandkids have a way of reminding you that everything is just fine the way it is.

• Never stop learning, laughing, and exploring. Still trying to figure it all out — just like the day, I was born. All the best – Gramps

• It’s a boy! And he’s as cute as can be. 0-1 years old

• You’ve made me the proudest grandpa in the world. I hope you grow up to be just like your grandpa.

• I’ll never forget the moment I first held my granddaughter…it was just like having my daughter back.

• Grandpa is going to make me the luckiest girl in the whole world!

• So when I’m 80, and my grandkids ask me what I did with my life…I’ll be able to say, I made a difference in the life of every person I ever met.

• I’m finally a grandpa! 2 weeks ago, my first granddaughter was born. Since then, I’ve been on cloud 9!

• Grampa: Am I really a grandpa? Me: Absofrigginlutely!

• Proudly introduce my first grandchild. Emma Grace is a blessing to our family and we’re all thrilled to have her in our lives!

• Nothing makes us prouder than to see you making good choices and living a healthy life.

• And when I look at you, I see her. And when I look at her, I see you. You two are my whole world!

• 24th grand birthday today. That’s the new number we’ll be telling everyone.

• Proud to be a grandpa. Grateful – Grateful grandpa, Grandkids chalkboard quote

• Best part of getting older is watching my kids become amazing adults and even better parents. I have never been more proud to be a grandpa.

• Proud grandpa. I’m so proud of you. You are as sweet as your mom was when she was your age. Love you, Grandpa

• I am the proudest and most blessed grandpa to my two beautiful granddaughters

• You’ve taught me more in your 27 years than I have learned in my whole life.

• It’s the little moments that move us forward: the holding hands, first smile, and first steps. Happy Father’s Day!

• It’s time for the best thing there is: World Peace!

• Flashback to last night when I caught my grandkids playing a video game. They think they’re slick, but I see everything.

• You’re never too old to be called Grandpa. It’s a badge of honor, not an insult.

• We have the best grandkids in the world.

• Grandfatherhood is the best thing that has happened to me.

• Woke up to this sweet picture of my grandson. He’s the most wonderful little fellow.

• If you’re not embarrassed by your grandparents, you’re not doing it right.

• We are so proud to be a part of this family!

• Be the type of person who doesn’t give up.

• Not all those who wander are lost…but some of them are by choice.

• I’m proud to be a grandpa to a beautiful girl and her three brothers.

• I’ve never been prouder to be a grandpa—watching those boys play ball makes me feel like I’m still 20 years old.

• The best thing about being a grandpa is when you pull out your phone to show grandkids a photo, and they say: “Again! Again!”

• Got this cool thing called a grandkid! I guess some people call them grandkids too! -Tom Hanks

• Grammy’s little man. The day you were born, the world became a better place! Happy Birthday, my darling grandson!

• Found my grandsons, and took them flying. Smiled at them and they gave me the world back.

• I’m not just a protector, I am also a provider, and with these hands, I’ll provide you with the world.

• I’ll dress him up so he follows me, I’ll put a smile on his face so he knows who I am.

• My greatest quality? I’m a very proud grandpa.

• Be good to the earth, it’s the only one with chocolate.

• Yup, another one of my grandbabies was born this morning. It’s a GRANDPA thing.

• I’ve been grateful for two things in life: my family and the people who made a difference in my life. You are one of them.

• Pops taught me to always give 100% and believe that Jesus Christ would go before you.

• I’m incredibly proud to be a grandpa!

• There has never been a greater gift than being a grandpa. Thank you, boys. #gramp

• Hi, I’m Bernie’s Gramma – and I’m proud to be a Grandma!

• Grandpa, You’ve been the best teacher, Coach, Counselor, and friend. I love you more than ever!

• Grandsons are God’s way of apologizing to us for our parents. ~~Author Unknown

• A story of my grandfather’s life, and his courage to never give up. I’m proud to be his grandson.

• You are never too old to give or get advice. You are never too young to learn. You are never too busy to listen and love. And you

• Being a grandpa is the best thing that ever happened to me.

• I’m the luckiest grandpa in the world, my grandkids are all over me.

• As they say in my neighborhood, “Dope! I’m a grandpa!” And I can’t even get mad.

• I know I’m a grandpa, that’s why I tell all the kids, ‘get off my lawn.’

• When my granddaughter was born I became a grandfather and when she smiled at me for the first time, I became a father.

• My grandson is a junior ranger. I’m so proud of his accomplishments at such a young age.

• I’m proud to be a grandpa, but…I could’ve helped more

• Turning grandpa today. So grateful to my kids and grandkids. Forever thankful.

• Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandchild are in the same photo.

• I’m not just a proud Dad or Dad-in-law, I am a proud GRANDPA

• From the very first day, you were more than a grandson. You were my companion, friend, partner in crime, and conscience.

• Goals start with dreams and it’s never too late to live them.

• We are so proud to be a part of the generation that’s keeping kids off screens and giving them a ball.

• I’m so proud to be a grandpa. My grandkids are a constant source of inspiration and joy!

• Happy Birthday to my grandson and the next generation’s leader; I am proud to be your grandpa.

• Sometimes being a grandpa is like living in The Twilight Zone. Sometimes it’s just plain weird.

• We knew grandkids were in the future, but we didn’t know they’d arrive so soon.

• I’ll never forget the look on your face when you held baby [grandchild’s Name] in your arms for the first time.

• Grandpa of the year award goes to….never mind I’m taking it home.

• John was a good man. A great father and a fantastic husband. But nobody loved his kids more than granddad Jim.

• I think my family is finally starting to realize that I’m kind of a big deal

• It’s a beautiful day to celebrate the most fun and funniest grandpa around. Congrats, Bob Smith!

• I have a very special someone in my life that is my absolute world! I am so blessed to be this grandpa

• Congratulations, Grandpa! We can’t wait to watch you dance at this little one’s first birthday party.

• We are so proud of you, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and your family!

• My Grandson is the best thing that happened to me in my life

• Grandpa: I can do an air guitar better than you

• I want to leave a mark on this world. I want people to know my name.

• Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.

• Proud to be a grandpa! I love you Hudson

• I’m so proud to be a grandpa! I get to watch my grandkids grow up and see their lives change, and it’s just incredible.

• I’m thrilled, excited, and proud to be a grandparent.

• In a world where it seems that our youth are growing up too fast, I am proud to be a grandfather.

• When I’m with my grandkids, all the problems and stress of life melt away. What a wonderful feeling!

• Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others? Martin Luther King Jr. #gandpa Tom

• I’m proud to be a grandpa. I have one grandson and he’s the best thing I ever did.

• I’m proud to be a grandpa! I have complete trust in my daughters. They’ll make great parents, just like their mother did.

• I still miss my father, but I never ever want to be a father. I am proud to be a grandpa.

• I’m a grandpa! And it feels great to be able to tell the whole world

• The best part of being a grandpa is seeing all my kids grow up and have children of their own.

• Grandpa’s beard is awesome because it doesn’t itch.

• My grandson Jack and I share a passion for music, specifically the drums and percussion! We are not only grandfathers’ grandsons but also musician friends.

• Never underestimate the power of a grandparent.

• The best day of our lives came when we became Grandparents.

• You’re never too old to pick up a book. Never! Ever!

• Being a grandpa is the best thing that ever happened to me. I will be relentlessly proud of my grandchildren.

• I drew this picture of my grandpa last night and I’m very proud of it. #GrandpaQuote

• Nothing makes me prouder than the smile on my granddaughter’s face when she says, ‘I can’t wait to show my grandpa!’

• I’m now a proud grandpa of two. Meet the newest members of my family…

• My grandkids are gonna have me wrapped around their finger, and I’m gonna love it.

• Mae is now on the move. She’s learning to crawl and she’s unstoppable…Grandpa couldn’t be more proud. #grandpajoe

• Happy birthday to my favorite person in the world. I got you covered, Grandpa!

• Our Greatest Glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

• And I’ve been thinking if you’re proud to be a grandpa, that makes me proud to be a grandma. Love you!

• I’m a grandpa. And I think my granddaughter is awesome (and cute).

• It’s the little moments that make life big! -Grandpa #nanaandgrandpa

• A grandfather is a hidden jewel—no one knows how good it is until he reveals his love.

• You know you’re getting old when all the names in your address book are kids.

• Your grandpa is proud to be your grandma’s special friend. What a lucky lady! Happy Birthday, Grandma!

• You don’t need to have a bunch of hair to be a grandpa.

• Just when I thought my childhood dream of having grandchildren couldn’t get any better…it did.

• Happy birthday to the baby boy who keeps me young.

• Proud to be a grandpa! My little girl was here this morning and found out she is going to have a baby brother… Also, I love being a grandpa!

• I am proud to be a grandpa. There is nothing like our little grandsons!

• Grandpa here’s to raising the next generation of sandwich-eaters.

• I am old enough to be your grandfather but young enough to be your boyfriend.

• Nothing will ever top the feeling of knowing you’ve touched a life for the better.

• Grandpa Doug is now on Instagram and his stories are as funny as ever

• I thought I was going to wake up from these dreams, but now I’m a grandfather.

• My granddaughter said she wanted to take me to a hockey game. I told her “OK, as long as you promise not to tell anybody.” 🙂

• And this is the way it will be and we won’t need any words – William Rose